Ding Yu snorted slightly! No other attention! But it has also determined the nature of the matter!

Obviously, Hou Tianliang is absolutely unwilling to pay attention to such things, and Ding Yu is naturally unwilling to pay attention to such things!

But what Ding Yu didn't expect is that the matter is not over yet!

Hou Tianliang hesitated for a moment, "Director, there's another thing that doesn't have much to do with Ms. Meilin. It's mainly related to Tiansheng. I've made a detailed analysis and explanation for them, but these guys are like dog skin plaster, which makes me very upset! But there's no way. Fortunately, I'm from the intelligence department and I'm here again! No However, it will really be difficult to do anything! "

How pitiful, how pitiful!

Oh? Ding Yu looked up and looked at Qiu Tianyang. Qiu Tianyang was stunned and nodded slightly at Ding Yu!

"A lot of people have been looking for these two days, but fortunately there are senior brothers in front! So the pressure is not so great!"

"Let's put the holy thing first! What can I do?" Ding Yu said disapprovingly. "What's more, I can't decide such a thing alone. There are a little more things involved! So I can only do it for the time being!"

Obviously, this is Ding Yu's deliberate refusal. It doesn't mean that the farm doesn't have the money, nor that it's really impossible to talk about it. For Ding Yu, it's really inappropriate to move the heavenly Saint now!

Some domestic investors of Tiansheng couldn't bear it, so they looked for relationships in all aspects and wanted to make a quick move, but these guys didn't see clearly the situation and problems behind it! It's not as simple as saying!

Now I have been held back by the consortium and the farm, plus Meilin! Although I have tried my best to avoid it, I still have a lot of publicity. In fact, this is not what Ding Yu wants to do!

Some domestic investors can't bear this pressure, but can their pressure be as high as their own? These guys go to hospital for diseases and think they can solve all the problems!

But Ding Yu is sure that if he really shows his intention in this regard, it will not be as simple as falling into the pit at that time! The situation of Tiansheng! The spread field is a little big! There are many problems! It may be better not to be contaminated or have other ideas!

It's just that Ding Yu hasn't communicated with other parties about such a thing, so the outside world has considerable speculation about it, that's all! And Ding Yu can be sure that when the board of directors and white house come back, Tiansheng may stand up at that time! But the way of standing up may be a little different!

Keeping such an opponent will naturally put considerable pressure on the farm, which even Ding Yu will not deny! But from another point of view, it will also promote the farm, so as not to make the farm tired!

Looking at Hou Tianliang's hesitation, Ding Yu said, "Tian Sheng can't carry it?"

"Ms. Meilin's situation is better! But Tiansheng? It's hard to refuse the people involved! After all, this is not a business! It's a private matter!" Hou Tianliang may feel something, so he couldn't help looking forward to his body!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand! "Holy God! It's a pit at all! Even to a certain extent, it's a bottomless pit!"

Ah? Qiu Tianyang couldn't even control his eyes and leaned against Ding Yu!

"Director! I've heard some things about Tiansheng. There are many similarities with the route taken by the farm, but how to say? The situation in the past two years is a little worse!"

Ding Yu nodded. "Tiansheng's stall is really big, but it's also a common thing. The people behind Tiansheng are still strong! But now the White House is too busy to care about itself, so there's not so much time and energy to pay attention to Tiansheng, that's all!"

Hou Tianliang couldn't help blinking his eyes! "Director, you mean that Tiansheng will have a considerable opportunity!" but then Hou Tianliang frowned, "but director, is this not appropriate for the farm? It's better to take advantage of this opportunity to clean up Tiansheng directly!"

Being able to say such words means that Hou Tianliang is also decisive and ruthless! He certainly doesn't look so harmonious, but think about it. He can get a foothold in the intelligence department! He is even valued by Ding Yu? Because he is afraid of horses? How is it possible? It's too simple!

"Look at the problem too one-sided!"

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Qiu Tianyang couldn't help fighting his spirit and treating it with his heart! After all, such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's not always possible to hear the director's personal instruction! And it's still a thorough analysis!

"Maybe many people have realized this problem. The existence of Tiansheng is a good opponent for the farm!"

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't continue to speak, Hou Tianliang didn't speak, but gave this opportunity to Qiu Tianyang next to him! After considerable tempering, it needs to be shown. There will always be a chance to go on stage in the future. It's true, but it needs considerable performance now!

Qiu Tianyang looked at his senior brother and nodded to himself secretly! Also grateful!

Then he said loudly! "Director, many people have seen this problem and keep the heavenly saint. To a certain extent, it will restrict the farm. It is true that the scale of the heavenly saint is not worth mentioning, but it doesn't matter. As long as the heavenly Saint stays there, it must be a benchmark!"

In this regard, Ding Yu is still quite satisfied! "That's right! Just leave the heavenly saint! As for the problem of the heavenly Saint itself? It's a pit, and it's also a very large pit! This pit is not as easy to solve as expected! Even to a certain extent, it's a little troublesome!"

"Director? It doesn't look like it!"

"It just doesn't look like it!" Ding Yu shook his head, "There are two problems involved. One is the white house behind the heavenly sage. It's a little too much or even a little false to say that the heavenly sage is supported by the White House. But it's absolutely right to say that the heavenly sage is inextricably linked with the White House! Another question is that the investors of the heavenly sage are really regarded as idiots! If you really think so, you can only think so Say we're idiots! "

Qiu Tianyang rubbed his temple with his hand!

"Director, I don't quite understand! Why do you say that! The heavenly saint is half dead! At this time, it's just a straw flying in the wind. Even if you breathe, it can disappear without a trace!"

Ding Yu snorted and smiled, "The idea is too simple! Destroy the Holy Spirit! If this can be done, even if it can be done! What can it be? What benefits can it have for the consortium and the farm! In this regard, I need to take the lead in considering the problem from the perspective of a vested interest! After excluding this identity, I also need to stand in the perspective of the consortium and the farm Consider from the angle! It's easy to destroy the heavenly saint, but it needs to be cleaned up again. This cleaning up work is not as simple as investing a little money! The bad debts of the heavenly saint are exaggerated! "

"Director, I haven't heard much about this!"

Ding Yu smiled, "know yourself and know the enemy. The farm has always maintained considerable attention to the situation of Tiansheng!"

"Director, always guard against it?"

"I can't say I've been on guard all the time. I think the perspective of the problem is quite different! But really! There's another chance! As for whether I can seize this opportunity to get out, this problem? I can't control it!"

Ding Yu has revealed quite a lot of things. Can Hou Tianliang control this problem? It's not something Ding Yu can solve! Anyway, Ding Yu has done everything he can to do!

Hou Tianliang has been with Ding Yu for so many years. Naturally, he understands the meaning of Ding Yu's words!

Now the white house doesn't have so much time or so much free time to pay attention to the heavenly saint, but one day, they will still remember the heavenly saint and even give a hand!

Hou Tianliang realized something, but he didn't mean to mention it. Why didn't the director mention it? Obviously, someone still needs to step on the pit. As for how many people go back to step on it, how many people will fall into the pit in the future? What kind of attitude will be there in the White House? These questions need to be considered!

Now if this matter is brought to light, if the white house really knows, will they have any other actions and ideas, which will be used in turn on the farm, which is quite inappropriate for the farm!

After waiting for Ding Yu's cell phone to ring, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang suddenly woke up!

Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu was very curious and answered the phone! But he didn't mean to let Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang leave!

"Guo Li, why do you remember to call?"

"Teacher!" Guo Li asked very carefully instead of his previous playful tone. "Do you have time?"

"I have something to say! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" Ding Yu was very rude to his student. "There's still this time. Shouldn't you be on duty? Even if you're not on duty, the time is a little wrong!"

"Hey, hey! The teacher is mainly looking for something for you. Mingzheng is on my side! The main thing is that there is a good thing. Neither of us can make up our mind, so we can only call the teacher!"

"Good thing?" Ding Yu said, "you two came to the door together. It must be a trouble. You Guo Li can't solve it! It's obviously not an ordinary trouble. It seems that there are not many people who don't give you Guo Li face now!"

"Teacher! Don't be happy with me!" Guo Li quickly begged for mercy! "It's mainly the doctors who came to the hospital for training! There's a degree that's not enough, but it's very smart. There's really no one! But teacher, you know, the places in the hospital have been occupied, not to mention, even..."

"You two are very interested?" Ding Yu asked curiously!

"We found the senior director and showed it to him! The senior director also has a headache. His school is too ordinary! Just for this, there is no way for the hospital to give Zhibo a chance, but what? The quota is too dead! But we two really think it's a pity! So I hope the teacher will give you a chance!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "OK! You two are talking! What else can I say as a teacher?" he snorted angrily. "Send his information and let me have a look! Then let him come! I have other things now, which is not so convenient!"

But Ding Yu's words haven't finished yet! "And Guo Li, if you don't call, I'll call you! In addition to the principal, take away the other funds quickly! I'm your teacher, not your mother!"

"Hi, teacher! I don't have that free time at all now. Even the loser of our family doesn't have this time! Teacher, I'd better put it there first. Anyway, my people are very busy! Teacher, don't say it first, the boss calls a meeting!"

When Ding Yu hung up his cell phone, quite a lot of information was sent, and the itinerary had been arranged! Ding Yu feels some toothache! But then I couldn't help laughing!

No matter what the situation is, it's interesting to let your two students rob people! Only what kind of activities are behind this, Ding Yu really doesn't pay much attention to it!

After reading the information for a while, Ding Yu sent the specific itinerary to Hou Tianliang!

"He will come today. If either of you has time, please pick it up! Let me have a look!"

"Yes! Director!"

I didn't ask too many reasons, and I don't need to ask! After all, everyone's profession is quite different. This is pushed by Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng! Just aim at it, you can't ignore it!

However, they really don't know much about medicine! It's not a joke that every line is like a mountain, but sometimes I really don't understand the director! To be exact, the director has been occupied by medical affairs for quite a long time! If not, the director is definitely not in front of these achievements!

Fu Xiaoyu was still confused when he sat on the train. When he got off the train, he was even more confused! Because I'm really unfamiliar here! Even where to go is not so clear!

When Fu Xiaoyu was thinking about finding a place to stay, he saw a young man a little older than himself standing in front of him! "Fu Xiaoyu?" he even took out his mobile phone and looked at it!

"The director asked me to pick you up! I'm Qiu Tianyang!" when he spoke, he took the initiative to stretch out his hand!

Fu Xiaoyu even shook hands! Still some silly feeling! What and what? Is there such a pick-up? Give yourself a feeling! Too direct! Let yourself have no preparation!

"The first time?" Qiu Tianyang, who was driving, said casually! "The scenery here is still very good. You can go out for a stroll when you have time. You should be very tired all the way down?"

"No, I read in the car! It's very clean!"

Yes! That's it! Qiu Tianyang generally understood what the situation was! Combined with the information sent, the three-dimensional sense of this has been established! From Qiu Tianyang's point of view, this is my experience! It's really a little complicated!

Generally speaking, it's just bad luck! I don't know what will happen when I see the director this time!

He drove to the villa. After considerable inspection, Fu Xiaoyu followed Qiu Tianyang into the villa!

Fu Xiaoyu didn't panic too much, which was beyond Qiu Tianyang's expectation, but then he understood! Why is this! Because Fu Xiaoyu is a doctor! What do doctors need most? chill!

Quite often, even with the aid of instruments, when they stand on the operating table, they may face strange situations, and unexpected situations can be said to emerge one after another! It is the place to test the ability of machine change and strain!

If the nerve is not thick enough, standing on it and making any small mistake may represent a human life! At this point, we really need to take good lessons! But what about such a thing? You really need to have considerable talent, not just say it!

Ding Yu looked at Fu Xiaoyu who came in and made a good first impression! "Director, this is Fu Xiaoyu!"

"Hello, Mr. Ding!" Fu Xiaoyu looked at Ding Yu, a little confused, because he was really unfamiliar with Mr. Ding. At least he hadn't heard too much news in the past! I have verified some data, but what is written on the data is too vague!

"Hmm!" Ding Yu pointed to the chair in front of him. "I've seen your information! But those things are used to fool outsiders! Resumes are useful, but useless!"

Then Ding Yu didn't know where to turn over a medical record! He went to Fu Xiaoyu and put it on the table in front of him! "Give me an analysis of the specific situation and combine your personal experience!"

So direct? Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang standing behind looked at each other! Although doing so is extremely in line with the personality of the director, is it a little too unfriendly for Fu Xiaoyu!

It is two people who did not think that Fu Xiaoyu was a stunned fellow. He really took the medical record up, and two people make complaints about it. You must be reserved! Don't be so blunt, okay?

Ding Yu showed considerable interest in Fu Xiaoyu's actions! Nothing is bad! Everyone is different! Life is wonderful, there is no need to be like an assembly line! In that case, it seems too boring and boring!

"Teacher Ding, there is a problem with this medical record. There is a considerable inconsistency in the situation!"

"You can see how many mistakes there are!"

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