"I found eight mistakes!" Fu Xiaoyu was not too nervous! Speak a little calmly! Of course, you can see a little caution!

Ding Yu looked at the medical record that had been written and painted and blinked his eyes! Took it up and looked at it! Even later, he handed it to Fu Xiaoyu again! "Get ready and go to the operating room tomorrow to see your hands-on ability!"

There is absolutely no intention to correct Fu Xiaoyu! I didn't even make any judgment!

"And!" Ding Yu ordered some medical records with his hand! "Save this thing first!"

"At dawn, arrange a rest place for him and let him go to the hospital with me tomorrow!"

Fu Xiaoyu was puzzled about this, but he looked at the folded medical record and then took it in his hand! Bowing and then leaving the room in a daze!

On the way back, Hou Tianliang said something! "Doctor Fu, keep this medical record yourself. Don't spread it! Don't discuss it with others!"

Facing Hou Tianliang's warning, Fu Xiaoyu didn't understand, but he still nodded at Hou Tianliang!

Looking at Fu Xiaoyu, Hou Tianliang knew he had misunderstood! "You don't know much about the director. I haven't been a secretary to the director for a long time, but it's really not a short time! It's not that the director deliberately explained anything! It's me! Don't lose big for small! To a certain extent, it's also a test for you!"

"Worried that I can't keep a secret?" Fu Xiaoyu asked in some confusion!

This time, even Qiu Tianyang nearby could not help it! This Fu Xiaoyu is really stupid enough! I don't know how to describe it! Is that the problem? Can't you move your head enough?

But Hou Tianliang didn't mean to laugh at Fu Xiaoyu! But patiently explained! "If you successfully passed the audit and stayed with the director, this medical record is your future examination paper! Since it is an examination paper, you need to understand it yourself and write the answer! Whether it is correct or not, this is your own thing! After all, this is not an open book examination! And with the understanding of others, everything will be useless The meaning of! "

Ah?! Fu Xiaoyu grew up and nodded his head with a blush!

"Sorry, I misunderstood!" obviously, Fu Xiaoyu can listen to the opinions! "Sorry, it's my problem!"

"It's not your problem. After all, I met Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng for the first time. They also called earlier! You can ask us for problems in daily life, no matter what you need! But Tianyang and I are really out of control about medical matters !”

Fu Xiaoyu is a little shy and doesn't even know how to deal with it!

When Fu Xiaoyu was settled down, Qiu Tianyang shook his head when he came out. "Elder martial brother, I learned from you today!"

"Just give me eye medicine!" Hou Tianliang certainly understood what Qiu Tianyang meant! "But everything depends on tomorrow's assessment! At this point, the director basically doesn't rub sand in his eyes! It really makes people doubt and worry!"

Hou Tianliang couldn't help looking back! "I wish he could stay!"

"Aren't you afraid that Guo Li and Shen Ming have other ideas?"

"The more such people, the better!" obviously, Hou Tianliang didn't mean to joke! "You can let Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng speak at the same time. Obviously, Fu Xiaoyu has something different! You don't have much contact with Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng. I have! Guo Li is a relatively outgoing person! You can get along with anyone, and Shen Ming is a relatively inward person! Apart from those who know each other here in the hospital, are you external? It's a little dull!"

"I've heard of it, but I don't know it so well! But many people are interested in Guo Li!"

"Guo Li is the director's student, but Guo Li is a student who has been quite proved. I don't believe it. You haven't seen Guo Li's information. Anyway, the situation at that time, if it were me, I couldn't do such a thing!"

Hou Tianliang shook his head. "It doesn't have much to do with whether the nerve is thick. I can't have such a psychological quality!"

In this regard, Qiu Tianyang also lost his mind for a moment, and then sighed! "I can't do it either. I don't think many people can do it at that time! Money! Women are so straight in front of us and bear so much pressure! But Guo Li doesn't have much feeling! In this way, I have another understanding of the doctor's scriptures. This is definitely not a human thing!"

"Is it something that people do? This question remains to be discussed, but every year, the score of medical school is so high! You can imagine how many people are pulled down! The requirements are particularly high!"

This is like a joke! "But the director said, advise people to learn the law! Don't beat a thousand cuts, advise people to learn medicine, and it's thunderbolt! Others don't need to see it, just look at the director! It's so exaggerated! Even so excessive! Even now, the director can't relax. This is what people can do?"

"It's hard to imagine putting it on us! In fact, all work requires to keep pace with the times, so do we, and so do doctors! At this point, everyone is the same! But the profession of doctors? The requirements are a little too high! No relaxation!"

"That's why some people don't understand!"

The two joked for a while. The next morning, Qiu Tianyang drove with Fu Xiaoyu to the hospital! The hospital also knew quite a lot of news and expressed great interest in it. Can Ding Yu go out in person? How optimistic about Fu Xiaoyu! This must be well coordinated!

"Dean, I'm giving you trouble again!"

The Dean shook hands with Ding Yu! "Hey! I hope the more trouble, the better! What a pity! You don't like our students here. If you can, I'll give you this position!"

"Come on! I won't do it! I'm free, right? Now I can come to the hospital for two operations. I feel very relaxed! But if I really say it, I feel that there are many more people in the hospital!"

Obviously, Ding Yu deliberately forked some topics!

"That's!" said the Dean proudly! "It's not as simple as upgrading now! But similarly, the standard requirements for doctors are also very high. Anyway, my whole life is definitely worth it! By the way! Where's dean? He had breakfast with him two days ago and took your two children, but Mengxi was a little too shy!"

"Don't mention it! He never said he would take me with him!"

Ding Yu, who said this, was obviously in a small mood!

"Forget it!" when the Dean chatted with Ding Yu, he didn't mean to be restrained at all. Although what they said is common, the more it is, the more it shows that the relationship between them has reached a certain level! "If you go, we old guys don't have to do anything! Just watch you eat!"

"What's the source? Let a big doctor like you come forward in person?"

"Two students introduced me! There are some problems in academic qualifications! But it's a little too difficult to take the road of Zhibo in Beijing! I didn't ask about the specific reasons. I assessed it last night and barely made do with it. I'll bring it here today to see how my ability to move!"

"Leave two years for our hospital. The one in front has become a success now! Our hospital can't keep it at all!"

"Now there is no way to judge the specific situation. Just wait and see his hands-on ability! If it's appropriate, just stay. If it's not appropriate, no one can help!"

Fu Xiaoyu's preoperative preparation is still in place! There is nothing wrong with this. Ding Yu changed his clothes and entered the operating room! But I'm standing next to you! It's a simple appendectomy!

But the simpler the operation, the more it can test a person!

The whole operation process, Ding Yu did not say a word, is so simple to look at! After the operation, Fu Xiaoyu went to the emergency department and did two sutures! Fu Xiaoyu did a good job!

After Fu Xiaoyu finished processing, it was almost noon! Ding Yu bought two cups of coffee and handed it to Fu Xiaoyu!

"In fact, I don't have much interest in coffee, and I know it's very stimulating! But there's no way. When I was reading, chocolate, cigarettes and coffee were the best! Now I get used to it, sometimes I can't change it! Although I drink tea occasionally!"

"Teacher Ding! I don't smoke!" Fu Xiaoyu looked at Ding Yu carefully!

"I've seen the operation! I can barely make do with it! But your hand is very stable. I didn't expect it. It should be a little special that you can do it at your age!"

"Director! My uncle is a monk! I learned some when I was a child, and it was because of this that I delayed my study!" Fu Xiaoyu said with some bad intentions!

"Shit!" Ding Yu scolded! Fu Xiaoyu looked at Ding Yu puzzled, but Ding Yu didn't mention it too much! "I saw your surgery. The surgery is pretty good! Do you like reading?"

"I didn't like it very much in the past! I've read a lot now!"

"Reading is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, and surgery is also a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. However, I don't know what happened to you. I find you have a big problem! You don't know how to cooperate!"

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Fu Xiaoyu's face suddenly changed, looked at Ding Yu, and then kicked the ground twice with his shoes! "At the beginning, someone shifted the responsibility to me and said it was my problem! Although it was finally reconciled, but..."

"I don't care about this problem! What I care about is whether you can communicate well. Medicine is a systematic science! Keep pace with the times and so on. There is no need to say more, but there is a very important problem involved! That is mutual cooperation! Without cooperation, you can't walk in the operating room!"

Fu Xiaoyu was silent. He had no way to refute Ding Yu's words!

"Can't you even reach the peak?"

"Peak?" Ding Yu looked at Fu Xiaoyu and couldn't help laughing. He smiled wantonly! "What do you mean by the peak? Have you seen the mountain? Since you haven't even seen the mountain, what's the peak! In the afternoon, I'll go into the operating room and have an operation, and then I'll have an operation as an assistant! You can see!"

At noon, Ding Yu didn't eat too much, because Ding Yu wasn't used to it. At one o'clock, everyone rushed into the operating room and entered the operating room. Ding Yu said hello to everyone, specifically nodding to each other! "Elder martial brother, you help me personally. Are you overqualified?"

"Go!" Yang Bo said with a smile! "Do you know the identity of this patient? Your sister-in-law's uncle! If I don't come in and stare, I still want to go home at night? Don't talk! I've spoken to your sister-in-law before! If the operation doesn't work well, I'll report to the teacher at night!"

Fu Xiaoyu stared at Ding Yu! I can feel it. When Mr. Ding entered the operating room, the whole atmosphere immediately changed. To be exact, Mr. Ding controlled the atmosphere of the whole operating room, open! Rigorous, but not restrained, with a sense of urgency, but no sense of tension!

All this is brought by Ding Yu, and everyone in the operating room is like a screw on the machine! They bite and cooperate with each other. They don't mean to fight alone!

The time of the two operations is not very long. There are no changes in the whole process. Everything goes smoothly! It's pleasing to the eye! Fu Xiaoyu really saw what happened to Gaoshan!

After the operation, Ding Yu made a simple comment, and then left the operating room! Then he pulled Fu Xiaoyu aside. "Have you seen the difference between the two operations? I don't want you to say how the operation is done? Good or bad! I know!"

"After Mr. Ding entered the operating room, both the master knife and the assistant surrounded everyone well. They cooperated with each other very tacitly without any mistakes!"

"This is the most basic cooperation between doctors and nurses. Everyone has played their own role! But these are not enough, far from enough! Lubrication is necessary if the machine wants to operate at a high speed! At the same time, it is also necessary to distinguish the primary and secondary. Only when these operate well can the operation be perfect. Any one appears If there is a problem, it may lead to the failure of an operation! And if it fails, it may endanger the patient's life! "

"This is what you lack now. As for the ability of surgery, you don't need to see too much. It depends on your ability to do it! After considerable accumulation in the future, there won't be too many problems! As for reading, what literature also depends on considerable accumulation and good thinking at the same time! There is always a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, of course, time may change It's very long and may be very short. The first problem to be solved is yourself! "

"Miss Ding, I don't understand!"

"Stay here! It doesn't make any sense to go to the capital! The city here is relatively small, but how to say it? There are many shallow water bastards! There is a strong wind of small demons in the temple! To a certain extent, it is not the most basic level, but it is definitely one of your stages, unlike the capital? If you are careless, you may not get up all your life! Your Taoism is too bad! And A little! Think about what direction you want to go in the future! This is very important! "

After leaving the hospital, Hou Tianliang smelled tentatively! "Director, doctor Fu's performance should be very good!"

"His ability is OK, but he doesn't have much EQ! What a pity! He shouldn't take the road of Western medicine, but should take the road of traditional Chinese medicine. If he takes the road of traditional Chinese medicine, he will become a generation in the future. Now? It will be very difficult to take the road of Western medicine! As for whether he can get ahead in the future, it's really not so clear. Who knows?"

For Fu Xiaoyu, Ding Yu retained a considerable evaluation!

"Take the road of traditional Chinese medicine and start all over again?"

"It's hard! Even impossible! Because these are two different systems!" Ding Yu shook his head! "Although the ultimate goal we want to achieve is the same! But the means and methods adopted in this process are completely different! But fortunately, if we go down this road now, it is also a bad thing!"

"It seems that he still has two brushes!"

"The question now is whether he can stick to it! The operating room is not big, but there are many departments that need to be contacted! All aspects need to be taken care of! Anesthesiologist! Nurse! Assistant, etc.! Everyone needs to cooperate! Because if he is careless, the patient really needs to see Lord Yan! This is a test!"

"Generally understand! There are definitely some abilities, and they are quite special, but it's a little difficult to cross this boundary!" Hou Tianliang sighed at Fu Xiaoyu, but also a kind of awakening to himself! "I believe he can understand your pains!"

"You don't have to worry about his troubles!" Ding Yu glanced at Hou Tianliang sitting next to him. "What's going on over there? There's still not much movement!" this remark was a little ironic!

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