Although Ding Yu has a clear insight into his mother's affairs, he has no intention of interfering and paying attention!

How to interfere? How to care, honest officials are difficult to break housework, they can only ignore it! If you want to make trouble, make trouble!

What will be the final consequence? Is that true? In fact, it was doomed long ago!

On this issue, Ding Yu thinks grandpa and grandma are the best examples! Grandpa is determined to go his own way. Can you say that grandma didn't dissuade him? But in the end, there is no effect at all, and even played the so-called counter effect! So Ding Yu also learned quite a lesson!

If you are willing to toss, go toss. Let's talk about it later! Who knows what kind of problems will arise if they are obstructed by themselves. It's hard to say! What's more, I don't want to get involved in these messy things at home. If you think it's feasible! Don't involve me, it doesn't matter!

As for money, it doesn't matter!

Of course, Ding Yu didn't directly present this matter on the surface, but I believe someone at home will understand it, and more than one person will understand it! Since I can see clearly, what else can I say!

The people in the family don't make any mention. Ding Yu, who is away, has nothing to say!

All along, Ding Yu has such an attitude. Do you think Ding Yu is too easy to bully! Such a thing? Different people have different opinions, so Ding Yu won't be aroused by such a thing! As for calling the children at home, there is no need!

Mentioning such a thing to them can only increase trouble! It will even cause considerable trouble to these children at home. It is true that they have been sensible! But carrying this now? I will highlight that being a father is a little too irresponsible!

If they can solve it by themselves, it's better. When they can't solve it, they can't stand up by themselves. They can't say that they saw the branches and stones on the road ahead. They have to help them eliminate them in advance! If they don't try it themselves, they will never know the power!

Ding Yu thought so and did so! As for whether it will appear cruel and ruthless! Ding Yu really doesn't think so! This is the way of their own education, at least from the current situation! These children at home are doing very well! Even satisfactory!

"Director, if nothing happens these two days, I need to go back to Beijing!"

"So?" Ding Yu smiled coldly, "you just play with me?"

Obviously, Ding Yu is insightful about the problems! Don't you just want to pull your tiger skin? You can do that, too!

Hou Tianliang smiled at this! It seems that there is no fear at all! There is no embarrassment of being exposed at all! Qiu Tianyang was stunned and shouted that it was unfair. His senior brother even played this game in front of the director!

But it's too scary! I'm afraid it's just elder martial brother who dares to do so. Do others have the courage? The shrimp are scared to death!

Even the spectator himself has some atmosphere and dare not breathe!

"Director, there's no way! I'm from the intelligence department. It's true, but I can't take out the signboard of the intelligence department at a considerable time. Ordinary kids are OK, but whether others will pay attention to my skin is a matter of seeing through and not telling! What do you think of my hard work? Why not?"

Ding Yu humed and smiled. What is Hou Tianliang's identity? Can he not know it? It's a bit exaggerated to say that gods and ghosts are afraid, but ordinary people avoid him when they see him! The tiger skin on him! Don't let others touch it! At a glance, you can be frightened!

"How do you want to make trouble? I don't care about such things! I don't bother to pay attention to them!" Ding Yu said blandly, "But you also know that the current situation is a little special! I'll make a mess at that time? Since you are so taboo, I believe it must be trouble, so I don't expect to throw you out at that time. If it's not enough, I can only find trouble with the intelligence department!"

Don't throw dirty water on yourself!

Hou Tianliang thought for a while and nodded. "Director, anyway, the hundred and ten kilograms on me are still worth putting on the scale! But I will never weigh myself easily!"

Turn around the wheel! But Ding Yu recognized the problem!

"So? Just say it!"

"Director, lend it to two people! I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. After all, such a thing is hard to say! I, with thin arms and legs, always need to take precautions in other aspects!"

Ding Yu's mouth twitched a little! He looked at Hou Tianliang with a bad look, and even looked back at his body, "your idea is a little dangerous! It seems that it won't be too good this time!"

After looking at it for two times, Ding Yu said slowly, "there's no one in your intelligence department? Impossible things, among which good players can be said to emerge one after another. Even the experts are like Jiang Zhiqing. It's unreasonable to ask me for someone!"

"The main thing is that things are too troublesome!"

Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang with quiet eyes! "Pay attention to yourself!" then waved to Hou Tianliang to leave!

When Ding Yu came out of his room, Qiu Tianyang waved his thumb to his senior brother! My admiration is beyond words. I feel that the director is really not generally good to my senior brother! If it were someone else, now this time it should be suona blowing cloth and covering, digging pits and burying earth! It's an exaggeration that my senior brother came out of the room with a bolt!

I didn't even say an important word. I don't know what to say!

"I don't know what the situation is! The director left you! Take it easy. Although you are a lot mature, you don't know much about the things on the director's side. Do more, talk less, see more, listen more and perform less!"

"Elder martial brother, don't worry! I know how to do it! Be careful yourself!"

Hou Tianliang left quickly, but when he left, Ding Yu called him over and told him, that's all! As for others, there is not much mention! Of course, I also gave Hou Tianliang a contact information. If you need anything, you can call this number! But it's best to think about it before!

More bluntly, don't think about free white work, which is impossible! Be sure to weigh it well, and then make the final decision!

After Hou Tianliang left, Qiu Tianyang became busy all of a sudden. Previously, his senior brother was standing in front of him without too many problems! But now everything has been handed over to their own hands. For themselves, the test is a little big!

I always feel that the director's eyes are a little wrong! In fact, Qiu Tianyang also knows that he is a little careless! The main reason is that the pressure comes too fast and too big, so I don't have any preparation, so I worry about gain and loss! Even when others look at themselves, they feel that others are intentional!

"Ding, there's something wrong with you!"

Looking at Bruno, Ding Yu was speechless! "I said Bruno, are you really free? And when will Sanchez come back? Why did he go back without a trace? Nothing happened!"

"Don't worry about changing the subject!" Bruno said with an unhappy face! "If I don't come and urge you, you'll never remember Thornton. I feel a headache now! Do you know?"

"Don't you know that my work has been so busy that I don't touch my feet?" Ding Yu also said unhappily! "I don't even have time to rest! As for Thornton, his performance is very good and excellent. Under such circumstances, why do you have to pay so much attention and let it go?"

"It's not fair, you know? You take Mengxi every day, and then throw Thornton aside! Mengxi is booming under your watering and cultivation, but what about Thornton? If I don't give him a chance, I even have some doubts about whether he will wither?"

"So? If I don't explain to you, you'll have to stay now, won't you?"

As he spoke, Bruno had opened Ding Yu's drawer and held a box of cigars in his hand! Angry Ding Yu has some itchy roots. Where is the attitude of asking people to do things! Is that all the bandits do?

"To be exact, Thornton needs precipitation now! Although his inside information has been exhausted, he has a considerable foundation, not to mention setier, they are still there!"

However, before Ding Yu finished his words, he was rudely interrupted by Bruno! "I don't believe them!"

"Do you believe that they have no necessary relationship and contact! At least in terms of knowledge, they are second to none! Even when I am quite moved, I just don't move! Otherwise, it's all right to let them teach the children at home!" it's obvious that Ding Yu is serious!

Hearing what Ding Yu said, Bruno adjusted his sitting posture!

"I think you can do such a thing!"

"Since you understand, what are you talking to me about?" Ding Yu expressed his dissatisfaction! "What's more, what's the advantage of my too much contact with Thornton? You don't know how many pairs of eyes look inside and outside! Don't say it's me! Even if it's you, isn't it the same? So don't give yourself any so-called trouble at this time! Just spend it safely!"

"I believe in their knowledge, which is no problem, but I don't believe in them!"

"Don't pull it!" Ding Yu waved impatiently. "Do you dare to tell Goodall that? It's just a matter of making a secret! There's no need to be too straightforward! Otherwise, it's too troublesome! Anyway, I don't want to continue to be involved. I feel that the current situation is still quite good!"

"I'm going back soon! Now Sanchez is on the way to come. He should be here today!"

"So fast?" Ding Yu looked at Bruno suspiciously. "Is it appropriate for you to go back now?"

"Some things need to be dealt with! Although the East has done a good job in some of its own things, it also has a considerable backlog of problems. If I don't deal with them, it will easily lead to problems in other aspects! Moreover, I need to communicate with Mr. good after staying here for so long!" Bruno said truthfully! Did not make any reservation to Ding Yu!

"What do you mean by looking for me?"

"You're just pretending, aren't you!" Bruno almost pointed to Ding Yu's nose! "It's hard to do this with me! I don't know you! Sanchez doesn't have any strength at all, so I need to find you now and give you quite things! There will be other problems in the province!"

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, and someone brought coffee. Of course, it's not instant coffee. It's absolutely humiliating to serve instant coffee to people like Bruno!

"Come on! What's your plan, old man!"

"Three times a week!" Bruno said slowly, shaking his coffee!

"You're kidding!" Ding Yu was very dissatisfied, even a little angry! "Three times a week, not to mention what setier thinks, is not as important as expected, but the question is, do I have so much time? It's impossible! Things on my side seem very relaxed! But ask yourself, when am I really free! Don't talk! It's great. Once every two weeks, such things are not discussed There is room for! "

"Once a week!"

Ding Yu's face is so ugly! "Once a week?! Bruno, we are friends, and we have passed quite a test! There is no problem when we really need it, even once a day, but now for Thornton, we need to give him quite a recovery time. Why don't you understand?"

"OK! Let me be frank! I'm worried about two aspects!" looking at Ding Yu's expression, Bruno sighed slightly! "I don't know how long it will take! I'm not even sure! Who knows if there will be other things behind it? It's hard to say! I can't completely decide such things!"

"Things on your side have nothing to do with me, and I don't want to make clear the problems! Some things you don't know, I know, but some things you know, I don't know, we can't disclose anything!"

Ding Yu made his words very clear, of course, because Bruno and Ding Yu are friends. They don't need to hide too much from each other. Try to be someone else. Even if Sanchez is in front of them, Ding Yu won't say so!

Because the friendship between each other is not up to that! Since I didn't get there, I naturally need to pay attention to my speech!

After all, they are all giants! After making any decision, it is not a person to consider! It's a force!

Ding Yu is so! Goodall is so! Bruno in front is so, and so is Sanchez in the near future!

"You said a lot. As for the second point, if I don't discuss with you in advance, after Sanchez came, his relationship with you is very good! Even they have a very good cooperative relationship, but in terms of personal relations, I believe it's a little far from me! Although you, I and he won't admit it!"

"What you think is very beautiful!"

In this regard, Bruno is very proud to pick up the coffee and try it! Nodded approvingly!

"Obviously, he can't put too much pressure on you. They have no problem carrying setier, but other aspects really need to be discussed! So I need to make considerable preparations in advance!"

When Bruno finished, Ding Yu smiled coldly, "Bruno, do you think it's possible for you to cultivate such an opponent for yourself? Do you think it's possible for me to save him I'll give you this face! "

"At least he and Muncie come and go, don't they?"

This makes Ding Yu feel a little angry! How can Ding Yu not understand what Bruno means when he says this!

Just tell yourself! Thornton's future is for the children at home. It's always good to have an opponent! And Mengxi has the ability of an opponent! So now it's up to Ding Yu to adjust!

"What else? Let's talk about it together! I don't have so much free time to listen to you!"

Ding Yu's words make Bruno's mouth smile a little. Ding Yu will never deal with such a thing openly, or even give himself any answer!

But if he doesn't say anything, it already represents a considerable problem! Fortunately, he has done a lot of foreshadowing in the past! Of course, the more important reason is that Thornton has shown extraordinary potential! Without these foresight conditions, even if he has a good relationship with Ding Yu! Even if Jinshan Yinshan is placed in front of Ding Yu, there will be no work Use it!

This is certain! And there is no doubt about it!

"I'm going back soon! I always need to prepare some gifts for the family, don't I? And the east side? He has worked so hard for so long! I can't say nothing!"

Ding Yu's fingers beat uncontrollably! This is not too simple! It's shameless behavior! Fortunately, Ding Yu's forbearance is still good, but that's all!

Otherwise, maybe Ding Yu will kick Bruno out directly at the next moment!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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