"Do you want to give it away when you leave?"

"Cut!" Bruno snorted with disdain! "Spare me! You said, I don't know how many eyes are staring at you! Send me? Don't be kidding! I don't want to make other disturbances!"

"You're free! Then I'll congratulate you on a pleasant trip in advance!" Ding Yu raised the coffee cup in his hand! There is no need to be too deliberate. In that case, it will appear too hypocritical, not to mention whether there are outsiders here! Why!

After Bruno left, Ding Yu called Qiu Tianyang in! Hand him the list!

"Bruno is leaving! This is for him! This old guy! Hum!"

Although there is some "dissatisfaction" in the words, it reveals some emotion!

Qiu Tianyang silently took over the list and said after reading it! "Director, it takes a little time! But I don't think there will be too long delay! Just send it to the airport!"

"He should take a private plane back! It's convenient! Fast! At the same time, it's safe! He sent things to the place! Make a considerable handover!" Ding Yu deliberately told him!

"Yes! Director!" Qiu Tianyang said nothing nonsense. Everything has been explained very clearly! If you can't even do these, then you don't have much need to stay! Just get out of here!

Bruno went to see Thornton before he left!

Thornton's face is not very good-looking, because since he came to Ding Yu, all safety problems have been handed over to Bruno, and he has implemented them well! He has even been in the position in front of him. Now Mr. Bruno wants to leave. He doesn't know why, but there must be quite a problem!

Why did you choose this time period to leave? Thornton would never believe that there were no problems and conditions in the past, but even if he wanted to understand it, what could he do? It will not have too much meaning and will not have any effect, which is certain!

"Mr. Bruno!" Thornton was dejected!

"Not in a good mood?" Bruno asked after sitting down! "The main thing is that things in the family need to be handled. Dongfang carried too much pressure on him in the past. Now I have to come forward at this time! Otherwise, no one knows when it will explode when it is squeezed together. This will have a very serious impact on the family!"

"Mr. Bruno, you left! I just..."

Bruno shook his head! "Sanchez is back! I don't know if there are others, but quite often, you can look for setier if you have any problems! He can solve most of the problems!"

Thornton looked at Bruno suspiciously, looked at him nodding to himself, and also held down the doubt in his heart!

"As for other problems? It won't be so serious. After all, this is Ding Yu's territory!"

Thornton was a little stunned and immediately understood why Bruno said so to himself. Obviously, Mr. Bruno should have met Ding Yu and even talked with each other. As for the content, it's not convenient to mention it! Thornton can understand this. When Ding Yu comes, just ask twice!

"Mr. Bruno, thank you for your care during this time!"

"Just go out and relax for a while. Don't say, it's really a little fat these two days! The environment here is still very nurturing. Ding Yu's means are relatively high. At least there's nothing to be picky about in terms of saving people from illness. Although I'm not a doctor and you're not a doctor, he's a doctor and a very good doctor!"

"It just makes people feel very angry!" Thornton whispered!

"That's his personality!" Bruno raised his shoulder. "Although I'm very good friends with him, I need to say that sometimes I feel very angry about it! But there's no way. Who makes us friends! But fortunately, we get along very well!"

"Mr. Bruno, is it all because of special rationality?"

"No, there's quite a reason, it's because of sensibility! From a rational point of view, although it may also be on Ding Yu's side, there will never be such a relationship now. If it's really mentioned, it's not clear what the reason is, maybe it's congeniality!" Bruno took a deep look at Thornton! "Such an opportunity is hard won. If you cherish it well, it will have an immeasurable effect on the future!"

After Sanchez arrived, Bruno simply welcomed him. He left in a hurry without even having time to make a considerable explanation! This makes Sanchez very puzzled, even a little confused!

What the hell happened? Didn't even have the time to say two words and left in a hurry?

But Sanchez went to see Thornton first and didn't explain anything. He just came back! As for Mr. Goode, he asked himself to bring gifts, some for Thornton and some for setier. Of course, a considerable part of them are Ding Yu's!

"Mr. Sanchez, it's hard for you to bump back and forth!" no matter what reason makes Sanchez come back and Bruno leave, I need to show my attitude!

"Master Thornton!" Sanchez looked at Thornton with some doubts on his face, but he didn't mention anything else in front of setier. Naturally, he didn't show much about the board of directors! Thornton naturally won't ask quite, because there's not much need! It's no use asking!

After coming out of Thornton, Sanchez went to see Ding Yu! "What's the matter? How did Bruno walk so fast?"

Ding Yu glanced at the past! "You ask me? Who do I ask?" spread out his hands. Ding Yu said he knew nothing about it! I really don't know what happened, "anyway, it seems that something happened to Bruno. Senior brother Dongfang can't solve it! So he can only come back!"

"I haven't heard much!" Sanchez looked at Ding Yu and sighed silently, "OK! Mr. good asked me to greet you and thank you for your help! I specially prepared some gifts for your elders and children!"

"Have a heart!" Ding Yu smiled, "but you have wasted quite a lot of time this time!"

"It seems that Bruno's departure is too abrupt!"

Both of them did not answer the question. Obviously, they both knew it! What does your words mean, so smile at each other! There is no need to continue the discussion on this issue, and there is no significance!

"It seems that I may need to work harder this time!"

"My time is hard enough. I don't know if I have such free time! But I'm really busy!" Ding Yu seems to step on the drum this time!

Sanchez nodded slightly. "I need to adjust. It's time difference. It's really a test for an old man like me! It's really unbearable! It's not as young as you!"

"How does this sound? It's a bit intentional!" Ding Yu looked at Sanchez with a bad smile. "I thought I'd give you a chance to wash the dust tonight. Now it seems that there's no chance! It's a pity!"

Sanchez's face was helpless. He even pointed to Ding Yu and didn't dare to speak, because he was really worried that once he spoke, he would be unable to control his emotions. It might be light to yell!

But for the next week, there was no movement from Ding Yu! Sanchez is a good substitute for Bruno, and the relationship with Thornton is quite harmonious!

At this point, setier seems to be on the road all of a sudden! Obviously, Sanchez and Bruno give setier different pressure! To be exact, Sanchez really didn't see anything, but the position and angle of standing between each other are quite different, so the way to deal with the problem is also quite different! That's it!

For Thornton personally, this feeling is the most profound, even a little hesitant! Because Bruno doesn't come here much all the time, but his spiritual support is absolutely incomparable! Mr. Sanchez also has considerable support for himself, which is not too much problem!


Just when Thornton was about to burst out, Ding Yucai came to Thornton slowly and calmly. Looking at him, he held his mouth slightly and showed a little disdain!

There were some Thornton who couldn't bear it. He was completely annoyed at once! I don't know whether it was intentional or just wanted to vent in front of Ding Yu. Because the door was not closed, the security guard standing at the door trembled subconsciously! "Get out!" Thornton may have felt something, roaring loudly!

Sitting down, Ding Yu looked at Thornton's performance and nodded affectably! "OK, the performance is still very good! How's it going? Shall I clap you?"

"Mr. Ding, did you come a little early?" Thornton looked at Ding Yu with hatred and wished he could bite off a piece of meat from Ding Yu's body! Too hateful!

Thinking that Mr. Bruno is gone! I can also rely on Mr. Ding Yuding, but I think I'm about to become a watchman stone! I didn't wait for Ding Yu! Obviously Ding Yu did it on purpose! This makes Thornton feel a little unbearable!

"Mr. Ding, you did it on purpose!" Thornton's waist was very straight and sat there with a posture! Ding yuduan detailed for a long time! Even deliberately looked at the hair on his head!

"Well done hair, a little interesting!"

Thornton began to dispel his emotions. "Mr. Ding, I've seen the image of you growing a beard. I feel very good! It's not like this. It's very clean!"

Ding Yu remained unmoved! "Because my daughter is naughty sometimes, she thinks it's more fun to grow a beard, so she stays for a while. It doesn't have much impact! As for now, she doesn't have so much feeling!"

The reason why Ding Yu followed these words means that he is willing to alleviate Thornton's mood now, instead of blindly stimulating him! After all, he is now in a very unstable state. Now it's easy to burn him if he continues to burn! There will definitely be a so-called negative effect at that time!

"My hair is a temporary interest, but I seem to think about a lot recently!"

Ding Yu held his chin, and his body sat a little crooked, which made people feel a little informal!

"It's quite interesting, so mature!" Ding Yu make complaints about it! "My research on this aspect is not very much. There are quite a few people at home, but my father may be a little special. Although sometimes a master at home will shave him, he likes to take care of himself quite often!"

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Ding. Is it a matter of personal habit?"

"It's hard to say!" Ding Yu deliberately guided Thornton! "When I was young, I went to the old-fashioned barber shop with my father, but now I don't have it! Now the barbers are all young people who pay attention to fashion, but I believe your barbers, at least male barbers, are at least old and over 40!"

"The barbers at home are more traditional!"

This is also a response to Ding Yu's statement! "There are fewer and fewer teachers now! This is also one of the main reasons why my father is reluctant to let others start! It can be said to be nostalgic, it can also be said to be a kind of thinking! Of course, it can also be said to be a habit! Whatever you say! It doesn't matter. There are masters at home! The technique is still very good, but even so, my father still doesn't have much about it My feelings! "

Thornton carefully considered what Ding Yu's purpose was to say these words to himself! To highlight what? It seems that there is no feeling in this regard, that is to pull yourself to nostalgia!

But I have to say that I am calm now, even when I see Ding Yu! The originally agitated mood has stopped! This is unmatched by Mr. Sanchez and setier! The gap is too big!

"Mr. Ding, what about you? Do you like to do it yourself or enjoy it?"

Ding Yu smiled slightly! "Deliberately ridicule me, don't you?" Ding Yu didn't give Thornton the most direct answer to such a thing! But the performance is very casual! "What you like is what you like. To make a decisive answer is to deliberately bind yourself! To a considerable extent, it belongs to looking for trouble!"

"Mr. Ding! I feel that my father is very particular about this. How about you?"

"It's very fastidious to say fastidious, and it's not very fastidious to say not. In my mother's words, poverty is fastidious!"

"I really want to see grandma. It's very interesting!"

"Two children, Kim's children, have come to the family recently. Their mother has been playing with them recently! The relationship between them is very good, so do you? Maybe you need to lean back!" Ding Yu looks at Thornton carefully! "Speaking of, your body is very good now. You can see a very significant effect!"

"Still trapped in this environment!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu with sad eyes! "Mr. Ding, I even have some doubts sometimes. What are you thinking?"

"Can the door outside really stop you?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically! "In fact, it's just a few steps away! If you really want to go out, I can't stop you! Of course, I won't stop you! And setier and Sanchez can't stop you! As for your parents, it's far away!"

The naked words were said by Ding Yu. They were too direct and too straightforward. Thornton didn't know how to deal with Ding Yu's words for a moment!

Thornton's tone of voice slowed down for a long time!

"Mr. Ding, can I say you are too bad? In Chinese, you are a little immoral and smoking!"

"I never said I was a good man!" Ding Yu spread out his hands! "And I seem to have said such words more than once in front of you. When did you think I was a good man! Are you sure there was no problem with your head? Or do you still dream and don't wake up!"

Encouraged by Ding Yu's eyes, Thornton grabbed the cup in front of him and directly smashed it at the door! Maybe the technique is a little wrong, or it may be due to the deviation of strength! The cup hit the glass!

Fortunately, the glass protection is still very effective, but the guard standing at the door obviously heard something! But it's a pity that security can't open the door from the outside!

After considerable instructions, the security guard opened the door with permission. Looking at the broken glass at the door, his face was a little ugly!

Ding Yu didn't look at the direction of security at all, but deliberately provocatively looked at Thornton! Thornton is like an angry toad!

He looked at the security guard with extremely fierce eyes. The security guard was also frightened. Obviously, he also understood that his coming in disturbed master Thornton and Mr. Ding! I was a little too anxious before!

That's why such jokes come out! This is really a little inappropriate!

I have been instructed by Mr. setier, but this can only be done without offending master Thornton and Mr. Ding! Now he is flustered. Mr. Ding has no response, but he has humiliated master Thornton in front of Mr. Ding!

For a family, what is most important is face!

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