"Mr. Ding, I'm even so confused now!"

"A strong person? The strength of the body is only a part of it! The strength of the spirit is only a part of it. The combination of both sides is the real strength. Although in this way, it is vulgar and straightforward!"

Thornton couldn't help laughing! "Previously, Mr. Ding instilled a lot of things into me, and I also thought they were more useful, and even opened a lot of horizons for me, but now I know that these things are enough for me to study all my life! It even takes a lifetime to understand!"

In this regard, Ding Yu did not have much pride!

"There's nothing strange, because I'm from here! But transmitting these things to you doesn't mean you have to go down this road. That's what I said to the children at home! They naturally do the same. That's why they don't have much exposure now!"

"Mr. Ding, are you deliberately pressing them? I'm a little puzzled!"

Thornton's eyes twinkle with a lot of little stars!

"I can't say that I deliberately press them. Of course, I don't deny that I have this idea. In the eyes of many people, they are already Tianzong wizards! There are so many flatteries here. I believe you have experienced it too! Haven't you?"

"Maybe it's because of the environment? I didn't feel much about this before I came to Mr. Ding. I didn't understand what happened until I came to Mr. Ding, because the reality is right in front of me!"

Thornton knocked his head with his hand. "Mr. Ding, I'm just a child. Do you need to carry these things?"

"If you grew up in an ordinary family, it doesn't matter. The problem is that you didn't grow up in an ordinary family, it's a little difficult! It's certain to stand on any mountain and sing any song!"

Thornton nodded! "Mr. Ding, not everyone can change this, at least for me. I'm not boasting. I just recognize some problems, but many people in the family are afraid it's difficult to realize the problems!"

"This is not something I can interfere with, let alone have nothing to do with me!" Ding Yu doesn't know where he took out the hand string and played on his hand! "It's not easy for me to take good care of my children! What's more, can I take good care of my children? It's too early to mention it now!"

"Mr. Ding, this is a little too modest! At least I've heard a lot of rumors about this!"

Ding Yu shook his head! "Just some flattery! Even a little high. If you really believe it, you're a fool!" It's vulgar to speak, but that's the truth! "At least the children at home can calm down themselves now. Although they can't sink to the end, I'm at least satisfied!"

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, Thornton took a slight breath!

"Mr. Ding, can I do that?"

"It's hard to say!" Ding Yu's expression was very direct, even straightened his waist and expressed a serious attitude! "Your problem now is to take good care of your body and make a good outline at the same time! It's also good to stand in your current position. It's good to stand high and see far, but you need to be able to walk down at any time! Don't stand in your position. If you can't walk down, it's a bad thing!"

"It seems so. I can't walk!"

Looking at the poor Thornton, Ding Yu didn't pierce him, but smiled at him!

"But it's always good to be prepared! You can't find the problem well, at least you can't look at the whole. The reasons need to be found by yourself! I don't have so much time! So you understand!"

Thornton didn't know what to say about Ding Yu's aggressiveness!

"Mr. Ding, I suddenly found that I was led by your nose again! Although I didn't want to, such things didn't seem to be transferred by my will. Even at the beginning, I tried my best to resist. Even I thought I had occupied a considerable advantage, but with the progress of the conversation, the initiative began to disappear Handed it over, and even I don't know what happened! "

"So? You want to learn this?" Ding Yu looked up and down at Thornton. "You're still a little young now! But you always need to give you some so-called rewards, so? What do you want? Think about it and then answer!"

Thornton's eyes lit up because his surprise came so suddenly! After Ding Yu came to him, he gave himself an old fist, which made him unable to lift his head at all, but now he even gave himself such a big sweet date, so Thornton really needs to think about it!

Thornton, with his head down, thought for a long time, "Mr. Ding, I want to go out and have a look! It won't take too long?!"

It was Ding Yu's turn to be a little surprised! Looking at Thornton with a bad look, "your request is a little high! Even a little too much!" But then Ding Yu's voice turned, "but it's not impossible. I need to prepare for it. I'm not worried that someone else will stop it, but I need to make considerable preparation!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ding!" This thanks is absolutely sincere!

"All right! Then tomorrow!" Ding Yu has cleaned up his hands. "I've told you so much today. You must have your own feeling. In that case, digest it. I still need to talk to setier about something! His performance today is a little interesting!"

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Thornton looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. After all, he had heard about setier and hollian. Now Ding Yu mentioned it again. Obviously, setier will not be too good this time! This is certain! I don't have many ideas now!

Even if he has ideas, can Mr. Ding listen to his own opinions and ideas? It's impossible!

"Mr. Ding, setier is not young! He can't stand too much stimulation! After all, he is my teacher!"

Ding Yu, who stood up, smiled at Thornton and went out without much attention. After leaving the room, Ding Yu just stood there, which puzzled Qiu Tianyang. What does the director want to do?

The security guard looked at Ding Yu with an ugly face. After waiting for some time, saitil came to Ding Yu's side step by step! But I dare not even look up at Ding Yu! Given Qiu Tianyang's feeling, setier is now like a mouse seeing a cat! What the hell happened? Very surprised!

Ding Yu looked at setier up and down, and even raised his wrist to look at his watch! "Seven minutes!"

As soon as he said this, setier almost sat there! After all, the security guard at the back was alert, but even so, setier was careful to hold the wall, so he was able to stabilize his body!

How can I not understand what Ding Yu means by saying this? Just tell yourself! He wasted seven minutes, so Ding Yu needs to find it back!

Give yourself another treatment? Setier has some doubts! Whether you can bear it or not, you should know the time of three days! I have lost half of my life, and even become an unforgettable memory!

Now Ding Yu is obviously ready to do it again! For setier, there is no way to bear it!

"At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, you prepare. I'll take Thornton out and have a look!" Ding Yu said, and then looked at setier!

"Mr. Ding!" Setier swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although he hated Ding Yu very much in his heart, now Ding Yu is face to face! Setier dared not have any opinion, let alone any refutation! It's impossible! Now what setier wants is to quickly pass the pass in front of him!

Ding Yu looked at satyr and gave him some pressure, at least in satyr's view. After looking at it for some time, satyr's sweat was about to wet his clothes! Ding Yu took the initiative to take a step in the direction of setier! Setier subconsciously stepped back!

But there is consciousness, but the problem is that the body is a little out of control! But Ding Yu patted setier on the shoulder twice, which meant some encouragement! As for this process, is there any other small action, this problem? Different people have different opinions! After all, when things didn't happen, no one knew!

Ding Yu took a step forward! "Although Thornton begged you! So what?" Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to give Thornton any face at all. He didn't even give Thornton face, let alone setier! He's not even a hair! "Also, I need to say it in advance! The next time I do something, think it over and over again, never over and over again! Do you understand me?"

"Yes! Mr. Ding! I remember!" Setier felt his heart stop beating! Ding Yu put too much pressure on himself! Even setier has some doubts! If you wait a little longer, will you be suffocated?

"I'll come tomorrow morning. I hope you can be quite prepared!"

Qiu Tianyang, who followed behind Ding Yu, glanced at setier and felt that the old guy was a little nervous! But from another point of view, setier definitely offended the director! Although I don't know how he offended the director! But his end will never be too good! After all, the director's caution is well known!

So use pity! What a pity! After a sad look, Qiu Tianyang didn't pay much attention!

Setier feels a little bad! Ding Yu patted himself more than once. What will happen later? Setier really didn't have any preparation! But anyway? Setier arranged quite a few things and put on diapers again! What if not? Can't you be like hollian?

I saw hollian, and hollian saw himself! Both of them looked at each other!

Because both of them think of bad things!

"Master Thornton?"

"Mr. Ding is looking for you?" Thornton couldn't help sighing! Some helpless said! "I tried, but I didn't convince him, and I couldn't convince him at all. This is his territory. He looked at Mr. Bruno's face and gave me some treatment, which has been forgiven!"

"Master Thornton!" Setier already knows! Ding Yu has said it clearly and clearly!

As for Ding Yu's failure to give face? In addition to some speechless, what else can I do? Master Thornton doesn't play any role in front. Is it difficult that Ding Yu will give himself this face? If it weren't for master Thornton, would Ding Yu know who he is? It's impossible!

What's more, even Mr. Goodall, Ding Yu didn't give any face, so what did Thornton count in front of Ding Yu? Even if master Thornton could take the initiative to intercede with himself, he would be very grateful!

"Master Thornton, Mr. Ding will take you out tomorrow!"

In this regard, Thornton couldn't help humming. He was slightly dissatisfied. Of course, this dissatisfaction was definitely not aimed at setier or Ding Yu!

"He's entrusted by Mr. Bruno. He's worried about other problems in my body, so he needs to come and have a look every once in a while. Otherwise, he doesn't have this idea. Anyway, I'm here! If something really happens, he can't know at all, so just deal with it temporarily! Don't think how good he is Heart! "

Setier agrees with this! From another point of view, Ding Yu is very serious about treatment, but in other aspects? A little too much, even so harsh!

But it is precisely because of this that setier has been given a lot of opportunities, which is an unexpected joy!

However, after leaving the room and returning to the place where he stayed, setier has been worried about whether he will have other accidents? Like the last time! But six hours have already passed! No response! This makes setier feel very surprised, even quite puzzled!

Ding Yu's effect on himself has failed? Or did he find his conscience? But think carefully, there are still some possibilities in the front one, but there is no possibility in the back one!

He has no conscience at all! His heart! Black pan oil! Black shiny!

But after dinner, setier didn't find anything. He didn't know which nerve was wrong when he lay on the bed and slept in a daze! Setier's voice! The sound is so loud that even the room with excellent silencing effect can't be stopped!

The guard outside rushed in with a guy at the first time. He didn't even have time to wear his pants. After he came in, he looked at it for a while. He didn't find anything or say anything else. Then he closed the door! As if nothing had happened, back out!

And setier, sitting on the bed, is a little silly! What a surprise! Originally, I didn't feel there was any problem, but anyone who wanted to sleep well felt his nerve beating suddenly. That feeling was like a demon standing on his nerve and pondering for a long time, hesitating! Then go down with a fork!

Then I woke up. As for the situation after I woke up, I screamed and even my guards came in! But it's also an understanding person! So when I saw that I had nothing to do, I withdrew!

Setier sitting on the bed is really uncomfortable! This time the situation came too suddenly! Suddenly let oneself do not have any preparation, the time is not very long, even a trance moment, but the impression left to oneself is too deep! Deeply let yourself have no way to calm down for a long time!

Anyway, in the first half of the night, saitil basically didn't rest. During the period, the guard sent himself a glass of warm water. Obviously, he was worried about his situation. Saitil gave him a look and didn't have too many problems!

Until more than five o'clock in the morning, setier woke up again, this time with perception! But this time the feeling is quite different from the previous one!

The previous time, the white knife went in and the red knife went out. It was very happy! And this time? Pulling meat with a blunt knife is grinding back and forth on your own nerves. It won't make you faint or even make you unbearable pain, but it makes you extremely uncomfortable! Even have some grumpy feelings!

For ten minutes back and forth, saitil didn't try any ways and methods. He couldn't tell whether it was the wrong nerve on his body. He couldn't find the problem. Anyway, he felt abnormal pain and discomfort!

Even quite a while, setier was thinking about whether it would be better to let the guards in, shine a stick on his head and directly solve all the problems!

Even after his problems disappeared, it took quite a long time for saitil to react, and saitil's first reaction was to cry! I really want to cry, because the illness is inexplicable! There's no trace!

But the problem is that he can't find any place to reason. Ding Yu is really bullying people! Let yourself have no respect. How can you be a man like this?

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