As for Thornton, he doesn't have any feeling now. To be exact, he is a little excited now, and it's not a general little excited, because he can go out for a stroll! This is something Thornton has been expecting for a long time!

But Thornton knows very well that it's not a good thing to suppress his beating mind and not to be too excited at this time. It's not to say what will happen if Mr. Ding Yuding sees it?

Great, despise yourself, that's all! But for Thornton himself, such a thing is happy, but the same! If you can't control yourself and are too distracted, you may be getting later and later from the Ding children, or even you can't see their back at all!

My opponent is Meng Xi, but it doesn't mean that I can only play with Meng Xi all my life. I still hope to play with other children of the Ding family! This is what I expect!

Thornton noticed when setier came! Looking at his face, Thornton couldn't help leaning back on his body. The black circles on his face were like pandas! What happened? After taking a look at the security guard next to him, the security guard seemed to be blind and didn't give himself any response!

Obviously, there should be considerable changes in this, and Thornton is sure that he has a considerable relationship with Mr. Ding!

Thornton put his eyes on satyr and looked at satyr! Instead of answering immediately, setier made a final inspection of Thornton with the security to ensure that Thornton would never have any other accidents when he went out later!

"What happened?" After the security guard left, Thornton couldn't help asking. In his words, he revealed his concern and concern for setier!

Setier's mouth twitched a little! "With Ding Yu's words, the specific situation? It's difficult to express clearly. Even in the morning, I did some tests. I'm healthy and there are no problems and conditions!"

This is the case, and it's not the first time! Setier almost didn't say that he was used to it!

Ah? Thornton's mouth grew up a little big. You said it for a long time, but you didn't express anything! Is this intentional? Or is it that Mr. Ding Yuding's means are too superb. For a moment, Thornton doesn't know how to judge!

"Are you sure, Mr. setier?"

Setier sighed and looked at Thornton with a bitter smile! "This is not the first time! Mr. Ding's means are unpredictable, and he is still a doctor. I have deeply experienced it! I even have a considerable fear!"

That's what he said, but Thornton could see clearly that what appeared in setier's eyes was not only fear, but also considerable resentment! Think about it. It seems to be a common thing. I'm afraid it's difficult to do who it is. There's no response at all!

Even in the face of Mr. Ding Yuding, most of the time, it is difficult to control their emotions. They not only want to beat him with peach blossoms on his face, but even want to strangle him directly!

As for why it stopped in the end? The reason is too simple! Because Mr. Ding is too powerful, it is the existence of the ceiling of force, let alone them! It's really hard to say how much effect even if they are fully armed!

After all, Ding Yu won't take himself as a target and just stand there!

Thornton was a little helpless, and setier's expression was a little strange. Both of them felt a little heavy!

"No way?"

Saitil shook his head. "Yesterday's matter is my problem. Mr. Ding said it very clearly. In their words, if you do something wrong, you should admit it and stand at attention if you are beaten!" This statement is very frustrating, but also made a considerable explanation, because in setier's view, Thornton was actually very angry about yesterday's things!

So now it's time to pretend to be poor and express your grievances at the same time! It is also a choice and a hint for Thornton to use such means. I believe there will always be a civilized result. I admit that this day may come later, but so what? As long as you stick to it!

As for Thornton, this behavior of setier is actually very annoying. If Ding Yu didn't come yesterday, he may not be able to control his anger now, but now Thornton doesn't put this matter in his heart! Because it is not as important as imagined!

Just calm down! And he is still a child. How can a child consider so many things? What's more, what setier made trouble yesterday is completely self humiliating. Do you really think he is his "teacher" and can do whatever he wants? How possible!

All this is just the beginning. What will happen in the future? It's hard to say!

At this time, my father doesn't have any words, so I don't need to stand up and express my opinions and ideas because of this matter. I'm very important now, but compared with the family and the whole, I'm just a grain of dust! There is no irreplaceable in imagination!

It is true that I am extremely disgusted with some of setier's behaviors, but it does not mean that I am equally indifferent to setier's knowledge. These are two completely different things, which need to be strictly distinguished!

Turn bad things into good things. At the same time, you can try your best to hide yourself. These are what you learned from Mr. Ding Yuding. Of course, they also combine some of your own accumulation at home!

However, Thornton was sure that although Mr. Ding told him quite a direction, he did not strictly specify which road he had to go. For Thornton, it was too much test, but there were also many things he could understand!

And these? It may be that I haven't been able to learn in the past few years, and even if I can learn, I haven't been able to understand and connect! But here in Mr. Ding, I can quickly understand and understand! I'm afraid that's why Mr. Ding Yuding is different from others!

"We are on his territory and even ask for him!" But then Thornton's conversation turned suddenly! "It's true, but quite a few things, we can't let it go!"

This word made setier's eyes shine! Even the spirit was shocked! A little excited!

"Master Thornton! I'll go to Mr. Ding to protest this!" Seeing Thornton's refusal, setier explained! "Master Thornton, I have two ideas!"

Seeing Thornton nodding, satyr was happy, but his face continued as usual! "First! This is my problem! I was very careless and careless when dealing with the problem! So I was caught by Mr. Ding! Since I was caught by the tail, there is nothing to say! As for the second point! Your current situation is quite different! You are a patient and Ding Yu is a doctor. We don't doubt Mr. Ding's quality Quality, but it needs to be measured! "

Thornton frowned, obviously considering setier's opinions and ideas!

"It's true that I'm a patient, but I think I should still express some opinions and ideas!" Looking at some urgent setier, Thornton waved his hand and continued to explain! "I may have more contact with Mr. Ding than you! I dare not say I have an absolute understanding of him, but I always have some exploration!"

"Master Thornton, it's too risky!" Satyr really felt Thornton's mind. At least at this moment, satyr felt that Thornton had stood on his side! Such a thing is so happy! Even if they have experienced more suffering, what can they do? At least my goal has been achieved!

For setier, this is a great success! Nothing is happier than this!

"In my opinion, this is not a risk! Mr. setier, although I say so, you may feel uncomfortable, but I still need to say! You are not equal to Mr. Ding! He won't treat you as a thing at all! In this regard, only Mr. Sanchez is barely suitable, but you know!"

Thornton smiled reluctantly! And setier's eyes are a little fierce! Although this remark is very straightforward, the meaning of the discourse has been fully revealed! Will Sanchez take his side? It's impossible. He didn't kick himself, so he gave master Thornton this face!

From this point of view, things are really the same as what master Thornton said! My identity with Mr. Ding Yuding is not equal at all. Even if I go to state considerable opinions to Ding Yu, the idea may be beautiful, but in the end, there will never be any results, and even I can't get in the door! What's your identity?

Why should Mr. Ding listen to his statement? Are you superior? Or is he a giant? Since it's nothing, you'd better stay where it's cool! That's better!

After thinking, satyr nodded his head! "Master Thornton, I think this matter needs to be considered in the long run. At least it's not good to mention it at this time! Because you need to go out today!"

In this regard, Thornton pondered, "it depends on the situation! Because no one knows what will happen next. Moreover, it is difficult to say whether there will be such time and opportunities in the future! I will do according to my ability!"

At this time, Thornton will never give setier any guarantee, but not making any guarantee doesn't mean he really doesn't do anything! I need to express a considerable attitude! At least let setier stand firmly on his side, because he needs to absorb considerable knowledge from setier!

At the same time, I also need to do considerable verification! After all, the space provided to yourself is too narrow! Such an opportunity is also hard won! If you say you can't make good use of it, you're too sorry for yourself!

As for doing so, is it too mean? Or what Mr. Ding said, standing on a mountain and singing a song! If Mr. saitil is really single-minded, he will be quite ashamed, but the problem is that Mr. saitil himself has bad intentions! In this case, let yourself be the virgin!

What's the matter? I think I'm really bullied, don't I?

Without Mr. Ding, he might not have seen it so clearly and carefully, but after considerable guidance, Thornton saw it too clearly and clearly now! Setier just wants to treat himself as a chess piece and the object he plays with at will! This is absolutely a humiliation to the family, which Thornton can't accept anyway!

Even if you think of yourself as a child, or like Mr. Sanchez, you think of yourself as an investment object! These are no problems! But you treat me as a pet and even put a collar around my neck! If even such things can be regarded as nothing has happened, is he still a person?

But now I'm too weak! In that case, then we need to take some other ways! First, consolidate your foundation! Let setier top in the front position. If there is any problem that is difficult to solve, just throw him out at that time!

Even if you kill pigs, you need to fatten them up! Everyone's appetite can be better!

Anyway, he is a child. Is it difficult for a child to bear all the responsibilities, not to mention how much responsibility he has even if he has responsibilities? What's more, Mengxi bastard once said that he was a mallet, since he was already a mallet! Then it's no big deal to do some shit, isn't it?

"Speaking of this, Mr. Ding, I was a little excited earlier, but I always felt that there were quite a few problems, and I didn't know what the problem was! Another thing, whether there were so few people here made me feel insecure!"

At the beginning, satyr didn't think much about this, but now after Thornton mentioned it, satyr finally understood and explained it clearly! Why is Thornton so anxious now!

The reason for anxiety is very simple. Previously, Bruno was in charge here. Even if Ding Yu had any problems, Bruno could top it and even have a very good effect. It is true that the relationship between Ding Yu and Bruno is very good! But on some principled issues, Bruno never wanted to let me!

After Sanchez came here, he bullied people a little. In addition, Sanchez also had some other ideas, and his relationship with Ding Yu was very good, so he looked in his eyes for a long time, but he threw all the problems to himself for his own reasons!

I used to think that everything could be carried on my shoulder, but now I know that NIMA is a pit, and it is not a small pit, a bottomless hole enough to bury myself, okay?

His identity is completely different from that of Ding Yu. When Ding Yu makes a decision, don't say he refuses! Even Ding Yu's face can't be seen. If Bruno is here, he can refute Ding Yu and even fight for considerable rights and interests!

Now Sanchez has given this right to himself! I realized the power of it!

Without Bruno's protection, Sanchez has such an attitude. No wonder master Thornton was so restless before. The reason here is too clear! I have to say that a child's feeling is really sharp. He may not know what happened, but he has a considerable sixth sense!

It's absolutely unacceptable for setier to hand over the right to hand it over, but similarly, he can't carry it on his shoulders at present, and only Sanchez can carry Ding Yu now. To say an ugly word, it's a hot potato. It depends on how he chooses!

As for Ding Yu, he didn't care so much. For himself, what setier made was not worth mentioning. He was like a grasshopper jumping and pedaling there! How effective can it be?

Even if he slaps himself, he may directly become meat mud! Just because of many reasons, I can't slap myself directly! Even quite often, he still needs to control the strength, because if he is careless, he may be broken to pieces!

After all, keeping him by Thornton's side can still play a considerable role in Thornton! But really, that guy hollian is a little interesting! He's been calming down a bit! I can't even see him!

However, because this is his own territory after all, it's still very easy to control him, but Ding Yu at most just keeps a certain attention to him. It's too much nonsense to say how much attention he attaches to him, but he is really different from setier. It's not so easy to remember the lesson!

To be exact, I slapped myself down and took it a little hard! Let him for a moment and a half, he can't react at all, and even the whole person is still in a confused process! This is really my problem!

But Ding Yu didn't expect that setier would be like this! Fortunately, there was a setier who came up in time, otherwise there would be no one in front of Thornton! It was really embarrassing at that time!

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