Looking at the sun outside, Ding Yu calculated the hour, and then slowly went to Thornton! And Qiu Tianyang also honestly followed Ding Yu's position behind him! After all, the elder martial brother is not here now! It's inconvenient for the director to take others!

"Tianyang, do you see anything clearly?"

Qiu Tianyang, who was walking behind Ding Yu, was stunned. He really didn't expect that the director would talk to himself! After the reaction, he said with a look of embarrassment! "Director, I'm so stupid! I didn't understand!"

"Let's have a look. It's not a bad thing! I plotted against setier yesterday, and even Thornton came forward! Make it clear to setier that I didn't give Thornton any face. What do you think is the reason?"

Didn't give Thornton this face! How do you explain this? After all, there is quite a situation in this, but it will be unspeakable! But the director said it! It means that he is assessing himself now! So Qiu Tianyang's head is also turning at a high speed! Even present all the things during this period in your mind!

After thinking for a while, Qiu Tianyang suddenly said, "director, is it because Bruno left?"

Huh?! Ding Yu even stopped his steps and looked at Qiu Tianyang! I feel so surprised!

Qiu Tianyang looked at Ding Yu, who was examining himself. He didn't know why! Ding Yu takes back his eyes! "Why do you say that? It's not easy to explain that it can make you get it right!"

You're right! In other words, there is no problem with your guess! Is that so? But for Qiu Tianyang, his head turned a little faster in an instant, and even made him feel dizzy! Obviously, I think too much! Or I didn't adapt before!

"Director, at least everything was fine when Bruno was here!"

"It seems that you really guessed!" Ding Yu didn't reprimand Qiu Tianyang severely! "But it's also a rare thing to have this luck! Under quite circumstances, there's no reason for such a thing!"

"Director, I make you laugh!"

Ding Yu waved! "There's nothing to laugh at. Don't compliment me so much! You're here to study, and you're not asked to flatter. There are many people who want to flatter here! And the patterns are as many as stars. Don't do such a mess! Don't learn these junk things!"

"Yes! Director!" Qiu Tianyang's spirit was shocked, and his voice was much louder!

"I moved hollian earlier! I slapped him on the ground. Even now, I haven't completely got up. Has the lumbar spine been interrupted? This is a matter to be discussed!"

Qiu Tianyang woke up at the first time! This should be a metaphor! Because hollian himself had seen it before, he didn't see any problems and conditions when walking! The director's meaning should be to destroy all his pride and self-esteem! I don't even have the courage to look at the director!

"I've seen him twice! But he looks a little timid!"

Qiu Tianyang make complaints about it! "As for the others not observed, the time is a little short!"

"Hollian was beaten down! I didn't realize it was a little too hard at that time!" Ding Yu snorted and smiled, and his words were full of ridicule! "So setier stood up, but he! Now, he has been cleaned up by me twice, although it is a small warning!"

"This has a considerable relationship with Bruno?"

"Of course it doesn't matter! If Bruno is here, I really can't start with setier. After all, Bruno has been embarrassed by starting earlier! But now Bruno has left! It doesn't matter!"

"But Sanchez seems to be back!"

"He is back! But the power is not in Sanchez's hands. After Bruno left, considerable power has been in setier's hands!" Looking at the bitterness on Qiu Tianyang's face, Ding Yu followed the advice and said! "Why do you think setier can only be bullied by me, and can't even breathe?"

What do you say? Qiu Tianyang's eyebrows are locked. You have said so frankly! Can't you let yourself say that setier doesn't even dare to fart? This is not the case!

Qiu Tianyang blinked his eyes, "director, because they are a little unequal!"

"Yes! Our positions are very unequal! Boast! Although my power has not expanded to a certain extent, it can at least be compared with Bruno and Sanchez! At least it can be regarded as the existence of a giant!"

With this explanation, Qiu Tianyang immediately had feelings, and even his mind showed a three-dimensional face change!

Director! Bruno and Sanchez! It's the existence of the mountain, and what about setier? It depends on Thornton's existence. Thornton is not even a hill now. Under such circumstances, they confront each other with the director. Even if there are mountains behind them, so what?

The courage to confront each other with the director on the director's territory! To say a bad word, your position is the equivalent existence with setier! Saitil yelled when he stood on the mountain bag. Is this the same as looking for death?

For a moment, Qiu Tianyang thought a little more, but Ding Yu didn't mention anything else. Just mention so much with Qiu Tianyang! Too much! It is easy to affect Qiu Tianyang's digestion! Of course, this is not only for Qiu Tianyang, but also for the intelligence department to a certain extent!

When he came to Thornton's residence, setier stood outside the door when he knew the news. Of course, Sanchez also came! Naturally, Ding Yu agreed. The two looked at each other and said hello to each other. They don't need to have too many words. They are so familiar with each other! Now mutual greetings seem too hypocritical!

Setier peeked at the expressions and actions of Ding Yu and Sanchez. His appearance didn't arouse any interest from the two people, and even the two people didn't even respond. This made setier like ten thousand ants! Don't mention how uncomfortable it is! But you still need to pretend to be happy on your face!

Although suffered a considerable blow, it is absolutely impossible and impossible for the arrogant setier to bow down and be small! Isn't there a good nursery? Don't you just have a better parent? But so what? Wait! One day in the future, let them look good!

Ding Yu walked into the room with Sanchez and looked at Thornton sitting there. Ding Yu tilted his head and then looked around! Who dressed up? It's this weather now! Still wearing so much! I'm not afraid to heat Thornton up. What's the matter? Really don't understand? Or a little too worried!

So Ding Yu also extended his hand to the people behind him and pointed to Thornton. After Ding Yu's gesture, he finally changed Thornton's clothes again! Thornton also took a silent look at Ding Yu. Although the time just now was very short, he almost choked himself! But on such a thing? I really don't have much say!

After picking up all the pieces on Thornton's body, Ding Yu waved his hand to Thornton, and then pulled Thornton's hand! After waiting for a long time, he told Thornton quite a lot! Then I took Thornton out with me!

As for others, the positions occupied are a little far away! Want to get close now? Are you kidding? Don't mention that Ding Yu has given a warning. Even if there is no warning, no one will lean over, and setier wants to stand with Sanchez, but how can it be!

For setier, Sanchez didn't pay much attention. After all, Sanchez's mind is quite different from Bruno. Previously, Bruno needed to give Bruno some face when he was here, but now he hasn't done anything! You bird? Are you the bird?

Setier was really desperate. At the beginning, he wanted to take care of it. After all, he did this to Bruno and Sanchez after he came here. But now, everyone just gave Bruno this face, or gave Goodall this face first!

But now the lubricant is gone! It's no use staying by yourself. It just doesn't give you face. Do whatever you want? It doesn't matter. If you have the ability, you can do it directly! Just try! It's no big deal!

This is setier's biggest headache, because there was no such thing in the past! Sanchez just lifted the table! Completely unreasonable, which makes setier very helpless! There's not even a place to reason!

Qiu Tianyang, standing not far away, looked coldly at what had happened. He didn't have such a big ass and had to get a big underpants to wear on his body. It's good at once! It's not just showing your ass! What a shame!

"Don't take a deep breath! Relax!" Ding Yu dragged Thornton and said with warning! "Although the oxygen content of the air is relatively high, it does not mean that it is necessarily suitable for you. The situation is quite different! Take your time!"

In this regard, Ding Yu is particularly cautious and careful! Even the people shooting in the distance feel a little different. After all, this time is quite different from the last time! I was criticized last time! This time, you can't make any jokes again! If such a thing happens again, it will not be as simple as scolding!

"Mr. Ding, I feel that my body is itchy! Even uncontrollable!"

"Quite normal!" Ding Yu seemed very indifferent. "Before you came out, you were lucky at that time. This time? Because it's not the first time! In addition, the weather was a little different at the first time, and the climate was still a little cold at that time. Now? It's quite different when flowers bloom in spring!"

This time I took Thornton far away! When walking, he talked with Thornton carefully about some things. Thornton had some depressed thoughts, which suddenly opened up!

"I really miss it. I didn't feel like it at the beginning. Now I see this tree! Sunshine, I feel so different! But the smell in the air is a little stronger!"

"All the air in your room is filtered. That's why you need to wear a mask when you come out this time. It's not good enough. Your body has begun to recover! Resistance has been greatly improved. Otherwise, there will be other problems in your current situation! Even if I protect you! ”

"I can feel it. The body seems to have endless energy!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu with deep feeling! Others can't feel it, but they can feel it directly when they are held by Ding Yu! I'm afraid this is where Ding Yu is different from others, and this is definitely not an illusion!

"Your boy is a little dishonest!" Ding Yu doesn't care about this! "It's no big deal if you know. As for whether you can enter this door in the future? I don't know! I'm not so clear whether even the children in the family can enter this door in the future. At least now I can't say it clearly!"

"Mr. Ding, is this the feedback after entering that door?"

"I can't say that! I walked into this door through a considerable way. As for whether you will walk into this door in the future, what way you will walk into this door, and what is the situation after you walk into that door! I really don't know, and I don't even dare to guess in this regard! Because everyone is different!"

"Mr. Ding, can I learn?"

Ding Yu stared at Thornton. "You want to learn! Not yet. At least your body doesn't support it. As for whether you have such a chance in the future, it depends on your own performance! You should know that all the children at home practice martial arts!"

"I know, they have quite a lot of exercise every morning, even without too many interruptions, as well as Mr. Ding. However, Mr. Ding's way seems to have many differences. For this, we have considerable speculation and doubts!"

"At this stage, it's good to lay a foundation at this age! It's OK to be familiar with the context! Because the body doesn't grow at all. If you really practice too deeply, it's easy to hurt your foundation! But the same foundation is not easy to fight! Poor culture and rich martial arts, the need for martial arts training is quite targeted, which is similar to sports athletes!"

"But the situation of sports athletes is quite different!"

Thornton's eyes couldn't help turning. "Mr. Ding, I've heard storytelling these days. I feel very interesting! Are the ancient Chinese generals the same as you?"

"No!" Ding Yu shook his head with a smile, "If you make a real textual research, you will find that the vast majority of generals belong to the one with big arms and round waist! This is somewhat similar to modern fighting mobilization. Modern generals and ancient generals belong to two natures! After all, they are completely different from two times, one is the era of cold weapons, the other is the era of hot weapons, and the two times are made The way of communication is quite different! "

But Ding Yu also looked at Thornton suspiciously. "Can you understand storytelling? Really?"

"Maybe there are still some problems in reading and writing, but speaking is basically smooth!" Thornton is quite proud of this! It's too difficult to read photos! But speaking, I can still easily master it. Of course, to a certain extent, I am actually illiterate! Can speak, but can't read or write!

In this regard, Ding Yu did not go deep into it! "In fact, if you study it carefully, you will find that many soldiers in medieval wars were of the kind with big arms and round waist, because the horse station needed quite core waist and abdomen strength, and the accumulation of fat was quite good for a long war!"

"It's like a bear spending the winter! Is that the truth?" Thornton clearly understood something!

"You can say so!" Ding Yu also nodded with me! "Have a considerable understanding! In modern times, the situation is quite different. It is not only due to the overall improvement of science and technology and physical quality, but also due to accumulation! People are always tireless in the process of pursuing self breakthrough!"

"I see!" Thornton obviously kept up with Ding Yu's rhythm! "It's the so-called immortality. In fact, there have been too many things in the west, but the way of expression is quite different, and the way of doing things is quite different, but if you really read it, Hei hei, it's all black history!"

"Well, I've read some information about this! To some extent, it's too stupid, but from another point of view, they can also be regarded as a stepping stone on the road of self breakthrough! But the way they adopt is quite different from that of normal people!"

"Hard to understand!"

"Some problems can't be explained clearly. It's like old Peyton's family. You can't have heard! How bloody and cruel their family was! It's beyond imagination! Even after I saw it, I feel that my scalp is numb! Is it paranoid? Or can I imagine other reasons?"

Then Ding Yu shook his head at Thornton! "But this topic is over! Take you out today. Don't talk about such a heavy or even dark topic. The weather is good and the sun is good. If you have this free time, feel the beauty of the world! At least for you!"

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