Thornton's physical activity is very open, and in another meal on earth, Goodall and his wife are also watching closely! Although it's very late here, both of them are very energetic! No sleepiness at all!

After all, they have seen Thornton's most miserable time!

Although Thornton can also be seen in the video, and even Thornton can have a normal conversation with them, this is the second time that he walked outside so briskly, but Goodall obviously noticed! Ding Yu's hand hasn't been loosened!

This seems the same as the last time!

And his son is much better than usual. There must be something he doesn't understand, but what he doesn't understand is not as important as imagined! What matters is your son! Better day by day!

Although his heart is very excited, but his face does not show much, not like his wife! She was already crying with joy! I feel very sad to see myself!

After Bruno came back, he made considerable statements and discussions with himself. He avoided some of Thornton's problems, both himself and Bruno. Now, everything is expected!

But now let Bruno turn back, which is very inappropriate, even a little inappropriate!

one side? Thornton cannot rely too much on Bruno. Is the relationship between Bruno and Ding Yu too good? It doesn't matter much, another point? Just keep exercising, Thornton! I can see Thornton's growth, and it's not the kind of encouragement!

In particular, the latter kind makes Goode have endless feelings. Although Ding Yu doesn't go to Thornton many times, Goode is very touched by what Ding Yu instilled in Thornton. He asks himself, if it is placed on himself, how should he deal with it? Will it be like Ding Yu?

If it's eating and drinking! There are not many questions, but he preaches like Ding Yu. He really can't do it. Even when he thinks about it, the answer already exists, but he doesn't want to admit it!

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Gu De is still a little disappointed at this point. His mind is not as good as Ding Yu! Except for exclamation, I really can't have any other thoughts!

Because his understanding of Thornton is all-round. If Ding Yu really instills some other aspects of the world outlook into Thornton! Values and consciousness, even if you know that Thornton will have other problems, Goodall will bring Thornton back. Even if you pay a considerable price for it, you are willing to do it!

But the problem is that Ding Yu never instilled this concept, and even took the initiative to analyze and understand all things to Thornton, based on laying a foundation for Thornton! Instead of asking now, Thornton began to become excellent and outstanding!

In this regard, the most negative example is setier and his gang! They're instilling some so-called concepts into Thornton now! And it's like filling a duck. Fortunately, Ding Yu secretly protects Thornton better! So that he can clearly understand the considerable problems, otherwise?

Think about it, Goodall feels chilly! Even trembling!

"The river here is very clear!" Thornton walked by the river, a little eager to try!

"Don't think about it! It's impossible! The water quality here is very good. Speaking of this, I promised Meng Xi to take him down the river to catch fish! The water is still a little cold, and it may take some time!"

In this regard, Thornton looked at Mengxi with a slight resentment. Now mentioning Mengxi in front of his own face is deliberately embarrassing himself! Do you mean this? It's a little too much! Too much makes people a little gas blocked!

"Mr. Ding, I don't seem to see Muncy!"

"He needs to go to school in the morning. At least experience the school environment! The environment still affects him, and there are many benefits. Otherwise, a person is too lonely! People? Most of them are gregarious!"

For Ding Yu's explanation, Thornton is obviously a little dissatisfied, so he is also trembling and smart, and wants to look at the small fish in the river at a close distance! Ding Yu didn't feel embarrassed. He squatted down with Thornton!

"The little fish is very beautiful. It feels colorful!"

"Yuxi, a kind of river fish with high requirements for water quality, I often saw it when I was a child. Now closing the mountain for afforestation has had a considerable effect! So I can often see that when I was a child, there was no fish tank at home, so I often raised it in cans, but most of them were used to feed chickens and ducks!"

Thornton looks at Ding Yu and feeds chickens and ducks with such lovely feathers. Is it a bit of a bad scene?

It's a pity. If you can, Thornton really wants to try and catch two small fish to see what the effect is, but such a thing? Some are too difficult! It's not that it's difficult for Ding Yu, but that other people will feel very uncomfortable! It's a blessing to be able to come out. It can't be too much!

Do anything, can't go too far! Otherwise, the next time I come out, I don't know when!

"Mr. Ding, I feel like there are a lot of people around me!"

"What do you want to say?" Ding Yu, who stands up, smells salty and insipid! "I think it's a little close to where I live. I shouldn't be disturbed by too many people. Does that mean?"

"I can't say that!" Obviously, Thornton wants to tear it off!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to let him go! "Relatively speaking, I'm not a very extroverted person! Even a little introverted, which was not the case when I was a teenager. Later, I went through quite a lot of things, but in general, I feel a little uncomfortable. It's a drag or even stripping! It's not very comfortable!"

"I don't quite understand! I feel good!"

"The environment is quite different from each other! The angle of standing is also quite different, so it also creates a quite different understanding of what you and I see now! So if you really discuss right and wrong, naturally there is no meaning!" Ding Yu is very patient! "Can you understand what I said?"

"Mr. Ding means not only to look at the superficial right and wrong, but to look at the essence and core, is that right?"

"Good!" Ding Yu said with approval! "It's really good. Your personal growth and growth environment is relatively closed! Do you admit it or not, the reality is the same! And me? The growth and growth environment has changed considerably, and my personal character has also changed greatly! In this case, blame each other! How do you feel?"

"I can't accept it! Is it stupid?"

"Who's stupid?"

"All fools!" Thornton said with a bad smile! "But Mr. Ding, is it a little silly for you to discuss such a problem with a child like me? Can I understand it?"

Ding Yu snorted, "If you don't understand, I won't tell you! Other children can't understand, because they have never been in contact, let alone thinking in this aspect! But what about you? Dare you say you haven't been in contact in this aspect? Or dare you say you haven't thought in this aspect! Maybe this kind of contact and thinking is just subconscious If it's a guide, it's a bad thing! "

"I still think Mr. Ding is a little too bullying! Especially bullying children, he is definitely good at it!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to correct Thornton's intentional foolishness! He doesn't want to talk too much about this problem, and he won't force him. He just wants to surprise himself in the future. The commonness of children!

"Mr. Ding, are you such an educator's children? I sweat for them, and even have some worries! It's terrible! It's hard to imagine!"

"Really?" Ding Yu looked at Thornton with a grim smile! "You use such a trick on others? There are some possibilities, but there is no need in front of me! What's more, you seem to have forgotten something!"

I couldn't help pulling Thornton's hand! Thornton realized it! Then he looked at Ding Yu angrily!

"Mr. Ding, I'm worried about whether you will have nightmares at night!"

His hand is held by Ding Yu. As far as Ding Yu knows, he can not only feel his heart beating, but also control his blood flow! Therefore, if you want to escape from Ding Yu, you are hiding your ears and stealing the bell. How can you ignore this? What's more, he mentioned it in front of his own face!

There is no meaning to save any face for yourself! Although I am a child, I still pay more attention to my face at a considerable time! Mr. Ding, is it really good for you to do so? So when Thornton looked at Ding Yu, his eyes began to resent again! I have mentioned it to others! Mr. Ding is so bullying! Why don't many people believe it?

"Mr. Ding, when will you walk freely in the sun?"

"Before I learned to climb, I began to think about running!" Ding Yu naturally knows Thornton's careful thinking! "But speaking of it, your recovery is still very good, even the effect of exercise. Of course, I want you to control your mind, but what is the main reason?"

"As you said, although my body is in the process of recovery, the function of my body can not recover in a moment, so I need to be quite prepared!"

Thornton didn't hesitate! "When I bring you out today, you let you be contaminated with a little soil and air. If it is really spotless, it is prone to other problems and situations. The truth in this is actually very simple!"

"It seems that you have completely calmed down!"

"Mr. Ding, from the process of talking to you, I find that you don't seem to regard me as a child!"

Ding Yu snorted coldly, "Judging from your age, you are indeed a child, but judging from your psychological quality, you are no longer a child! Even a considerable adult has never seen you think like this! As for your poor performance in many aspects, it is because you don't have much experience! But experience? It will accumulate slowly as you grow older! Not at all Need to be so anxious! "

Thornton held down his breath, "Mr. Ding, I think it would be better for you to treat me as a child more often! I don't think there are too many problems when I am a child!"

"What you think is very beautiful!" Ding Yu snorted with his nose, with more or less disdain, "but your face is really experienced! It's not ordinary! It's really difficult for you, so you can say it!"

"Okay! Okay!" Thornton laughed like a little fox who had just eaten chicken!

"I treat the children at home the same way. Of course, I have considered some questions about your age, but really, you are quite different from them!" Ding Yu gave Thornton a wink. "They don't have much inside information at home. At least they haven't enjoyed the glory in this aspect, but you are different! You see too many things and things! Of course, there are quite disadvantages, such as high ambition, but in general, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages!"

"I always feel that this explanation is a little far fetched!" Thornton has a toothache!

"You are a little too insincere! Even on purpose! Little guy! You are still too young!" Ding Yu said sincerely! "But I can see that you are still ambitious! It's also a good thing! People? Looking forward, it's not a fault! Don't show too much conspiracy theory!"

"Mr. Ding, are you ambitious?" Thornton's eyes blinked!

"Of course! But my ambition? I can't tell you a lot, but I hope I can go further in medicine! It's not as simple as surgery. Surgery is only a part of it for me. I hope I can promote the development of the whole medicine, but now?" Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head!

"Mr. Ding, from your current strength, it doesn't seem difficult!"

"Don't be ridiculous! Do you believe it or not? If you say so in front of others, you will laugh off their big teeth! It's a bit of self deception!"

"Don't go too far, Mr. Ding! I don't know much! What's more, your words are half hidden and half visible. Who knows how much meaning your words contain?"

"Just say you don't agree! Why so many excuses?" Ding Yucai won't choose to believe Thornton's nonsense. Although he is very young, he has a heart! Really more than one! If you are careless, you may fall into the pit!

"Don't you know that well?" But when Thornton said this, his voice was much lower! Look at Ding Yu without any words! Thornton said reluctantly! "Mr. Ding, your ambition is no longer so simple! It's basically an ideal! It's too difficult! And there is considerable research at home. Although you have stood at the top, you want to go through this road! It's basically impossible!"

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, Thornton kicked the small stone in front of him! "Traditional Chinese medicine is too huge! And it's too difficult to cultivate! My condition is solved by traditional Chinese medicine! I don't have much refutation! But Mr. Ding, do you think it's possible? Anyway, I doubt it!"

"You are typical. Pick up chopsticks to eat and put down chopsticks to scold your mother! It's enough to fuck!"

Thornton crooked his mouth twice. Ding Yu's words were too vulgar! But after thinking for a long time, Thornton didn't know how to refute! Because what I said is too true! What I did seems to be true!

"Mr. Ding, as far as I know, you are not like this in ordinary times! Are you revealing your nature now? What's more, it's too much to say rude words in front of children! You can't even be forgiven!"

"Don't play with your tricks. It's a reward to take you out today! It's not a good habit to advance an inch!"

"Hey, hey, you have to say something, don't you?" Although it was broken by Ding Yu! But so what? Thornton didn't do it at all! "But Mr. Ding, it's really difficult! And it's still difficult!"

"Ambition is a good thing, but how to measure it is another thing. My research on traditional Chinese medicine? To a certain extent, it is just a little fur!"

Thornton smiled, and the irony was very strong! "Mr. Ding, this is not necessary! You treated the genetic diseases of the old Peyton family, and you treated my disease. If anyone stands at the top, I don't think there is anyone else except you!"

"The way of looking at problems is too one-sided!" Ding Yu did not show arrogance and complacency because of Thornton's praise! "There is only particularity! There is no universality! If we can study something universal, in my personal opinion, it is the most meaningful!"

"When you say this, I don't have much way to refute! Mr. Ding, what you do? It makes people speechless!"

"It's what it is! There's nothing strange! So don't make a fuss!"

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