Until noon, Ding Yu came back with Thornton!

When entering the room, Ding Yu greeted Sanchez who was always standing there! With a smile from each other, Sanchez didn't come forward! I didn't see setier! What the hell happened? I don't know, but hollian is standing far away! But I don't dare to look directly at Ding Yu!

But at this time, he didn't mean to come near! Every time Ding Yu approaches, hollian feels nervous convulsions in his stomach, which is very uncomfortable! But the situation on the side of setier is particularly serious and can't hold on at all! The doctor examined it just now! The whole person is so dehydrated!

I don't know what way Ding Yu used! Anyway, setier's situation is very serious, otherwise he would never leave halfway! But do you want to revenge Ding Yu? Neither setier nor hollian dared to reveal anything, not even the intention in this regard!

You know, they have some mistakes in their behavior. Ding Yu has caught hold of them, and the end is so miserable! If they really use any means, it will not be as simple as half a life! Ding Yu can chop them and stew them!

After Ding Yu came back with Thornton, except Sanchez, no other people could enter the room immediately! However, Ding Yu didn't let Thornton sit down immediately, but let him move for a period of time, and made a considerable explanation to Sanchez at the same time!

Sanchez nodded at Ding Yu and even made quite a record. Looking at Thornton walking slowly in the room over there, Ding Yu shouted Qiu Tianyang and whispered something!

Soon someone got a wind bucket. It didn't take long. Qiu Tianyang also brought all the drugs. Ding Yu was picky in it and asked someone to pour hot water into the wind bucket! Look at the hot water inside!

Thornton showed his teeth! "Mr. Ding, do you want to kill pigs and depilate? I'm white!"

For Thornton's naughtiness, Ding Yu snorted coldly, "what you think is very beautiful! If there is no such temperature, the medicine in the medicine can't play out, but it's impossible for you to enter now! And your body has just moved! It's not so appropriate now! So wait a little, don't stop! Continue!"

Thornton didn't understand, but he carefully moved his body according to Ding Yu's way!

After leaving Ding Yu, his strength felt a little out of control, as if he had lost any support! In fact, Thornton's heart is very clear. It must be due to Ding Yu! Otherwise, it would never be so!

But Thornton noticed! What is Ding Yu drinking? He can smell something! Although the taste is not so strong, but the taste is very different! Obviously, the process of walking with him has a lot of cost, which is definitely not as easy as expected!

Even sitting there at this time is definitely not because of laziness!

It's just that Mr. Ding Yuding doesn't like to show it!

When the water temperature is almost adjusted, Ding Yu waves to Thornton! "Sit in! Half an hour! Keep the water temperature during this period!" This is not only for Thornton, but also for the medical staff next to him!

Then in the process of half an hour, Ding Yu sat next to him! Drink water from time to time, plate by plate, string by hand! A little leisurely! Even ignore the world!

When hollian, who had been standing outside, saw setier, he also stepped forward quickly and explained the situation briefly! After all, setier disappeared a little longer!

"Ding Yu is definitely intentional!"

When setier had a problem, Ding Yu came back! After coming back for a long time, saitir can show up here. It's definitely not because he is afraid of Ding Yu. Only after experiencing the pain, can he understand what happened! This pain is beyond the comprehension of others!

Setier subconsciously squeezed his fist! I was in a good mood when I saw Sanchez! Obviously, except for the medical staff in the room, Sanchez didn't mean to get involved. As for what Ding Yu meant? Or Sanchez's own meaning, which is not as important as imagined!

"Mr. Sanchez!" Setier carefully stood beside Sanchez and whispered greetings!

Sanchez had noticed! But I didn't mean to say hello first! I can't make it at all. Their identities are quite different. Bruno was here before! I need to give Bruno this face, since Bruno left! Then there's no need to carry it!

Um! Sanchez nodded. There were no other words. He just looked at Thornton carefully!

It's not good for setier to have other inquiries. Now he really realizes the status gap between each other! The jump was a little too high before! I don't even have a ladder to pull down now! And even if I want to withdraw now, can I withdraw? It's impossible!

Although setier has also recognized a considerable problem, it does not mean that he can solve the problem! This is completely two things!

With so many giants together, we can communicate with each other! It's impossible not to have a long experience, but the problem is that after Bruno left, both Ding Yu and Sanchez stopped all at once! Even setier felt that he had no place to play!

I want to show it, but the problem is Ding Yu? I tried twice. No matter what the reason was, he slapped me in the face one after another, which made me a little dizzy! Not even now! And Sanchez? It's an attitude of ignoring yourself!

For a moment, setier thought a little more! Even the whole person has some absenteeism! However, these have no impact on Sanchez! Even at a glance, there are some shortcomings!

If it weren't for the need to see Thornton, Sanchez wouldn't even want to get close to setier. Bad luck! Because from the current situation of setier, he has been fixed on the guillotine! As for when the guillotine will fall, it depends on Mr. good's choice!

It's no exaggeration to say that even if this order is given now, tomorrow's today is his death day. It's so simple!

Thornton soaked for half an hour and maintained a constant temperature, but for Thornton, there was a little suffering! The taste is too special! Although I have had a considerable adaptation during this period of time, I still have some nausea after such a long time!

At least this so-called medicine fragrance is not so suitable for yourself! Of course, I feel some nausea. It's more psychological! Sitting there with Ding Yu as if he were an uncle, and what about himself? It can only be honestly soaked in the potion!

I'm not the fried chicken to be cooked! Before cooking? You need to pickle it!

After half an hour, Thornton was rinsed again, but the effect was not so obvious. He even rinsed a little with clean water! As for other shampoos or baths, it's impossible!

Looking at Thornton who has been wiped clean and wrapped sitting there, Ding Yu nodded! Touched Thornton's vein with a clean hand! It took a while to release! "Some wear and tear, but it's not a big problem. Just rest for a few days! Your previous foundation is still very good!"

At this time, the people in the field did not continue to stay! Ding Yu didn't say, but his attitude was obvious!

Thornton, wrapped in a blanket, looked at Ding Yu! "Mr. Ding, you seem a little tired!"

In this regard, Ding Yu humed, "aren't you tired? After walking for so long? Or do I need to say that I'm just a person, not a so-called God! Don't look too high at me! It doesn't make any sense!"

"I still think you are quite different!" Thornton may feel a little hot, but he didn't want to lift the thin blanket on his body and open a little gap! "But after visiting for such a long time, although there is some excitement in the spirit, I really feel some problems in the body!"

"If there is nothing to do, take a rest after dinner. The rest time may be a little long, at least compared with ordinary times. After waking up, let the medical staff give you a good massage!"

After the explanation, Ding Yucai stood up and didn't let Thornton see him off. He walked out so straight and was stunned to see setier standing at the door! Nodding, I said hello! That's it! Keep waiting for Sanchez to come! The two shook hands with each other! There is an obvious difference in this treatment!

"It looks a little tired!"

"Isn't it?" Ding Yu didn't cover up at all! "I'm going back to eat and have a rest. I'll give it to you here? I don't have so much time and leisure. I've explained quite a few things!"

"I'll see you off!"

Shaking his head at Sanchez, Ding Yu left unsteadily! After waiting for Ding Yu's figure to disappear, Sanchez took back his eyes, took a look at setier, and the two went into the room to see Thornton!

Walking on the way back, Ding Yu greeted Qiu Tianyang who followed him! "What do you see?"

Ah? Qiu Tianyang pursed his lips and thought about it for a while before he said tentatively! "From the director, I see some coincidence, and from there, I see some violation!"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "You're a little frivolous! But seeing these two points? It's not enough, and you linger on the surface! What you see can also be seen by others, and you see more long-term than you! So you need to see the practical problems through these appearances!"

Obviously, Ding Yu is deliberately instructing Qiu Tianyang!

"Reorganize your words!"

Listening to Ding Yu's advice, Qiu Tianyang blinked his eyes, then summoned up his courage and continued to say!

"After the director comes out, everything tends to be in a harmonious state, and there may be considerable problems, but these problems have not been directly revealed! What I can think of, I can't think of further!"

"Good!" Ding Yu praised this very much. "You can see and even analyze quite a few problems! It seems that you are still capable! From this extension, the current contradiction is not as fierce as imagined! It does not mean that the contradiction does not exist, but that neither of them means to further worsen the contradiction!"

"Director! I can't see so far. I'm still a little too young!"

"Cut!" Ding Yu snorted with disdain! "Say you're fat and you're panting! I don't like it very much! Don't do this in the future!"

Facing Ding Yu's warning, Qiu Tianyang nodded quickly! At the same time, the impression and feeling of Ding Yu are deep again! After more contact with Ding Yu, you will find that the director is cold on the surface quite often, mainly because the director is too calm! And this calm makes everyone mistakenly think that Ding Yu is cold and heartless!

But don't tell! It is precisely because of this that senior brothers who want to come to their home show some liveliness when they get along with the director. They didn't have such feelings at that time, but now they are particularly impressed because they get along with the director alone!

However, these are also due to the previous time, elder martial brother laid a very solid foundation for himself, and he also insisted on it! Otherwise, will the director keep himself? It's impossible!

"Director, I see!" Qiu Tianyang quickly admitted his mistake! "Director, do you think the current situation is good or bad? I always feel a little strange!"

"It's not a strange question. Let me ask you a question! How many forces do you think there are at the scene?"

Ah? This question is a bit deadly, but Qiu Tianyang can't help answering it!

"I think it's two forces! On the one hand, it's from the director and on the other hand, it's from those guys!"

"You represent the power of the intelligence department! This is not something you want to deny. No matter who is present, you have not forgotten your identity! Although you are a person, everyone's defense against you is absolutely..." Ding Yu even showed his teeth!

Qiu Tianyang feels wronged about this! "Director! Is this a bit too bullying? I didn't do anything, just like a pure deer! Why?"

"You say so, but it's a little too Versailles!" Ding Yu means something on purpose! "You! Do you think you are a little transparent, but these guys present? Which one is not trained!"

At this moment, it was Qiu Tianyang's turn to be speechless! "I thought I was hiding well? I didn't expect everyone to be so bad and watch my jokes there!" It's NIMA's, Qiu Tianyang's heart won't collapse too much, but it's definitely quite uncomfortable! After all, no one wants to be a monkey!

"Let's not talk about the forces here! How many forces do you think there are over there? Think about it later!"

Qiu Tianyang has a headache! "Director, there are too many! On the surface, Thornton is the child! But as far as the information is concerned, it is not so clear whether the child is Thornton!" When he said this, Qiu Tianyang deliberately glanced at Ding Yu! But obviously, there is no effect, white trial!

"They all focus on Thornton, the child! What is extended is the family behind him! Although this force has never leaked its true face and will even be ignored, no one can underestimate it! Mr. Sanchez represents a force! Together with setier, they also represent a force!"

"Each force represents different interest demands! This is a very normal thing! But so many forces are mixed together! The contradictions in it! It doesn't mean that you can control if you want to control! So at this time! It's good to achieve considerable goals!"

Qiu Tianyang pondered over the meaning of what the director said!

"Director! I'm afraid it's very difficult! It's even difficult to realize it at all! Because the forces involved are very unbalanced! Under such circumstances, the appetite is naturally quite different! And even at the current position, no one stands up!"

Speaking of this, Qiu Tianyang looked at Ding Yu suspiciously!

Ding Yu shook his head! "Why should I stand up? I have nothing to do when I'm idle? I naturally have this power, but does it mean anything to me? Even if I can be impartial, what can I do?"

"Hard work is not pleasing!" Obviously, Qiu Tianyang also recognized the problem!

"You can see, can't I see! Anyway, as far as I am concerned, since they won't make trouble on my site, I will turn a blind eye to and listen to the problems between them! Of course, sometimes it's OK to burn a fire for them! Although the weather has warmed up, we still need to keep warm!"

Huh?! Qiu Tianyang's eyes at Ding Yu are so wrong! Director, is it really good for you to do so? And it's embarrassing for you to say so in front of me!

So the helpless Qiu Tianyang can only scratch his head!

"You are very similar to your elder martial brother in this regard, but there is no need to learn from him. You are quite different from his character! You need to pay attention in the future! Ten thousand words are better than silence! But you should be prepared when you need it!"

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