The Wangs are talking about Xiaogang and Ding Yu! And Ding Yu is very comfortable here!

Personally took Wang Xiaogang to the school and held a parents' meeting for Wang Xiaogang! This is a different rule from other places! To be exact, it is the arrangement of the school, which is to give parents a vent. The children have gone to junior high school! It is quite different from primary school! Need to re specify the equivalent plan!

After junior high school, children spend most of their time in school and at home! They are no longer ignorant. Learning is arranged by the school, but they must be assisted by other means and arrangements at home!

Otherwise, all the previous achievements may be wasted. Doesn't it mean that everything is safe after entering the school? How is that possible? Don't even think about it!

So we need to let parents have a good understanding! Only in this way can we better cultivate children!

After all, from now on, a child's life has started! If you want them to go to kangguang Avenue, you can't ignore them! This is the purpose of the school's parents' meeting!

And Ding Yu took Wang Xiaogang into the school together. The sensation caused by this was completely uncontrollable!

Three years ago, Ding Yu took her children into the school, which is the front end of the whole school. Why can the school have today's achievements and scale? The children of the Ding family played a vital role! Even an indispensable link! Even when the Ding children left, they left a batch of seeds for the school!

Now Ding Yu once again took a slightly strange child into the school! Whether it's school? Or your parents, the excited expression can be said to be beyond words! Now at this time, everyone is thinking that this year may be really different! It may be the beginning of a new harvest season!

"Mr. Ding!"

"President Qu!"

The two shook hands with each other! Ding Yu rubbed Wang Xiaogang's head! Wang Xiaogang smiled at the headmaster in front of him. "Hello, headmaster! I'm wang Xiaogang!"

Ding Yu is very satisfied with this! "President Qu, it's a little abrupt! Wang Xiaogang, my nephew, his father is my old brother! He came to study here this year! It's causing trouble for you and the school!"

"Mr. Ding, it's our honor!" Qu Huan tried his best to control the expression on his face. He was happy in his heart! The old headmaster has been promoted! Because the results are too outstanding and remarkable! The one that can't be pressed! After he took over, he ushered in such a big gift! If there were no outsiders, I would jump up!

Wang Xiaogang honestly stood next to him. Although he had his uncle's signal, he still looked at President qu. after obtaining the consent of the two people, he left! Qu Huan has endless feelings. This is the child of the Ding family!

When he came to the school, Ding Yu didn't speak, but he had already stated his position! However, Wang Xiaogang did not leave, but gave himself considerable respect. He left after obtaining his own consent!

Know the rules and be measured! This is a child! Even a considerable adult would not consider it so thoroughly!

Their contact with the Ding children is not particularly long, but even Wei Lai and them have also performed very well and outstanding! It also drives all students to move forward actively! After all, to some extent, they are all children!

But looking at the performance of these children? If someone pulls the flag in front, the people behind will follow involuntarily! A teacher only needs to impart knowledge and simply maintain discipline! As for other things, you don't even need to worry too much!

As for other schools, why can't they do this? Because there is no flag in front! There are sensible children, but let the children who have just entered junior high school start to pull the flag and act as chess players. The requirements for a child's comprehensive quality are too high! This is by no means what ordinary families can do!

Another is the problem of cognition. Qu Huan is also a mother. Her daughter has gone to high school! Although they are from a teacher's family, sometimes they also have a lot of powerlessness!

When you ask for outsiders, you can speak clearly, but when you ask for yourself, you have too much powerlessness!

Fortunately, their children's academic performance is still very good, but it is limited to this! As for other aspects? Compared with many students, there are too many gaps. As for the children of the Ding family! It's a long way from home. It's hard to compare your daughter with others. It's purely intentional disgusting!

With myself, I feel a little ashamed!

"Mr. Ding, this way, please!"

Two people entered the office. The space inside was not big at all, but it was very clean and tidy!

Two simple small talk is a prologue. Then Ding Yucai briefly mentioned Wang Xiaogang!

"Principal Qu, where's Xiaogang? My nephew, his father and I are old brothers! Plus Xiaogang is a good child. He has been growing up with the children at home for so many years. Previously, he also lived alone outside!"

"Alone?" Qu Huan couldn't help looking at Ding Yu!

"I asked. Of course, their family also means this!" Ding Yu smiled, "but to a certain extent, he is not my apprentice, but my family! In order to cultivate his independent ability, there are considerable requirements for him at home. Maybe someone will call you alone in two days!"

Qu Huan couldn't help looking at Ding Yu, "Mr. Ding, is there any requirement here? You..."

Ding Yu shook his head, "Although I let him come here to study, there are no opinions and ideas in their family. It's really not a realistic problem. After all, you and I are both fathers and mothers. This mood is understandable. Their parents can be better and young, so their ideas are very trendy, but the children's grandparents? Ha ha!"

"I see! Mr. Ding, I'll pay attention!"

With Ding Yu's advice, Qu Huan's heart will have a bottom! It's not like when I didn't know anything!

"Headmaster Qu, the children will be handed over to the school! There must be long communication in the future, which will cause you trouble!"

"Mr. Ding, what you said made me feel ashamed!" Qu Huan said with a serious face, "if it weren't for you, how could we have this achievement today? Everyone knows it very well!"

Ding Yu is used to keeping a low profile! Never had any meaning to show yourself! There are many people in the whole city who don't know Ding Yu. There were some rumors in the original time, but now? I can't even hear too many rumors. It's really low-key. People can't understand it!

If you are an ordinary people, it's better to understand. What can you do if you fart loudly? But Ding Yu is quite different. The whole farm is owned by others!

But even so, when did you hear of Ding Yuyao's martial prowess and the Ding family's tyranny? Never! With Mr. Ding and Mrs. Ding, they are also common!

They often take Xiaoyu to have morning tea, and even take Mengxi with them! I've seen it myself, but I went to see two children. I didn't mean to drink morning tea on purpose. There are mainly some old people in that place!

Let's get together, have breakfast, drink tea and have a chat! Although not every day, the elderly have their own life! Now the living conditions in the city are better! They also enjoy themselves!

Xiaoyu must be a lady of the family in the future, which has not run away! But it is impossible for Xiaoyu to carry the flag! It's not that the Ding family doesn't cultivate, nor that Ding Yu is harsh on her! It's really not the reason in this regard! Because her qualifications are much worse!

It is true that the academic performance is good, and even has a certain mastery of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but it lacks that spirit!

And Mengxi, when he first saw it, felt that the child had a problem! But after a period of understanding, I found that this child is not as simple as spirituality! It is simply the existence of demons!

But the devil belongs to the devil. He's too young! And character? It seems too introverted! But fortunately, I don't know what it will look like after Mr. Ding's training. There shouldn't be too many problems!

"Then we may need to deal with more in the future! Please trouble your teachers!"

After chatting in the office, Ding Yu was surrounded by many parents as soon as he came out! There are people in all aspects. Now the Ding family has children to go to school again! Such news only spreads among a few people! Today, Ding Yu came to the school with Wang Xiaogang. Many people knew it, but it was still a little late!

Why is that? Wei Lai and Wang Xiaogang have seen a lot. Although they haven't mentioned it, don't underestimate others! No one is a fool, but there are smart people!

Now that you understand this problem, won't you use your so-called brain to let your children mingle with Wang Xiaogang in the same class? Isn't it fragrant? At the beginning, the Ding family had four children, one for each class! It's better. Now there's only one child in the Ding family. There are more wolves and less meat!

Under such circumstances, if the wind is really released! What will this be like for NIMA?

Moreover, these smart parents know that if they really send all their children to one class, other parents will not agree, the school will not agree, and even Mr. Ding Yuding will have other ideas!

It is precisely because of this aspect that the message is controlled within a very small range!

So after Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang came here today, quite a few people knew that it was too late for them to make some decisions at this time! It doesn't even work! Not that there is no chance, there is a considerable chance, but the opportunity is too obscure, and some people don't seize it!

If you can't seize the opportunity, you really can't blame others! But communicating with Ding Yu is also a good thing! What's more, the Ding family's children can come to school, which shows that there is still a leader in this session! That's all! That's enough!

What's more, Ding Yu is not what you can see when you want to see him at ordinary times. It's not that Ding Yu is high above, but that the scope of Ding Yu's activities is too narrow. If you have an operation at ordinary times, you don't have too many problems! Even very easy to talk, but other times, I can't see it!

People just stay at home! Or deal with business on the farm, you can't go to someone else's house or farm! The nature of things is completely different! I saw you today. Say hello to each other!

Even if it's not for yourself, for the children at home!

Ding Yu chatted with everyone and spoke differently, but everyone was very good at Ding Yu's senses! Why? Because Ding Yu doesn't have any domineering, and even shows great humility! When greeting people, they are also very polite!

At the end of the class, Ding Yucai went to the parents' meeting! I was not the first one to talk to the teacher, but waited for some time! After talking and laughing with the teacher, Wang Xiaogang stood next to his teacher and uncle respectfully! His face is filled with pride and helplessness! Looking at the people not far away, they are all a little overjoyed!

Wang Xiaogang is really sensible!

"Lao Jia! I have to buy me a drink tonight! And I'll go to your house for a drink tonight and ask my sister-in-law to cook for me. If you don't give me ten dishes and eight bowls, I'll lift your table! You're absolutely welcome!"

Jia Heng looked at his old classmate and good friend very speechless. "Well, our whole family recognized your kindness and didn't say anything about it! Come home for a drink tonight! I asked your sister-in-law to give you ten dishes and eight bowls. The best wine was hidden after I got married!" When I said this, I seemed to gnash my teeth, but my mouth had been cracked to my cheek!

"I'll take your sister-in-law there, and the wine won't be used! I'll prepare it for you. I must knock you down tonight! NIMA!"

I said this not because I was angry, but because I was too excited! The children at home can be in the same class with Wang Xiaogang, although they don't know what will happen in the future? But the future is definitely bright!

"It is said that Wei Lai often goes in and out of the small villa on the farm?"

"Less bullshit!" After a glance or so, Yu Qinghua said in a low voice, "the relationship between the bastard at home and Wei Lai is very good. I didn't know it until later. I don't know how to play with Wei Lai. It's different! And really, it doesn't seem to have much relationship?"

Yu Qinghua also wondered about it! "This thing doesn't make sense. I asked! People said they were playing with Wei Lai and they played together! Keep quiet! Otherwise, how can I pull you in! Just our two forces and relations, not to mention five people and six people, but here we are just a little ant!"

The two men looked at each other and couldn't help laughing!

Small county? Although many old people say so, I'm afraid not many people can make it clear how large the city has expanded! But it is definitely a city that can be counted in the whole country, agriculture! Travel Education and so on have brought changes with each passing day to the city!

Especially Yu Qinghua and Jia Heng, they really saw the Mesozoic with their own eyes! Originally, I drove a car around the city for half an hour, almost! You even need to drive a little slower! Hurry up, it may be finished in ten or twenty minutes! right now? An hour and a half, can you? What the two said!

Why? The city has expanded! Originally, the city was just a few small streets! Now? It's all beginning to form a zone! thus it can be seen! How big is the change in the city! Moreover, due to the previous planning, the small county town not only has no sense of clutter, but also has great style and artistic conception!

This situation is even unique in the whole country, because the small county started late, but the planning of the farm is really great! Feedback to the whole city's system is naturally good! It can be said that they are mutual achievements! Fish can't live without water, and water can't live without fish!

Because of this, there are really many people in the city! There are more powerful!

But now children are divided into classes! We can only say that we should eat first and then start. Don't say bran! I can't even eat soil!

Ding Yu left alone. As for the rest, it's up to Wang Xiaogang! As for Mengxi, he didn't come with him. Now his body has improved greatly, but his body has improved greatly. As for other aspects, forget it! It is unrealistic not to require everything to be perfect! It's also illogical!

Anyway, there was not much to do when he was idle, so when Ding Yu came back, he went directly to see Thornton!

His situation is much better than Muncy! Of course, this is also due to the great difference in age between each other!

When Ding Yu came over, Thornton practiced writing. He was crooked and couldn't see any charm! But the posture is very good! Plus, it's also very attentive!

Close the pen, clean it up, and then bow to Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding! Are you here?" Even took the initiative to pour Ding Yu a glass of water!

"It seems that the recovery during this period of time is really good!"

"Mr. Ding should be very busy today!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu with some resentment! "In fact, I also want to go to the school. I heard that there are many people there today! It's also very lively! It's a pity that I can't visit in person!"

"Ouch? I didn't see it. I'm very concerned!"

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