Ding Yu took a sip of water, which seemed to save face! Then put the water cup aside!

"But from your words, I can hear some complaints!"

"No!" Thornton said angrily! "How dare Mr. Ding say such words to his face?"

That's what I said, but the tone of this speech really explains the problem! Even a fool can feel that Thornton has a considerable problem now!

"Really? There are things you dare not do. It's a little rare!"

The two began to fight, but they were both quite skilled and very implicit. They couldn't be like shrews! That would be a shame! Even make people despise! After all, Thornton is still a child!

"Mr. Ding? Shouldn't you accompany Wang Xiaogang at such a time? Would it be inappropriate to come here?"

"Being sent to school is just an attitude! As for the next thing, it has nothing to do with me. The road is ahead! How to go is not something I need to interfere with! When you go the wrong way, give me some advice and make some repairs, that's all! Don't think too beautiful!"

Thornton took a deep breath! Want to continue to talk about this topic, but Thornton also clearly knows that if he continues to use the school as a cover, it will be inappropriate! It is also extremely inappropriate!

"Mengxi doesn't seem to start school today?"

"No?! it's not time yet! And the time of the parents' meeting in their school is different from that in middle school. It's staggered!" Ding Yu explained quite patiently! "And even if I don't show up, there are others. It's like Xiaoyu's parents' meeting. My father and mother used to be very familiar with the school! You seem to forget! My mother used to be a teacher. Although there aren't too many old people in the school now, many of the new generation are taught by my mother!"

In this regard, Thornton is quite speechless!

"Well, I said the wrong thing!" Since we can't play with each other, it's more practical and better! "In fact, I envy you! I also want to go to the school!"

"Just your body?" Ding Yu said sarcastically, and the strange smell came again! "Although after a long time of activity! I still say that, it needs to be released step by step! Don't take too big steps, it's easy to pull the egg!"

"Too vulgar!" Muncy is very dissatisfied! But this dissatisfaction, at most, is verbal dissatisfaction, which has nothing to do with others! And you can see from Mengxi's expression that he just wants to find something cheap from his words!

"Oh! By the way, Mr. Ding, someone sent a jade earlier! Do you think it's ok?"

"A piece of jade?" Ding Yu looked at Meng Xi suspiciously. "Who prepared it for you? It's not so important, but it can get into the eyes of your family and even send it. I can see and reward it! But..."

"Well, Mr. Ding, what's in it?"

Hear the pause between Ding Yu's words! Thornton immediately began to wonder!

"There are statements? There are also statements. There are no statements, and there are not many statements, but the moral is good! There may be something wrong with the way!"

Mengxi immediately took out a small box from the desk and respectfully placed it in front of Ding Yu. He even opened the box in front of Ding Yu! Look at the jade in the box!

"It's a warm jade! It's obviously intentional, but it's not recommended that you wear it, because you're too young. You can wear it selectively after you're 18 years old! It's like children at home. They also have some accessories, such as bracelets, bracelets, etc. I don't prohibit them. They also have gold and jade, but they are basically preserved !”

"Why? Mr. Ding, is there anything else in this?"

Thornton is particularly curious about this, because there is knowledge he doesn't know, and these? Mr. setier can't solve it for himself!

"It's better if you wear a jade pendant, but not many people choose to wear it in modern times, because the jade pendant, to a certain extent, is due to ancient China, which makes the clothes look neat and noble. In addition, the jade is hard but brittle, so you need to pay special attention when walking, sitting and lying. Over time, it will form a relaxed attitude!"

"And that?" Thornton felt like listening to a story!

"It's just one kind of function, but most of them are dignitaries and dignitaries, ordinary people? Most of them are used to symbolize the meaning of beauty! It doesn't matter if it's something handed down by your family. Since it's not handed down by your family, you can selectively wear it after a considerable age, leave it to your offspring, inherit it for thousands of years, and bless future generations!"

"Of course! If you are invited back, such as Taoist or Buddhist, you can wear it, but more often, it is a kind of artistic conception that can only be understood but can not be expressed!"

"It feels like a Swiss watch. Of course, they just publicized a slogan! It's well-made. It's undeniable, but how to say it? It's a bit of a deliberate show off!"

"The situation of jade is quite different from that of a watch. Of course, it doesn't mean there is no hype. Of course, there is! In modern society! However, there is no way to achieve mass production. This is quite different from that of a watch, but they are all the pursuit of skills. However, in quite cases, it's not recommended that you wear a watch now! Especially for children like you now Son! "

Thornton's eyes couldn't help turning twice. If he realized something, he said!

"Because of the weight of the watch! Is that so?"

"You're smart!" Ding Yu was very satisfied with Thornton's performance, "The children at home also have watches, but they are very careful about the selection of materials. Of course, there are quite reasons, because they have been trained the day after tomorrow, but you are different! It seems that the jade in front of them doesn't have too many problems, but when they are quite old, let's talk about it! At least I personally don't think there is much problem with the jade Very good! "

"I see!" Thornton said happily! "Mr. Ding, I feel that learning from you is quite different from learning from Mr. setier. His way is also very good! But..."

"I can understand. If I really say it, I still have great respect for his knowledge! Respect for knowledge and respect for people are two things! It can't be compared, because there will be a lot of things involved! Also, looking at history, you will find that many so-called bad people can't be said to be omniscient, but they all have considerable ability!"

"Mr. Ding, I don't quite understand it! I feel that your words are a little tongue twister!"

"Don't look at problems from the perspective of pros and cons, right and wrong, that is, from the perspective of a bystander! You can see many different places! There are also some things in your family? You can touch, but first stage? Don't touch too much! Your father knows what this means?!"

What? Thornton couldn't help taking a step back! Looking suspiciously at Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding, you seem to know a lot about the situation at home!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "this is inferred, not investigated. When you have time, ask your father, and you will know what happened. I believe your father will agree with it!"

With his hand, Ding Yu explained!

"I stand at the same height as your father. I can change what he can see. He can also see what I can see, but we have quite different ways of handling and understanding each other, which also leads to quite different results!"

"Just remember! It doesn't matter whether you can understand it or when you can understand it!"

Yes! That's another story!

"OK! I was a little depressed before! But now it's much better?!" Thornton said impatiently! "But I'm still very happy that Mr. Ding can come!"

"You think a little too much! I'm just idle and have nothing to do, so come and have a look at your health! That's all!" As for whether Thornton is full of black lines, does it have anything to do with himself?

"Mr. Ding, it seems that my current physical condition has greatly improved!"

"It's true that your physical condition has greatly improved! You've been extended to six minutes! It can't be longer! What's more, it's the reason for this weather, spring sowing and summer ploughing! Autumn harvest and winter storage! It's a process! It needs to be gradual! It doesn't mean you can do what you want! Now you need to restrain a little and wait two more days Days of time, you need to deliberately restrain yourself! "

Convergence? Under Ding Yu's sign, Thornton sat down beside Ding Yu!

"The weather is changing slowly, just like a bear in winter! Before winter, you need to replenish yourself! In this way, you can have enough fat to survive the winter and rejuvenate yourself in spring, not wake up again in winter! At that time, although everything can't be quiet! But it's too much to find food again Difficult, and quite dangerous! This is also the best example for you! "

"I understand! Although I have been precipitated and maintained for quite a long time, my foundation is really bad enough! At this time, I still need to continue to accumulate myself! I can't give up halfway!"

Ding Yu's eyes twinkled slightly! Thornton could say such a truth, but he didn't think of it!

So I deliberately adjusted my sitting posture! I looked at it carefully for some time!

"OK! I'm a little knowledgeable! To say such a thing, you not only need to be mentally active! At the same time, you also need a clear mind! I thought you would continue to jump! It's like a grasshopper!"

"Mr. Ding! Is such a metaphor really good?" Thornton is a little sad and funny!

"Just talk about the matter! It's no big deal! But do you want to say that your progress is too great? Or does Mengxi's performance stimulate you? I really have some doubts, but I need to mention a problem, a very important problem! You don't have to think about Xiaogang! You can meet each other, but I'm afraid you can't hold it!"

Now Thornton is quite different from Thornton who just came here!

"Mr. Ding, I can deal with Mengxi, but many places just rely on age and experience! But it is also very limited. Of course, there are not many problems in human and worldly sophistication! It's no exaggeration to say that Mengxi has never experienced these? It's too far away! But there is no comparison in intelligence!"

"A little self modesty!"

"Just watch my jokes!" Thornton couldn't help laughing. He was proud and relaxed at the same time! "I have not been able to face up to these problems before. At the same time, I was a little dissatisfied. However, after listening to the words of the two workers, I felt some emotion. They said! If you don't agree with an expert, you are guilty!"

Ding Yu was stunned. "Who! I should have said this! I was preempted!"

"Mr. Ding, just two ordinary people! What he said is just family talk!" Thornton was a little proud. This was originally the actual situation. He heard it by chance when he went out for a walk. Really, no one else deliberately mentioned it, not to mention that his scope of activities was always on the farm!

If the farm can't even do this safely, it will make people laugh!

"Well, it's not easy for you to say this, but can you understand it?"

"I can't say understanding, but the more simple the words are, the more popular and clear the truth is!"

"Not bad! Know people and make good use of them! It seems that there are many doorways in it! Since you have your own understanding of this aspect, understand it well! I don't need to be talkative! Other people in the province dislike it!"

Thornton understood what Ding Yu meant when he said this. Aren't they the best models now? There is no problem with their knowledge, but they are too involved in other aspects and intervene too deeply. It doesn't mean that they can withdraw if they want to pull it out. It's impossible!

They have only one way to go to the dark, even if they want to understand! There will never be too many scruples!

"Mr. Ding, if you can't learn anything by your side, I'm afraid you've kicked me away already? Even if you don't kick me away, I'm afraid it's just a cure!"

"Straightforward enough!" Ding Yu snorted, "OK! That's all for today's main body! Say something else!"

Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to talk about Wang Xiaogang and Meng Xi!

"You've been here for almost half a year! Now it's generally stable! Whether it's work and rest, or life, you have a certain degree of stability. Is there any hope in other aspects?"

"Not much?" But then Thornton had an idea, "Mr. Ding, I heard that your words have always been secret. In fact, I have seen a lot at home and don't quite understand!"

"Do you still collect this? It's not so unexpected!" Ding Yu doesn't care! "But they don't have much use! Oranges and apricots are some good things, but they can keep them. If you take them, they don't have much use! But people? They're always a little curious!"


"I don't say much, but I don't say much! But there is basically not much spread in the market! I think it should be collected by various forces! Is it to guess my character through handwriting, or to imitate, or other functions? It's not enough! But it doesn't condense my spirit! Can you understand?"

"A little understood!"

"A lot of handwriting is just something that is easy to do, and even the things produced on the assembly line are inferior. Some are exquisitely carved! It not only has considerable artistic value, but also condenses a lot of Mr. Ding's efforts!"

"Smart!" Ding Yu smiled with satisfaction. "There aren't many such things! It can be said that few have spread. Of course, there are some of my comments in the study at home, but it's no use watching them! Because those are just my personal understanding. When others can't reach my height, they can only watch the excitement!"

Thornton couldn't help scratching his head! "It's a little troublesome!"

"So! Don't think of any bad ideas! As for you personally? You can make other copies, but as for mine, there's no need! As for you personally, there's only disadvantages and no benefits! Of course, you have to beg for nothing and keep looking for death, and I don't have any way!"

Thornton has so many to be angry and cry! "Mr. Ding, you can't comfort me. I thought I could get at least something? You're good! You didn't just kill my positive type! You even poured cold water!"

"If I don't tell you something serious and understand, can you remember? Such things need a heavy hammer at the beginning, and it will wake you up immediately! It will save you from confusion in the future, and it is also a warning to you! You can't consume your energy too much!"

"I see! Sir, when I was a child, I actually taught in this aspect, such as pinching fingers in the door, touching the kettle, etc.! Although they are all mild, they are too impressed! Now I think they are the same! But the process is quite different, that's all!"

"Being able to do such a thing shows that your family attaches great importance to this aspect, but the way needs to be quite different! At the same time, it also has high requirements for children!"

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