For Thornton, Ding Yu's conversation is a psychological counseling. He doesn't have to ask Thornton how to do it. At this point, Ding Yu is very different from setier and hollian!

They are not only filling in ducks to educate Thornton, but also mixed with their own unique understanding, and this understanding? To a considerable extent, it has a great prejudice!

Ding Yu didn't do that because it didn't make any sense. It's true that he has an opposite relationship with Thornton's father! But this is not Ding Yu's reason to deal with Thornton! There is no such need! There is no such villain!

Although I am not a good person, it does not mean that I have no bottom line when I do things!

Ding Yu even took the initiative to tell Thornton about this! If Ding Yu takes the initiative to set up a set for Thornton, can Thornton escape? It's impossible! Although Thornton is very smart and even has a rich family background, so what? Does it mean anything to Ding Yu? Not at all!

It's too few to find such a spiritual child! One of the few, as for their future? It is still unknown whether it will make a considerable contribution to human development! But I will never ignore the development and promotion of the whole civilization because of a little selfishness! This is absolutely not allowed for Ding Yu!

"See you later! Wang Xiaogang went to school the first day today. I really need to make some other preparations!"

"Help me prepare it! It's also my gift!"

Ding Yu touched it with his hand! Left with a smile!

When saitil entered the room, he looked at Thornton sitting there and asked puzzled! "Master Thornton, I saw Mr. Ding just now. He seems very happy!"

"He is very happy, but I am so depressed!" Thornton looked at the talking satyr with some grievances, "madder! He's an asshole, you know? He even came to me to bang se! Wang Xiaogang is his nephew. Everyone knows this, but you don't have to mention it in front of me again?"

Ah? Hey! Hi!

Setier immediately understood why master Thornton would be so wronged. If he were himself, it seems that he would be the same! This is a little too bullying children! I know you are powerful and that Wang Xiaogang is your nephew. Even you deliberately let him come to junior high school, but this is not your reason to show off, is it?

The most special thing is that you still show off in front of master Thornton. What do you want? You didn't do that! That's too much! But all individuals, it is impossible to do so!

But for Ding Yu, setier's psychology can be said to be particularly complex! Because I had nothing to do with him, I used to rely on master Thornton and even Mr. Goodall behind master Thornton!

But Ding Yu went down with a stick and knocked out his teeth! After stepping on his face under his feet, he never dared to show off in front of Ding Yu again! Then it will not be as simple as killing with a stick! I'm really afraid!

"No one thought of this, but looking at Wang Xiaogang's arrangement, everything has been orderly and extremely low-key since childhood. Although there are many people who pay attention, they have well avoided the eyes of the public! Just like other children of the Ding family! Although they are very concerned in the eyes of many forces, such forces look at it It seems a lot, but what about the outside world? How much do the outside world know about them! "

Thornton's expression was a little dull! I don't seem to realize this problem!

"If so, the children of the Ding family have become famous in the eyes of many forces! But that's it! But to the whole world, they are like a drop of water!"

Setier has different views on this! "They are hiding under the vast ocean! No one knows how huge they are. Even if expensive forces pay attention to them and know how good they are, but to what extent, what they show? Is everything!"

Setier's tone was a little impulsive, and his speech was quite passionate!

"I didn't meet the children of the Ding family. At most, I met Meng Xi. Anyway, Meng Xi behaved very differently in front of me, even quite different. This makes people feel very suspicious! I don't know how much he revealed! Even some don't know!"

In order to prove this, Thornton even pointed to his head, "although I don't want to admit it, Mengxi's IQ is really a little high, even terrible!"

"I've seen the children of the Ding family, but that's the one that shows on the surface. From the outside, they inherited the appearance of Ding Yu and his wife without any defects. This is not a problem, but what else did they inherit? Not many people can make it clear!"

For this, setier still has a clear understanding!

"For them, what they learn in school is as easy as eating and drinking water! For them, the school is at most a place for grade practice, which can better deal with the relationship between students and even frame a considerable context. I believe this is what Ding Yu wants them to do!"

Setier's remark hit the nail on the head!

"As for the framework, whether it is useful or useless is not so important. Just let them realize their own problems! Can they handle all things perfectly? Impossible things! Even they will show considerable mistakes and cognition, but they are surrounded by considerable personnel and Ding Yu behind them Wait! So the children of the Ding family can adjust themselves as quickly as possible! "

Thornton nodded slightly. Obviously, setier still had a considerable understanding. Of course, Thornton might want to understand these things, but if he said so clearly, he couldn't catch it!

"I haven't seen the children of the Ding family. I even asked Mr. Ding in this regard!" Thornton glanced at setier, "but he refused! The reason given is also very sufficient, so I have no way to refute! Not to mention I have seen Muncy! What can I say under such circumstances?"

"Master Thornton, we need to add some!"

In this regard, Thornton was speechless, but he still bit his back teeth and nodded to setier!

"I can insist! There are not many problems! I don't believe it! I can be compared by the children of the Ding family!"

Seeing Thornton's appearance, satyr is very happy. Now Thornton is very dependent on himself. As for the situation of Ding Yu, he also has a certain understanding through chatting with Thornton. When Ding Yu comes, most of them are for treatment, both physically and psychologically!

Even setier came in and saw it twice! Don't say that children like master Thornton can't bear it. Even adults like themselves can't bear the poisonous tongue like Ding Yu, but the way Ding Yu adopts makes them don't know how to deal with it! There is a needle in it. It's very feminine!

Even setier, there are some uncontrollable, want to directly give Ding Yu two punches!

Treat yourself like this, you can! There is no problem, but master Thornton is a child after all. Is it a little too much for you to adopt such ways and means! In other words, you Ding Yu is a giant. Is it difficult to be an individual and an animal? Not like words! What a shame!

But in this case, setier can only hold in his heart and dare not mention it in front of Ding Yu!

Because Ding Yu has warned himself very seriously! Even if you are angry and oppressed again, you can only bear it!

The only thing that makes him feel so happy is that although Thornton is a child, he can withstand Ding Yu's strange atmosphere. Although he may make a fuss afterwards and get angry in serious cases, he doesn't have much physical condition, that's all!

He even contacted Mr. Goode and mentioned this. Mr. Goode didn't say much about it. It's obvious that Thornton is in Ding Yu's hand now! This is Ding Yu's territory, and Thornton can't live without Ding Yu!

Under such circumstances? What can Mr. good say? It's not good to find Ding Yu or not, so you can only hide things in your heart, don't make any comments, and even think that things haven't happened!

What will happen in the future? That's another thing, now? It's better to stop! At least for any party, it has considerable benefits!

In fact, in Goodall's heart, he had the idea of stabbing setier with a knife!

I have investigated for such a long time and think that setier and hollian have very good knowledge and are trustworthy, but you give me such a return? If it weren't for Thornton's sake, would he have been covered in the drum all the time!

I asked you to teach Thornton knowledge and broaden his horizons, not to let you chew your tongue near Thornton's ears and impose something on Thornton? What's the matter? Is to make Thornton your puppet. You can do whatever you want? Do you mean this?

What's more, what are you complaining about? For Ding Yu!

I may not understand other things, but I know very well about Ding Yu's teaching Thornton. Although I don't have much contact with Thornton, or even don't mention much about each other, it doesn't mean I really don't care at all! To be exact, I am very concerned about it!

The reason why there can be no disclosure is very simple. He and Ding Yu are opposite sides. The current situation is particularly special. Whether it is the cleaning of the board of directors or the cleaning of the White House, they are going on one after another!

If I say that I have any disclosure to Ding Yu at this time, I will be doubted. It is true that my identity is extraordinary. It is true that I have a deep foundation and can't bear it!

Moreover, even if he can carry it, will Ding Yu be interested in this aspect?

To some extent, the reason why Ding Yu taught Thornton is actually very simple! One is due to Bruno, the other is that Thornton's performance moved Ding Yu! That's it!

Thornton finally had such an opportunity. Is it difficult for him to be a father and forcibly destroy this opportunity? Just because they are opposite to Ding Yu? Are you kidding?

The reason for their opposition to Ding Yu is too complex. It doesn't mean that they are opposed to Ding Yu. It's really not such a thing, but behind each other, there are huge forces! The two forces have long been on the opposite side of each other, that's all!

Personally, Gude feels that he does not have too many contradictions with Ding Yu, and even secretly has considerable appreciation. This appreciation is mutual! But who would say such a thing!

Only those who have water in their heads, like setier, can come up with such a bad idea to complain to themselves! How did you fall in love with him at the beginning? But it's also wrong. If not, can Thornton get a very good temper? Can be valued by Ding Yu?

So now setier? Let him honestly act as a grindstone! When it's useless, it'll be solved cleanly! It would be quite inappropriate for such a person to be left to Thornton! Even have a lot of trouble!

Ding Yu is a little lazy here. He is alone. Qiu Tianyang has gone back! What is the reason? Ding Yu doesn't mean to ask. He must have a considerable relationship with the intelligence department!

However, such things have been expected before, so there is nothing strange!

Because of this, Ding Yu didn't even mean to ask! Whatever you like? I really don't want to be involved with the intelligence department at this time! Too sensitive!

Just put this line there! If you really want to hide, you can't hide, whether it's your uncle? Or Qiu Tianyang and Hou Tianliang, don't talk about their relationship! Even if you deny it, what can you do?

To a certain extent, more lice do not itch, more debt do not worry!

On the other hand, Wang Xiaogang went to Ding Yu to study, which really caused a certain fluctuation in a small range! Many people even called Wang Changlin personally. Of course, it was not a question!

Question what? They are Ding Yu's nephew. Ding Yu brought them out by himself. Ding Yu arranged them all the way! It belongs to the core of Ding's children, but it doesn't show its existence!

Originally, it seemed to be the kind of wandering outside, but now it depends on Ding Yu recently! This is NIMA's!

How many people have red eyes! Previously, Wang Xiaogang was still young. It's hard to say too much, not to mention that he was always outside! Now it's good! When Wang Xiaogang was in junior high school, Ding Yu arranged his position next to him at the first time, that is to say, Ding Yu should take Ding Yu personally!

What's more, Ding Yu has been on the farm all this time? Wang Xiaogang will be educated by Ding Yu! That's great! Even if you are eccentric, is it too much? It is true that Wang Xiaogang is excellent, but no matter how excellent, you can't do it like this! Is there any way for other children to live?

The other children of the Ding family have gone out! Now Wang Xiaogang is ready to take over! Next may be Muncy! One by one, no one fell! We really feel that we can't control the power of our bodies!

They even want to have a good fight with Wang Changlin. It's too bullying! The eldest son was lost! Now it's not just as simple as finding it back. Although it's also a happy thing, what about the follow-up? If Wang didn't pit Ding Yu, would the current Wang family go to heaven?

And even if it's not heaven yet? But what about the foundation?

What's more, how old is Ding Yu now! Less to say, at least 30 or 40 years, there is no problem, this is less to say! Generation after generation, stubble after stubble!

Wang Changlin is also a little miserable now. There is no time for lunch! Someone directly blocked the door of his office! It's almost rolling up your arms and sleeves! fuck! It's scary! I don't know. I thought something had happened to me! There's no such thing!

But obviously, Wang Changlin has provoked public anger now! But who did Wang Changlin find to reason with? To reason with your eldest son, or with your grandson? You can't find anyone!

It's not appropriate to find Ding Yu, the eldest son. Now don't disturb the eldest son! It's no use disturbing him. Whether he will answer the phone or not is probably a matter of two words!

As for looking for Xiao Gang? It won't have any effect. To a certain extent, don't look at him on the table! But everyone knows that he is just a decoration, at least at this time!

So this pressure still needs to be borne by Wang Changlin himself, but Wang Changlin is still very proud. Don't look at being blocked by so many people! So what? Do other people have such opportunities? Not at all!

Even if they want to find such a chance, they can't find it!

But what about Wang Changlin? There are also some feelings. Although the eldest son hasn't called now, I believe he will explain to himself! It's just that there may be a slight delay in time!

Now if you have contact with yourself at this time, it is definitely not a good thing for him! When the wind stops a little, I believe that at that time, the eldest son will definitely call, but he may call himself alone!

In this regard, Wang Changlin has considerable confidence!

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