In the evening, Wang Xiaogang didn't come to Ding Yu. On the one hand, there were activities. On the other hand, it was really not so convenient! And Ding Yu went to his parents' place leisurely!

Xiaoyu and Mengxi are fooling around. To be exact, Xiaoyu always has some resentment. Now it's difficult to suppress Mengxi! This is less than a year! It's really a little short! Not enough bullying!

main cause? Or grew up because of the light rain! That figure is really exaggerated! So Xiaoyu is very dissatisfied with this, but here in Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, Xiaoyu point is completely suppressed by blood! Obediently lying on one side of the position, even the eyes are reluctant to open!

Mengxi also knows how it happened, although he has tried his best to avoid it! But inadvertently, you will still be provoked by the light rain! This made Meng Xi very angry, so the two little guys muttered under the eyes of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying!

"Boss, didn't you bring the child?" Wang Changlin asked subconsciously when he saw his son!

"No!" Although Ding Yu concealed Wang Xiaogang's identity, he didn't do much avoidance in other places! "He has quite a lot of things, not to mention it's not so convenient to come here! And he's also taken care of. I'll give you some advice when it's quite a time! He's not a child!"

"You!" In this regard, Zhao Shuying took a complaining look! There is a little dissatisfaction on his face! "After all, I just went to junior high school. I'm still a child! I can't ask too much! It's inappropriate, and there are some inappropriate!"

"Yes! Children come to study at such a young age!"

For his father's echo, Ding Yu smiled, "it's all right! Different requirements! By the way! I heard that my two nephews have gone to school! There's nothing going on over Ding Ding?"

"Go!" Zhao Shuying looked helpless, "Ding Ding said that the education in the capital is better and closer to home. The two children are too young! But fortunately, they are not spoiled! As for other aspects, your father and I can't ask too much! If they are willing to come back, your father and I are naturally happy. If they don't want to come back, we can't force anything!"

Ding Yu helped his parents carry dishes together. Although there are nannies at home, it's OK to do something within his power. Even Meng Xi, who is impatient with him, is the same. It's definitely not because of his awakening! At ordinary times, he will do so, but he will never be so positive!

Xiaoyu hung on Ding Yu, "uncle, Mengxi is a little bullying!"

"If you don't bully him, I already feel lucky!" Ding Yu rubbed Xiaoyu's head. "Didn't your brother give you a gift for the beginning of school? I've made quite preparations here!"

In this way, not only Xiaoyu, Meng Xi is also looking forward to looking at Ding Yu!

"I've made some gadgets when I'm free these days! I don't know if you're interested! It's just a school gift for you!" Ding Yu raised his hand, because Xiaoyu had held his thigh! Excited like a wild girl! Ding Yu can only try to avoid problems with the plate in his hand!

Zhao Shuying put down the soup bowl in her hand and took over the plate in her son's hand. When she came down in her spare time, she patted Xiaoyu's ass and let her calm down a little! They are already big girls. They need to be reserved! Then he looked at his son discontentedly and was ready to eat! Fooling around, you can't talk after dinner?

When the two little guys eat, they all focus on Ding Yu's face! But fortunately, the food is orderly! It's one of the few good things that you haven't cracked your cheeks!

After dinner, the two did not follow Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to walk around the corner, but one left and one right, as if they were around the Dharma protector. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying shook their heads helplessly!

He took them to the villa, and Ding Yu took them to the study!

Then he put the gift on the table, "I made this, but the raw materials are definitely not made by me, but after considerable processing!"

However, before they finished, Mengxi and Xiaoyu had climbed onto the table and even hit their heads together, but that is to rub them. If they were placed at ordinary times, they would definitely make a noise, but now? No one will care too much! Because they have been attracted by the objects on the table!

"How beautiful!" Xiaoyu's eyes have begun to shine Venus! Muncy blinked his eyes!

"Miss Ding, I want this!"

Xiaoyu glanced at her and snorted slightly, which was different from the gift she had chosen! So there is no need to rob!

"Uncle, the butterfly is really beautiful, just like it is true!"

Ding Yu smiled, "take a breath!"

Xiaoyu's expression was slightly dull. Then he carefully placed the butterfly in front of him and blew a breath carefully! wow Meng Xi couldn't help shouting. It was so shocking!

It's like a butterfly flying in the air. Although there is no light, it flashes a beautiful light under the reflection of the sun! Xiaoyu is completely addicted to it! I can't extricate myself!

Although Mengxi didn't like it very much, he was very excited after seeing it! It's really beautiful! But I am more interested in the workmanship of this butterfly, which is very exquisite!

"Teacher, it's a little special! It's not the kind with diffuse aroma! But vaguely, there's a very unique flavor!" Then Mengxi tilted his head and looked at the belly of the butterfly! After reading for a while, I immediately understood. Come here!

"It's through the principle of resonance! The taste comes from the abdomen! Butterflies fly, and their wings drive the small organs in the abdomen. It must be so!" Mengxi looked at Ding Yu with firm eyes! Thirst for knowledge is very prominent at this moment!

Ding Yu looked at Thornton with suspicious eyes! After reading for a period of time, I pointed to the object in front of me!

"You chose this!"

Meng Xi nodded, while Ding Yu rubbed Meng Xi's head with his hand. "There's no problem taking this gift, but I hope you can explain to me how you know the so-called resonance principle?"

Ah? Mengxi's little face immediately became a mass of pain. The light rain next to Mengxi immediately laughed when he saw Mengxi's eating flat, but he was still very careful to cover his gift with a dust cover! I really like this gift!

"Xiaoyu, I hope you can break the pupa and become a butterfly! This is your expectation! Your performance in the past two years is very good! I hope you can continue to keep it! Don't be too proud!"

"Yes!" Drizzle nodded heavily! "Uncle, I won't let Grandpa and grandma, you and brother down!"

"That's a little too much! To be exact, I hope you can break your cocoon and become a butterfly, and we can become your reserve force! I give you considerable support! But no one can replace you! You should be proud, not wronged yourself!"

Xiaoyu doesn't speak. Looking at Ding Yu, her expression is very firm!

Then Ding Yu looked at Mengxi! "Your boy seems a little floating!" Ding Yu's tone is a little frivolous, even with a little provocation! "The gift is for you! There is no doubt about it! Looking at your performance in school, I feel pretty good! I don't have any intention to criticize you! I hope you can firm your feet!"

"Well, I know I'm wrong!"

"No!" Ding Yu shook his head with a smile. "What I'm talking about now is your opening gift. It's your expectation and blessing. I can't equate it with your small problems! It's extremely inappropriate! It's also extremely inappropriate! If I do so, I'm highlighting that I have a considerable personal problem!"

"I don't understand!"

Muncy didn't mean to admit his mistake! Even a little stubborn, but look at his expression, it's definitely intentional!

"Mistakes are mistakes! This matter can't be mentioned now! It's extremely inappropriate! The new semester! Your homework in school? Your performance is excellent! Even I can't find any problems with this, but I hope you can better integrate into the children! Make more friends!"

Muncy muttered his mouth, "some are too childish!" After paying attention to Ding Yu, Meng Xi hesitated and said, "I will try, but teacher, can you not strictly abide by the problems above age? There is no way to communicate! They can't understand what I said, and I feel very helpless!"

Before Ding Yu spoke, Xiaoyu put his arms around Mengxi's neck and directly clamped Mengxi's head under his armpit! "Uncle, don't worry, I'll watch him! The students in the class like Meng Xi very much, and the teachers in the school like Meng Xi very much. In the school, Meng Xi will never have any problems!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! Mengxi is a little dissatisfied, but he can't break free. He can only let it go. If he is outside, with the help of light rain, it's no big deal, but the problem is that he's not outside now. What can he do? Fortunately, sister Xiaoyu, it's not easy to die!

"Another one is Xiaogang's. although he didn't come today, this gift is what he deserves! As for the other children in the family, I have given the gift to the past! I hope everyone has a bright future!"

Xiaoyu carefully carries her gift back, and even asks her nanny to help along the way, because she is very worried about whether she will fall the gift in the process of going back! Because I already have some worries about gain and loss! The gift is really beautiful! How exquisite!

As for Meng Xi's gift, Ding Yu personally sent it to his room! Even helped Mengxi to fix the position. Although Mengxi didn't jump, Ding Yu could hear the sound of jumping feet in the room when he came out of the room alone!

So I also smiled with the security guard next to me. The security guard also felt very interesting. Mengxi is a child. It is the same whether in Mr.'s eyes or in his own eyes!

It's just that he expresses his feelings in a slightly different way! There are quite a few reasons for this, because when he was at home, he was trapped by himself. At most, it was a little better, that's all! As for other aspects? Want to make such a child, immediately earth shaking changes, the requirements are too high!

Of course, Ding Yu has prepared other gifts. Other children of the Meng family, Wei Lai and even Thornton over there have the same gifts. They may not be as exquisite as these children at home, but they are definitely made by Ding Yu himself! It represents Ding Yu's considerable mind. Such a gift is absolutely rare in the past!

Wei Lai, they were the first to receive the gift. There was even a message on the gift, just two words!

But for all these students, this encouragement is absolutely unimaginable, and even makes them have some difficulties to themselves! Because they have entered high school, even earlier than junior high school! At least you need to get familiar with high school life and environment faster!

But Ding Yu gave them such warmth that they couldn't help themselves for a while!

This gift is a little late in terms of time, but it is just right in terms of timing! After all, the life in high school is quite different from that in junior high school, although they have been quite prepared! But the little gift from Ding Yu made them feel a little "discouraged" and think carefully. All of a sudden, they were encouraged again!

As for the children of Ding family, they immediately shouted when they received Ding Yu's gift! Ding Yun, in particular, almost started shouting at his own voice! Looking at what they showed, Ding Yu just looked at it. There were not many words!

But the more so, the more restless these children at home are. It is obvious that they have different perceptions when they enter high school. It is understandable why they behave so wild! Vent your little emotions, that's all!

What else would happen?

After waiting for three days, Ding Yu called his father! Just in time for work, his father hasn't come home yet. Looking at the phone handed over by the attendant, Wang Changlin was quite surprised! But then it reacted!

"Boss's!" Seeing the orderly nodding, Wang Changlin gave a well, and reached out to answer the phone! "Don't tell your aunt and home!"

After connecting the phone, Wang Changlin snorted, "boss, you chose to call at this time. Is it a bit intentional? Even there are some outrageous things! Do you know how worried you are at home!"

"OK!" Ding Yu's answer was neat and clear, not sloppy at all!

Yes! It was a two word answer that almost choked Wang Changlin! But fortunately, it's also a habit. If the boss doesn't, he will make himself feel so strange!

"Xiaogang has been settled there? There are also considerable worries at home. I'm very happy. However, your mother has great opinions on this matter. She hasn't been able to calm down for a moment!"

"So I'll say hello to you in advance and I'll call her later!"

"You! There's no one in your mind!" Wang Changlin couldn't help laughing. "It's not impossible. What's the situation over there? All the children at home have gone to school? Is there no problem?"

"Everything is fine! At least from the current situation, it's quite good. Wang An and they have all sent you to high school! The learning problems are not very big, which I have nothing to worry about. As for other aspects, I'm afraid it's hard to see what in a short time. It takes quite a long time!"

"You! I don't know what to say!" Wang Changlin said earnestly, "the older children in the family go to high school! Xiaogang goes to junior high school, and you have two young ones there, which is not other people. You, who are a father, a teacher, or even an elder, don't care at all? Your mother and I are about to die of worry!"

"They are still young, and their experience is not so rich. They even go to high school and are in a strange environment. These are objective conditions, but the more so, the more they can promote their growth!"

At this moment, Wang Changlin also lamented his eldest son! It's really considered, not really cold-blooded and ruthless. After all, it's his child and apprentice. Can he have no idea at all? How possible!

However, loving and cherishing do not mean that we must spoil these children at home!

In this regard, the eldest son of his family is really impeccable. Even in many aspects, he, who is an old father, feels very ashamed. Take a look at Ding Yu, Wang Yang and Wang Li, and you will know how different they are!

"In your mother's words, you're a little too much!"

Can Ding Yu not hear what his old father meant when he said this? It's your mother's meaning. There should be more or less your meaning in it! And even if it's the mother's intention, does the mother say things so implicitly? It's impossible at all. Ding Yu can say that he has quite a feeling about it!

Even Ding Yu can imagine how angry his mother was at that time, even worse than expected! This is also the reason why Ding Yu didn't choose to call his mother directly!

There is a little so-called estrangement between myself and my mother. What is the reason for the estrangement? It's not your own problem, nor your mother's problem. If you really mention it, the history is too long!

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