"Your mother wants to get in touch with these children at home and find out about them! After all, school will begin soon! Even school has begun! How can she be a grandmother and not worry at all?"

In this regard, Wang Changlin also has some complaints, and the object of complaint is naturally Ding Yu!

This must be said to your eldest son, even a little more!

"Well, I see!" Ding Yu didn't do any refutation. What he did wrong was wrong! There's no need to deny anything! The more you deny it, the more it represents that there are ghosts in your heart. What's more, you really have plans in other aspects, but some plans are not easy to show now!

You can understand what you haven't seen, but those who don't understand are prone to disputes, so it's better not to say anything!

"Don't you know! I'll talk to your mother when I go back later!"

"Yes, Dad, you're tired! I'll call my mother later!"

Ding Yu's words have always been like this, and even give people the feeling of a little heartless! But Wang Changlin knows very well that his eldest son! It's such a character. Of course, he was not like this when he was a child, but he suffered too many hardships in the process of growing up! That's why this is happening today!

And this kind of suffering, home also occupies a large part! It's no exaggeration to say that it even occupies the vast majority of them. Under such circumstances, how can the eldest son choose? How to choose? Don't stand and talk. It doesn't hurt your back. Why don't you come up and have a try? I'm afraid it's long gone!

Put down the phone, Wang Changlin returned home, just in time for Wang Li to come with her two sons. They are also in school! It seems very happy. There are many children playing with them, so they are very excited!

When I came back, my energy didn't seem to radiate at all!

"How's school?" Wang Changlin winked at Su Yuan!

Before the two grandsons spoke, Wang Li said helplessly, "good guy! Now I'm in school! I don't know what to say at the gate of that school! There are many people I know! How to say? Children are lively, but a considerable part? They are so naughty!"

"As if you were obedient when you were a child!" Su Yuan directly put a knife in the past!

"In fact, Wang Yang was the most obedient person in the family at that time! You were the most disobedient! Like a tomboy! You didn't teach the children in the whole courtyard. At that time, your father and I didn't worry about other things. The most worried thing was that when we came home from work, some people were blocked at the door! Otherwise, it was me The two of us took turns to apologize and make amends, and even a lot of wages were lost on the window you smashed! "

Wang Li slightly skimmed her mouth and said stubbornly! "I was just a little restless at that time!"

Cut! Su Yuan gave an eye knife. You can say it! I won't expose you! At least save some face for you! I don't know what you were like back then! From heaven to earth, I almost took off the moon!

Wang Changlin whispered to his two grandsons, whispered for a while, then patted them on the ass and let them play! "The boss called earlier. He was in a hurry and didn't say two words. Wait a minute..."

"Brother called?" Wang Li took the message directly! "I called my eldest brother earlier. He seemed a little busy. He didn't answer my phone at all! I have time to settle accounts with him!"

Yes! Wang Changlin doesn't know what to say! Why do you always have you! Is it time to say that? But Wang Li's interruption made Su Yuan's face a little ugly!

A dull hum! "Oh! Young master, do you still have this free time? The sun is coming out from the west?"

Ah? Upon hearing this, Wang Li immediately felt something was wrong! Peeked, then looked at his father! Wang Changlin nodded slightly!

"All the children at home are in high school! Xiao Gang is going to junior high school! Meng Xi, Xiao Yu and others should go to school, and those who should go to kindergarten should go to kindergarten!"

"And kindergarten?" Wang Li was puzzled and asked, Wang Xiaogang went to the eldest brother's school. She knew it, but what happened in the kindergarten! I really don't know this!

"Jin's two daughters went to your eldest brother's place. I don't know the specific situation very clearly. Your uncle told me this! But it's just such a news. It's not a great event! But your eldest brother didn't get involved in this matter so much. Anyway, I heard that Jin's daughter-in-law seems to work on a farm and drives a tractor!"

"What? Driving a tractor?"

Su Yuan was really surprised at this!

This is not fun. Is there something behind it?

"Boss, what does this want to do?" From this discourse, we can hear that Su Yuan still cares about Ding Yu! "Kim is at least his safety supervisor! Let his daughter-in-law drive a tractor. It's hard to say. You don't care?"

"The specific situation is not clear!" Wang Changlin shook his head. "I just heard that Jin's daughter-in-law is Mei Lin. she is a very independent person! She has a lot of experience in driving tractors and maintenance. It is said that driving tractors is actually driving agricultural machinery, which is much more complex than tractors! It's not as simple as one of them! It's a talent introduced by the farm!"

"What's all this mess?"

Su Yuan glanced at his husband discontentedly. After his interruption, his previous depression dissipated a lot! Even what they want to say, some have forgotten!

Wang Changlin smiled because he made an opening speech and even dissipated his wife's anger. Fortunately, his daughter came with her grandson! It's a cover for yourself, otherwise I don't know what will happen! Although I have done quite a lot of preparatory work before, I also have some deficiency in my heart!

"When will he call!"

"I don't know! His work is quite busy! Now I see some light in the farm and consortium, but I just see some light. What will happen in the future? I don't know yet!"

Su Yuan snorted, then put the target on his daughter, "what are you looking for your big brother for?"

"Didn't Xiao Gang go to school with my eldest brother? I'm curious about this, but the main reason is that the two children at home have gradually entered the school. I can't stand the eldest brother's way of education. It's too cruel! Xiao Gang can accept it, but they can't stand it! I asked the eldest housekeeper to help me, and I thought If you have time, take a look by the way! "

Um! Su Yuan didn't mean to chase his daughter and don't give her a way to live! Wang Li's meaning is very simple. The way of education of the eldest son is absolutely not acceptable to anyone. It's too cruel! Of course, the qualification requirements for children are also very high!

Wang Xiaogang has such talent, but it doesn't mean that other children in the family also have such opportunities, but he has experience and experience in this regard! So it's not a bad thing to find brother Ding Yu to learn from him! It even has considerable benefits! This is Wang Li's purpose!

There are thoughts and even many other resources at home. For children, their talent may be a little poor, but it doesn't mean that it's impossible to take one road, nor can it take other roads! This is Wang Li's purpose!

"Have you discussed with Shangnan?"

"Shang Nan called his eldest brother earlier. It was a long time ago!" While talking, the two brothers ran over one after another and looked at them covered with water? Wang Li's mouth twitched slightly! Coupled with the fishy smell on them, Wang Li was a little anxious!

Wang Changli also slightly twisted his nose. You don't have to look to know that the two little guys are definitely in trouble!

Su Yuan wanted to help, but Wang Changlin shouted! Let Wang Li and the nanny help, but it didn't take long for the two grandsons to cry at their own voices!

"So is Wang Li. How can such a small child get this hand? It's not like words!"

Wang Changlin gave her a sign of calmness. "Wang Li is educating the children! If we get involved, what kind of thing is it? The boss will call later. Have you figured out what to tell him?"

"What? What can I say?" Su Yuan's dissatisfaction! "If he wants to make this call, he will make it. If he doesn't want to make this call, he won't make it. What's the matter? This is a hotel. Come and go if you want! Does that mean?"

Yes! The anger was burned once!

Fortunately, the previous time has been reduced! Otherwise, will the roof be pierced now! It's hard to say! However, Wang Changlin now has quite a lot of experience. After all, his previous preparation is not a joke!

"He's now! It's definitely not as good as he thought! In the past two years, he's been calming down. Especially this year, he honestly stayed at the farm and went to the hospital. It's a long way away! Do you think it's normal?"

Su Yuan's eyebrows wrinkled immediately! "I've heard some, but I don't know so carefully!"

"He has a lot of constraints! That's the main reason why he doesn't have too much contact with his family! You know, it's OK! It's more complex than expected. Maybe a gust of wind blows! In the end, nothing will be left. It's quite possible!"

"Can you?" Su Yuan has a little doubt! But I don't think my husband will deliberately intimidate myself! After so many years of husband and wife, I know that he will not do so!

"All aspects of things are integrated! Really, if he does so now, he is a little deliberately trying to avoid the relationship with his family, but it is definitely good for his family! As for Xiaogang, I believe he is forced! He even bears a lot of pressure!"

"Is he still under considerable pressure?" Su Yuan snorted his nose. "I heard that many people came to you! What's the matter? If you don't call him, you're the trouble of being a father!"

"Don't say so. As for why not find the boss, can't you really find it? It's impossible! It's still easy to find the boss! But obviously, no one is a fool!"

Wang Changlin is definitely broken! The crumpled one is quite explained by Su Yuan!

Because Wang Changlin also has some worries. If he doesn't tell the story clearly, he really doesn't know what will happen in the future if he causes misunderstanding and estrangement between their mother!

"So it seems that the boss hasn't made much noise in the past two years! Last year, he went out for inspection or play! But this year, he was at home all the time!"

Although Su Yuan is not fully aware of the interests, it is impossible to say that she has no feelings at all!

In previous years, what was the situation of the eldest son? At home or abroad, although the scope of activities is not particularly large, at least there are considerable activities!

But this year? Just stay in that small county! Completely monotonous life, hospital! Farm and home! I haven't heard anything else at all. This is very abnormal!

So Su Quan bit his back teeth! "Boss, is this stripping the relationship with the family?"

"No! At least the things in front of us can't be involved in the family. If the family is involved in it! At that time, it's not just that we can't afford to go, but there are some foundations and details in the family, but it's too weak! What's more, the things on my father's side have suffered a heavy blow in the past Next, if there is any carelessness, does the boss manage or ignore it? "

Hiss! Su Yuan couldn't help sucking a few mouthfuls of air conditioning! Suddenly Su Yuan seemed to realize something!

"In that case, the boss has already prepared for this! He did it on purpose!" But then Su Yuan said sternly, "why didn't he say it earlier? Can I stop him as a mother?"

"You can't say it! What you say will have a lot of trouble and inappropriate!"

Wang Changlin has a very clear understanding of this, "will the family know about it at that time? Will the father know about it? Will the outside world know about it? Will there be other evils caused by the disclosure? These are all things the boss needs to consider!"

Although he didn't speak too plainly, Su Yuan still understood!

The relationship between his eldest son and his grandfather! Absolutely not complex to describe! If you really let the old man get involved, I'm sure there will be considerable changes. It's true that the old lady will step in at that time, but can you stop it? It's really hard to say!

"How did you know?" Su Yuan suddenly woke up. At the same time, he looked at his husband with a bad look. "I didn't hear he called you! That didn't count!"

"You can't make a phone call or even get it on the surface. If you can understand, it's best! If you don't understand, it's also very good!"

However, Su Yuan was very upset when he just finished saying this. He slapped Wang Changlin on the thigh and started a little hard. Wang Changlin showed his teeth and even rubbed his thigh!

If you don't understand, you can explain it to you! Instead, he suffered! Who is this? Is it reasonable?

No, Wang Li came in at this time! There were tears in the eyes of the two little guys. It was obvious that they were educated so badly! When I saw the previous scene, I couldn't help laughing! Ha ha laughed!

When Wang Li saw this scene, she was even more angry, and all her education was in vain! But before they caught the two little rabbits, they had already run to their grandfather's side, warm and warm! That little fat hand is still rubbing his thighs for Wang Changlin! That's a lovely man!

Su Yuan can't help it! I slapped both of them on their little buttocks. Before I pulled them out, I wiped their little faces for the two grandsons. Snot bubbles had come out!

"Education is just two sentences!"

"Hey! You can see it by going to the kitchen!" Wang Li said weakly. At the same time, she looked at the two bear children! "There was one careless aunt, so they took out the flour! I don't know how they caught the fish and directly stuffed it into the flour bag! Said it was to give the fish some flour! If you didn't say it, it would be bad for the flour! That doesn't count, and then threw the fish into the pool!"

At this time, the corners of Wang Changlin's mouth began to twitch. As for Su Yuan, he bit his teeth!

The two little guys' ability to observe words and colors is really strong. They arch into Wang Changlin's bad house like quails, because they have noticed it! Grandma and mother seem to be so angry! At this time, you'd better find a cover for yourself! Otherwise, something big will happen!

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