It took a long time to calm down!

The two little guys are finally honest, but when Ding Yu calls, the two little guys can't sit still! Because the sound inside the phone makes them feel very familiar!

So at this time, the uncontrollable little hand also involuntarily extended to the phone!

Always want to catch it!

There's nothing wrong with fooling around with their two little guys at other times, but it's definitely not right now!

So Wang Changlin made a color for Su Yuan and Wang Li. At the same time, he carefully warned his two grandsons that he now has important things to deal with and must not be careless. Otherwise, not only their mother will spank, but also himself and their grandmother will spank!

The two little guys were reluctant, but they left the room under the leadership of Su Yuan and Wang Li!

"Your two nephews! It's really a little tossing! Your mother and Wang Li are so uncertain!"

"It's also the age when people hate dogs!" Ding Yu didn't care at all, "the children at home are of this age! Just give them a good education! Wang Li is a little grumpy sometimes!"

Fortunately, Su Yuan and Wang Li didn't hear this. If they really heard it, what would it be like? It's really hard to say! At this point, Wang Changlin dare not make any guarantee!

So I was really a little confused for a while!

"By the way! Have you eaten yet?"

"No! My parents took two children to visit Meilin! I ate at her place today, and one of my students came here tonight! I ate with him, and he hasn't finished work yet!"

Looking at Su Yuan and Wang Li, Wang Changlin made a sign of calmness, "who is one of your students? I haven't heard you talk about it. Haven't Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang left?"

"Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng recommended them. Now stay with me. I've arranged to stay at the hospital! Stay at the capital hospital? I don't have enough education, coupled with other reasons, so I took over! My hands-on ability is good, but there are still corresponding problems in other aspects, so I'll cultivate them first!"

Ouch! This is a good thing! Su Yuan and Wang Li looked at each other!

"Now that you've been there! Then cultivate well! Can't you perfunctory!"

But that's a little superfluous! Can be recommended by Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng. Obviously, it will not be a bag of wine and rice. This is certain! Two people are Ding Yu's real students!

The whole capital knows this! Shen Mingzheng is a little honest and introverted in character, but Guo Li? Personality is very outgoing, and all aspects are handled properly! At the beginning, Ding Yu took a class. Now Guo Li can be said to be the head of the whole class!

Even in the future, he will be Ding Yu's successor! Maybe there is still a big gap in the technical level! But this relationship and context have been paved down! In another 20 years, it will be a force that can not be ignored!

"Did you have dinner with my mother?"

"Hey! Don't mention it!" Wang Changlin and Ding Yu also got up for family, which can be regarded as easing the atmosphere together! "Didn't Wang Li come with her two children? Well, it's a little mischievous!" Wang Changlin explained to Ding Yu!

Ding Yu also felt so funny about it! The two nephews have some trouble!

Then Wang Changlin handed the phone to Su Yuan next to him! Su Yuan took two deep breaths! "Boss! Why haven't you eaten yet? It's already this time! You need to pay attention to your body, do you hear me?"

I was angry earlier! Now after answering the phone, I don't know where my temper dissipated! Wang Changlin also took a long breath, while Wang Li seemed to be a chicken thief, handed her father a glass of water, and even gave her father a secret gesture of her thumb!


What's going on at home? Even if I don't know everything, I probably know something about it. Obviously, my father has done a lot of work for his mother, otherwise I can stop now? What good things do you think?

Wang Changlin also smiled proudly. Father and daughter now have a good heart!

"How about home? Xiao gang went to your place and didn't cause you any trouble?"

"Hey! He can cause any trouble. He came earlier! I asked Wei Lai and them to bring them for more than two months. They are also very familiar with the situation here. Although they have just started school, they are very smart. The school is very optimistic about him! But they can't be too proud!"

Ding Yu added!

"Really?" Su Yuan almost screamed. His grandson went to Ding Yu. He was quite dissatisfied with this matter, because the eldest son didn't make any consultation with the family, but now his grandson has a good performance, which suddenly broke away the depression in Su Yuan's heart! I feel happy under my heart!

"From the current performance, it's still very good. There's no problem in learning. I've had quite a communication with his nanny and tutor. Just go step by step! There's no need to participate in any competition, and they don't need these! And they don't have much interest in it!"

Ding Yu has a clear understanding of this. Children at home generally don't participate in events such as competitions. It doesn't mean that they don't participate in all events and will participate in some other competitions, but the main thing is music!

Focus on participation!

It doesn't matter whether you win or not! Just cultivate their interests and deepen the friendship between students!

Really, if the children at home are allowed to participate in the competition, it is definitely a constraint for the children at home, or even too restrictive, because they are not such a character, it is not that the competition is bad! This is not the reason!

It's not suitable to take this road. It's necessary to force the children at home to take this road. Isn't it ruining people?

However, Mengxi is interested in this aspect in the future, so he can have a try! At least from the current situation, personality and interest are more appropriate! But no one can tell the future clearly, so we can't draw this conclusion directly!

"I heard that the children at home are busy these two days. Your father and I didn't call!"

How much can you hear some complaints!

"The new school starts. In the new environment, it's always a little busy, but then it's good! There may be a lot more time! There's no need to worry so much. You and my father can rest assured!"

"What are you talking about?" Su Yuan said, "how old are they? Although they have broadened their horizons, they are still children, and they are much younger than their classmates, that is, you have no conscience and are so cruel!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to refute his mother! Now retort, poke your heart!

"How are you and my father recently? How are grandpa and grandma?"

"It's OK. I just had a physical examination two days ago. I don't have any physical problems! Your grandpa and grandma are old and have a little inconvenience in movement. They are not deaf and have no eyes. Everyone is very envious!"

At this point, Su Yuan is not really practicing fraud, nor is he deliberately bragging about anything. That's the actual situation!

The physical conditions of Wang Pu and the old lady can be said to envy others. Others like their age can only lie in bed! If you don't say you can't move, it seems to be the same! Even talking is powerless!

Wang Pu and the old lady, except for some inconvenience in their actions, everything was safe!

Su Yuan still knows how many reasons are due to his eldest son! Speaking of this, Su Yuan also thought of his father. His father left a little early. He spent too much effort in the early years! It's a pity! But finally enjoyed a few years of happiness!

"I don't have much time here, and it's not so convenient. You and my father may be affected!"

"It's all right! The housekeeper often goes there when he's all right! Everything is all right at home. Just rest assured!"

There are not too many contradictions between them. At least from the dialogue, there are no problems. However, Wang Changlin on one side feels some differences through this slightly ordinary dialogue!

I am sure that the eldest son told himself quite a lot through these words! Although there is no explicit mention of all the problems, it is OK to say so much!

At this time, he doesn't mean he doesn't want to move, but he can't move. Under the pressure of all aspects, he can only maintain this situation temporarily! After all, the eldest son is also a man, not a God? If he is a God, he can still stay on the earth. I'm afraid he has already run on Mars!

After almost ten minutes, we basically talked for a short time!

Then Su Yuan handed the phone to Wang Li, "well, your eldest brother is looking for you. It saves you scratching your ears and cheeks! It's not like words!"

Put down the phone, Wang Changlin felt his wife, his body inexplicably light! That's a good thing!

"What? I'm in a good mood!"

Hum! Su Yuan proudly raised his chin, but then he said with some worry! "Although the boss said in an orderly way, I can feel it. There must be considerable pressure in his heart!"

"There must be some pressure!" Wang Changlin said in a low voice, "but his pressure? We can't get involved enough. I'll mention it to Wang Li later! I can't let her tell me about it! The more you say, the more complicated you say, the more chaotic you say! It's bad for the family and the boss!"

"I told her!" Su Yuan's attitude is very firm!

However, before the words were finished, the two grandsons outside Tinga began to shout! I don't know what's going on? Su Yuan went out for a long time before he came back, but when he came back, the two little guys were full of tears and snot, and they were still wrapped in small towels and quilts. They didn't know what had happened!

Su Yuan brought them both to the sofa!

"Look at what your two grandchildren did! It doesn't matter whether the fish and flour were in trouble before, but I went to the pool just now! I was catching fish in it when I went out! It was said that the fish bullied them! They also want to let these fish know how powerful they are!"

At this time, Wang Li handed the phone to her father and looked at her two sons with gnashing teeth. They were a little too out of the circle today! If you don't give them a little more strength, they will really be lawless! What do the father and mother think of themselves at home!

"All right! Don't spank first! Your ass is swollen!"

Su Yuan also complained! "These two are really a little too noisy! They are like you. Anyway, as far as I know, Shangnan was not like this when he was a child. He was very honest!"

"Ding Yun and Ding Chang didn't seem to get there when they were young! I heard!"

Wang Li made a small reply. It doesn't matter at once. She really stabbed the hornet's nest. What covered her face was a scolding. She even slapped Wang Li on the back and made a loud noise. It can be regarded as completely calming the two children! Even when I looked at Su Yuan, my eyes were so different!

When you eat, you are careful! Sit on their small table honestly! When eating, he also paid attention to Su Yuan's face. He never knew how terrible his grandmother would be. His mother like a tiger was so ravaged! They can get better!

Maybe they don't know what it means to kill chickens and frighten monkeys, but they absolutely understand that if they are more dishonest at this time, it will not be as simple as swollen ass at that time!

In this regard, Wang Li also smiled secretly in her heart, but the expression on her face has not been relaxed. Her two children really seem to be what her eldest brother said! They are old enough to be hated by dogs! If you don't look at them, you're really worried, but you can't see them!

If you don't pay attention, I'll give you some so-called threats! Make you feel unusually speechless!

However, due to the twists and turns of the day, the two little guys had dinner and strolled for a while, and they lost too much spirit one by one. In this regard, they performed very well, but it is also because of this that the spirit head was called a foot the next day, which really gave Wang Li a headache!

Anyway, after the elder brother's conditioning, the two bunnies have no physical problems. When they were young, they looked like Michelin tires. Now they are much better, but the physique is like a little tiger. There are really few children of the same age like them. Take it out and absolutely bluff!

Wang Li forced herself into the study. Su Yuan gave her a white eye, but Wang Li didn't do it at all. She sat carelessly on the sofa. Su Yuan was so angry that she was itching!

"Wang Li, are the children asleep?"

"It's good to sleep like a pig. When you wake up at dawn, you will never wake up. Besides, the nanny looks at it. The nanny saves effort! Even the nanny thinks it's a little exaggerated, but it's a little noisy when you wake up. It's difficult for the nanny to get some moths out from time to time! They've left two!"

"It's time for a good education!"

"I'm very clever in learning, but I don't ask for so much at this age! I don't want to be like Mencius!" Wang Li couldn't help shivering, "they'd be better if they were healthy. Everything else is nothing!"

Think about it, do you need to worry about their future? As long as they have good conduct, they really won't make too many requirements in other aspects, and they really can't ask them to be the same as the children in the eldest brother's family!

I begged my eldest brother and Shangnan, but after reading the requirements of the children in my eldest brother's family, Shangnan never mentioned it again. It was his own son! cannot bear sth!

I really doubt how the children in the eldest brother's family stick to it. Even if they are adults like themselves, they can't stick to it at all. If the children really go to Ding's house, they will definitely be dragged to death, which is certain!

At ordinary times, it's no big deal to let the eldest brother educate or give him some advice, but let them receive such education, even if it's OK!

"You are not allowed to tell anyone about today's affairs, and you can't say it with Shangnan. If you mention it in the future, you can, but you can't mention it at this time. Do you hear me?"

Wang Li was stunned, then solemnly nodded her head, "Dad! Mom! Just don't worry! You all said! What's more, I'm not a broken mouth!"

"Xiao gang went to your big brother. It's no big deal. I believe many people have called you and dealt with it! No one will do anything, but it's just a matter on the surface. Don't ask about the things on the inside!"

"I was not so interested in it!" Wang Li smiled, "I was very busy at work. With my two children at home, I can't finish my heart. I'm idle now. That bastard Shangnan is good! Pat his ass and leave! It's like the two children are not his!"

"What are you talking about? It's not like words!" Su Yuan stared! What a big man! Still talking like this! If this is heard by outsiders! It must be said that there is a lack of discipline at home!

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