When Wang Li went to rest, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan also returned to their own room!

But the mood is really relieved a lot!

"The boss should be under great pressure! But he won't say it!"

Su Yuan was full of worry when he said this! "Although he didn't mention it directly, I can feel it!"

After all, Ding Yu was born by himself, and for so many years, his mind as a mother has been placed on him! The feeling is particularly strong!

"It can be better at home, at least not as a drag as it was in the original time!"

Huh?! Wang Changlin didn't speak, but, uh, he didn't mean to express his dissatisfaction!

But Su Yuan said that his old father was involved. After all, he was the most backward person at the beginning? It's your father! It would not have been the situation today if his father had not delayed!

Su Yuan looked at her husband and knew that he was difficult to do. After all, the problems involved his father-in-law!

"Your problems have been largely solved?"

"In general, it has been solved almost! There are two 'idle tigers', which are also things sooner or later. It is not so difficult. The problem is to consider the overall situation. I need to wait. I have had quite a communication with the above on this issue, and there are no problems! The above is also very satisfied with this!"

Wang Changlin is still so proud of this! Pruning the dead branches and leaves by myself is of great benefit to the whole. I didn't do it to others. I just did it myself. Can't I do it like this?

Others are very envious of this, and even have considerable jealousy, but it is still very difficult for them to do it like themselves, because there are so many interests involved, which can't be what they want! The most important point is the lack of considerable support!

If you fall down a little carelessly, you will really fall down and never get up again!

Why can I do it like this, because there is a bottom-up behind it. Although the eldest son doesn't communicate much with himself and doesn't disclose much with the eldest son, the tacit understanding between them is really great!

The quadrangle serves as a bridge. In fact, the number of appearance of the big housekeeper is not much, but the existence of the big housekeeper is enough to explain all the problems! So I don't have much hesitation and ambiguity!

However, some problems can be seen in it! Of course, it is not the problem of the eldest son and the eldest housekeeper, but some of their own problems! Some forces are deep-rooted, not that they can be cleaned up if they want to! It really hurts the muscles and bones, and it hurts the heart! It's not so easy to say!

Without personal experience, it is really difficult to figure out the problems and situations here!

"Since there aren't many problems at home, I hope the boss's problems can be solved quickly!"

Su Yuan made a heartfelt sigh! "If his problems can be solved, it's a big heart disease!"

"It's easy to say, but it's not that simple! The problem of the farm can be better, but the problem of the consortium? When did you hear about this?" Wang Changlin asked, "what's more, even if the problem is solved this time! Big trees attract wind, and the boss has been very low-key! But there are still quite things to come to the door! It can only be said that quite a few problems have been solved temporarily, that's all!"

Hum! Su Yuan was very dissatisfied and kicked Le over because he was on the bed! So it's hard to work!

"What are you talking about? You can't see my eldest son, can you?"

"Is that my question?" Wang Changlin, who was kicked, felt speechless. It was not his problem at all, okay? Can you blame yourself for this? I'm just telling the truth! It's really helpless!

"It's not your problem. Is it my problem?"

Yes! We can't continue the discussion on this issue! Just let her know that there is such a thing! There is no need to continue to spread, so Wang Changlin immediately changed the topic!

"When will you call the children? This has already started school? As a grandmother, you don't have any?"

Not to mention, Su Yuan's attention was immediately attracted! "I'm quite prepared, but I really don't have any requirements! I just miss and worry! Ding Yun and Ding Chang can be better. After all, they're old! But Xiaogang! Alas!"

Su Yuan sighed heavily. The grandson didn't grow up around him since he was a child. He was brought up by his uncle! And I've always been outside. Although my performance is very good and even valued by others, I don't know whether it's because I'm old. I always have a lot of worries!

"What I don't worry about most is Xiao Gang. Although he has been outside all the time! But his experience is very good! I think our boss! There are also some intentions to press him! Otherwise, he would have been taken to his side! This problem! I only considered it recently. It's hard to say whether it's right or not!"

Wang Changlin obviously has some intentional meaning!

"What do you mean?" Su Yuan leaned over his head and looked suspiciously at his husband. His eyes showed an exploratory look! "You mean, the boss of our family has long been prepared for this, isn't it?"

"The boss is quite different from others. What he is best at is layout and placement! After so many years, he has suffered a lot of losses, at least in the open! What do you say?"

"What do you mean? You mean he did it on purpose!" At this time, Su Yuan seems to have a bit of a taste! "If it's true, we've heard the news. After all these years, the boss seems to have suffered a lot! I really haven't heard much. When did he take a big advantage!"

Wang Changlin could not help but help his pillow to make his waist more comfortable. After all, he was old! Su Yuan looked at his husband and immediately started to help him. It was too perfunctory to let him alone! I can't see it!

Although there is a little trouble, Wang Changlin still feels very comfortable!

"Our boss can get up such a big family business! Do you really think he is a good stubble. In those years, he was wiped out all the assets on the surface by the old man. This alone is enough to make everyone feel so shocked! Do you think others can afford it?"

Su Yuan shook his head, not denying it!

"I really don't know whether I can get up or not. After all, I don't know so much about it! But what about such a huge asset? I feel so distressed when I think about it now, let alone at that time! Let alone now! Even if it is placed in the future, it is definitely an astronomical number! It's too exaggerated!"

"Yes! It's too exaggerated! For the boss, he was not so simple at that time. It was a kind of devastation!" Wang Changlin didn't mean to go too deep. He didn't want to mention some bad memories! "But even so, the boss survived! How did he come here? Not many people can say it too clearly!"

Su Yuan recalled, "speaking of this, I also feel very strange, just like a farm! You unknowingly appear in front of you, and you don't know how it came out! You don't even know when he began to have this situation. It seems abrupt, but there is not much surprise!"

Wang Changlin nodded! Obviously agree with his wife!

"This is where the boss is different from other people. He is too good at layout and placement! A few pieces fall down everywhere inadvertently, seemingly casual or even unintentional! But he will not find out that his pieces are hidden until the end of the game! Of course, many of them are confused even in the end!"

"So these children at home, including Xiao Gang, have already made this arrangement!"

"Not necessarily!" Wang Changlin knocked himself on the head with his hand. "It's a little different to say that he arranged everything clearly! My view is that he has made considerable arrangements in the general direction, and there may be considerable changes in the process. He will deal with it temporarily, that's all! Anyway, it won't affect the overall situation!"

At the beginning, Su Yuan didn't do well? But before long, Su Yuan finally reacted!

He even hammered the pillow in his hand heavily, "OK! I'm worried here! He's good! He didn't say it with confidence, and even deliberately concealed it. What? Can I eat him or harm him?"

What and what! Wang Changlin almost didn't react for a moment!

I kindly analyzed with her how she could go in this crooked direction! Even at this time, Wang Changlin is considering! Is his eldest son aware of his mother's temper and character, so he didn't make any disclosure, and there will be trouble like now!

Su Yuan looked at Wang Changlin who didn't respond for a long time. He was puzzled and even coughed twice. He didn't get any response! So I elbowed him twice!

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm in a daze!" Wang Changlin said very speechless. He didn't get too angry, but how old his wife is! Why is it still like this? It's not like this at ordinary times! Is it because you're at home? So the performance is so intentional! Wang Changlin really thinks so!

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the problems and changes!

"All right! I know what you just said!" Can Su Yuan not understand what her husband means? So I coaxed him to say! "I'm thinking about the eldest child! I've suffered so much since I was a child. Hey! Now this is another situation? I'm a mother. I always feel uncomfortable!"

"You're uncomfortable. In fact, I'm a little uncomfortable in my heart, but we also need to consider the boss's feelings!" Wang Changlin said earnestly, "the boss has helped so many people in the family! We can't treat everything as invisible, don't you think? We are parents, and Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are also parents!"

Alas! Su Yuan sighed heavily, and even deliberately carried his body!

"All right! Go to sleep! You have to work tomorrow! I have to think about how to tell the children at home? Although they are very clever, they are still too young!"

The next day, Su Yuan called all the children at home. The time may be a little early, but Su Yuan controlled it well, because several children never had the habit of sleeping in, even some lazy Ding Yun. This is a very good behavior!

Although the call time was not very long, Wang Changlin looked at his wife's eyebrows and knew that her mood should be very good! There should be considerable communication with the children at home, otherwise it would never be so!

Even while having breakfast, Wang Changlin asked two questions. If it wasn't for the lack of time, Wang Changlin would really listen to Su Yuan!

On Ding Yu's side, he took his gift to see Thornton near noon!

Saitil and hollian looked at the things in Ding Yu's hand. Without thinking about the between Ding Yu, they handed the gift box to saitil! Then he swaggered away!

"What do you mean? It's for us! It's not necessary! We won't..."

"For master Thornton!" Setier looked at hollian with a black face. He didn't know if he was really stupid! Will Ding Yu give them gifts? When you think about it, you don't know that it's impossible!

He and hollian ask for something from Ding Yu, but does Ding Yu ask for something from himself and hollian? It doesn't matter. Under such circumstances, it's almost the same to rush to send gifts to Ding Yu. What's more, even if they give gifts, will Ding Yu accept them? It would be nice not to kick you out of the door!

As for why you should give the gift to your hand instead of taking it directly! Do you need to explain the doorway here? Ding Yucai will not leave behind any so-called handle. You can rest assured or not. It doesn't matter. This is a gift for Thornton. Check it!

Setier knew Ding Yu's intention at the first time, so he also hurried to the safety related personnel for inspection!

On the contrary, when the gift was opened, setier was surprised and even sighed when he looked at the handmade gift! There are no problems with gifts! At least the place visible to the naked eye is the one without any problems!

But very delicate! Very meticulous, natural feeling! I really didn't know Ding Yu had such a hand! Can it be that Ding Yu asked outsiders to do such a thing? It's impossible!

If Ding Yu really asked an outsider to do it, will Ding Yu personally carry it in his hand? It's impossible! Only the things he made by himself will be taken over, which is certain! Because this is a manifestation of attitude!

In the position of Ding Yu and Mr. Goode, the more such things, the more they can reflect their friendship!

But it is precisely for this reason that setier dare not take it lightly. Who knows if there will be other problems? Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, isn't it? Admittedly, Ding Yu will not do any so-called means in it, but he must be treated strictly!

If Mr. Bruno was here, quite a lot of things might be easier to do, but the problem is that Mr. Bruno is not here at all, and Mr. Sanchez is not interested in it at all!

Everything is on setier! The more this time, setier feels that the manpower around him is a little insufficient. To be exact, there are so few talents who can be used!

Everything needs to be handled by yourself. It's really so difficult! As for hollian, I thought he was very good at the beginning, but now, his knowledge may be comparable to himself, but in other aspects, he is no better than a normal person!

It's really not that I deliberately press hollian, or I envy hollian. I hope he can share considerable pressure, but I can't! He can't do that! He has not been able to handle even the considerable things he has told him! In this regard, setier can be said to be a great headache!

After Mr. Bruno left, due to Mr. Sanchez's disregard for the world, he needed to face Ding Yu directly!

Fortunately, Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to himself now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I've already been killed!

Of course, there is a more important reason, because Ding Yu has explained quite a lot to himself!

But now the most important thing is to ask Mr. good to send more people. To be exact, he needs more talents. If he doesn't have more talents, he is really difficult to turn around!

All aspects of things need to be done by yourself. Professor master Thornton has made himself haggard. Now there are so many things, I really have more heart than strength! So we can only ask Mr. good to send more people! Otherwise, in another two days, you may only see yourself lying on the bed!

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