Ding Yu walked into Thornton's room. He was reading. For a moment, he was so absorbed that he didn't even feel Ding Yu entering the door. Of course, it was also because Ding Yu's action was very gentle!

Otherwise, I'm afraid Thornton would have been alerted!

Thornton suddenly woke up after waiting for setier to knock. When he saw Ding Yu, his expression was so dull that he couldn't help rubbing his eyes twice. What's the situation? When did Ding Yu come here? Why don't you feel at all?

Although I was very attentive just now, I don't know. I can't hear anything, can I?

It's not that Mr. Ding Yuding will harm himself. It's not for this reason. Why didn't anyone remind him when Mr. Ding came? But Thornton also knows that such things really can't complain about security!

Setier came in with a gift and carefully placed the contents on the table! Then I took a look at Ding Yu!

But he didn't get any response from Ding Yu! Step back carefully! It's not appropriate to stay in the room at this time! And he just got the news from the gossip. Ding Yu gave gifts to the children of the Ding family. Even Wei Lai and them also gave gifts in the past. Obviously, they didn't prepare for Thornton alone!

Of course, Thornton's gift is definitely from Ding Yu. This one didn't run!

Thornton looked at the box on the table. With Ding Yu's permission, Thornton carefully opened the box. When the things in the box appeared, Thornton couldn't help shouting, wow!

The expression on his face is definitely not pretended, but there are really some surprises. He has received a lot of gifts, such as exquisite, precious, luxurious and even historical! Even Thornton himself has some unclear numbers, but like the gift in front of him, it is absolutely unique!

"Mr. Ding, this gift you prepared?"

Thornton looked at Ding Yu with a happy face!

"Yes!" Ding Yu's expression is a little indifferent, a little Versailles! "The children in the family have started school! So I have prepared a gift for them. Since you are here! Plus the relationship between you and Mengxi, it is necessary to prepare one for you! I just don't know if you like it. I won't do any guarantee on this!"

That's what I said, but the expression on Thornton's face was very wonderful!

The relationship between him and Mengxi is exactly a competitor, but can Mr. Ding Yuding remember himself and recognize his identity? Is there anything happier than this? period!

"Thank you!" Thornton tidied up his clothes and thanked Ding Yu respectfully!

Although the dress on your body is inappropriate, it's a matter of attitude! It has nothing to do with clothes! If it weren't for inappropriate, maybe Thornton would have knelt down to salute now! But Thornton knew it was impossible! At least he has not been fully recognized by Mr. Ding Yuding!

Think about it, even Meng Xi seems to have not been fully recognized by Ding Yu. After all, he still calls Ding Yu a teacher instead of a master. There is still a certain gap between them!

Ding Yu waved his hand! "There's no need to thank you! There are all the children in the family, including Wei Lai and his party. Some of them are from me, but it's impossible and unrealistic for me to do such a large number of things at once. Many people I just wrote two messages, but you're new after all! So I made you such a gadget in my spare time, I hope you don't lose heart by playing with things, but it's very good to see your learning attitude just now! "

"So Mr. Ding came long ago?"

Thornton seems a little proud!

Um! Ding yupan's hand string in his hand, "I've been here for some time, because you're working hard, so I didn't bother you! It's rare for a child of your age to work so hard!"

"Mr. Ding, although your words seem to be praising, how can I hear other meanings?"

Thornton's bad smile didn't mean to hide his emotions in front of Ding Yu, because hiding was useless. Anyway, it was no big deal to joke with Ding Yu!

And I like this way, because Mr. Ding doesn't completely regard himself as a child. Although he teaches his own way, it's too personal, but this way makes him grow up very much! There is no doubt about that!

As for Mr. setier's way, it is purely hard irrigation. He does not deny that his knowledge is very good, nor does he deny his way. However, his way of teaching children seems more or less different. If he teaches college students, it may be better!

However, no one can say such a thing too clearly, so it's not easy to judge! inappropriate!

"Heart is a good thing. This way has a slight impact on you, but from the current situation, there are not many problems, because your physical condition is adjusted very well!" Ding Yu nodded, "how's your exercise these two days?"

"The time to go out is relatively constant. It's a few minutes every day. It's just a walk, a stroll, and feel the outside air and sunshine. It's very good!" Then Thornton looked at Ding Yu with a resentful look, "it's just that the time to go out is really a little short, and now the weather is starting to get cold. Due to your requirements, he began to shorten the time, which is particularly regrettable. It may not take two months, so I need to lie down in the house!"

Hearing Thornton's complaint, Ding Yu's expression on his face finally loosened, and he could even see some joy!

"Step by step! Otherwise what? Throughout your half year, at least you can stand up and walk without the help of others, or even walk outside alone! Isn't that enough to be a man? You can't be too greedy!" Ding Yu patiently explained to Thornton!

Thornton couldn't help laughing. "At least compared with the past, I feel really good! Even when I read now, I feel extremely happy, and this feeling is stronger and stronger! Mr. Ding, I can mention a small request!"

"Tell me!" Ding Yu raised his hand, and the hand string also made a little noise!

"When I have time, can I go to the school for a walk?"

oh Ding Yu couldn't help blinking his eyes, and even fell into some thinking!

"Your question makes me feel a little confused, even a little embarrassed!" Ding Yu snorted and looked ill at Thornton. "I need to discuss it. It's not as simple as walking around the farm!"

Ding Yu's expression is a little serious!

"If it's really troublesome, forget it! I'm just a little curious!"

"I know what happened! I'll give you an answer then!"

After leaving Thornton, Ding Yu didn't go out directly, but waited in the room for a while. After a short while, he saw setier coming with doubts on his face!

Setier knew very well that Ding Yu had not left. He must be waiting for himself! There is no other reason than this! But why wait for yourself? Setier really doesn't know! Is it because of the gift?

No? I just checked the gift, no other action! It didn't even cause any harm and damage to the gift, let alone add fuel to it. If Ding Yu was really too much for this reason! And I'm really oppressed!

Setier came to Ding Yu's side, stopped his steps and bowed slightly! "Mr. Ding!"

"There's nothing wrong with Sanchez! Just say I asked him to come over and discuss something with him!"

Huh? Although he didn't understand how to do it, setier still asked hollian to do it at the first time. As for why he didn't invite him personally, it's because Ding Yu is still here! If I invited him personally, where would I put Ding Yu? So forget it! There's no need to get yourself into any unnecessary trouble!

Sanchez came quickly. Anyway, he didn't have anything. Although Sanchez didn't pay much attention to Thornton's affairs, he still paid considerable attention, but that's all!

"Ding!" Sanchez came here a little faster. If it weren't for Ding Yu's invitation, Sanchez might also come, but he would never be so fast. He can still do it after a while!

And Sanchez also knows that Ding Yu will never shout himself for no reason! At the same time, let hollian deliberately come over. It must involve Thornton! Think about it a little and you will know the logic!

"Sanchez, it seems to be getting better these two days!"

"Don't mention it!" Sanchez said disapprovingly. As for setier and hollian, Sanchez was great. He nodded his chin twice. He said hello. Now he just doesn't like them! If you can, come to the door and have a try!

What's more, I can't provoke you now. After all, there is Mr. good behind! I won't provoke you! In the future, I'll let you know what the Boston consortium is like. It can't kill you!

Fortunately, what Ding Yu had done earlier made setier and hollian know more or less the power, but they just know the power. If they really wake up, why? Sanchez doesn't believe it. Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat! Dogs eat shit for thousands of miles. This can't be changed!

Although it's disgusting to say so! But the truth is the truth!

Ask Sanchez to sit down. Although setier and hollian have a lot of dissatisfaction, they don't dare to reveal anything at this time. How can they? Just kidding! After all, Ding Yu is face to face! And Sanchez is here!

Give them two faces and play with the so-called little temper. What will be the result and end at that time? It's really hard to say! Even turning over on the spot is quite possible!

So there is no need to continue to play with fire! Really, what if something happens? get more than one bargained for!

"Just now I gave Thornton a small gift. After all, the children at home have started school! I prepared some gifts for them, and Thornton is not missing, but Thornton mentioned a small request to me?"

Huh? Sanchez! The eyes of setier and hollian were immediately attracted! Everyone is watching Ding Yu! If Ding Yu can say so, it must involve quite a lot of things! definite!

"Ding, is it too troublesome?" Sanchez said with some worry!

"It's not so troublesome! Thornton told me that he wanted to find a chance to have a look at the school. This requirement is not so excessive! It's no big deal to go out for a walk, but it needs your consent. I can't make this decision alone!"

Having said that, Ding Yu spread out his hands!

Sanchez lowered his eyes, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, while setier and hollian looked at each other! This matter is not as important as expected!

As for why Ding Yu didn't make this decision unilaterally, is it because it is quite dangerous? Not so! For this, setier and hollian still think clearly!

"Mr. Ding? I want to ask, do you need to make this decision immediately?"

It seems that Sanchez was also awakened and looked at Ding Yu!

Ding Yu shook his head. "It doesn't matter. It's earlier or later. It doesn't matter. At least I'm not so anxious. It's mainly because Thornton mentioned the requirements in this regard. I'm not good to refuse! And this matter involves the outside world, so I'm not good to make this decision! Just discuss it!"

With that, Ding Yu also stood up and looked at Sanchez at the same time! Sanchez nodded in response and looked at setier and hollian at the same time! "You discuss it first? Let me know when you have a decision!"

Then he went out of the room with Ding Yu one after another! And Ding Yu also declined to send them off! I've been waiting for no one! Sanchez did not understand the question! "What happened?" Because he is very familiar with Ding Yu and has a very good relationship, Sanchez is not implicit!

What has the final say is that get excited over a little thing, Thornton mentioned this request! But I don't have the final say in this matter. You should also understand that if I make this decision alone, what kind of influence will it bring? Just report on your side! Anyway, follow the crowd.

"Yes! I see what that means!" Sanchez smiled, "what's the matter? If it's okay, go fishing together? I've been quite interested in it recently. It's relatively clean and very leisurely!"

"Spare me! I really don't have this time! I'm so natural and unrestrained like you!" Ding Yu is very dissatisfied and stares at the past! "I'm worried about the children at home! Just let me be a little cleaner!"

Sanchez laughed! "I heard your little nephew came here! I didn't see you bring it out?"

"You old man!" Ding Yu points his finger at Sanchez, pretending to be angry! "But I really can't do it these two days. He needs to work slowly. I'm a little busy here! But I know this!"

Sanchez's eyes can't help but shine. Since Ding Yu can take him out to see, it shows that Wang Xiaogang has more or less taken shape! Otherwise, would Ding Yu do that? Impossible!

"In your words, it's done! I'll prepare two small gifts. When I meet for the first time, I can't be empty handed, can I?"

Also did not let Ding Yu have too many reactions, Sanchez directly made a decision, even turned around and left! Ding Yu smiled and went back to the villa! I didn't stop too much!

"Saitil? What does Ding Yu mean? Is it a deliberate temptation? I don't see the doorway here!"

Setier thought for a while and shook his head! "This should not be Ding Yu's deliberate temptation, but master Thornton's deliberate temptation! Let's go! Go and see Master Thornton and you'll know what happened!"

Soon, two people entered the room, of course, with permission! If you break in rashly, what position does this place Thornton? Is it too much not to regard Thornton as a thing!

"Did Mr. Ding mention it to you?" Thornton made an invitation gesture and asked setier and hollian to sit down! "He sent me a gift, which made me feel very puzzled, even a little surprised, so he said two tentatively. His reaction was a little unexpected!"

"A little abrupt!" Setier thought for a while and said thoughtfully, "but it's very clever. Ding Yu can't refuse even if he wants to refuse at this time, so he will inform Mr. Sanchez and us!"

Hollian can be said to have a silly face! Because basically did not understand!

Thornton hit himself on the head with his hand! "What do you mean by Mr. Ding Yuding sending this thing? I haven't thought about it until now! Although he has made a considerable explanation, this explanation? It's too pale!"

For Thornton, his heart is very clear, but now he is deliberately pretending to be confused. As for the reason for pretending to be confused? Of course, it is deliberately misleading setier and hollian! If you don't give them some ecstasy, who knows what else they will make?

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