However, Thornton also knew in his heart that this ecstasy soup could not be poured too much. If it was too much, it would make setier suspicious, so he needed to pay attention to its weight!

To be exact, control the discretion! Not too much, not too little, just right!

It's just that I'm a little embarrassed to control the heat, so there's still someone else behind me!

Even Thornton Tianzong wizards are not so resourceful!

Setier really didn't expect Thornton to give him such a hand behind his back!

But if you really mention it, there is no right or wrong. Who is right and who is wrong? If setier didn't want to control Thornton at the beginning, deliberately influence Thornton and be an honest teacher, would there be such a situation now? It's impossible!

Ding Yu's performance here is not authentic. The problem is that Thornton can come here. Ding Yu has given great face. Under such circumstances, what's the matter? Do you really think this is your private plot? Right? You can do whatever you want? The era of foreign adults has long passed!

So when setier went into the grave, he just asked for it, and even now he takes the initiative to climb into the grave? I'm afraid I can't occupy a good position. For this, whether it's Ding Yu? Or Thornton, said very speechless!

But it's also very good. When you start in the future, you will have some confusion in your mind. Now it's time to practice for Thornton! At least the difficulty is not as high as expected, and there is no difficulty of purgatory level! Really, if Ding Yu were to judge, Thornton would already have some style now!

"Master Thornton, in my opinion, the moral of Mr. Ding's sending this thing should be some, but it's only on the surface! As for the inside? I think his meaning is to make you compare with Mengxi! Generally speaking, it's such a situation!"

What setier said is a little implicit!

Thornton's expression was ferocious, but there were some dissatisfied eyes in his eyes!

"Wang Xiaogang has come! You must know the news!" At this point, Thornton even said coldly, "I don't deny that I can't catch up with the Ding family children at this time! This is a fact. I've wasted so much time! But if it's really mentioned, I don't seem to be quite equal to Meng Xi, but I'm equivalent to Wang Xiaogang! That's the past!"

Setier and hollian looked at each other! Now both of them have understood why master Thornton must go to the school to have a look! Obviously, the arrival of Wang Xiaogang made master Thornton feel stimulated!

Then everything else can be explained! No wonder Ding Yu wants to find Sanchez! Even let himself do a witness. Is Ding Yu so angry about this? I can't make it, but it's obvious that master Thornton has such a small temper when he does so!

"What do you think, Mr. setier?"

"A little rash!" Setier's reaction is a little direct, and even there are some accusations in his words, which can be reflected. Setier's EQ is absolutely problematic!

"But it's a good excuse! Ding Yu feels a little difficult, but he can't refuse such a thing, because if he refuses, it will appear that he has too much selfishness!"

Thornton's heart was boiling with this explanation of setier! Even this anger is about to break through its own Aura! okay? Say Mr. Ding is selfish? It's no big deal. Mr. Ding didn't deny it, but what about you? No selfishness at all! You look fearless! Do you mean this?

Mr. Ding has already told himself clearly!

At this time, I am not suitable to see the children of the Ding family, because compared with the children of the Ding family, I have a considerable gap. This gap can not catch up in a moment, so I need to be a little patient! At this time, Mengxi is the most suitable existence for hand training!

Mr. Ding explained everything inside and outside to himself very thoroughly, but what about setier? Not only confused the facts, but even deliberately imposed some ideas on yourself! It's just harboring evil intentions!

After thinking for a while, Thornton finally suppressed his anger! After all, I'm too young to see a lot of things, but I've experienced a little less, so I'm not so rich in experience!

It's too much to perform now! That would be counterproductive!

"Mr. setier! Mr. hollian! I'm sorry!" Thornton's expression was a little angry, but also a little helpless! "I know it's inappropriate to do this, and I didn't even discuss it with you, but under the circumstances at that time, I was a little too angry! I couldn't control myself! Mr. Ding, an asshole, some of my little tricks and tricks didn't work in front of him!"

Hollian was puzzled, so he looked at setier!

Setier's face was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded his head! Because I have experienced such a thing more than once! Ding Yu deliberately mocked Thornton in front of himself! What impact did this have on master Thornton? It's hard to predict!

But in such things, I can't get involved at all! Because at least master Thornton didn't have any physical problems, as for psychological problems? It seems that it is not as big as expected, not to mention that Ding Yu is a doctor and he is not a doctor! Even if you mention any opinions and ideas, what is the role!

It can be said that Ding Yu hit his face in front of himself! But I can only smile! I even need to ask, Mr. Ding, is your hand very painful? Next time, be careful, be careful! At this point of groveling, doesn't setier hold back?

Of course, there is some indignation, but what can we do? Depend on others! No one else can handle master Thornton's illness. This is the most direct reason. If anyone can solve the problem, master Thornton will not stay here at this time!

But so far, no one can do this! It's really so sad!

"Master Thornton, I don't quite understand one thing. You can only go out for a few minutes at ordinary times. If you go to school, even if you take a car and count everything out, I'm afraid it will take an hour! This is the least! Is it feasible?"

Hollian put forward his own opinion! Setier thought for a while, and then seemed to remember something!

"Well, I remember! Master Thornton, I went out twice before. The first time is enough! But the second time, Mr. Ding seems to have been holding your hand! This is very strange!"

Thornton pursed his mouth. "What I know about this matter is not very comprehensive. I can only say that I have a little understanding, and this understanding is only known through Mr. Dongfang Jing. But I just know a little. The details are not so clear!"

"Dongfang Jing?" Setier couldn't help shouting out!

"There are such people in the family, but they know the results, but it is difficult to express the process in words. In popular words, it is through their own control to affect others, and even a person's blood operation! Of course, this is just a popular speech. Mr. Ding's medical skill level, to a considerable extent, is From here! "

"I see!" Before saitir spoke, hollian shouted directly!

"At the beginning, he embarrassed me by such a small means!"

This time, setier understood! But it's a little unrealistic to know the process and principle! Even an unlikely thing, "master Thornton, is it feasible?"

"Mr. Ding took me out before. Under his support, I felt full of energy and even had a very wonderful feeling. I don't know if you noticed it at that time! Mr. Ding's reaction afterwards was not as good as expected!" Thornton gave a little advice!

"Not much attention!" Setier thought and shook his head!

"I noticed! Now I think he added something afterwards!" In this regard, hollian did not dare to make any guarantee, because now even if he wanted to explore, it was too late!

"There's more attention at home, but that's more attention. There's no follow-up!" Thornton snorted, "on this issue, it's not that I don't want to tell you two. It's also very vague at home. After all, this is Mr. Ding Yuding's territory. It's ok if we see it. It's inappropriate to explore it!"

Thornton has explained that! How could setier and hollian not understand!

"Master Thornton, we don't have any problems here, but it's hard to say what kind of attitude Mr. Sanchez will have. He walks with Mr. Ding Yuding!"

Thornton glanced at setier and nodded slightly at him. "I'll mention it to my father! I believe even if he has any opinions and ideas, he won't refuse to go home on such a thing!"

Yes! Setier and hollian looked at each other! It's done! As for the next thing, it seems very simple! Whether Ding Yu will promise or not is not as important as expected! I promised! With Sanchez, I have to promise!

And the matter was mentioned by master Thornton! Now Ding Yu can't even repent! See what Ding Yu will do then? And even if Ding Yu promises to come down, he will give Ding Yu some color to see at that time!

What's more, it's not that he and hollian want to give Ding Yu some color to see! To be exact, it was a counterattack given by master Thornton. Under such circumstances, I and hollian naturally need to stand behind master Thornton! What if not? Can you stand behind you Ding Yu? Are you kidding?

As for whether Ding Yu can fight back like this, what kind of embarrassment will appear? Does it have anything to do with us? It doesn't matter. Even if Ding Yu could eat some dumb losses, it would be better!

But such things really can't be expressed too obviously! Anyway, just don't put the signs on them. After all, this matter was mentioned by master Thornton. At that time, master Thornton will be in front! I don't believe it. Ding Yu will embarrass master Thornton directly at that time!

Less than two days apart! It's finally done!

When Ding Yu came, Sanchez was already in the column! When I saw Ding Yu, I stood up and said hello, but I could obviously feel that his face was so embarrassed! Even when I looked at Ding Yu, I was a little sorry!

Soon Ding Yu got the unity of opinion. For such a thing, Ding Yu didn't say much. He just looked at Thornton sitting there! Ha ha, with a smile, setier and hollian had some sudden feelings in their hearts! Because obviously I can feel it, this smile is a little malicious!

"Let's fix a time for these two days! You can decide when you think it's appropriate! I won't interfere!"

After that, Ding Yu patted his ass and left, while Sanchez stood up with Ding Yu, nodded to Thornton, then went out with Ding Yu, and even explained what to Ding Yu in a low voice!

It may seem to outsiders that it's because of Thornton, but only Ding Yu and Sanchez understand that it's for Wang Xiaogang. Sanchez has made considerable preparations, and the reasons are very sufficient. Sanchez doesn't want to see Thornton, but there are so many fuckers because of this thing!

If you do it at other times, you will be criticized to some extent, but now if you do it at this time, no one will mention it too much. At most, setier and hollian mutter in private. It's amazing!

"Ding! Are you really ready? Such a thing is no small matter! The first two times, I walked around the door! I haven't been far away. This time, I really have no bottom in my heart!"

"OK! Just don't worry!" Ding Yu said comfortingly, "but look at you, it seems that you care too much!"

"It's not that I care too much, but that Mr. good called and put some pressure on me!" When talking, he pointed to himself, and then said, "after all, the relationship between me and you is very good, isn't it?"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "You guy! Let me say what you want? What are you going to eat? I mean what are you going to eat when you meet Xiaogang? I'm ready to prepare for you!"

"What are you going to eat? What will I be picky about there? Isn't it?"

Since quite a lot of things have been settled, the remaining things are a little simpler!

The next morning, Ding Yu was carrying a big umbrella in his hand. It was like a crutch in his hand! But obviously, Ding Yu is definitely not to be a crutch, or to put rain! Don't play such a joke!

After all, this is not the ghost place in London. It's no exaggeration to say that it rains when it rains. The main purpose of carrying an umbrella is to be safe. In addition, the umbrella has no other role!

"OK! The dress is good! If only I could carry a schoolbag!"

Listening to Ding Yu's joke, Thornton's small mouth cracked slightly! "I'd like to! But it's a little inappropriate. I'm just going to have a look at the scenery and feel the atmosphere! I'm not going to school there!"

Next to setier and hollian, listening to Thornton's return to Ding Yu, they all felt so funny! But looking at his feet, I'm afraid Ding Yu will pay attention to them at this time! Don't give Ding Yu any chance to make trouble! Really, if something happens, I can't afford to go!

What's more, at this time, you don't have to see that Ding Yu's mood will never be as good as imagined!

Ding Yu snorted coldly, and then stretched out his hand. Thornton naturally put his little hand on Ding Yu's big hand and held Ding Yu. Ding Yu also opened the umbrella in his hand and walked out slowly! It seems so leisurely!

In addition to the driver, Ding Yu and Thornton are the only two people in the car. Ding Yu is not interested in the outside scenery, but Thornton is a little impatient! Even some eager to try!

Although the family made themselves aware of the surrounding environment through aerial photography, the scene seen through aerial photography is the most essential difference from the scene they saw with their own eyes!

"Be quiet and don't chatter like a little sparrow!"

Thornton won't be frightened by Ding Yu. He's almost lying on the window! Very greedy looking at the scenery of the city! The speed of the car shop is not fast at all! So Thornton can observe the construction and scenery of the city very well!

"Mr. Ding, I don't see it. The buildings here are a little interesting! The floors are not as high as expected, but looking at them, they are very distinctive. The city is very clean, which is much better than ours! Just the laying on the horse road, I'm definitely better than the fifth street!"

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