"I have never asked you to learn from me. Many people are difficult to copy my successful model. At least in your body, I can hardly see such a shadow. There are many reasons for this. The main reason is that I have experienced life and death, but you have not!" Ding Yu said this is very direct, even a little cold and heartless!

Wang Yang is also slightly wrinkled up his eyebrows, "brother, this difference is very important?"

"It involves many aspects. It has advantages, but it also has disadvantages. Under the circumstances at that time, the hormone secreted by the adrenal gland can instantly enhance people's skills. The most obvious example is that the explosive power will reach a terrible level, but also, if it exceeds the acceptable limit? Ha ha

Ding Yu didn't explain what the consequences were, but the smile was enough to explain everything, "this is what I suffered after I became a soldier. You can't say that there is no harm at all, but I also benefited a lot from it. I have such an environment, so I have to work hard, because I don't want to die. It's so simple."

Wang Yang's mouth can not help but twitch up, his brother's words really make people feel a little bit terrible, like a joke, from small to large, the number of times he fights is very few, experiencing the so-called life and death, this thing is a little bit so bullshit, even if he really want to, the home is not allowed!

"Say so! Although the family said to push you out, but can you succeed? Ask yourself

While talking, Ding Yu also put down the books in his hand, and then sat cross legged, "some of them take things for granted. Of course, what about the so-called" take it for granted? "? It is also based on a certain foundation, that is, the sign of Wang family, but I don't want to let this signboard come out! Of course, that's what it means, to be subtle

Wang Yang didn't say that he wanted to be a * * and set up a memorial archway at the same time. However, the meaning was already revealed. Wang Yang was not very happy about this. He said something too straightforward. At least he felt that he could not accept it from the rational point of view. Anyway, my brother is a member of the Wang family, right?

"Brother, is that a bit biased?"

"Is it? Wait and see Ding Yu also gave a cold smile, "how do you want to deal with the situation in front of me? I can't control it, and I don't want to. I still have a lot of things to deal with. When I have time to eat together, can I do anything else? Let's forget it! I've said it many times, I'm not interested

Wang Yang took a look at his brother and insisted on it for a while. At night, he didn't mean to stay here for dinner. What about the previous words? Still let oneself feel quite not happy, although say not to fling one's face, but also need to let own elder brother understand, oneself have opinion and opinion to this.

When he came back to his grandfather and grandmother, Wang Yang also tried to bear it. He didn't let his anger vent. What his brother said was so ugly. How could he judge his grandfather and grandmother like this? It's not disrespectful. The problem is too big.

The old lady took a look at her grandson. Previously, the staff of siheyuan really reported some situations to herself. Although the details were not detailed, it seems that some other problems and situations happened this afternoon. However, in front of her wife, the old lady really didn't say anything.

After his wife left, the old lady also looked at her grandson, "your expression has already explained the problem!"

Wang Yang also hesitated for a little time. Then he frowned and looked at his grandmother for a while. "Grandma, I think there's something wrong with the attendants in the courtyard. Big brother is a very smart person. Let alone the situation between me and my brother today, I think it's necessary to say something about it?"

Yeah? The old lady looked at her grandson suspiciously, "the elder brother has no problem with the attitude of those service personnel, but it seems that there is still a considerable gap between them. From my own experience, what kind of person is my elder brother? I think grandma, what you know is more clear than me!"

The old lady thought for a while and then nodded, "I think about this matter a little bit lacking!" Because the old lady had already understood what her grandson meant. Although the attendants said they had gone to the courtyard, their hearts were of the Wang family. What about Ding Yu? There are a few problems.

"I will deal with this problem. Tell me something about you and him."

"There's something wrong with my elder brother's attitude. I can't tell what the problem is. It seems that I'm a little dissatisfied with the decision made at home. It's not dissatisfied, but dissatisfied. I'm afraid that's why I don't help! But there are so many things that can't be explained. I'm a bit confused! "

The old lady also thought about it for a long time. Although Wang Yang didn't explain it clearly, what about the old lady's point of view? She seems to have understood some things. Her grandson is not very optimistic about the behavior at home. This is the main meaning he wants to express, but does it need to be in such a way?As for this issue, the old lady still feels that she can't understand it and looks at it from her own perspective? The grandson is out of concern for the family, so he would secretly tell him this through Wang Yang. But would it be better to have a face-to-face talk? What do you mean in this way?

Is this a sign of his dissatisfaction? It should not be like this. There should be a deeper reason. After thinking for a while, the old lady slowly said, "your brother's starting point is no problem. You have not experienced too many things, so you have not considered and understood what he wants to express. During this period of time at home, you need to think about it carefully. After all, the problem is complicated, so you don't want to Too idle! "

Listen to grandma's words, Wang Yang can't help is a Leng, this is what with what! I was talking about my elder brother. How can I listen to the meaning of this remark, but I seem to have some meaning to educate myself?

Listening to the meaning of grandma's words, it's not because he intentionally biased towards the elder brother, but because he didn't understand the deeper reasons. This made Wang Yang feel a little bit bad, because he even became a transmitter. This is not so important as he imagined. What is important is that he has been covered in the drum all the time.

Looking at Sun Tzu's sense of despondency, the old lady also laughed, "you! I don't have much experience, so it's not surprising that I don't have a thorough understanding of such things. But I'm very curious. Where did your brother learn these things? This can't be taught by anyone! "

Wang Yang puffed his mouth. How can I know this problem? If the investigation at home is not clear, then he is also pure white blind, don't think about it, but he is also very curious, he is also the red three generations! I am very clear about the rules of things in the circle, but what about the problems above? It looks like a little white.

Can this be the reason why elder brother should warn himself? What about the things you know? There may not be too many problems in the circle, but does it extend beyond the circle? That is another problem. There will not be too many people selling their own face. Sometimes, identity does not represent absolute strength.

In the evening, Wang Yang also pondered for a long time. However, before going to bed, the old lady said intentionally and unintentionally, "I think Ding Yu is a good child. Although the force is a little bit fierce, for Wang Yang, the effect is still quite good, that is, there are some deviations in the way."

Wang Pu also took off his presbyopia glasses and lay on the bed for a period of time thinking, "this period of time happened a little bit more, doctor Jiao told me earlier, this period of time the body seems to be in a bit of a state, you are also the same, the examination report has come out, our age is really old!"

The old lady was stunned when she heard the speech, but then she began to smile bitterly. "It's good to say that, but the problem is that the grandson's attitude towards this matter has become quite obvious. It has nothing to do with him. He won't pay any attention to this matter, and Wang Yang is still a young bird."

"Ding Yu was a young bird when he went out to roam. If he didn't, he would never grow up!" Wang Pu's words are not many, but they are enough to show their attitude and opinions. Things still need to be done freely. It is not always possible to let Wang Yang, the child, be in the honeypot.

That's what I said, but the problem is that the old lady still feels quite uneasy. This worry is multifaceted.

In the morning, when Ding Yu finished his exercise, he looked at the two little guys who were making fun of them. Before breakfast, his grandmother came. This speed was a little bit faster! But Ding Yu didn't say anything, holding two little guys to greet his grandmother.

Grandma's age is very big, although said that the body is good, but such a rush seems not a thing!

"Grandma, you are not too young. Although the distance is not so far, this kind of sports is not suitable for you. If there is anything, you can just call!" Ding Yu's attitude did not change much. When he spoke, he put two little guys on their seats, and then he helped his grandmother sit down on the throne.

The amount of breakfast is a little bit large. For the old lady, she is already getting used to it. I'm afraid that the habit formed by her grandson will change for a while. "Where's your assistant?"

Ding Yu was slightly stunned. The assistant didn't say Tao Jin. Ding Yu didn't hesitate for too long. "Jin doesn't live here. He has other things. It's not so convenient!" How suddenly mentioned this matter, immediately Ding Yu seems to remember, yesterday, Wang Yang seems to have a problem here.

"Sometimes it's a little more convenient to live together!"

The old lady also didn't make it too clear. Ding Yu shook her head, "I seldom put work into my family. Moreover, Jin prefers to be alone and doesn't like others to disturb him. I respect his choice. Anyway, it's quite good. I feel quite appropriate."Ding Yu has now fully understood the purpose of grandma's coming here, but this matter can only be meaningful and can not be described. If some things are really said, it is quite inappropriate. The old lady nodded when listening to her grandson, and immediately teased the two little guys next to her.

The two little guys are very cute. Neither the old lady nor Ding Yu mentioned anything. After breakfast, Ding Yu left first. What about the old lady? It's sitting in the middle of the yard and concentrating all the service personnel. What's the problem? It still needs to be explained face to face.

What about the previous time? It's the old lady's fault. Since she has realized this mistake, it needs to be corrected. As for how to correct it, the problem is very simple. What about her grandson? It is also very intelligent. On this issue, the performance is impeccable.

In the hospital, Ding Yu finished an operation, and then began to make a summary. Looking at Jin who came in, Ding Yu was also slightly stunned. Looking at the phone he handed over, he also looked at Jin with an inquiring eye. "Lily's phone, but I heard that someone was involved in it, the people over there!"

Ding Yu gently tapped the table with his hand, and did not mean to connect the phone immediately. Instead, he sat there thinking for a period of time, "what happened in the UK during this period of time? Even if something happened, it seems that you should not find me! What happened at home? How do you feel a little unclear, so? "

"Shouldn't I come to inquire about the Olympic Games? Milk has nothing to do with me. Is there anything else? " When Ding Yu spoke, he also looked at his assistant.

The assistant laughed and then made a gesture with his hand. Ding Yu didn't really understand what the gesture was? But then Ding Yu seemed to understand, "plane? No, space? " Ding Yu suddenly realized that Jin also stood up his own arrow. "These grandsons come to me for this matter, but I have nothing to do with it?"

"Sir, Lily's call is just a warning and reminder. The British side seems very interested in this time. I don't think they expect anything from you, but this is a channel for communication."

"Test my relationship with the military, or do they want to get what they're interested in?" Ding Yu pondered for a while, and then he also snorted and laughed, "they will send someone to come here. Maybe they are already here now. Reserve a room for them. Since they have come from afar, they can't feel too disappointed!"

After Jin went out, Ding Yu also picked up Jin and handed her mobile phone. After looking at the time, she also dialed Lily's phone. "It's very kind of you to call me at this time!"

"I just had an operation, and Kim told me about the specific situation. I guess some of them are from the above!"

Lily also laughed, "since you have guessed, it will save me from getting involved. I just don't want to be involved in this aspect. I don't know exactly what it means in Britain. If I feel uncomfortable, I will go back to them. I don't think I can do anything about it. At least my opinion is like this!"

"I'll take care of my business. How are you recently?" Two people said for a while, then also put down the phone.

During the lunch break, Jin also sent an invitation. Looking at the invitation, Ding Yu also laughed. The British guys did come. The speed was not so fast. They even ignored Lily and found themselves directly. It seems that their goal is quite clear.

"I see. You're ready to show your respect. I'll change my clothes!"

What about noon? Ding Yu also went to meet the appointment on time. In fact, Ding Yu didn't know who the meeting was. He just sent an invitation. He knew that it should be someone from the aspect of emotion management, but whether it was an acquaintance or a stranger, the question really didn't know. It would be better to act according to circumstances.

Ding Yu is not so concerned about this issue, but the military is quite concerned about it. There are two reasons: on the one hand, what kind of attention does the British side pay; on the other hand, Ding Yu's attitude and ideas about what this time's thing is very important!

Before Ding Yu called in the office, it seems that he didn't mean to carry the military behind his back. At least Tao Jin listened very clearly. It doesn't matter whether this is intentional or unintentional. The important thing is that the military has already learned about this, and this is the most important thing.

Now that I know it, I can't think that nothing has happened. Ding Yu is going to answer the appointment, and the military can't be idle to see what they are talking about. It may be a bit difficult to do this in other places. But the problem is that this one is now at his own home, which is very simple.

Even before Ding Yu arrived at the place, the military personnel had already taken the lead. However, they were not blatant. It's better not to start a fuss. It's better to see what kind of situation Ding Yu is there. This may be better.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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