Ding Yu came to the place according to the appointment. The arrangement in the room was pretty good, at least the kind of work hard. But what about the two people he was facing? It seems not so familiar, even quite strange.

However, it is still not strange. After a few words, Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. Although he said a few words, it seems that neither of them has put down this warning in their hearts. Obviously, what is their identity? There are some doubts. Ding Yu's knocking on the table is enough to illustrate this.

"You know me well?" Ding Yu's words are full of provocation.

The middle-aged man with curly brown hair turned his eyes twice and said, "have you known almost everything you should know? Why, Mr. Ding seems a little unconvinced. Is it because of us or something else? "

"Who am I to you? It's true that there is some doubt. How about introducing hunter to you? " Ding Yu also inquired and said, "of course, if you don't feel right, then give me an introduction. There was a traffic accident at that time. How many people were there? I think you should know something about this!"

This is a way of probing. Who are you? I really don't know. Do I use this way to test? The purpose is very clear. It is to verify your identity. Don't use the so-called documents and certificates to explain the problem. It has no meaning. It can be forged.

"Hunt is in charge now, but he's in charge of Europe!" While talking, Ding Yu also indicated to Jin. Then Jin also went out and looked at Ding Yu's gesture to continue. This one also continued to say, "what happened at the beginning was an accident!"

By the time Jin came back, the conversation was over. It could be seen that Ding Yu was still quite satisfied. Ding Yu asked more than one question. The man in front of him had a very detailed understanding of himself. After Jin came back, he also identified the identities of the two people. As for the way of verification? should be regarded as a different matter.

Seeing the intention of talking to each other, Jin also took out an instrument from his arms and carefully checked it. After the inspection, he also took out another instrument and put it on the table. Without any hesitation, he left the room and stood at the door.

Ding Yu knocked on the table again with his hand, "let's get to the point! I have other things in the afternoon, and I don't want to drag this matter down. Within the scope of permission, as long as the interest demand relationship allows, I will basically try it. I think the meaning I have expressed is clear enough! "

Of course, Ding Yu's hidden meaning is also very clear. I will never refuse anything that can be done, but what can't be done? Don't tell me that I can't put me in danger because of you. It's impossible.

"Mr. Ding, being too straightforward is not a good thing."

"It has nothing to do with frankness. I'm afraid you're not looking for me to eat. If I have a better place to eat, I'm here to talk about things. If the talks are good, we'll continue to cooperate. If the talks are not good, we'll break up in two. It's so simple. I don't want to see the situation of constant cutting and disorderly arrangement. I have already expressed my sincerity!"

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the two people sitting opposite Ding Yu feel that they can't accept it. Although they know a lot about Ding Yu in advance, they didn't expect him to be so direct. After they came up, they didn't say a word and put forward the problem directly. This is not the character of Chinese people!

But the problem is that Ding Yu's performance is a little bit strong. If there is a problem to talk about, there is no problem to withdraw. There is no so-called second chance. You should be prepared when you come. If you are not prepared, you will not come.

Ding Yu's fingers kept beating. The two people sitting there looked at each other, "Mr. Ding, we haven't seen your power, so we still lack judgment on everything. This matter is very important."

"If you think I can't, then there's no need to come to me. If you leave one day, please let me know and I'll invite you to dinner." Then Ding Yu also stood up and looked at Ding Yu's appearance. The middle-aged man with curly hair looked puzzled. Whether he should believe in Ding Yu or not, it's a little risky!

"Mr. Ding, I think you misunderstand our meaning. As far as we know, you have some influence in China, but it is too secretive, so we have to be careful!"

Ding Yu raised his arm and looked at the time on his watch. "I'll give you a minute to explain that you came to ask for me, not me. Of course, you can also find other people. I believe you will have this way. Nothing works or doesn't work. So, at least in my place."

Looking at Ding Yu's serious attitude, the two people sitting there looked at each other, and then they nodded, "Mr. Ding, we want to know about the space shuttle in your country, but we have no other way. In this respect, the United States and Russia are at the forefront of the world!""It's impossible!" Ding Yu directly refused, "the examples of the United States and Russia have well illustrated all this. My courage is great, but it is not superior to a certain country, so I can only say sorry, and look forward to our next cooperation opportunity!"

Having said that, Ding Yu has turned around and, like a joke, asks himself to understand the problems and conditions related to Shenqi. Isn't this a typical way for him to seek death? Let's not talk about our patriotism, the power behind us is not small, but the problem involved can be said to be the core state secrets, and I feel alive and well.

"Mr. Ding, it hasn't been a minute yet." Looking at Ding Yu's resolute attitude, the curly haired middle-aged man also stood up anxiously. "I may have made some mistakes in my expression just now. In fact, we want to talk about some cooperation with the Chinese side, but we lack such references!"

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, "cooperation? This word represents a lot of meanings. I don't know what your so-called cooperation means. I don't want to understand it. But I need to know what your so-called cooperation bottom line is. I can try it out. There is only one chance. I won't discuss what in depth. It's too dangerous! And what are my interests? "

"Mr. Ding has a lot of good friends in the parliament, and many good friends in other aspects. I don't think I would mind adding a friend like us?"

Ding Yu looked over his head and shook it slightly. "To be sure, I have many friends, but we are between each other." Speaking, also refers to himself and the opposite curly man, "this misunderstanding is not small, I don't like your style, so the value of this friend is not enough!"

This is the offer. He can act as the contact person. However, the problem is that the British intelligence department has made a poor offer for himself, that is, he drew a big cake for himself, which has no practical significance. Therefore, Ding Yu refused.

"Let's change the terms. We know that Mr. Ding has encountered problems in some of his acquisitions in the UK. Although Mr. Ding did not appear, and even miss sun Yingnan did not appear, it was not announced by everyone. We will help you solve this problem, Mr. Ding. We will also ensure that the trade and competition agency will not conduct any antitrust investigation. We will even ensure that the European Union will not find any trouble. I think this condition is enough to show our sincerity. "

"Enough conditions, but I still don't like your style!" Then Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, and then the middle-aged man over there also reached out and took out a report to Ding Yu, "we really want to cooperate, but the same cooperation we don't like to be exposed to the sun is good for everyone!"

Ding Yu didn't say anything. He took the document in his hand and left. The two men in the room looked at each other and didn't mean to eat anything. He left directly. "Beck, I think Ding Yu is too difficult to control. What's more, is his personality? It's too strong in some ways! "

"Control? We can't control him. We just want to cooperate with him, because there are interests in it. It's so simple. He is not a businessman, but it doesn't hinder his pursuit of interests. We are also the same. We are not businessmen, but we also pursue interests. "

After getting on the waiting car, Ding Yu patted the documents inside his hands twice, "Jin, find a place to stop the car!" When the car stopped, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone and called Tao Jin, "it's me. Find someone to come over."

Tao Jin was originally his own liaison officer, responsible for communication with the military. Whether this matter is successful or not has nothing to do with himself. He is only responsible for the liaison and communication among them. That's all.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, a black Audi stopped in front of Ding Yu's car and flashed two flashes. Ding Yu also indicated to Jin that he was following the back of the car. The place of conversation still needs to be paid attention to, but from the beginning to the end, Ding Yu didn't mean to open the documents in his hand.

As for Tao Jin, who was standing behind him in the room, Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to him. Ding Yu sat on the chair, holding his chin in his hand, and his eyes closed. He didn't know whether he was dozing off or deliberately making a pretence, which made people feel a little confused.

The waiting time was a little longer. After a sound of footsteps came from outside, Ding Yu also opened his eyes, "my doctor Ding, the trouble you caused is a little bit big!"

Looking at the speaker, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, saying, "I can't even count as an intermediary. If the British people don't look for me, they will find others, so this trouble doesn't come from me!"

Let oneself carry this black pot, don't want to think about it. The speaker also looked at Ding Yu and laughed. The smile had some other flavor. "I've seen the content in it, don't you want to understand it?"

"No!" Ding Yu's manner of speaking can be said to be quite resolute. Just like a joke, he doesn't get involved in the muddy water. But the one sitting opposite Ding Yu obviously doesn't want to let go of Ding Yu's meaning, "Xiaoding! I went to see Mr. Su two days ago. He was scolded for his bloody head! "Ding Yu made a noise on his chin, then looked up at the sky, but what about the top of his head? It's the ceiling of white flowers. Ding Yu doesn't mean to take over. The person sitting opposite Ding Yu can't help but be happy. "Xiaoding, I have a good relationship with your third uncle. I had a fight together at the beginning."

After listening to this, Ding Yu's mouth slightly twitches, but still has no meaning to speak. However, his eyes are not staring at the ceiling, but looking at the table. His heart is also relaxed. "I know that there are special channels in your hands. When necessary, we should use them!"

Ding Yu once again knocked on the table with his hand. In fact, when he came straight in, the other people in the room had already gone out. Now there are only two of them in the room. Ding Yu thought for a while, and then slowly said, "what is the so-called special channel? I want to know more! "

"There are two aspects. On the one hand, we have our own fund channels, but we will be a little nervous about the preparation of funds. There are many mothers-in-law in the head, which is too time-consuming. I think you will be willing to help. The second aspect is incidental, that is, the collection of some intelligence!"

After listening to this, Ding Yu also stopped knocking on the table. "The so-called intelligence collection, which I don't involve, will make me too prominent. This is not in line with my style. As for the first thing, I will consider it!"

What about the so-called consideration? In fact, it's just a pretext. It's not that Ding Yu is very reserved, but he needs to make preparations in this respect. Even if things are exposed in the future, he can make proper arrangements and not be implicated. This is not afraid of domestic exposure, but of foreign aspects.

After all, their main industries are foreign countries, which is a very dangerous behavior and situation. It's not that I don't believe in others, but I'm educated in the army. It's like this. I need to judge the situation independently and then make a decision. What I can't do is even integrated into my own blood.

When he came out of the room, looking at the people waiting outside, Ding Yu was also slightly stunned. Of course, Su Quan also saw his nephew, but he really did not get the news in this respect. There were some accidental feelings. He also saw Su Quan and his expression was slightly stunned.

Ding Yu left here with the document, but he didn't give the reply to the British side at the first time. Until the next day, Ding Yu also took the unopened document to the British side, "I brought the things to you, and the reply they gave is also here. My work is done! I hope we can cooperate with each other happily

The curly middle-aged man took a look at it, and Ding Yu put the document on the table. "You can call me Beck. It's just a code name. It's no big deal! Just a moment, please Then he left the room with the document and waited for some time to come out of it.

"Mr. Ding, thank you for your help, you let us see your energy! We are willing to cooperate with you! We can still trust each other in the future

"Come on, what I value is interest. The rest of the things have nothing to do with me. I have no involvement in this matter. Therefore, no matter what problems arise in the future, don't come to my head. Otherwise, I won't be polite, and I hope to hear good news in the shortest time!"

After that, Ding Yu stood up for the first time and left the room without any pause. There was no meaning to communicate. Seeing two people in the room looked at each other. Ding Yu's performance really made people feel quite speechless. Should we be so happy!

"Beck, did you mean that Ding Yu did it on purpose?"

"Is it intentional? It's a different question. But what can you see from his attitude towards us? He said it had nothing to do with it. What do you think? "

"How do you treat us? It's not very friendly on the surface, but I think this may be the best way to deal with it. From a neutral point of view, it is. As for this matter? I'm a little bad at it. Is he really not interested in our cooperation at all? I don't believe it

Beck shook his head. "From my point of view, he is absolutely not clear about the content, because he has never opened it. What it looked like in the original time and what it looked like after it was taken over, there is no difference. He is a very smart man. I'm afraid that's why he has come to this day

"I feel a little suspicious, because this guy gives me the feeling, too cold! Yes, it's indifference

"Indifference is also divided into different types. The relationship behind him is absolutely extraordinary, that is, in one night, he can bring out such things. This is not what everyone can do. Similarly, he also shows his own attitude, which is enough to illustrate the problem. It seems that we still have many opportunities to cooperate with him in the future! It's true! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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