In the evening, Suquan also found his nephew Ding Yu. He was working in the Department of emotion management, so what about what happened during the day? It is also very clear, Frank also did not want to hide his own meaning, and even deliberately disclosed this information to himself. Su felt that this matter was slightly more difficult.

What are some of the reasons? It's because I really don't know this nephew, and such things are involved in it. I really don't know what it means to die? Or are there any other problems?

After all, he is my nephew, and I lost such a long time. In my heart, I also feel that I can't let go. I have worked in the information management department for so many years, and such a situation is really rare.

"Find a place and have dinner together." Ding Yu looked at his third uncle and signaled to the driver. Then two cars left the hospital one after the other. As for the place to eat? It's not very luxurious. There's no need. What's more, at this time, Su Quan doesn't really want to eat too much. His heart is in a mess.

"Drink?" Looking at his nephew, he didn't mean that. Su Quan didn't have too many demands. He didn't have too many hobbies. He didn't want to, but decided by his special identity. If he didn't have to, he would not drink.

Ding Yu's appetite is a little bit larger, so he deliberately ordered a few more dishes. After the meal was almost finished, Su Quan said, "I saw you in it today, and I heard other people mention some things about this. Are you stupid? Or is there something wrong with the head, and such things are also involved? Don't you know what the consequences are? "

Ding Yu gave a slight smile. Anyway, it was almost enough to eat. He wiped his mouth and then looked at his third uncle with a smile. "Third uncle, do you think I should not be involved in this matter?"

This problem also let Su Wei a Leng, "I don't know the problems and the situation, but this kind of thing, you are too small to bear, it involves too many things! Say a bad word, the more you know, the faster you will die. This is probably the best description! Don't tell me such a simple truth, you don't understand it! "

"I've looked for both sides. It's not appropriate for me to refuse, and it's not appropriate to promise!" After that, Ding Yu nodded his head forcefully, and Su's eyes opened. Obviously, he didn't expect his nephew to give him such a reply, which made him verify some things, but he was also very worried.

"You child! Why don't you discuss it with your family? " Although his nephew revealed some information to himself, as his uncle, he did not want him to be involved in these things. He would never get on the table. However, if he was exposed to the public, the end would not be particularly good!

Ding Yu didn't take this remark. Just like a joke, he discussed with whom and who knew who he was at that time? You should know that even if you didn't expect that there would be people from the Wang family coming to visit. For yourself, it's not just a surprise. Of course, you don't deny that you've taken a big advantage of yourself.

This is why, in the past, Ding Yu was not stingy with his own money. Cheap was not for nothing. My grandfather and grandfather have not come to realize it, but who came to realize it after all, but they are all people in the family. It's a matter of no blame to say that. At least, what will Ding Yu do?

"What is that to me?" Su Quan is also angry. This is not aimed at Ding Yu, but someone dare to use himself as the touchstone, and the object of the experiment is still his nephew. This is not the first time.

"Care is chaos." Ding Yu's answer is very insipid, but this word is to let Su Quan slightly stunned, and then he can't help laughing, how much smile has so some proud taste.

"I'm very satisfied with what I said. There are still some small comforts in my heart. I found that I looked down upon you too much before." Su Quan immediately drew back his smile, "to be sure, I still lack enough understanding of you, so I lack judgment on some of the problems and situations! Though you are my nephew, my nephew

"What does the third uncle want to know?" Ding Yu did not care at all. He said that Su Quan was also a little distracted. "I work in love management, so I have my own way and method for judging things. Of course, this is also out of the situation that you don't mind. After all, you still need to ask for the consent of the party concerned!"

Ding Yu thought for a while and shook his head slightly. "I'm afraid I can't even say something myself. It's a fact, not a shirk. Moreover, some things are secret to me personally. I don't want to reveal it to anyone else. This relationship will be very big! That's it. "

"Neither can I?" Su Quan also frowned when he said it.

"Not no, but no!" Ding Yu's manner of speaking made Su feel a little itchy. "If I tell you everything to my third uncle, can you guarantee that others don't know? I don't think it's very possible. Of course, it may be that I'm a villain, but I'm not willing to take risks! "Su Quan nodded, but he didn't mean to be forced, "OK! It's up to you. Anyway, I respect your decision on this matter. I hope you can grasp this scale. There is also Wang Yang's business. I already know that you have a heart, but this mind is a little biased! "

Oh? Ding Yu looked at his third uncle and pondered over his uncle's words, "it seems that I have many wrong things to say! But in the current situation, what do you think I should do

Yeah? Su Quan also has some language barriers. It's really difficult for him to say. It's a difficult problem for him. Obviously, he can feel the problem. But where is the problem? It's not easy to say. What are some things? It's not good to get involved too much.

The purpose of Ding Yu's child to take out the money is quite clear. As for what Wang Yang will do, it has nothing to do with Ding Yu. To a certain extent, Ding Yu's child is not old, but he thinks more about it!

"I've been in this business for a long time, but I didn't expect that there would be someone in our family who entered the industry. I felt very surprised!" Since the small talk has no effect, Su Quan is also a new drag topic to the formal above!

Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't mean to enter this business. It's just an act of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. What's the direction of my cooperation? It's the military as a whole, not a single force of the military. What about this? Third uncle, you may think that some biased, otherwise I will not promote this cooperation! "

Looking at his nephew, Su Quan was also stunned for a long time. He really didn't think that the child's tone was too big, or that he really had the assurance of this aspect. It seemed that it was really such a thing, but he did not guarantee that there was any other moisture in it?

"You didn't tell me the truth, even the king didn't know your real details!" In the face of the third uncle's speech, Ding Yu is smiling and silent. What about this matter? In my heart is the most clear, as for how other people think, I can't control, also won't have other attention.

"Uncle, how many details do you think I have?"

"I don't know, but I can see that you can be valued by the military. The power behind this is absolutely very important. No matter how good the relationship is, if there is no such basis, then everything will be just a mirror. However, you control such a large force, but there is not much news and movement. This is slightly abnormal!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu also smiles, "maybe I prefer to keep a low profile."

"No, I don't think so! I've learned about some of your information. Although the information is strictly blocked, I have my own channels, so there is no problem in verifying and guessing, you boy! It's really amazing. There are not many people coming out of it, and there are very few people like you who are moistened like you! "

Hearing the third uncle's saying so, Ding Yu seemed to suddenly think of something, "by the way, third uncle, I suddenly think of a little problem. I think this thing should be a small problem for you. The old ghost died before!"

"It's all settled down!" For his nephew said things, Su Quan said very calm, he does not want to be his nephew to pour infatuated soup, "although the matter said that there are so some irritable, but since it has been over, I think there is no need to mention it, if really mentioned, it seems to have a certain impact on you!"

"The old ghost's affairs are all over, and no one wants to mention it. But there were three people who didn't come, mingzai, Guangfu and Zhima. They couldn't contact each other at all, and they didn't know what they were like. Now that they have all been mentioned, I want to know about them! It's care, too

When he said something, Ding Yu sighed that he really cared. After all, his present conditions are OK. It's understandable to care about his old comrades in arms!

Sue looked at his nephew, this is not difficult for him, but he promised him, it seems that he has so many too much loss, this can not meet his character, "this thing should not be difficult for me, but how can I help you?"

Su Quan is in charge of the work of emotion management, as well as that of foreign affairs, so what about this? Can not help is to show their own style, absolutely not to do what loss business!

"What does the third uncle need?" Ding Yu's tone seems to be very relaxed. This problem also makes Su Quan feel embarrassed. This bastard, give him a little face, and he really goes to the Kang! Not at all.

"I didn't think about it. I'll tell you when I think about it!"

But Ding Yu is not as good as he imagined. "Third uncle, I think you should take the lead in thinking about this problem. Otherwise, I won't admit it. In fact, anyone can ask about this matter. But I don't think the fat water will flow into other fields, so please ask your third uncle!"On the way back, Su Quan also snorted coldly. After dinner with his nephew at night, he originally wanted to educate the boy. But now, it seems that this goal has not been achieved, but he is not unhappy. This problem still needs to be explained.

In dealing with people, the boy still has a lot of skills, but he needs to think about it carefully. What is the most appropriate condition to talk about with his nephew? It's not that he is Philistine, but his nephew is willing, such opportunities are really not much.

As for the question of how to negotiate with the British side at home, Ding Yu has no intention of paying attention to it at all. He has already drawn the line for them. As for the next question? That is whether the terms agreed by both sides can be achieved. This is what Ding Yu expects.

People in the UK are still quite satisfied with this. Ding Yu's energy is really beyond imagination. Although it is just a thread, not everyone has such an opportunity. The British side has threatened Ding Yu to a certain extent, but this should not be the main reason.

Interest, this is the most basic. We have seen the interests of each other, so we have reached this cooperation.

Of course, Ding Yu is not a person who can be reckless for the sake of interests. If he is reckless for the sake of interests, he will continue to be involved in it. However, it is obvious that he did not do so. He analyzed the situation very clearly and knew what he should and should not do.

It's really quite good to deal with such a decent person. At least, there are bottom lines in each other's hearts, so we don't want to take risks. Since Ding Yu has shown such cooperation, what about the things he promised him? We need to deal with it well, otherwise, if Ding Yu turns over, this problem will not be solved very well.

Speaking of it, the British side really does not dare to turn the tables. What's more, if such a thing turns upside down, Ding Yu's disposition would rather invest 10 times or 100 times the price, and absolutely want to find the venue back. Then the British side will have a great loss, and the gain is not worth the loss!

Sun Yingnan feels very good. The previous negotiation has reached an impasse. The British side is still quite exclusive to some issues. Sometimes, they refuse to give up because of their so-called dignity. On this issue, they absolutely compete with the Germans.

At the time when I felt exhausted, the British side not only relaxed so simply, but also actively hinted at some aspects of the situation. This is not only a surprise, but also the reason why I didn't understand it!

"I know this matter. I will not tell you the specific problems I have dealt with. Other aspects are involved." In the phone, Ding Yu also explained the problems and the situation, "now it's the interests of the British side. It's a matter of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. However, we can't say it's too indifferent!"

Ding Yu did not hint very clearly, sun Yingnan did not succeed this problem, but Sun Yingnan mixed up for such a long time, how could he not understand such a simple question? As for how to deal with the follow-up affairs, this is another problem. Sun Yingnan will not intervene directly.

Sun yingyu still wants to hide behind the scenes, but does Sun Yingran want to hide behind the scenes? I'm afraid it will take a long time, and it can't be done in a moment.

"What is the EU's attitude towards this? It won't play a critical role too much, but I don't think of anything else! " Ding Yu expressed his concern about this matter in the main body. That's all. As for how to deal with the follow-up affairs, it's not Ding Yu's concern. For Ding Yu, those are trivial things.

"I'll do it well!" The simple words show sun Yingnan's confidence in this matter. Since the British side has already intervened in this matter, all the problems at large levels will be solved. As for the rest, it is too simple for him.

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu held them in his arms. In fact, they didn't have any purpose. Playing, sleeping and eating were their most important activities. Besides, they didn't pay attention to anything else.

The purpose of their coming in is quite simple, that is to find their own father to play. At night, his father did not come back to play with them. For children, it seems that there is something missing. Ding Yu also carried two little guys out of his study and came to their room.

Ding Yu had been waiting for the two little guys to sleep down, but Ding Yu didn't have any hard work on this issue, and even felt a little bit happy, because not everyone has such a chance. At least, he enjoyed it and was very interesting.Looking at the two little guys sleeping down, Ding Yu also took two photos and sent them to Taixi. She was very busy at this time. Originally, she wanted to come back. But who ever thought that Ding Yu gave her such a big gift bag, which made her really hard to adapt to! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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