The next day, Su Quan also gave the investigation to his nephew. After all, he was his nephew. This little thing had no effect on him. What about this investigation? It's not the difficulty in imagination. For Ding Yu, he has left the army, but for himself, it's just a piece of cake.

"Jin, you go to investigate in person, don't disturb them, find out the situation in the shortest time and find out the specific situation!" Ding Yu's attitude is a little serious.

For Ding Yu's words, Jin also made a strong nod. It can be seen that Ding Yu doesn't care about this matter in general. What is the reason? He really has so many things that he can't say clearly. Anyway, the matter has been handed over to him. The rest is to see how he will deal with it.

Ding Yu has no contact with mingzai, but he still has some worries. To be exact, it is a kind of remembrance of his previous life! At the beginning, I was a lonely person and didn't want anyone to know his situation. As for the reason, maybe he was afraid that others would know!

There are some fears and expectations. You can't tell what kind of situation it is. Mingzai's situation may be similar to this. Ding Yu doesn't want them to be forgotten. At least there are people behind them. Everyone used to be in the same pot together.

This is not a simple thing to say. It's the kind of people who really block bullets for each other. What about our lives? Sometimes they are not even in their own hands, but in the hands of their teammates, because in the battlefield, they all want to be able to see and hear, but how can things be possible?

So we need to cooperate with each other, trust each other, and if something goes wrong, what you lose is not only the life of your comrades in arms, but also your own. What about this kind of friendship? It's hard to describe in words!

After waiting for two days, Jin sent the information of the three people to me. Mingzai and Ah Fu have found out. Their situation is different. As for sesame? It's said that he has gone abroad. It's really not clear what happened. Anyway, Jin doesn't have much news.

Mingzai's place is not far away from the capital. It's actually in Jincheng. If you drive, I'm afraid it won't take two hours. In retrospect, when mingzai talks, it seems that he doesn't have a lot of Jincheng accent. I don't know whether it was the original time or it was changed later!

In the morning, Ding Yu got up very early, and the two little guys had nothing to do. They took them to eat Goubuli steamed stuffed buns. As for whether they could eat Goubuli steamed stuffed buns at their age, it was another time for them to go to see the scenery. Anyway, they were also taking a rest. What they did was to take their two children out to play.

After arriving in Jincheng, Ding Yu separated from the children and asked the nanny to take them to play. He and Jin went to see his comrades in arms. After arriving at the place, Ding Yu got off the bus and waited there. He got up early in the morning, so he came here and didn't have time to go to work.

"Is it true at home?"

Standing behind Ding Yu, Jin also nodded, "it's true. His wife ran away. He took his parents and daughter together. The parents didn't have much pension and retirement. The children went to kindergarten. So all the burden of the family was on him. In addition to work, there was some land in the family. The wind was very good, but the family was too poor!"

It didn't take long to see some people coming in the distance and the car parked by Ding Yu's side. Even when he entered the factory, he would not stop looking back. The car was too dazzling. After waiting for a long time, Jin also stepped forward and said, "it's him!"

Seeing the people coming from afar, Ding Yu sighed. He dragged his legs step by step. It is obvious that there were some problems in his legs. You should know that in the army, he was able to fight tigers on the mountain and catch dragons in the sea. But now? It's so decadent that if Jin doesn't show it to himself, it's even hard for him to recognize it.

When I think about my situation at the beginning, I didn't seem to be better than this. At that time, I had a stiff life. Fortunately, I still had a job. Although I was very tired, I could at least forget a lot of things. However, mingzai's current situation is more miserable than when I was at the beginning.

Mingzai didn't notice the situation not far away. His mother's condition was a little serious, and his daughter's school fees were also a little too much. If he was healthy, he didn't have too many problems, but his injuries were also relatively heavy. Zhitong tablets were quite common for him.

However, mingzai soon felt that something was wrong. Although he had been away from the army for some years, his keen sense had not been eliminated. At least some of them still remained. Therefore, he soon found the people who came to him. Although he said that he should face the sun, it had no impact on mingzai.

After training in the army, I have learned how to deal with such sunshine. When I see the visitors clearly, mingzai is a little stunned. Then the whole person's expression changes greatly. He is nervous and even serious. Then he cracks his mouth and smiles, which makes people feel miserable.Ding Yu looks at his overalls, but there is no sense of disdain. Two people look at it. Mingzai is also trying to make himself stand straighter, but his legs have not much to do. Ding Yu immediately gives mingzai a hug. They haven't seen each other for years.

"I'm going to ask for a leave!" Mingzai looked at the time, and then he also apologized to Ding Yu. When facing the real life, he still lowered his noble head. What he had no way to do was not for himself.

Ding Yu also nodded. Although he said that he could prepare better work for mingzai, he should not touch the broken glass heart. Everyone has his own self-esteem. He knows too much about this and is eager to help, but he never accepts the so-called gift.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, mingzai dragged his legs out of it. Ding Yu was still standing in the original place and had no intention of getting on the bus. Then Ding Yu also took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, opened it and handed it over to him, "is there any trouble?"

"Nothing. The monitor said that he was very busy during this period of time. If he could, he would come back in the afternoon." Then mingzai also took over Ding Yu's cigarette, which was of high grade. At least for mingzai, "we used to smoke double happiness, but now we can't find it in many places!"

"I have some bottles of jade ice on my car. I bought them from the outside. The old ghost died some time ago. Most of the people in the team could find everything they could find, except you, Ah Fu and sesame seed!"

"The old ghost is dead?" The corner of mingzai's mouth also slightly twitched up, "ah, I came out with him, my leg is lame, he seems not to be good there, how did he die?" Words are very plain, but still can feel out, mingzai has so some excitement, but after the excitement? Is also helpless!

"It's all solved. The whole old ghost has been abandoned, so it was attacked secretly. However, I asked all the people who started the operation to be buried with the old ghost. Basically, there is no left behind!" When he said this, Ding Yu also personally lit the cigarette for mingzai, "you can do something like this!"

"When did you become the second generation rich?" When talking, the two people also got on the car that had been waiting there for a long time. The car was Ding Ding Ding, and Ding Yu borrowed it. Although the past time was a little long, this car is still very heroic, at least the overbearing one. It is still rare in the world!

"For a while, but the rich generation may be better!" After getting on the car, Ding Yu also took a look at mingzai who was slightly restrained. "My sister's car, my car is too low-key, I'm afraid you're not used to it!" Ding Yu's words showed a little bit of a joke, "we were supposed to come together, but two little guys went to play with the nanny!"

"Well? You all have children? When did you get married? "

Mingzai was also slightly stunned, and his tone was more or less warm. "No marriage, the marriage problem involves a lot of situations. Anyway, there are children now. Your daughter is at home today. Fortunately, I was prepared when I came, otherwise there would be some embarrassment!"

There are a lot of things in the back of Dingyu's car. There are some food. There are no red money. The thing is really not. Soon Jin drives the car to mingzai's door. From the appearance, mingzai's home is a little bit shabby. When driving past, it seems that there are not too many people in the village. It's a little early.

However, Ding Yu's car still attracted some people's attention, especially when he saw that he stopped at the gate of mingzai's house, everyone was talking about everything. Soon, a little girl came out of the house and saw her father also jumped up.


The little girl was holding her father, her hair was a little bit yellow. She knew that it belonged to malnutrition. Ding Yu touched it up and down, and she didn't really bring any gifts on her body. "This uncle calls me feel ashamed and ashamed. I'll give you the gift later, OK?"

"Good!" The little girl didn't recognize her life at all. At this time, Jin had opened the back carriage, which was full of stuff. "When I came here, I didn't prepare anything, just some food to follow." Ding Yu took a look at the family. It was really poor. Even the door and window frames were wooden.

In modern society, such a situation is really rare. Looking at an old couple coming out of it, mingzai is holding his daughter and shouting, "Dad, mom, this is my comrade in arms, come and have a look!"

"Hello, I'm a comrade in arms of mingzai. My name is Ding Yu." Ding Yu's attitude is very respectful, without any frivolous meaning. The old couple looked at the luxury car parked at the door, looked at the things moved down, and then looked at their son. The son had no other meaning on this, and nodded his head slightly.

"Hello, Hello, Akiko, let your comrades in arms sit at home!" Ding Yu nods to Jin Dian, and then goes into the room together. Looking at the books on the Kang, Ding Yu also smiles. Mingzai throws his daughter on the Kang and asks her to clean up the things.Although the physical condition was not very good, the old lady still asked the old man to wash some fruits. The fruit was not very big, even a little black spots. But Ding Yu didn't care. He took one of them and ate them, but he didn't mean to do it.

And the little girl looked at what Jin had moved in. Her eyes were bright. She was lying on the Kang, pointing to the box and shouting, "meat, meat! Eat meat Ding Yu is also a Leng, then also smile up, holding the little girl in his arms, "good, at noon we eat meat together!"

Looking at the little guy's happy appearance, Ding Yu also nodded to Jin Dian. As we said just now, he would make up a gift for the little girl. As he said it, he could not be vague in the past. He was also a father. Since some words were said in front of the children, they could not be regarded as nothing had happened.

"You cook!" Ding Yu looks at mingzai, and also intentionally says that he was acting as the chef in the team at the beginning. This craft should not have been thrown down, right? "I'm ready for you

"Yes Then Ding Yu accompanied the old lady and the little girl to sit on the Kang. Before long, Jin came in with all the things and looked at the presents on the Kang. The little girl also jumped up with joy. This is a good thing that even kindergarten doesn't have. It's only seen in TV.

After thinking about it, the little girl was also dragging herself down to the ground, lying on the edge of the Kang. Her two legs landed first, then she twisted her small body out. After a long time, she came in. She even went to wash her clothes again. She even changed her clothes, and then she didn't give up holding the toys.

"Ah, Mingzi is a bitter child. At the beginning, the family was good. After the people who wanted to be good came back, they were lame. But I had dragged her down. It was a pity that the little girl followed us!"

"It's nothing to be bitter, man? Sometimes, it's a kind of life experience to have a bit of hardship and get tired. Without such experience, we can't settle down. Previously, we all looked for him, but we couldn't find his relationship there. So is mingzai, and he doesn't say hello to his brothers! "

Ding Yu accompanied the old lady to talk for a long time. In the process, he deepened his understanding of mingzai. Although he said that it was still early at noon, the meal was quickly put on the table, which was even more abundant than that during the Spring Festival. The little girl was already unable to stop swallowing.

But even if it is like this, the hand is still holding his own doll, not willing to give up.

"Feather, there's nothing to entertain at home!" As he spoke, mingzai was embarrassed to smile, and Ding Yu shook his head carelessly. "In those days, you could eat in muddy water, but now you can't eat it when you sit on the Kang? What's more, it's not a good meal? What a surprise

For Ding Yu to sit in his own house to eat instead of going out to eat, mingzai's heart can be said to be quite grateful. Looking at the luxury car driven by his comrades in arms, he knows that he doesn't need to go out to eat a meal. This is no longer a matter of face, but it's all about love.

"What are you doing now, all these luxury cars are on?"

When giving Ding Yu a drink, Ding Yu declined, and mingzai was not too surprised. When he was in the army, on the one hand, he was old, on the other hand, he didn't really like this aspect. He didn't expect that this problem still hasn't been changed, and he really insists on it!

"After coming out of the army, I wandered around for two days and got a college diploma. Later, I went to the state-owned enterprises in Beijing for a period of time, then studied medicine, and now I am a doctor!" Ding Yu also briefly described his own situation, but the specific problems were not clearly explained. After all, mingzai's parents and daughter were still there.

"Have you learned medicine?" Mingzai seems to remember, "I remember you said that your father is a doctor!"

"Well, it's a wish of his." Ding Yu also said with a smile, "when I was studying medicine, I did some business in other fields. Later, something happened to the old ghost, and the three of you didn't arrive. We felt very worried and didn't know what happened to the three of you!"

When talking, the little girl is also holding her own spoon and eating with oil on her face. According to the general situation, children are not allowed to go to the table, but when Ding Yu is on the table, she doesn't let the little girl leave. She has been pressed in her own position.

Looking at the way she ate, Ding Yu also ate two more mouthfuls, but that was to say, it was just a taste. At noon, he usually didn't eat much, but in the morning? Because they came too early, the two little guys ate, but they didn't really get too much contamination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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