Dingyu eat, also pay attention to the Ming Chai's parents, peeping to look at, the original conditions in the home is not very good, plus malnutrition, so this disease? It is always repeated, and then there is a aggravating situation. Now it can not be dragged again. If you drag again, I am afraid there will be big problems.

The girl seems to eat a little bit. The belly is going to drum up. It is scary to see. The old lady has tears and eyes. The same is true for the old man and mingzai. After eating dinner, Dingyu also walked out of the room, and looked at the Ming Chai smoking beside her, which was also a voice.

"When you don't have the ability, you don't say anything, but now it's a little bit of a small ability. I helped you find a job, which means you have a job. Your previous work salary is not high, and the damage to your body is a little bit big. Live well. After all, there are parents and children!"

Dingyu's words are not comforting, but this is also related to each other's position. After all, Dingyu is the assistant team of the team, at least in name, the leader of everyone, so what about this talk? There are still some components.

"I'll take you to see the new job a little bit away from home!"

Mingchai turned his head, and after a long time, he said thank you. Dingyu also said, "don't say thank you. We can't say that. I've asked you something about that job. I asked you!"

Looking at the little girl behind mingchai, Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse. She also picked up the girl by hand, and let the girl follow the car. Anyway, there was nothing else. It was very good to go out and turn. After the little girl got on the car, she showed that there were some constraints. The poor children were in the house early. In her heart, she had already been in a hurry I was a little confused.

But under Dingyu's teasing, the little girl soon got excited. Mingchai sitting next to her looked at her daughter, and smiled helplessly at Dingyu. Some of them were not very interesting. "You didn't see our two cubs, much smaller than her, but that naughty effort did not mention, fortunately, she was strict in discipline, otherwise, she would go to heaven!"

The car has been driving for more than an hour, and then it comes to the door of a company. It is noon. However, it seems that someone has been waiting for it. It seems that Dingyu's car stops there, and it also comes in a trot. Even he opens the door actively. His attitude is very respectful.

"Yu Shao, how are you!" Dingyu also slightly nodded his head, and then he also reached out his hand. "Hello, it was a rest day. Some sudden came here, which disturbed you to rest!"

"You are welcome. Our work is for the people. What is the rest? Let Yu Shao say that I am almost totally complacent!"

For such flattery, Dingyu said nothing, "my brother and comrade in war, I have given it to you!" After finishing, he also slapped his chest behind him. Mingchai also stood up his chest. "Mingchai, you follow me and see. We will wait outside for you to see if it is right or not! I'm not going in! "

Ming Chai looked at Dingyu in a little doubt, but then nodded, followed by him to go inside, waiting for about two hours, mingchai came out of the door, looked at the car still waiting at the door, and his heart was also loose. Dingyu slightly showed some caution when opening the door. "I was tired of playing, sleeping in it, how to work What? "

"Great, the conditions are too good!" When it comes to saying this, mingchai feels that he has some helpless hands. Because he really didn't expect that pie would fall off the sky, and he hit his head all of a sudden. Now he feels that he has some dreams. Is that true?

"There is no other meaning, is a little bit of a wish, what is in the team? I don't care much, but can help, or try to help, everyone is a brother together, who also don't want to see who is in trouble! If you don't follow you, you know how to carry them! "

"Ah, I don't want to contact you. You also see the situation in your home. I feel like I have no face!" Mingchai also smiled bitterly, "it is important that there is no confidence in this aspect. The withdrawal fee given after coming out is quite a few, but the body is disabled, and parents have problems. The pressure of life is all concentrated on the body, and can not bear the burden!"

"I know, your mother's affairs I come to arrange, I am a doctor after all, this is not a very big problem for me personally, but said, the debt can be paid back! Are you still a man? "

The last sentence has some joking meaning, but mingchai also points out a lot, "you go to deal with your work, I take the little girl to buy something, since this uncle has come, I can not be too stingy, but if you don't worry, follow me, anyway you have nothing!"

"Forget it! I'll go to the factory first. The people here are waiting! If you really want to take this yellow girl away from our house, you don't have to wait for such a long time. It's a precious treasure in my eyes. But in your eyes, I'm afraid it's really not worth a few money. I mean it's true! ""Bullshit, whose children who are not worried, who do not have heartache, do not tell you, you go to deal with the matter, I sold out to you, I am not full at noon, in the evening you have to do more food, otherwise I will be very unhappy!"

After separating from mingzai, Ding Yu also took the little girl to buy a lot of things, including food, use and clothing. Why did she do this? There is no need to talk about the reasons. But now the little girl has the feeling of a little princess. Is it better than this figure? Still slightly show that there are some thin and weak.

When mingzai returned to the factory, he also brought two cigarettes. When he was in the factory, in fact, everyone took care of himself. His legs were disabled and some work was really impossible to do. However, no one despised himself or had other problems because of this.

"Brothers, my comrades in arms have been here for many years. I have found a new job for me. I went to see it earlier. I have been in the factory for many years. Thanks to everyone's care, I have no great ability. But if anyone has anything, please send me a message!"

Although mingzai said that he quit his job, he still did some things on the scene when he left. Everyone really envied this, but he was not very envious. All of us have seen the situation of mingzai coming to the factory these years. Although his life is difficult, he is very self-improvement, which is not easy.

Since we can find a good job, no one will insist on it. After saying hello to these colleagues, mingzai also said hello to the leaders. After all, the leaders have taken care of themselves in recent years. What about this problem? I also remember in the heart, that is to say a few words, it is not difficult.

Naturally, the leaders heard about what happened at the gate of the factory in the morning and drove a luxury car like that to see Zhou Ming. I'm afraid that this is not only the owner who doesn't need money, but also that mingzai has a place in the future. This is also a very happy thing.

When mingzai came out of the factory, he also called Ding Yu, and then he went back home. When he returned home, he deliberately explained to his parents that his son's spirit had changed. When he went out at noon, he was still depressed and depressed. But now? It's totally different.

"Mingzai! Although it's your comrades in arms, we have to thank them well. What's more, we'd rather live in poverty than do those messy things, do you know? "

These can't be said to be experience, but just a kind of expectation. Mingzai also nods. In fact, if you really want to do something messy, it's really too easy for me. What I've learned in the army is really used in heresy, like a fish in water.

But the problem is that I have always abided by the oath in my heart. Not only myself, but everyone who comes out of it seems to be like this. Regardless of whether life is poor or poor, everyone seems to have no meaning in this respect, but I can also understand the worries of my parents.

Ding Yu came back relatively early. After playing around with the little girl, he bought a lot of things. It can be seen that mingzai's parents are not very satisfied and have nothing to do with Ding Yu. It's mainly his granddaughter. Are there so many things that are too much, even if it's his uncle, it seems that he can't be like this!

Ding Yu didn't care as much as he thought. He ate dinner at mingzai's house. But this time, everyone was scared. Even if it was cattle, it seemed that they couldn't eat so much at one time? Fortunately, there are a lot of things made at home, otherwise it would not be disgraceful.

The little girl looked at Ding Yu, and then looked at the things on the table. The little mouth was also shriveled together. The uncle treated him very little. He ate all his delicious food, which made him feel a little sad and unhappy.

Looking at the little girl's appearance, Ding Yu is also a little overjoyed. At this time, children are the most interesting. This is not their Philistines, but the psychology of children. What you do to children, he may not put it in his mind, but if you force toys or things from the hands of children, this is completely not for children Forgivable.

Not every child is Kong Rong. That's just some jokes. This has something to do with education. However, education is acquired, not innate. This still needs to be distinguished. There may be some instinctive problems involved in it, and the discussion is really endless.

Under the gaze of the little girl, Ding Yu also put down the chopsticks in her hand. "When you have kung fu the next day, let your grandmother take you to the capital. I'm responsible for entertaining you, eating all kinds of delicious food and playing all kinds of fun, OK? It's compensation for eating these things! "

The little girl looked at Ding Yu, and then looked at the food on the table. Then she nodded and said, "OK!" This speech to a certain extent also means to forgive Ding Yu. Looking at the little girl's appearance, Ding Yu is also very happy. After having dinner, Ding Yu also went out of the room with mingzai, "arrange the work and call me when I get to the capital. I'm a doctor, and the old lady's condition can't be delayed!""I see. I'll send it to you in two days, but I'll trouble you!"

"Don't talk about it like this. There are many ups and downs in life. Don't look at me at this time. Who knows when I will need you to give me a hand. All of them eat in one pot and die together. It's unnecessary to say that!"

When he left, Ding Yu didn't leave any so-called money. He could buy things, but if he took the money, the nature of the matter would be completely different. Or was that sentence, eager to be cared for, but afraid to be pitied, which is the subtlety? It's really hard to make it clear. Ding Yu is also careful.

From the results above, is good, in fact, this is also a rescue of their own heart!

However, there are still some differences between Ah Fu and mingzai. Ah Fu is now working as a manager in a logistics company, which is quite good in terms of living conditions and standards. As for why he doesn't contact with you, it seems that there are some unclear questions about why he doesn't contact with you.

In Ding Yu's understanding, it may be to give up the relationship with the original time! The memories in the army are not all good for him personally. Since life has been quite stable, Ding Yu is not easy to disturb. Why should he be arrested? It is not good or appropriate.

Everyone has his own way of life. This is a right. Outsiders had better not interfere with anything. Of course, Ding Yu understands it in this way. What is the real situation? No one knows, but since life is convenient and there are no problems and conditions, Ding Yu doesn't need to worry too much.

It's OK to have a good life. It's not necessarily good to be plain, is it?

When I went back, the sky was not dim, but the two little guys sitting on the nanny's car were already sleeping. I was so excited during the day. Although this was not the first time I came out to play, this time it seemed to be too indulgent. The two little guys were sleeping soundly.

Ding Yu is also looking at the two little guys. They have been tired for a day. They have been playing for a whole day. It's unfair, but how about unfair? Do you have to serve the two little guys like your ancestors?

Back home, Ding Yu and the nanny put the two little guys on the bed, but they didn't mean to go out immediately. After changing their clothes, Ding Yu went back to their room again and sat at the head of their bed. They didn't know what they were thinking about.

The nanny didn't mean to disturb her. She was responsible for the children's situation. As for Ding Yu's problems, she was not in the scope of her concern. Moreover, she had her own affairs to deal with. There was no leisure in this aspect. She could just take advantage of this time to be lazy.

However, the fact that the nanny doesn't care doesn't mean that the staff in the courtyard don't care. Earlier, the old lady can say that she has come to warn her in person. For this problem, we all see it in the eye. It's not a joke.

Obviously, the young and the big can't be fooled. There's no difference between fooling others and fooling yourself. So now, after seeing how big and young are, we are also worried. What's the matter with big and little?

Today's situation is slightly abnormal! In the past, most and young people also like children very much, but it seems that they have never done so. They know that there seems to be no big deal and solved some problems and situations. Besides, is there anything else?

Ding Yu accompanied the child for a period of time, but also back to his own study, Ah Fu there do not need to disturb, he did not need to be careful for him, fussy, he still care about their own things! I have a lot of things on hand waiting for me to deal with, which is not the leisure in imagination.

Looking at the situation of the young and the large, it is hard for the service personnel to say anything. After all, some of the attendants just left the courtyard before. The treatment here can be said to be quite good. The majority and the young have no other aspects. They are also relatively kind-hearted. It does not mean that everyone has such opportunities.

If it had been placed in the past, I'm afraid that this matter would have been told to the old lady, but now no one will do so. After all, the old lady has already explained the request for payment. Under such a situation, continuing to block the old lady is just to make himself uncomfortable, so forget it!

However, although the siheyuan didn't disclose this incident, the old lady should have known about it. It was mainly from Su Quan. Previously, Wang Yang also asked his grandfather's opinions and ideas, and Su Quan was also involved in it.

What about this? I'm not an expert, so I don't have much right to speak. In my spare time, I also said some things about the relevant aspects, which was regarded as chatting.

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