For this aspect of the problem, Su Bo Chen is very highly praised, even a little complacent, because he has made a considerable example in this respect, his wages and treatment and other things in recent years are basically taking care of his old subordinates, and he has not left much.

There's no need. What about material life? It's not as high as you think. What's more, if you have the spare money, you'd better put yourself into something more meaningful. What's the practice of Ding Yu's grandson? Or let me when the grandfather feel a little proud and proud.

"I've been very busy with my work, and I have to deal with such things by myself. I really don't know what the child thinks. If I have this time, it's not good to care about other things?"

The old lady was not dissatisfied with her grandson's behavior, but felt that there was some imbalance. She had time to see her comrades in arms, but she did not have time to care about the situation in her family. Who should such things be placed on, not to mention Ding Yu's body?

Wang Pu didn't say anything else, that is, the old God was sitting there. What about Wang Yang? Is careful to serve, there is no way to do things, one side is the grandfather and grandmother, the other is the grandfather, if there is a problem, his small body is so some can not afford.

Even this talk needs to be carefully considered, the bottom can not have a trace of askew, for Wang Yang, this is really so some too much suffering, is not a human life at all!

However, it has been studied for so many days. It seems that there is still no research result. Wang Yang is also very upset. The money is now in his hands. If it is not moved, it seems that it has no value, but if it moves, there is no specific direction. I worry about this, but that, anyway, there are many problems.

Now I seem to have other ideas and opinions on this matter. My brother didn't participate in this matter before. Was it because my brother thought it would be difficult for the family to make a decision on this matter, so he resolutely declined this aspect of the matter? It's not impossible!

Elder brother is very clear. What about the people in the family who can make decisions? There are only three of them, and others can't be involved. What's the more important point? What's the opinion of these three? It's not very unified. If we wait until the time of reunification, who knows what will happen? Even Wang Yang doesn't know what to say.

Standing on a certain angle, does Wang Yang think that his grandfather, grandmother and grandfather did? The starting point is good, but the problem is that they don't seem to have a full understanding of the relevant parties. If they are still involved, this will lead to fundamental problems. Wang Yang has a vague sense of this aspect.

But I feel that it is one time thing. If I really talk about this matter, it will be another. At home, the weight of the three of them can be said to be difficult to weigh. They are definitely not the people of their grandchildren who should discuss it.

But in Wang Yang's head? But I have already started to think about this aspect. If it comes to political matters, not only myself, but all the people in the family, I'm afraid, can't be crushed by three old people's fingers. Even if my eldest brother comes in, it's the same.

But what about business? All the people in the family, I'm afraid, are not enough for their big brother's fingers to crush. Even if the three old people go out personally, there won't be much difference. The situation is absolutely the same. There will be no other unexpected situations. There are specialized skills and different ways to deal with them.

Although it is said that the three old people are absolutely in charge of their financial resources once they have opened their mouths, the problem is that they are not only criticized, but also involved in other aspects, just as grandparents and grandmothers have not promised the jade family. If they have agreed to the jade family, money is absolutely not a problem for the Wang family.

Wang Yang, who had already thought about this matter, did not immediately go to his elder brother. What did he do to find his elder brother? At this time, Wang Yang thinks it is necessary for him to do something instead of serving the three old people here. If it is life experience, he should listen to it, but obviously not!

Soon, Wang Yang also went to the odd jobs market and the talent market, not to apply for a job, but to observe. As for why he went to these two places, he felt that he would be inspired by these two places. If it was a business of making money, everyone would rush to it, which is certain.

Driven by human instinct, we all want to live a better life. What about the business of making money? It's where the interests lie. This is Wang Yang's most real idea. Is there a problem? Wang Yang didn't really think about it. Anyway, it's better to do it first than to stay at home!

When Ding Yu knew the news, he was also a little lost in his mind. He could see that his younger brother was really attentive. If he didn't, he would not do so. In fact, if he wanted to get money like Wang Yang, it was really fast. The identity of the Wang family was not in vain, so there was no need to adopt such a way.Even a lot of people hope to borrow his tiger skin to use it. It's absolutely profitable. What's more, Wang Yang still has a lot of money in his hand. If he really wants to invest in something, he can make sure that he can make a hundred dollars without losing money.

But Wang Yang did not make such a choice, which let Ding Yu take a look. From this point, the education at home is quite good. At least at this time, Wang Yang still does not use his identity to do anything. From the beginning of walking, there are not too many twists and turns. Good!

It's too simple for Wang Yang to secretly do such a thing. Don't ask yourself how you know it, because sun Yingnan is an expert in this field. What he does is what he does. He is really too clear about the greasy inside. Under sun Yingnan's teaching, Ding Yu is not proficient, but at least he has some understanding.

However, Ding Yu thinks that Wang Yang should be further stretched. It is not yet at that time. His family has not made any so-called decisions. He will not rush to mix in anything. This is contrary to his original intention. As for what kind of decisions will be made at home? Ding Yu is also ha ha.

It's not that Ding Yu despises the Wang family and the Su family. It's not really the reason for this. Ding Yu can't say that he doesn't have a sense of belonging to the two families. After all, the blood relationship is there. But the problem is that Ding Yu is very reluctant to involve himself in the affairs of his family.

The more such a big family is, the more rules there are in the family. They are not brought up in the family. To a certain extent, they must be excluded. After all, they are not only parents and grandparents, but also other people. These people make up the family together. Without them, everyone is incomplete.

To a certain extent, he is also an outsider to everyone. His rash intrusion will definitely cause hostility from all of us. This is absolutely certain. Ding Yu thinks more about this. In this case, it's better to keep this distance from the beginning. Hello, I'm good, everyone.

Home understand or do not understand, this for Ding Yu is really so some indifferent, anyway, I am like this, who can give me how? Of course, from another point of view, Ding Yu has the confidence to make such a choice. After all, there is the support of power behind it.

There is a reason why Ding Yu said that he had powerful support, but he did not say that he had financial support. Sometimes, money can not be said to be omnipotent, because money is just a universal medium. To a certain extent, it does not fully represent value and interests. This still needs to be explained.

Maybe some people don't fully understand what this means, but for Ding Yu, he has already begun to understand. When he just came out of the army, he felt that money is omnipotent, without money is absolutely impossible, but with the change of time, he has begun to have other aspects of perception.

For example, an aircraft carrier costs a lot. If it is expressed in figures, it is not a problem for Ding Yu to buy several aircraft carriers, but the question is who will sell the aircraft carrier to himself with a marked price? No matter how much money you have, it's not about money.

In this, money is just a medium. If the domestic aerospace project is given to the UK, and then the UK can get several aircraft carriers to China, there is a certain possibility. This is just an example. In this case, no one will mention money. In this process, money is not as good as waste paper, even even it The most basic role of media, none, is like this.

If money can't even act as a medium, what's the difference between money and waste paper?

However, Ding Yu's understanding of this aspect does not mean that other people have the same perception. Just like Wang Yang, his investigations these days also make him feel a little confused. On the one hand, because he is not familiar with it, what's more? That is, he is always a person, without help.

Wang Yang is running west. What about the old people at home? I'm also trying to find a way. Although the money is stored in the bank, there is interest, but the interest is too little. There is also the dividend of that share, which seems to play a very limited role. At least, there is no profit maximization.

After more than a week, Wang Yang also felt that he needed to take a breath, and then he went to see his brother. However, when he came to the hospital, he was not there. After asking Tao Jin, he knew that there was no special situation on Saturdays and Sundays, and he would not come.

This spectrum is really not so big. In domestic hospitals, it seems that even the director level, there are not many such treatment, but the problem is that this is his brother, but it can not be said to be a big shelf. After all, we all look at the work at ordinary times, no one can catch up with their efforts, and rest is also appropriate.

These things are known to themselves, but busy dark, there is no attention in this respect!

When he came to the quadrangle, his brother was playing with his two children. His niece even had been riding on Ding Yu's neck. Ding Yu did not have any irritable feeling. He patiently accompanied the children to play, and could feel it from the cheerful laughter.When Ding Yu saw Wang Yang, he also said hello, and then he put his daughter down on his neck, coaxed the two children, and then gave them to the nanny. The two children were also a little dirty. Let them take a bath. Otherwise, they would become dirty children, which would be bad.

"That wind brought you here?" Ding Yu was not polite at all. He wiped his hand and then sat down on the chair over there. He took a sip of coffee by the way. He was not dissatisfied with Wang Yang's arrival, but he could not see any joy.

That's what he said. But Ding Yu just took a look. He even didn't even bother to move his butt. Wang Yang also gave a wry smile. Then he put a notebook in front of his brother's body. Ding Yu took a look at Wang Yang, and then picked it up to have a look. However, some of them were not very serious and perfunctory.

After reading it, he also placed it on one side of the table, "what about the blowoff gun? No one can do such things. Anyway, it doesn't have much influence. What about your record? How much does it mean? " It's not polite at all.

Wang Yang also slightly grinned at his mouth, but for such a problem, he has long been able to accept, "brother, I studied the market situation, in which the network, real estate is still the most popular, financial this is not to say, but real estate and financial this situation, home may not pass!"

"You want to be online? What do you think? "

"I think there may be some mistakes in the ideas at home. To a certain extent, our country is still a human society, which can't be avoided. It has nothing to do with the legitimacy of business. This is what human relationship looks like, regardless of whether it is a socialist society or a capitalist society. As long as it is a commercial society, there is no difference! ”

well! Ding Yu nods, this analysis is good! It seems that this period of exercise still has some effect on him. Looking at his brother's appearance, Wang Yang also said, "but human relationship? Investment is needed. The views of the family on this issue may be slightly biased! " After that, Wang Yang also looked at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu also burst into a laugh, which made people feel a little weird. "You've been optimistic about this aspect, but I don't have any practical findings in your book. It seems that your in-depth understanding of it is not enough! I don't know what you think about it? "

"Brother, it seems that you didn't mean to answer this question, or even deliberately avoided it. Is that what you said to me earlier? I feel a little confused! "

Ding Yu looked at Wang Yang. After a long time, he snorted and laughed, "it seems that you have considered this aspect deeply. Although the time is short, you still have some ideas. I feel very satisfied with this point. I have never asked you to change anything. This is not my style!"

"Brother, this is too profound. I have a headache now. You'd better say it simply!"

"No one is a genius. Anyway, you and I are not. You don't have much interest in learning about the problem of education after tomorrow, but it's hard for you to sum up these experiences. However, from practice, we can see that this is much worse than learning, and we all come to the same goal by different ways."

"Not very well!"

"In those days, someone told me the same truth, but I didn't understand it!" When talking about this, Ding Yu seemed to remember something. "When my master said this to me, I felt very skeptical about how it was possible. But as time went by, I gradually realized that it was the same thing to climb the mountain. Which direction to climb from is not important!"

Looking at Wang Yang's slightly depressed face, Ding Yu also had some coke. "What I'm talking about is that I feel like smelly feet cloth. In fact, there are some pretentious things. My teacher told me these principles at the time. At that time, I was too young to understand! So get some fun out of you. "

Looking at his brother's face, Wang Yang really felt a little bit. He really wanted to give it a try. Don't ask why he had such an idea out of thin air. He really had this feeling, not a joke.

But Ding Yu looked at Wang Yang, and his face suddenly turned. "Do you think clearly? This has nothing to do with me. There is a point I need to take the lead in explaining. It is impossible to get the so-called support from me. I will not stand in their face, it is certain!"

"Why should I fight?"

"It has nothing to do with me. Of course, it has something to do with me. After all, I paid the money, but what about that? Put all the blame on me? Let's forget it! What's more, how can the rest of the family comfort themselves when they know about it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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