"It's true Wang Yang also said a little discontented. What about this? It can also be regarded as one of their own vent, "brother, you do this, really good?" In this way, it is already a serious expression of their dissatisfaction.

It's true that two people didn't grow up together. What about their feelings? However, after knowing the news about his brother, Wang Yang was still very cautious and even showed great respect. However, the result was not as good as expected.

It is not to say that his brother is not good to himself, but really can not say so, mainly because his brother's character is too cold, with the treatment of Ding Ding? They are totally two kinds of situations. This makes me feel a little dissatisfied. Even in the treatment of Wang Li's second sister, Ding Ding Ding is not good enough.

But when Wang Yang was in a trance, Ding Yu also opened his mouth.

"No one can judge whether this problem is good or not. I am a small person. I still have this self-knowledge. My identity can not explain any problem, and the so-called blood can not prove any problem!" Ding Yu is very serious with Wang Yang said, this is also a confidant.

Wang Yang was also a little puzzled, looking at his brother, "brother, I heard different meanings from your words. You are not at ease with the people in your family. Is that right? I think there is something wrong with your idea! I can't guarantee anything else, but there won't be any problem with your identity. "

"Maybe I'm too suspicious, but it's just a little personal thought and opinion. It's no big deal!" Ding Yu did not continue to mention this with Wang Yang, "say something about you! Since I have done such a job, I think I should have some other ideas! Let's hear it! "

Wang Yang still looked at his brother suspiciously. After pondering for a period of time, Wang Yang slowly said, "the money in the family is enough. In the past, there was no such cost, and the same is very good. Even if there are other ideas, the shares you give to your brother are also enough for the expenses of the family, but before that, you gave them to me The money is wasted! "

"And then?"

"I'm going to borrow the money, then mortgage the shares, and then invest with the money mortgaged out. I know it's a fantastic idea to say so, but I think it's a way. The so-called conventional business is not so suitable for the Wang family and the Su family, and it needs to take an unusual path."

Ding Yu gazed at his younger brother. "I'm very brave, but I don't think there's any possibility of your success. It's not to say whether your investment in business can succeed. It's another thing. It's how you persuade the three old people. I don't think there's any possibility of success."

Hearing his brother say so, Wang Yang is just like a balloon, directly paralyzed there, so like a dog, he looked at Ding Yu pitifully, hoping that he could give himself an idea, which is also the main purpose of his coming here. I hope that elder brother can extend his hand and help himself.

"Don't set such a trap for me. As I said clearly earlier, I will never get involved in this matter. This and taking money are two things. My grandparents, grandparents and grandmothers are very clear about this. What do you think? It's your problem, understand? I think I explained it very clearly

"I don't understand!" Wang Yang's voice is also so high. What does his brother mean? Wang Yang even feels that he can't control his inner anger.

"If you don't understand, then go to think about it. No one will tell you why. If you don't understand, how can you mix up in such an occasion, and you won't even be left with bones and dregs. The first lesson of the introduction is what you want to pay for what you want. That's it!"

Yeah? Wang Yang immediately drew back his body and looked at his brother with strange eyes. What does this mean? You have to pay the price for what you want, but the problem is what kind of things you can get to the negotiation table, which is worth your brother's attention?

It seems that there is no such thing at all! Anyway, at this time Wang Yang can't understand the door and reality. Ding Yu shakes his head. His younger brother is still too young. There are too many things behind him that can be taken to the negotiation table.

He is a member of the royal family and also a member of the Su family. There are three big giants standing behind him. In fact, this can explain the problem. Moreover, he is now the only informed person of this matter, and all things will be executed and completed by him. This heavy responsibility is also shouldered by him.

But the problem is that Wang Yang, who is holding the golden rice bowl, is begging. This can not help but make Ding Yu feel a little disappointed. He does not know what to say when he is in the middle of happiness. He does not know what to say for a while. It is appropriate for him to have some lessons in this respect, and when he will understand it.What about this problem? Ding Yu will not take the initiative to point out. After thinking about it, Ding Yu also went into his own study and came out with a very thick book. "If you have a chance, read the original version, it may be more interesting. This is a translated version. Many contents in it are not in line with the times, but if you can read it, it will be immeasurable Function, you should need it now

On the wealth of a country? Let oneself read such a book, and it is still such a thick book, but Ding Yu laughed, "it is not to say that there are no such books in China, but they are too high-end. Even at this time, I still have a half understanding of some aspects, and I don't understand any of them at all!"

"Can't, brother, you're kidding me!"

"How do you think civilization developed, and Chinese civilization has developed for thousands of years. What does it depend on? If you can't understand it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Existence is reasonable. This is idealism, and it's metaphysical idealism, you! It's too bad to say a bad word

"I'm not a nerd, what's more, I'm not a financial graduate!"

"What does this have to do with finance? You learned it when you were in high school! " Ding Yu also looked at it with the rest of the corner of his eye, "forget it, there's no use pulling these eggs with you. Go back and have a good look at the book! It may be able to achieve the so-called miraculous effect, but who knows? Maybe you're an elm head! "

When talking, Ding Yu's mobile phone also remembered. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu also stood up all of a sudden. After saying two words, he was suddenly happy, "you stay there, I'll pick you up!"

After that, Ding Yu didn't pay attention to Wang Yang's meaning, so he went to the house to take his coat and let the driver drive. Wang Yang looked at his brother who was leaving and shook his head. He also looked at the book in his hand. Wang Yang opened his eyes and looked at the dense notes. He felt a little headache!

I didn't really read these professional books before, but there were a lot of them at home. My father liked them very much. But after I read them, I left a deep impression. I didn't expect to mention the old things again now!

Mingzai's mother has not been to the capital for many years. Although the distance between the two cities is not far, for the old lady, the world is really too big. She has not been to the city for many years, let alone come to the capital. She feels dizzy, but the little girl is a little excited.

Ding Yu arrived here with the fastest speed. Looking at the three people sitting there, he also rushed to the past, "don't you see my uncle?" Mingzai also laughed, "my father stayed at home to watch the house. Although he was poor, he still had some worries, so he didn't follow him."

"Get in the car!" Ding Yu had called Tao Jin earlier, and he had a rest, but Tao Jin didn't have much rest time, but it would not be as hard-working as he imagined. After all, her identity is Ding Yu's assistant, and we still give a lot of face to this point.

Ding Yu took the old lady to the hospital at the first time. He could go to the hospital at any time, but the hospital was different. Ding Yu asked for the old lady's ID card, and then asked Tao Jin to go through the admission procedures. "Take my account. Don't show the bill to the old lady. Pay attention!"

Of course, Tao Jin knows who mingzai is and nods his head. There is no need for too much nonsense. He has arranged a room for the old lady, went through the procedures of hospitalization, and even asked for the escort. As for the rest of the things, mingzai doesn't have to worry about at all. It can be seen that mingzai is so stunned.

When the doctor did a simple examination, Ding Yu and mingzai came out together, "what's the situation there? Are you satisfied? You're really boring. "

Mingzai's first time is to get a cigarette. However, looking at the doctor in the corridor, he also smiles with embarrassment, and then nods, "the work is very good. These two days are still in the process of training. It needs a period of time before he can be formally employed. However, the salary is the same as the entry. I contacted Gao Jie!"

"He's got a big temper now, and he won't give you too much good looks!"

"Haha, what a scolding! But I am willing to accept it! " Obviously, mingzai's temperament is somewhat different from that in the past. The examination time is not very long, it is just some simple review. The specific needs to wait until after tomorrow. What's more, there is nothing to worry about here. There is escort care.

Then Ding Yu also led mingzai and the little girl to the courtyard. The little girl looked at the situation in the courtyard and was somewhat restrained. However, the two little guys who were playing in the courtyard were obviously curious.

"The two little kids in the house make a fool of themselves every day!" Then, Ding Yu pushed her head! You should be able to be late together! " Although there are some differences in age, they are all children. At the beginning, the little girl still has some restrictions, but it does not take long to reach a group."Feather, that's ridiculous!" Looking at the crazy girl in his home, mingzai also felt a little embarrassed, but Ding Yu didn't care at all. He stretched out his hand to stop mingzai who wanted to come over, "let them play! Children's family, playing together is nothing bad, you! It's rare, it's more strange! "

In the evening, Ding Yu prepared abundantly. However, the two cubs in her family did not have the blessing. They were still too young to enjoy these things. However, the little girl did not worry about this aspect. When she saw the things on the table, her eyes were already shining.

Ding Yu still didn't mean to drink. In the evening, mingzai couldn't help himself. He began to cry bitterly after drinking. The little girl looked at her father, and she didn't know. Therefore, Ding Yu asked the nanny to lead the girl away. Anyway, she was full.

When Zhou Ming was confused in the morning, he felt that someone had come to his side. Although he said that he had drunk a lot last night, he should still be sober. "Dad, uncle said he would take me to see the flag raising!" Zhou Ming rubbed his eyes, but there was no other feeling of waking up from a hangover.

It didn't take long for Zhou Ming to clean up, and Ding Yu over there had finished his exercise. Zhou Ming also noticed Ding Yu's exercise, and even watched for a long time. Even if he had been in the army, he could not have done it himself.

The reason why the little girl is very excited about this is very simple. Although Jincheng and Beijing are not far away from each other, I have never been here to see the flag raising. For myself, it is very sacred, but it is very far away. So after having such an opportunity, I am very excited and excited.

Although the leg is disabled, mingzai still holds on to his daughter. For mingzai, it is more like a kind of persistence and a kind of belief. Ding Yu has not seen the flag raising for the first time, but every time the flag raising gives Ding Yu different feelings. Even after the flag raising, the two people did not leave immediately.

However, the little girl has left with the nanny. As for how to arrange it, Ding Yu really didn't ask about it. It would be good for her to have a happy life. For Ding Yu, this is the only thing he can do. It's not a difficult thing. It's very common.

Then Ding Yu and Zhou Ming came to the hospital together. What was the result of the examination? It may take some time, "there is nothing here. If there is any situation, I am still here? Not to mention that there are escorts here, to ensure that you are more considerate than your filial son! "

"It's not that, it's just that it's too much trouble for you!"

"Bullshit, what trouble is not troublesome. For me, this is not a troublesome thing. After I go back to work well, little girl, I asked the nurse to take her to play. If allowed, I'll play for two more days. Now I'm just in kindergarten. I don't think there's anything wrong with you! Put your heart in your stomach, and I promise I won't sell her! "

After comforting mingzai, Ding Yu went to another hospital. Today, the fat man's father is going to be discharged from hospital. The basic recuperation has been finished. Is there anything left? I will go back to rest. From what I know now, there is no big problem. It can be said that this is the best result.

"Xiaoding, you should come here in person. It's not good!" Fat man's father recovered very well, mental state is very good, next to the fat man's mother this period of time seems to have survived, looking at Ding Yu, also can't help but grasp Ding Yu's hand not to let go, excited do not know what to say is good.

The husband's situation was in his eyes. After he came to the capital, Ding Yu handled everything by himself. It's not a matter of money. He owed too much. At the beginning, the fat man in the family just spoke up and said two words. He didn't expect such a return.

"Auntie, you are not too young. Such emotional excitement is not good for your health. After you go back, you still need to take good care of it. From now on, there is no big problem. It's good to have regular review!"

The fat man's father also deliberately clenched his fist. "In the hospital, the bird will fade out of his mouth. Even if he can't eat and drink a lot, he should satisfy his desire to eat and drink."

"I think even if it's a matter of appetite, I heard the fat man say that your grandson is going to be born. In my opinion, the world is big and the youngest is the biggest in the family. This is the most important thing, isn't it?"

When talking, the fat man's parents are also proud to laugh, and this time the hospital has handled all the procedures, all sealed in the file bag, this is also because of Ding Yu's special relationship, otherwise people know who you are! Waiting for you? Don't you have legs?

But because of Ding Yu's existence, no one has mentioned this. After all, Ding Yu is so special that no one can ignore it. The result may be very serious!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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