Before his parents got on the plane, the fat man couldn't bear to express his sincere thanks. Don't say any more unnecessary words. What he said has no effect on his beauty. Just look at his performance in the future. Such things are mutual. At the beginning, Yao Yijin played a very small role, but what about the person who stood up? It seems that it is also very small.

This is also the reason why Ding Yu is so enthusiastic now. If there is no investment, there will be no return. This is absolutely certain. The investment at the beginning may not be directly proportional to the return now, but what about that? At least Ding Yu doesn't really care.

At the beginning, I couldn't face up to some things, but now? If you have this ability, why don't you reach out? This is contrary to your attitude towards life, or you don't do it. Since you have done it, you should strive to be the best. That's it.

However, to Ding Yu's surprise, Taixi came and signed a contract with China. It can be seen that she has begun to adapt to her identity and role. From Ding Yu's point of view, her performance is excellent. It can be seen that her transformation is very successful.

Of course, I still participate in some TV or movie shooting, but more? It's just a way to relax in the background. It's just a way to relax, which is just a way to adjust one's mood? The whole person will be slightly "decadent".

After a quick wash, Kim Tae hee took his son to his daughter in his arms, but the two little guys were a little bit naughty. After all, they were already at this age. For a while, Kim Tae hee really felt that he was too busy to come. Fortunately, there were nannies beside him, otherwise it would be a bit of trouble.

"Europa, I didn't feel the child was so naughty in the past In the past, when the child was with her, she was very honest, and Ding Yu also laughed, without too many explanations. Could it be difficult not to allow the child to grow up? However, sometimes the more the problem is explained, the more unclear the explanation is, so Ding Yu is silent to answer.

Baseball cap, a pair of black framed glasses, and even a pair of flat glasses on Ding Yu's face. They are all plain glasses. Ding Yu usually doesn't wear glasses. When reading or using a computer, he wears glasses mainly to protect his eyes. However, such a simple and simple decoration shows the flavor of youth.

Two people walk together in the street, each holding a little guy, but the two little guys are not as honest as expected, it is true that they are in the arms of their parents, but what about that? Kim Tae hee seems to have a period of time not so wanton walking in the street, his identity is really some special.

In fact, two people together, do not care what to eat, do not care what to do, is two people simply stay together, this feeling is very good, women? All of them are emotional, and the nanny and bodyguard who follow me don't seem to disturb me. Now I come forward. There is something wrong with the pure head melon seeds.

Two people strolled in the street for a long time. Jin Taixi was still in his mind, and Ding Yu didn't mean to force him. On the contrary, the two little guys seemed to be sleepy. Ding Yu also called the nanny over and took the two kids away. The car would be more comfortable.

Until this time, Kim Tae hee just spat out his tongue. He was a bit too willful, too much, and even so reckless. If this was placed in South Korea, the fault he committed would be unforgivable. But here, Ding Yu tolerated his own mistakes.

Immediately, Jin Taixi also took Ding Yu's hand, and even slightly shook it a few times. It was a way of his small apology. Some words were still very embarrassing. Ding Yu responded by bumping her head against her forehead, and then turning his eyes, "this evening, please!"

For Ding Yu and Jin Taixi, it seems that money is nothing. What's more, it's just a dinner. How much can it cost! Kim Tae hee is more concerned about this way of apology, a little bit warm.

Ding Yu's dinner is the same as usual. He comes to the same place as usual. He always comes to eat. However, Jin Taixi is really the first time to come. When the shop owner sees Ding Yu, he is obviously stunned. The young man's dress today is a little strange. What's more, he still leads one.

"Big or little? Is the sun coming out in the West today Obviously, I am quite familiar with them at ordinary times, so what about this? How much seems to have so some "wanton", Ding Yu also laughed, "child his mother, what do you say to do?"

"Oh, no wonder I heard the magpie cry this morning. It turned out that it was really a big wedding event. Look at this meal today. If there is any problem, you can take my current wine and food!"

Kim Tae hee looked at Ding Yu curiously and looked at the chef in a daze. What about this situation in Korea? It's really not going to happen. It's really strange. The bodyguards and others at the back also came in one after another. The shop owner also said hello to everyone with a smile. After all, they were not outsiders. They were common faces.For a small shop like myself, it's really not a big customer. It's polite and polite. It doesn't have that kind of domineering posture. It doesn't come here to play prestige. What do you say about "second generation"? What about? Is this the second generation? But if you look at other people's style, you need to give a thumbs up.

The time is not very long. The meal is served. Ding Yu has no habit of drinking. Kim Tae hee knows that Kim Tae hee sometimes drinks two cups. For South Korea, there seems to be no difference between drinking and eating, so it has become a habit.

In South Korea, if you can't drink, it will be a very troublesome thing. Of course, it doesn't matter whether you drink or not from the status of Ding Yu's Europa. However, this is a special case. The taste of things is quite good. Looking at the way Ding Yu's eating, Kim Tae hee also feels very interested.

They ate more than usual. After calling, the two little guys had already arrived home, and they had already fallen asleep. Ding Yu didn't mean to go back in a hurry. They strolled on the street with Jin Taixi. Soon, Ding Yu had a few more bags on his hands, all of which were caused by shopping.

Ding Yu was accompanying Jin Taixi when he was choosing things. He felt a sudden sound of footsteps coming from behind. Listening to this, he seemed to have come straight to himself. Because of the clear direction, when Ding Yu was slightly distracted, the people behind him had already rushed to Ding Yu.

Ding Yu has already known who the man behind him is, so there is no other action. The people behind him directly jump on Ding Yu's body. Seeing Ding Yu's reaction is not too much, but he also puffs up his mouth. However, Cao Zhen, who is following Ding Ding Ding, looks at his girlfriend with a slightly surprised expression.

"Brother, it's not easy!" However, after seeing the people around Ding Yu, he also called out, "Ernie!"

After saying that, he also threw himself at Kim Tae hee. He really didn't expect to see him here, but he didn't see him for a while. "No wonder brother, this homestead man, went shopping in the street today. It turns out that it's taixioni. You're here, I say?" After saying that, he also took Tai Xi's arm.

Ding Yu looked at Cao Zhen and nodded her head slightly. "Hello, I'm Ding Yu, Ding Ding Ding's brother. Ding Ding Ding hid you very tightly. She wanted to see her for a long time, but the problem is that she has never had such a chance. If she says that she doesn't dare to have such an opportunity today, I don't know when to wait!"

Cao Zhen understood why his girlfriend suddenly went crazy and rushed at a man. Then Cao Zhen also slightly bowed down, "Hello, brother. I'm Cao Zhen. I heard Ding Ding Ding talk about you before, but she always said that your work is very busy, and there has been no chance!"

Ding Yu's expression is also a little surprised. This guy is absolutely a nerd. Look at Ding Ding Ding's eyes beside him. Now that Ding Ding Ding is sold, will there be good fruit to eat? Absolutely can imagine come out, after going back kneeling washboard, this is afraid is light, as for heavy is what? Who knows?

Taixi was also whispering with Ding Ding Ding. After a while, Ding Ding pulled Cao Zhen away. When he left, Ding Ding Ding's hands twisted around Cao Zhen's waist. Cao Zhen's face was blue and white, white and black. But under the public, he had to bear with it.

"Is it a little exaggerated?"

"That's what it looks like when you go to college!" When Kim Tae hee helped him, Ding Yu also explained with a smile, "when I had an accident, there was only a little girl left in my family. I owed her a lot, so I took good care of her in other aspects. However, it was not so obstinate, but sometimes a little bit self willed!"

"I feel very good, knowledgeable, and face is also very good, can take out as a model!"

"Forget it! Don't pick up her interest in this Then Ding Yu seemed to remember something, "her art photos, my God! Anyway, it gives me a feeling that it's hard to accept and exaggerate. At least it doesn't conform to my personal aesthetic point of view. She feels good! "

Kim Tae hee also felt that he had some coke. "There is no exaggeration. I have also taken such photos. Even some of them I don't like very much. The shape is a little weird. But from another perspective, it's not a young attempt. At least we tried it! Why don't you try it too! "

"I'm afraid I can't take it!" Ding Yu's words are a little more, and this mood seems to be very good, two people back to the quadrangle side, at night rest there is no extra situation, but the next morning when he got up, Jin Taixi had been waiting until very late to get up, and when he got up, his face was a little ruddy.

As for the two little guys, they ran around in the yard like two noisy tigers. Ding Yu went to the hospital when he had eaten. Jin Taixi was also slightly blushing, and his performance was a little too bad. But the problem was that Ding Yu's performance in the morning was too fierce for him to bear.However, the nannies and attendants at home seem to have no feelings about this. They even look at themselves with a smile on their faces. They are very kind. Jin Taixi went to the supermarket in the morning and bought a lot of things back. At noon, Ding Yu's oba would not come back. In the United States, he already knew about it.

I prepared these things for dinner. Although it may not be as detailed as I imagined, it is also a performance of my own heart. As for work? It's not important to delay for two days. I came here in advance to see Ding Yu, ouba and his children, family and work.

What about the other things? The old lady may not care much about it, but Ding Yu's daughter-in-law has come, which has touched the old lady to some extent. Although she said that she did not have the title, she already had the child. This problem can not be avoided. I feel it is necessary to test her granddaughter-in-law.

Why do you have this idea? To a certain extent, it's also necessary to try out his grandson. There are two things: one is because of his marriage; the other is because of his marriage? During this period of time, I and the old man can be said to be exhausted, but what about this asshole? It's not good to hide in the side to watch the fun!

Then the old lady also came to the courtyard. It was the afternoon when Kim Tae hee was preparing the ingredients for the evening, but she was not so busy. She even had time to play with the two little guys.

Looking at the old lady who came in, Kim Tae hee was also a bit lost and surprised. She was so powerful. Who was this mother-in-law? How did you come here, just like you came to your own home? But out of his own identity considerations, Kim Tae hee also put down two children, and then saluted, "Hello, this is the Ding family, what can I do for you?"

"I know, I came to see you on purpose!" Then the old lady also sat down in the chair beside her. This posture was very big. The servants in the family also sent water to him. Looking at Jin Taixi standing on the side, she also made a wink and looked after him carefully. This is an old ancestor.

"Hello, this is Kim Tae hee!" After saying that, he made a big ceremony. On this point, Kim Tae hee's performance can be said to be impeccable. The old lady looked at Kim Tae hee and looked at the two little guys beside him. Some exclamatory eyes appeared in her eyes.

"I heard that you and Ding Yu met in England and have been together for a long time. But you two have no intention of getting married. As an old man, I feel that I can't understand it!"

Looking at this old lady, Jin Taixi feels very strange. This is something between himself and Ding Yu. Besides, why should I explain this matter to you? Who are you? Most of the people in Ding Yu's oba family have met with each other, and it seems that there is no impression of the old lady in his own impression.

"Each other has its own way of life, rashly broke this way, for each other are not so appropriate!" Kim's explanation is not the most satisfactory, but it is quite appropriate. After listening to this, the old lady also nodded her head slightly, "well, not bad! At least it makes sense

After saying that, he also looked at Jin Taixi and said, "give Ding Yu a call. My old lady hasn't been out for a while." Kim Tae hee didn't understand the old lady's intention at all, but he quickly called Ding Yu. When Ding Yu answered the phone, he also had some accidents.

My grandmother's behavior is not so simple as beating yourself! But such conscious behavior is to let oneself feel that there are some embarrassments, such things are really not suitable for production in which, as for such a careful eye?

"I see. Take good care of grandma."

Yeah? There is obviously something wrong with this address! However, Kim Tae hee was stunned for a moment. Since Ding Yu has already said so, Kim Tae hee is also respectful. The old lady's pressure on herself is really quite unusual. Although she talks in harmony, sometimes her performance makes her feel that even in the face of President Li, it is just like this.

"A special dinner!" The old lady is not idle. Although she is old, she has good legs. She cooks by herself. She can do things by herself. It's always like this. Forget it!

"Europa likes it very much. Last time I went to Korea, I ordered it deliberately." Kim Tae hee's attitude is very respectful. There is no problem between himself and Ding Yu ouba, but what about other people? You can't still look unrestrained. What he represents now is Ding Yu's face.

looking at Kim Tae hee's actions, the old lady is also very interested. She even taught two dishes in person. Kim seems to understand something, but he doesn't fully understand it. After all, it is different countries, and there are still some cultural differences.

But for the old lady, it is enough. She seems to have understood the child's appearance. At least her goal has been achieved. As for what her grandson thinks, this question still needs to wait until he comes , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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