When Ding Yu came back, dinner was almost ready. The old lady was sitting on one side to rest. Where was the rest place? Even in Ding Yu's study, the two little guys are also there. The old lady doesn't dislike the little ones' mischief. It seems that she likes them very much. Kim Tae hee also feels that she really likes children.

After changing her clothes, Ding Yu also went to see her grandmother. The old lady seemed to be dissatisfied with herself. Otherwise, she would never wait in the study. Looking at Tai Xi's cautious appearance, Ding Yu also felt that she was so funny. She said in a low voice, "it's OK, just rest assured!"

"How frightening! It feels so powerful! " Looking at Kim Tae hee with a questioning look, Ding Yu also considered, "you know this thing yourself. Don't tell other people, including Ding Ding and her parents. I don't want to talk about this problem for the time being. It will involve a lot of problems!"

Kim Tae hee is also stunned for a moment, even Ding Ding Ding and his parents are not allowed to say, subconsciously Kim Tai hee is also covering his mouth, until this time, Ding Yu slowly said, "my grandmother, my grandmother!" Fortunately, he covered his mouth, otherwise, Kim Tae hee would definitely call out.

On the one hand, it was a surprise, on the other hand, I was so excited. Although I said that my grandmother came to visit me, if I didn't mention this problem with myself, I could only think that I didn't know. But the sharing of this secret once again deepened my understanding of oba!

"Really?" Although Ding Yu told himself, Jin Taixi still felt too unconvinced. Ding Yu was adopted and raised. He knew about it, but he really didn't know. The problem is that he didn't tell his adoptive father and mother. What's the reason?

Ding Yu also saw the doubts in Kim Tai hee's heart, and also laughed, and then explained in a low voice, "having worked hard to raise you for so many years, patting your buttocks and leaving, it seems that this kind of practice is not appropriate! What's more, there are some other problems involved in it, so I've been standing here all the time! "

Having said this, Ding Yu also patted Jin Taixi's waist position with his hand, and then straightened up his chest. No problem, standing here is the best support. There is no need to worry about other aspects. Besides, the old lady is strict, but what about that? Right?

What about Ding Yu's comfort? Still played a good role, at least to give Kim Tai hee a lot of courage, of course, Kim Tae hee is impossible to have any other performance in front of the old lady, he is not even the identity of his granddaughter-in-law, which he is very clear, since there is no such identity, then we need to pay attention to it.

When they came to the study, the two little guys didn't crawl around, but looking at some messy books, Ding Yu also puffed his mouth. It was obvious that grandma was also venting his dissatisfaction. For Ding Yu, ordinary people were not allowed to enter the study, but Grandma came and made a mess here.

Who said that the old man is careless. If he really plays this small temperament, ordinary people really have no way out! At least Ding Yu doesn't have much to do with it. It's hard to get rid of his grandmother, so forget it! I also want to live two more days, at least I feel that life is still beautiful.

Ding Yu arrested the two little guys, then patted them on the buttocks, and drove them out of the study directly. Then they sat down in front of his grandmother. The two little guys also felt the atmosphere inside the room, which seemed serious! And staying in one place for a long time is also somewhat restrained.

Therefore, he went out from the study, and the nanny at the door welcomed them immediately. These two are living ancestors, and they can't let anything happen to these two little ancestors. Jin Taixi didn't worry about it. He didn't know the identity of the old lady before. Now it is clear. His heart is calm.

"Oh, our doctor is back! It's said that today's dinner is very rich Looking at the grandson sitting in front of her, the old lady also said sarcastically. This is also venting her inner dissatisfaction. Of course, there are some tentative meanings of Ding Yu, this child! Not clever at all, even a little too naughty.

"Tae hee doesn't come very often. She has her own career in Korea. I'm not so concerned about this. She has her own career, which is much better than sitting at home. In that case, the whole person will be decadent."

The old lady was also very discontented and snorted, "don't tell me about this mess. It looks good. What about this problem? You need to have a good yardstick for price comparison. Moreover, it seems that you are old enough for a man to marry a woman! My classmates and colleagues seem to be married! "

For her grandmother's words, Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, slowed for a while and then said faintly, "there's nothing wrong with this kind of life, ideological problems, what's more, I don't mean to go to the political arena, let alone walk in the forefront of the country, so it doesn't matter!"At this time, Ding Yu also expressed his attitude. Although he said that his body was bleeding with the blood of the Wang family, what happened? Their own life is arranged by themselves, others had better not have other interference, interference is of no use, they will never accept.

If I tear this cheek, it seems that it is not so good for anyone. This is the situation.

The old lady looked at Ding Yu and sighed, "you child, what can I say? But do you have such emotions? It should be, but what about marriage? It's a big event in life. You always need to give an account to your family and parents! What do you say? "

"Wait and see!" Ding Yu did not immediately want to refuse his grandmother's meaning, but look at Ding Yu's expression, he did not put this matter to heart at all.

The old lady is really helpless. Her grandson is young and rich, and she looks very good. She is more outstanding than those so-called movie and TV stars. But on the issue of women, even the old lady who came from her old age feels a little uncomfortable. Is it too conservative?

Kim Tae hee has seen this child himself. Her identity is really inappropriate. But it seems that Kim Tae hee has confused his grandson. It seems that he can't say so. He can only say that his grandson's conduct is a little better, and that he should not say anything at once. Is it OK not to do so?

Even if the old lady of the red rice family has no experience in this aspect, it can be said that the old lady is not aware of this problem.

The grandson is not without money or the right, but the problem is that he doesn't have any interest in this aspect. What can you do? If you change to someone else, I'm afraid you don't know how many girls are harmed in this position, but the problem is how about your grandson? There's only one woman up to now.

And this woman? She didn't mean to marry her grandson, but the grandson endured it. The old lady felt that there was something about smoking on her head. There was really no way to force her to do it. Since the eldest son could not force him to marry him, she should find some consolation from her small body!

As for Wang Yang's lying gun, Ding Yu really doesn't know. No one can go to the old lady's head to have a look. What's more, even if Ding Yu knows the situation, he will be regarded as not knowing. He will only watch by the side, and will never have any other words, and even clap his hands when he is happy.

"Well! This matter even if, but Wang Yang is your brother, he now ran to the market squat, this is how a thing? I don't know. I thought he was a blind stream. That's how you become a brother

"It's no harm to have some bitterness. How can you enjoy your happiness without suffering?" Ding Yu also has some tit for tat meaning, "Wang Yang is a good child. He can recognize some problems on this issue, and he has not been damaged by this big dye vat. I think it is very good. I can see that he wants to make some achievements."

"Do you mean there's too much restraint on him at home?" Who is the old lady! Of course, I heard the meaning of his grandson's words, "there are considerations in the family. Although your grandfather and I are old, who knows what kind of things will happen to you monkey grandsons?"

"A lifetime without wind and rain? Big trees growing in the greenhouse

Ding Yu's words seem to be a little fierce, and the old lady's face became gloomy. "You just want us to let go. I think your boy seems to have paid attention to other aspects, isn't it?"

"No!" There are no things at all, so naturally there is no meaning to admit, "I don't have so many ideas about the things at home. If I really get involved, my family is short and it's too troublesome. I don't like the troublesome thing very much. Who has more families and whose families are less? This problem has nothing to do with me! It would be nice if I could manage my own home

The old lady has already understood her grandson's meaning. She can help with the affairs of the Wang family, but she absolutely does not want to extend her hand, because these are two problems of nature. Her identity is already full of publicity. If she is involved in the affairs of the Wang family, does she feel that there are not enough things on her body?

The old lady also looked at Ding Yu with suspicious eyes. After a long time, she said, "I discussed with your grandfather for a long time. During this period, your grandfather joined in, but there was no clue. The money and capital were put there. It seems a bit of a pity!"

"It's not convenient for me to mix in the family affairs, but it seems that the discussion can't solve any problems. It's better to let Wang Yang run a few more times in the market. Maybe this effect will be better! Anyway, I'm young, and wrestling is also very good. "Ding Yu did not directly point out the meaning of this, there is really no need for this aspect, if really said, I am afraid the old lady will turn over her face immediately! Ding Yu is really not sure about this.

"I can understand that you don't get involved in the family affairs. But now we need your help urgently. Your grandfather and I are old. We really don't have so much energy in this respect. If you don't help, I'm afraid the two of us will die soon."

Well, a typical threat to themselves, but they also have to listen honestly, there is no way to do things, if really said a so-called one two three, that is the so-called disobedience and unfilial ah! After all, there is no way to avoid this problem, although Ding Yu is not satisfied with it.

"Grandma, what do you want me to do? Whether it's money or effort, this is what I should do. There's no problem, but you need to give me a direction! " What does Ding Yu say? It's not a dilemma, but a need to know what the bottom line is in the hearts of my grandfather and grandmother. This is the key to the problem!

"It can't be said that you throw away the money and then everything has nothing to do with you. It shouldn't be like this!" The old lady was very patient and said that the ground was not cool at all, and there was a place to lean against, so the old lady sat very comfortable, "there is really no expert in this field at home!"

Ding Yu took a look at the outside, and Jin Taixi didn't mean to come over. It seems that his grandmother had made preparations for this aspect in advance. Ding Yu also felt quite helpless, "this matter is still a bit too hasty. Even if I can help now, what can I do? What will happen in the future? "

"Solve the problems in the future step by step." The old lady certainly understood what Ding Yu, the great grandson, meant. Now that the problem has been solved, the effect is really not obvious. From the perspective of temporary interests, it may be good, but for the future of the Wang family, there are no small problems.

"I feel that there is a problem in this way, and it's not a small problem, but if you don't object to it, I don't have any other opinions!" Ding Yu is the first to show his attitude, anything has nothing to do with me, then don't blame yourself.

The old lady's mind is still very lively. Hearing this, she immediately understood the meaning of the eldest grandson. This guy deliberately played tricks, which paved the way for this matter in advance. In the future, any situation in the Wang family should not be blamed on his head.

This can not be regarded as a precaution, but in this matter, Ding Yu is really in the front of the position. No matter what happens in the family, there is one thing that needs to be realized and explained. This is not my attention. Don't count this account on my head in the future, and I will not admit it.

"So you've already thought about it!"

What about Ding Yu? It is neither admitted nor denied, "it is not difficult to deal with this matter at home. It is also relatively simple to find a better investment direction. However, for Wang Yang, there is no training significance. His life may be so destroyed!"

After that, Ding Yu also looked at his bookshelf and found out a document from it. Without looking at it, he handed it to his grandmother directly. How to deal with the rest of the things has nothing to do with himself.

Although Ding Yu put the documents there, it is also a matter of choice for the old lady. How should this matter be handled? I came here to force my grandson to make a choice. But similarly, my grandson also gave me a problem. What about this problem? It's really hard to understand.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will really be easy to destroy the grandson of Wang Yang. You should know that Wang Yang is Ding Yu's brother. What about these children in the family? Although Ding Yu has no contact, it seems that Ding Yu is optimistic about Wang Yang.

You can operate other ways, but the question is, can this work? For this problem, the old lady does not feel too much sure, she is facing a grandson! This bastard looks like the old God is there, but what about the reality? For a lot of problems to see even more thoroughly than their own.

My grandson is definitely not as easy to deal with as I imagined. There is a little bit of internal meaning. If I can't handle this problem well, what about the relationship that has already been relaxed? It's bound to get into tension.

"This problem is not easy to deal with!" After thinking for a while, the old lady was also very embarrassed and said, "but I think the final result will make you feel satisfied. Wang Yang is your brother, but also my grandson!"

Since the old lady has already talked like this, Ding Yu has not continued to ask for anything more. The words have been said too clearly, and it is really meaningless to go on, and it is easy to damage each other's feelings. Therefore, whether it is Ding Yu or the old lady, they all shut up for the first time.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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