Ding Yu does not really mean to take care of Wang Yang at this time. For himself, everything that should be done has been done. What about the rest? Look at Wang Yang's own ability and performance, if he continues to be involved in the words, there are really so some not very decent, he is not a nanny.

Wang Yang has been waiting all morning, and even has time to have a rest in his brother's office for a while. He didn't sleep well last night. Anyway, his office is not small, and there is a bed, which is usually used for checking. But today, Wang Yang is given a rest. Now Wang Yang has no so-called dislike.

Tao Jin looked at Wang Yang lying inside, and subconsciously turned his mouth. No wonder he didn't see Dr. Ding go back to his office in the morning. The reason is that it's not so interesting. However, this famous three Shao is also very interesting.

"Where's my brother?" Sleep is not bad, but it doesn't matter! What about their attitude? It's also true that you don't treat yourself as an outsider! Anyway, everyone knows who!

"Dr. Ding has other work to do!" What's Tao Jin's attitude towards this young man? It's not good, but it's not bad, but it doesn't mean to flatter. Wang Yang snorted, and then stabbed him to sit opposite Tao Jin. "I don't see. The little girl's temper is not small!"

Tao Jin looked at Wang Yang and knew that he was idle and idle, so he deliberately wanted to tease himself, so naturally he didn't have any good face. "San Shao, do you think I've been around Dr. Ding for a long time? Or did you spend more time with Dr. Ding? Sometimes it's better for the county magistrate to be in charge now! "

"Oh, I didn't see it. It was a rose with thorns." At this time, Wang Yang also cocked up his two legs, some of the meaning of a dandy, "sister, so you are a little bit interested in my elder brother. It seems that I need to tell my brother that someone is going to be his mother. This is a big deal!"

Tao Jin is also a willow eyebrow, Wang Yang's mouth is too flowery, how can he say so? Tao Jin was not willing to be outdone, and then began to fight with Wang Yang. Wang Yang was too proficient in such things. What about Tao Jin? Although he has excelled in some aspects, he is far from Wang Yang on this issue and is not an opponent at all.

When Ding Yu came back, looking at Tao Jinqi's sad appearance, Wang Yang stood up for the first time and gave a smile to his brother. Ding Yu just came from the operating room, and was accompanied by another doctor, all the time? Ding Yu didn't mean to form a team.

While the hospital is concerned about this, there are also some worries. This is multifaceted, because Ding Yu has been in the hospital for a long time. Even if he wants to find out, it is almost time.

Is it because Ding Yu is too reserved? It seems that it should not be the reason for this. Some people in the hospital have the intention of this aspect. But the problem is that Ding Yu has never meant to make a statement. The hospital thinks that it is not such a thing to delay such a long time, so it also wants to ask Ding Yu's attitude.

"Director, wait a moment!" Then Ding Yu also took a look at the position outside the door. Wang Yang also puffed his mouth and laughed at his brother and the doctor behind him. Then he told Tao Jin to forgive him in a low voice. Then he ran away. The one who ran was called fast!

"Dr. Ding, I've been in the hospital for some time. What do you think?"

"The atmosphere is good, the competition is fierce, and the academic atmosphere is excellent!" On the scene, Ding Yu will still say, let alone come here? It's not for the so-called official position, which has no significance for myself. "Compared with foreign hospitals, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and some problems can't be ignored. But similarly, some of our strengths are also what they don't have, and they need to pay attention to them!"

Some problems have been summarized, but there is not much practical significance. The mineral water delivered by Ding Yu to Tianhua is also nodding with a smile, "in many aspects, the hospital still has room for progress and the construction of hardware facilities. This can not be left behind, but similarly, as doctors, we can not fall behind in any way."

This word has already revealed quite clearly, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "previously, when I set up a platform with Dr. Liu and Dr. Zuo, there were some small problems, but they were solved very well!"

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Xiang Tianhua is also slightly stunned. He knows this, but what is the specific situation? He is really not very clear, but from Ding Yu's mouth to say these two people, does it mean that Ding Yu is more optimistic about them?

"Dr. Liu was trained by the hospital. As for Dr. Zuo, I remember that he was the dean's student!" First of all, let's talk about the fierce relationship. As for how to choose and how to choose, I will only provide a reference opinion. That is to say, I have absolutely no intention to intervene.At this time, Ding Yu took out his notebook, flipped out two pages, and after reading for a while, he slowly said, "on the fifth of next month, there will be an assessment at Harvard general college. Professor walker, the assistant of Professor Hopkins, is in charge of it. He is a relatively strict person. I have a quota for recommendation. I don't know who is willing to give it a try."

Ding Yu's words made Xiang Tianhua feel stunned, and then his face was full of ecstasy. Because such things are rare, his performance is also a little urgent, "what is the specific project involved?"

"There's no instrument technician. Only the medical team has the authority. No one else has it. It's mainly doctors, assistants and anesthesiologists. If someone is willing to have a try, I think it's a good try. Whether it's good or not, it doesn't matter whether it's successful or not. In the end, we still need to see it!"

Since Ding Yu can say this, it shows that he has absolute assurance about this matter. Otherwise, he will never open this mouth. However, how many people are suitable for him to go? This issue still needs to be discussed with the leaders in the hospital. This matter is absolutely not up to him to decide.

He also looked at Ding Yu. He didn't mean to put it in his mind. For him, it seemed to be a small matter. It was so elusive!

"I will deal with this matter, but in the end, it may need to be reviewed by Dr. Ding yourself!" Xiang Tianhua is very clear about this issue. Regardless of the result of the recommendation, Ding Yu is the one who finally makes the decision. This is absolutely certain, and what about the assessment? It's not as simple as you think.

"I don't care about this problem. I'm also a member of the hospital. When the old headmaster was out of my office, he told me well that I always remember it!" Such words are different from Ding Yu's mouth. Xiang Tianhua also smiles. He is also a student of the old principal!

"Well, let's not boast here. If you ask me more, what are the problems involved in the assessment? Can't we let the people in the hospital go out and lose face?"

"I'm not sure about the details. At the beginning, I looked at the assessment twice, which belonged to the internal assessment. It focused on the cooperation of the whole team and the actual operation. There was no so-called drill. There might be other problems in the process." Having said that, Ding Yu also heavily nodded his head.

Xiang Tianhua looks at Ding Yu with disbelief. Isn't this true? Ding Yu nodded. "It's true. I had such a situation at the beginning." Having said that, Ding Yu seems to remember something, and immediately opened his computer and inserted the U disk in his pocket.

After looking at a two minute video, Ding Yu slowly said, "this is an internal teaching video, which is not circulated to the public. Because of my special relationship with Professor Hopkins, I can see some materials, which is relatively simple!"

This NIMA is relatively simple. It's not a joke! "As a senior brother, I have experienced a lot of surgery, but I really haven't encountered such a situation. It's a little bit fun! And from my personal point of view, is this kind of behavior too much? And it's a rare situation. "

"This is a special assessment method of the medical team, and it is also a process of fighting each other! If you pass the assessment, there will be a three-month communication and training process. This is a small reward! "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu also gave a smile, "after all, it's in other people's land, our experts in some operations have not been worse than this group of Americans, or even better than them, but in terms of infrastructure and medical facilities, this level is so different, this rising height is not me We can solve it! "

Xiang Tianhua understood exactly what Ding Yu meant by this, but then he also gave Tianhua a smile, "so, this time is a small range?"

"Almost, but I'm not going to recommend other candidates. It's already a very troublesome thing." Ding Yu feels that his suggestion is enough. As for whether his elder martial brother can understand what he is trying to express, it is another matter. But judging from the current situation, it is not bad.

After Ding Yu talks with Xiang Tianhua, Wang Yang stealthily comes in again. He can't come here for nothing! "Brother, I don't know she's here. I can't blame me for this! I don't mean to disturb you

For Wang Yang's words, Ding Yu didn't mean to refute. He just looked at him. Wang Yang felt that he was a little hairy. "Brother, I have nothing wrong with me."

"Is there anything wrong with you? I don't know about it, but what can I do? Basically, it has been done. As for how you should do it, it depends on you, not on me. I think my expression is clear enough! "Wang Yang also nodded with understanding, "brother, I understand that you are for my good, but the problem is that I feel a little confused. I didn't fall asleep last night. I always think about this thing in my head. The pressure is really so big. I don't know how you relieve the pressure, so I came here to learn from you!"

Yeah? Ding Yu really didn't think of it, so he also tilted his head to look at Wang Yang. After a long time, he slowly said, "I really feel quite surprised about this problem. When I was in British medical school, there was a competitor and friend named Charlie. I taught him that the way of mediation is to fight!"

"Fight?" Wang Yang's eyes almost fell to the ground. It seems that some of them are too rough! It's not that I haven't had a fight. It's normal that the boy doesn't fight? That is full of memories of youth!

But the problem is that the person who mentioned this problem to himself, but his brother, even encouraged him to fight. This really makes me feel that some of them can't be understood. Is it a little bit exaggerated? Moreover, such things are now slightly out of date.

"At that time, I belonged to the challenger, because there was no way to suppress him in other ways. His situation at that time was somewhat different from that of you now, but it was also the pressure, and there was no way to relieve it. Playing snooker, goulf, and so on, these slightly aristocratic movements were bullshit!"

Wang Yang looked at his brother, and then tentatively said, "alcohol and women?"

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I don't recommend such a way, because alcohol and women belong to anesthesia, rather than the best way to resolve. These are two concepts. Moreover, alcohol and women's anesthesia are easy to cause considerable dependence and harm on themselves, which is rejected by me!"

Wang Yang looked strangely at his brother, "isn't it! Brother, I think standing in your position, alcohol and women should not be a problem for you personally. Can't you control yourself? I'm a little bit incredulous! I really don't believe it! "

"I don't have much interest in alcohol, but I'm interested in women, but I think it's just a part of life. As for how to solve it yourself, I think alcohol and women can be adjusted, but you can't control it at your age. What's more, it's called adrenaline. Don't get too much of it!"

"It's like how much older you are than me, yes!" Wang Yang is also very dissatisfied.

"In terms of physical age, I am not much older than you, but psychologically, you are too poor, and you have not experienced too many things. I will not give you any recommendation, but I can tell you the power of it. There is no problem. After all, I am a doctor!"

"After listening to your nonsense, I feel that it's much better. Do you want to have a fight with someone else to practice Sanda?" When talking, Wang Yang can still make a comparison, Ding Yu is also smiling, Wang Yang is also white his eyes, for himself, this action of elder brother is really too provocative.

But the problem is that I've seen people in the world. When I was at home, I was stunned by my brother's actions. I didn't mention some later actions in the hospital. Of course, I was lucky to witness the contest between my brother and his comrades in arms.

Because of this, what about Sanda? Have a little interest, want to reach the level of his brother, I do not have too much confidence, but play handsome should not have too many problems! What's more, it's possible to keep fit, isn't it?

"Brother, when you are free, please give me some advice."

Ding Yu sidetracked his head and watched for half a time, "I know a few people in this field. They are poor and rich. Are you really ready? Practicing martial arts is a good way to dispel it. I don't think it's appropriate for you if you don't see it, but I'm afraid you can't bear the pain! "

"Is Sanda better than practice?"

"Sanda belongs to foreign Kung Fu. How strong is Sanda? To a large extent, it depends on the physical fitness of users, Jeet kune do, Shaolin Quan and so on! These are all outside martial arts. They are easy to use, but they are just physical fitness. There is a big gap between this point and Neijia boxing. Neijia boxing is more important than Lianqi, but it may take a long time! "


"You can start with Sanda. Anyway, it's not suitable to practice the so-called" Nei Jia Quan "under the current situation. If I have time, I can accompany you to practice so-called Sanda, so that you can have a deep understanding. Don't worry, I can let you have one hand and two feet, and you won't have any problems when I hit you!"

Wang Yang looks suspiciously at his brother. What about this problem? I really don't believe that, even if it's elder brother, you are very powerful, but let yourself have two legs and one hand. This is not too much to regard yourself as a thing."Brother, I think you're trying to set a trap for me, but I've written it down. I'll contact you for two days to see if there's any effect. By the way, I'll sort out my emotions. I've been so confused these two days that I don't even know what to do!"

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