When Wang Yang was about to leave, Ding Yu also explained some things to Wang Yang. In the end, both foreign Kung Fu and internal Kung Fu came to the same goal by different ways. But the problem is that many people have deviated from the practice of foreign kungfu. The so-called "poor culture and rich martial arts" is absolutely true. There is no absolute financial support. If you want to practice martial arts, there are many problems.

why it is like what we do is like practicing foreign family Kung Fu, which needs special ointment. Although these ointments are not Tianbao essence, many of them are precious drugs. Only by constantly absorbing the ointment, can you not damage yourself when you practice the foreign family work.

Otherwise, if you don't practice Kung Fu, you will lose your body. That would be a bit tragic. What about this situation? It's really common, even many foreigners are limited by this point, as for the internal Kung Fu? On the one hand, it is limited by the reasons of teachers' learning. On the other hand, it is not as fast as the external Kung Fu.

Ding Yu told Wang Yang about the problem. As for how he would understand it, he couldn't care about it. But what Ding Yu didn't think of was that Wang Yang really went to practice Sanda. Was the whole process? It is not black and blue, but the problem is that the next day, also covered their own waist to see the old man.

Wang Pu looked at his grandson and even took off the reading glasses. He looked up and down, and then he was very curious and asked, "what's the matter with you? Fall? Or is it excessive? "

After listening to his grandfather's words, Wang Yang Hao hung didn't spout it out. His grandfather's joke was a little too big. He never knew that his grandfather was so "dishonest". This was a bit of a joke. In fact, Wang Pu of course knew what his grandson was doing, and he was really a little nervous.

Wang Yang sat down on his waist with a little pain. "Grandfather, let granddad Sheng invite someone for me. If I go to ask, people don't know who I am, and I'm also introduced. Otherwise, I'll have trouble going to bed these two days!"

Looking at his grandson's condition, Wang Pu also laughed, "what? You've been fidgety these two days? Come up with such a way to destroy yourself? I think there are some problems with your way of doing sports. Sports is not a bad thing, but enough is enough. If you have that time, you can read books and cultivate your sentiment better. "

"Grandfather, please spare me!" Wang Yang's words are not big or small. Of course, this is more because of the stimulation of my grandfather in the past, so this speech is a little presumptuous. "I can read some of them before, but these two days, when I read books, I even mean to eat them alive!" As he spoke, Wang Yang stretched his arm and took an apple in his hand.

"The disposition is still a lot worse!" Wang Pu, also an educator, said, "we need to adjust. Don't be rude all the time." After that, Wang Pu also took up the reading glasses and put them on. Then he looked at the newspaper. What about the things that Sun Tzu mentioned to himself? Wang Pu didn't seem to care, but actually agreed.

My grandson has been under a lot of pressure. Can I not know this? Just entered the society, facing such a huge pressure, it is quite good not to collapse. I also have some worries about this. Will he fall into the dark and not get out?

But from the current situation, it seems that the situation is good, that is to say, he was thrown a few times while practicing Sanda, and there was no big problem, so there was no need for him to release the pressure in this respect, which was better than anything.

There is no way to compare Wang Yang with Ding Yu. Ding Yu is a child who has come down from the battlefield. The pressure between life and death must be beyond imagination. He has also come from the war years and has been on the battlefield. He knows the taste of it and can not be borne by anyone.

What's more, Ding Yu's great grandson's army is quite different. With his years of experience, he can control himself very well. Wang Yang is much worse at this point. Although he was a child with strict family education, he grew up in a honey pot. He has not experienced any so-called wind and rain.

There are essential differences in the environment in which two people grow up, so this is also a very different way to deal with things, but what's the good news? Wang Yang is still more convinced about his brother. At this time, he has at least an example to put there, which is absolutely good for the family.

Wang Pu has seen too many things. The two brothers fight against each other for money, love and power. There are too many things like this. But what about Ding Yu? Or quite responsible and magnanimous, not to say that he has no temper at all, on the contrary, this child's temper? It's really not small.

It is also because of these, so now, in addition to his son-in-law yuan Chenglin, other people don't know much about this aspect. What they can't do is not to say that the old man doesn't want to disclose this matter at home, but it involves all aspects, so we still need to be cautious."Ding Yu, is he in the hospital?" Hearing Wang Jianguo's phone call, Ding Yu is also a little surprised. He hasn't seen his third brother for a period of time. Today, the sun is really coming out from the west?

"Where is it?" Hearing Ding Yu say so, Wang Jianguo also said, "wait for me for a while, we'll go to the office to find you!"

Not long after putting down the phone, Wang Jianguo took two people to Ding Yu's office. Looking at the order of entering the door, Ding Yu also gave Wang Jianguo a smile, "third brother!" This speech made the two people who came in earlier felt a little cordial, although it was not aimed at them.

"Coming!" Wang Jianguo also said hello, and then pointed to the two people in front of him, "my colleagues and the people in my family have some problems. There is no way for the province to make judgments and conclusions in this respect. They say they want to transfer to the capital, but they are so dizzy that they can't even get a bed!"

Listening to Wang Jianguo's words, Ding Yu is also smiling and joking. Although there are some problems and conditions in registration, it is absolutely not a problem for Wang Jianguo's third elder brother. Looking at Tao Jin who comes in to deliver water, Ding Yu also points to the door, and then Tao Jin closes the door.

Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture to let everyone sit down. Then he also took a look at Wang Jianguo. After Wang Jianguo nodded, he also said in a low voice, "let me take a look at the case first! Take this with you

After seeing the medical record clearly, Ding Yu's mouth is also pursed up, and then he also looks at his third brother Wang. His eyes are more or less inquisitive. "This situation is slightly special. What about the patient? Where is it now? " Ding Yu obviously means something wrong.

Wang Jianguo also slightly coughed, "don't deal with those useless. If you have anything to say, you are not an outsider!"

"It's very troublesome. I need to see the patient and have a detailed understanding of the situation. What is mentioned in the medical record is just an intuitive understanding of some situations. It doesn't mean that it is malignant or benign. I'm afraid no one can guarantee this problem. I need to take a look at it and say it again!"

"The patient's condition is very special, the province can't walk away!" Although there is no direct mention of the identity of this person, but at this time point out this point, the speaker of this? Is Wang Jianguo brought over the people, looking at is relatively young bar! Judging from the appearance, they should be no more than 40 years old.

"Ding Yu, can you take over this matter?" Wang Jianguo is also slightly worried, said, and even a little bit anxious, the situation is obviously not the same.

"It's not a big problem to take over. Now the only thing that's not sure is what the condition is. Judging from the examination, it's very huge. My God! I really haven't read such a report for such a long time. From the point of view of truth, this situation is not normal, at least the physical examination should be mentioned! "

"In the past, my father was delayed because of his work. During this period of time, he felt obvious discomfort. However, my father paid great attention to diet and other aspects. He didn't have the habit of drinking. He didn't rely too much on cigarettes. How could this happen?"

Ding Yu looked at the patient's family members who were slightly agitated. He also explained patiently, "this has nothing to do with drinking and smoking. Drinking and smoking are just incentives. It's mainly the physical condition and quality of the patient. What's important is this. I need to see the patient. I believe it will take a check. This time will not be very long!"

The patient's family took a look at Wang Jianguo, and Wang Jianguo also pursed his mouth. "Ding Yu, our brothers didn't say anything else. The patient's condition is a little special. Do you think we can do something about it?"

Ding Yu held his chin and looked at Wang Jianguo. After a long time, he put down his hand. "Third brother, talk about it alone!" When talking, Ding Yu also wants to stand up, but Wang Jianguo doesn't mean, "Ding Yu, just say what you have to say, can you do this thing?"

Ding Yu also stood at the window at this time, looking at Wang Jianguo with some perplexity. "Third brother, this matter is not something that can be done. From top to bottom of the hospital, I don't need to brag. On the whole, it will sell me a face. Even if something really happens in the future, who can't give me? Whether it's the old headmaster, or the president, or even going up again, at most, let me go back to exercise for half a year, that's all. But third brother, you have such a big responsibility, OK

Ding Yu was not polite at all. He told some problems and situations in this matter directly. He was not a child. Some problems could be understood.

"I'll take care of it!"

"How to solve it?" Ding Yu also snorted coldly, "who do you think you are? Now how many people are staring at you? Don't tell me about your coming back. Who knows? Impossible things, let alone such a problem, will also involve other aspects! I think it needs to be discussed with my uncle. ""I'm back this time because brother Shi Yi, one of his cousins, has something to do in England. That's your base camp. Don't tell me that you're unfair. It's mainly about business disputes! We only ask for a fair solution to this problem. "

"You will die!" Ding Yu also did not have a good breath to say a word. After finishing, he also looked at the two people sitting there with a bad look. He snorted and then exhaled, "call me in the evening! I'm not free now. You know I don't like places like that! "

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Wang Jianguo also breathed a breath, and then pulled the other two people out of Ding Yu's office and Ding Yu's office at the first time. Wang Jianguo also took a long breath and then came out with a box of cigarettes, but after thinking about it, he kicked it into his pocket. After all, it was a hospital.

"This grandson is really good tempered!" When he got out of the hospital, Wang Jianguo also lit a cigarette for himself. Hua Shiyi over there was also a little worried. He said, "Jianguo, I know you have a lot to do with this matter. Besides, if you see Dr. Ding, do you need to prepare something, and if you have anything to say, you can speak up!"

"No, never!" The smoke in Wang Jianguo's mouth almost fell down, "brother Shi Yi, you may not know much about Ding Yu, this one! There is no pursuit of money, nor too much pursuit of the so-called rights. It is infatuated with academic aspects. If you send money, it is purely a slap in the face. Remember! Otherwise, it can't be saved. "

"Can't you?" Hua Shiyi is also looking at Wang Jianguo. He is quite aware of the situation in Wang Jianguo's family. Although he said that Wang Jianguo was a dragon in the river, his family was also a local villain. What's the fierce relationship? It's really hard to say clearly. What about such a thing? Hello, Hello, everyone.

"This guy is so different from ordinary people. Anyway, I'm afraid of him a little bit!" Wang Jianguo also has some slightly taboo remarks, "speaking of my brother! At the beginning, I saved my life, but if you really want to say what he likes, it seems that it's really not much. Why don't you buy him two walnuts and string of string

"Walnut and string?" Hua Shiyi didn't really react for a moment, but the people next to him seemed to remember something, "third brother, walnut and string string are not too insincere. Although the prices of walnut and hand string have risen a little in the past two years, it is not that some of them are too inferior?"

"Courtesy is light, but for Ding Yu, it's good to like it, it has nothing to do with other things!"

In the evening, Ding Yu also came to the place according to an appointment. The place was arranged by Wang Jianguo. After all, he was a local villain in the capital. When he came here, he was just like coming to his home, "coming?" Wang Jianguo greets Ding Yu's hand. It can be seen that Ding Yu is not regarded as an outsider.

Wang Jianguo gave Ding Yu a bottle of mineral water. Looking at Hua Shiyi over there, he was so stunned that he didn't pour the wine. How about giving a bottle of mineral water? "This guy has something wrong. I've known him for so many years, and I've never seen him drink wine!"

"Tell me about it!" Ding Yu also nodded to Hua Shiyi, "I have already said hello to the hospital. There are no problems and conditions here. I can only guarantee the situation of the hospital, but the rest has nothing to do with me. There are no other problems in the hospital, but one family member is needed to accompany him. At most, there are no more than two!"

Wang Jianguo also looked at the side of the position, and then also raised the glass in his hand, "this time the matter has added a lot of trouble to you, the thing is really so some too abrupt, so there is no too much preparation!" After that, the wine in the cup was finished.

Hua Shiyi and Hua Shiyi over there also drank a cup of wine, "Dr. Ding, this time it's hard for you! I'll punish myself by three glasses! " Having said that, he also placed three cups in front of him and poured them for himself. Ding Yu looked at Wang Jianguo, smiling at the corners of his mouth? Some fun.

After Hua Shiyi finished drinking, Wang Jianguo said, "Shiyi, don't be so outspoken." After saying that, he also looked at Ding Yu again, "I said, brother, what about British affairs? They broke the contract first, because they were old customers, so they didn't care too much about some treaties, but they didn't expect that those guys were so careless

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I have some contacts with the British side. If there are not too many business problems, I can help, but I need to ask about the specific situation!" When talking, Ding Yu also deliberately looked at the time, now the time is more appropriate.

Then Hua Shiyi winked at his cousin, and the information about his work was also taken out. Ding Yu took a look at it and found out the name of the specific company. Then he also called lily to ask about the specific situation. As for the follow-up investigation? It can't be done in a moment.After putting down the phone, Ding Yu didn't show much politeness. He ate food there and saw Hua Shiyi's eyes were straight. This one is really very individual. He doesn't drink. He has been eating all the time since he came. Previously, he was a little strange. There were too many ostentations in Jianguo, which was not the reason.

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