Ding Yu didn't feel embarrassed at all. After eating, he wiped the corners of his mouth. The two brothers, Hua Shiyi, looked at me and I looked at you. The corners of his mouth were involuntarily twitching. Although Wang Jianguo said that this is a wonderful flower and personality, he hasn't taken it as a thing.

I had some contact during the day, but what about this contact? It's really impossible to see the actual situation, but a meal in the evening has already made me realize some problems and conditions. Then Hua Shiyi and his brother also went out of the private room together.

Ding Yu also looked at him, and then said casually, "third brother, I still want to say that although I don't understand the whole story, you are playing with fire. If you have other meanings, then this matter still has a chance. After waiting for someone to come, you can think about pushing this responsibility. It's not so simple!"

"Xiaoyu, I didn't do this very well. I'm looking for you. But I can't find anyone else except you, because other people can't do it. After all, it's not a simple injury, but three huge tumors in my stomach. Now I'm not sure what they are. After I go down, uncle Hua takes care of me so much, I can't watch it

"Third brother, I know that you are a more fastidious person, but the problem is that this is not a matter of righteousness. You say uncle Hua, he seems to be old enough! Even if you can support it, how long can it last? Is it worth taking such a big risk? I look at this problem from the perspective of a bystander! So I'm not very polite. Excuse me

Wang Jianguo was silent for a long time, then shook his head, "I think it's worth it!"

Ding Yu is also very dissatisfied with a hum, "forget it, I do not advise you, I still that sentence, in the person did not come before, everything still has the opportunity to save, if you come, then there is no way, the words are all here!"

While talking, Ding Yu's phone rang, but he didn't pay attention to Wang Jianguo, who was sitting beside him. Ding Yu also connected Lily's phone. However, they both spoke English. Wang Jianguo did not understand what he heard. However, it was a little dull sitting there waiting for Ding Yu's reply.

"So, everything has been investigated?"

After everything has been said clearly, Ding Yu also put down the phone, and then looked at Wang San Ge next to him. He said faintly, "there is a business stagnation in the company over there, so there is a problem with this fund. I have already asked people to think of a way to solve this problem internally."

"What do you mean?" Wang Jianguo asked a little puzzled.

"I asked someone to act as a middleman, and the money would be paid separately, but I told the people there to withdraw and finish everything. Because of the economic impact, the companies in the UK may not be able to support for a long time. I'm afraid that this business needs to go through other channels. I'll see their pioneering spirit in the future."

After listening to this, Wang Jianguo also took a long breath. "It's good to be able to solve the problem this time, and to deal with the rest of the matter slowly. As expected, you didn't give it to your brother-in-law. By the way, your sister-in-law may have some problems recently. She looks like she's pregnant!"

"Damn it, aren't you typical of autumn wind?"

The two people who were joking in the room did not pay attention to the situation outside. However, the two brothers, Hua Shiyi, who were standing in the bathroom, looked at each other and then nodded their heads. Don't blame them for using some other means. There is no way. People are separated from each other and need to be careful.

They also took off their earphones, threw them into the toilet, and then flushed. When they came back, they looked at the two people sitting there and changed their expressions. But what about Ding Yu? It's not funny. It's more or less cool. It's obvious that they are not so enthusiastic about the brothers of the Hua family.

"I have already asked about the matter. The British side will find a middleman to solve this problem. The money has been paid to my account. But I need a promise that there will be no follow-up for the domestic affairs. As for how to solve this problem, I don't care, just give the British side an explanation!"

After Hua Shiyi brothers nodded, Ding Yu also patted his own body, "third brother, there is something else at home, I will go back first!" Wang Jianguo hesitated for a moment, and then he made a color to Hua Shiyi's cousin. He looked at the small box handed over, and Ding Yu also looked at Wang Jianguo.

"It's not something valuable. I know you like to play with walnuts and string string, so I have two pairs of them brought here!"

Ding Yu then took over the box, and even opened it in front of him. Then he took the box out of the room. Looking at Ding Yu who went out, Wang Jianguo shook his head. "This guy is really not an ordinary personality, but what about a person like him? It's right to have a little personality, which is really admirable! "

"It's really personal!" Hua Shiyi also sighed and said, "Jianguo, I know that this matter has caused you a lot of trouble. I also know how much you have been involved in, and I will not forget it!""Don't talk about those useless things. After I went down, thanks to Uncle Hua's care, otherwise I would have been swallowed up, and there would be no bones left. I won't forget this matter!" Wang Jianguo also said sincerely, at least this expression is very sincere, let people feel impeccable, "now the problem still needs to discuss with Uncle Hua, do you see what time is appropriate? We can't get involved in the rest. "

"My father will come to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow, and I will be free tomorrow evening."

Wang Jianguo nodded, "let's go back tomorrow! It's not a good time to stay here now! " It's not that Wang Jianguo is timid. It's not really the reason for this. After all, it involves some political problems and situations. If we really make trouble, no one can afford to.

"What's going on in the company?"

"Well, when I go back tomorrow, I think the money will be almost in place." For this matter, Wang Jianguo is still very sure, but Wang Jianguo's heart is also very clear, the lack of human feelings is really a little bit big.

This time, he didn't say hello to Ding Yu in advance. The mutual support was based on tacit understanding. He really needed the support of the Chinese family below. This is very important for his future. In this process, Ding Yu played a good role in this catalyst.

It is necessary to let Hua Shiyi understand that he has done this thing this time, and the risk that he has taken is not a little bit. Therefore, we still need to make a good sum up in this heart. After all, no one will do such a thing without any reason.

Wang Jianguo and Wang Jianguo left the next day without any stay. Hua Shiyi did not see his father. After all, his father dealt with business affairs, but what about his own? It's a private matter. These two concepts are totally different. Although I'm worried about my father's situation, I'm really inconvenient to stay here.

In the evening, Ding Yu also deliberately waited at the hospital. Ding Yu found the patients and their families in the parking lot according to the telephone prompts. There were not many people. Ding Yu took a look at the people sitting in the car and frowned slightly. Then he took two masks out of his pocket.

"Hospitals pay more attention to the health situation, please pay attention to it!" After that, he also looked at the one in front of him, nodded his head, and didn't mean to shake hands. "Come with me!"

Soon, a group of people followed Ding Yu to the side corridor and went up to the second floor. Ding Yu also took the doctor's elevator, which was only for doctors. After swiping his card, Ding Yu took them to the ward. Although it was night, everything was as usual. After all, this is a hospital, which is different from other places.

Ding Yu also called Tao Jin over, "you go to handle the procedures, and put them in my office, not in the doctor's office. You are responsible for the arrangement, and no one else knows the specific situation. This matter is left to you and well arranged." What about Ding Yu's account? It's already very careful and cautious.

Tao Jin took over the ID card and arranged for the relevant affairs. What was involved? It had nothing to do with Tao Jin, nor was it a military affair. He could not make a lot of remarks. Then Ding Yu took the patient and his family to the ward. The situation in the room was quite good.

After all, it is a special ward, not an ordinary ward. Previously, why did Wang Jianguo look for himself? It's not true that he couldn't find the ward. In fact, this situation can't be solved if it's not found in the province. The main reason is that this person's identity is relatively special.

"Hello, I'm Ding Yu, your attending physician. I'm fully responsible for your situation here!" Although it is said that she took off the mask, Ding Yu is not familiar with this one at all, so she also said something as a matter of routine, "this is the call nurse. I have arranged for someone to take care of your condition. The price may be a little expensive, but it is comfortable and safe!"

After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at the patient's family members nearby, "are you a family member?"

"Yes Looking at his age similar to his mother, Ding Yu also nodded, "Hello, auntie, wait for him to change his clothes, I will take him to do a specific examination, to nine o'clock in the evening, start fasting, do not drink water, keep an empty stomach condition, tomorrow morning will be urine test and blood test!"

Having said that, Ding Yu also stepped back a step, the meaning is very simple, hurry to change clothes, there is still waiting!

Then Ding Yu also went to the side of the position, pushed the wheelchair over, this is necessary, the patient? It's not that you can walk around at will when you can. What's more, the identity of this person is so different. When Ding Yu treats him, without his identity, there will be some so-called compliments. Two times, he is just his own patient.

After changing clothes, the patient was pushed by someone. Ding Yu paid attention to the young man in the cart. His pace was very steady. Ding Yu twitched his nose, and then he also paid attention to the young man. "How did you retire? There is no injury on your bodyYeah? When this is said, the person sitting on the wheelchair is also slightly stunned, and the young man pushing the cart is also stunned for a moment, "it's due!"

"Pig or handyman?" There is a clear distinction between pig raising and handkering. If people who are not in the internal system, they will never understand it. The young people standing behind also hesitated for a moment, saying, "miscellaneous!" Ding Yu looked at him again, "Oh, it's a pity!"

Without any attention, Hua Tiange looked at the doctor on his side. Earlier, his son told himself that the doctor had personality, but now, it is so simple to have character there?

But what about Xiao Dong? I know something about it. I don't mean that anyone can drive his own car. It's not such a thing. This time I came here without my secretary, but I brought Xiao Dong here. This is not a general trust. But looking at this meaning, Xiao Dong is obviously in the doctor's eye.

To know that he came, the young man did not mean to please, and even did not say a word. He was very clear about the reasons. It was obvious that Wang Jianguo took the responsibility. His emotional expression was very direct!

What about the inspection now? Just as a preliminary examination, Tao Jin soon began to write medical records. Some of the patient's conditions needed to be understood, whether there were problems and conditions such as hypertension and hyperglycemia. The busy time was a little longer. When Ding Yu returned home, the two children had already gone to bed.

The next morning, Ding Yu had an operation, so he didn't go to huatiange. He waited until noon. After he was busy, Ding Yu went to the ward and said, "doctor Ding!" Ding Yu looked at the doctor standing in the ward, and also slightly nodded his head, "how is the situation?"

"I've seen the images. It's not too big a problem. It's just a blood tumor. However, it's a little bit bigger. If you're in a hurry, you can have an operation at night. I've seen the patient's medical record, and there's no big problem. The physical condition is pretty good! What's your opinion? "

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "if the problem is not big, arrange the operation as soon as possible. By the way, did you participate? The director told me about it earlier! "

The doctor who talked to Ding Yu also laughed, "I want to try, but I don't know what kind of standard it is!" Ding Yu nodded. Although he didn't agree or disagreed, everything was in silence. Two people looked at each other with a smile. Ding Yu stayed and asked about the specific situation.

"The situation is still relatively good, but there is no guarantee that there will be recurrence. In the future, we need to pay attention to the body's recuperation and reexamination, and there may be some problems and conditions during the operation. This is inevitable. Before this? Patients need to be psychologically prepared for this! "

What about Ding Yu's attitude? It's not salty, but Hua Tiange lying on the bed can feel it. The little doctor in front of him is absolutely different. The situation here is different from that in the province. Even in the province, is he the same treatment? You know, this is the capital city!

Up to now, I am not very clear about the origin of the doctor Ding in front of him? But I'm afraid I'm a member of the circle if I can mingle with Wang Jianguo! People have their own love, not to say that all the children in the courtyard are rooted in official career or shopping malls. There are always some other people, aren't there?

In general, the so-called doctor Ding Yugong would not be able to deal with the problem when he called him in the evening

"If the conditions are good, when can I be discharged from the hospital? Is there any danger?"

"There must be danger. As for when to leave the hospital, it depends on the patient's condition." Ding Yu also said in an official voice. Obviously, Wang Jianguo also heard it, "OK! I do. Let's do it! You can do as you see fit! "

"You said it yourself. I didn't force you to do anything?" Ding Yu also said faintly, "if the condition is good, you can go home two or three days after the operation and slowly recuperate. After all, it's not a special operation, it's just three huge hemangiomas, and there's no sign of rupture. But if you don't worry, it doesn't matter if you lie in the hospital for two more days, but after the operation? Still need to rest and recuperate! "

"Call me then! It's up to you. "

Ding Yu has been paying close attention to the operation in the evening. When he opened it, he had seen it. It was just three huge hemangiomas. There was no problem. After finishing the operation, Ding Yu took the lead and looked at the two people at the door. He also nodded his head slightly, "no problem, everything is fine!"

When talking, the patient was pushed out. Ding Yu also sent the patient to the ward all the time and carefully explained some problems and conditions. When the next day came, the patient could speak normally, and his mental condition was relatively good. Ding Yu nodded slightly, and the situation was good.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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