Operation finished, follow-up processing? It's not any trouble at all, but huatiange has no trouble, which does not mean that Ding Yu has no trouble. He has been very busy in the past two days. Although it is a small-scale spread of news, many people have already known it.

Ding Yu's relationship with everyone is quite good. Looking at the situation outside, Ding Yu also called Tao Jin to his office. "My attitude is that anyone who comes will not refuse, but I need to pass the assessment in the hospital. As long as the hospital agrees, I don't have any opinions. This right of choice is not in my hands! You need to let people know my attitude! "

Tao Jin looked at Ding Yu with some puzzlement, but looking at Ding Yu's face, he also subconsciously turned his mouth. However, he could see that he was really not interested in this aspect. Soon, the leaders in the hospital knew about the situation, and there was no way to do anything except smile bitterly.

Ding Yu is like this. He has no right to power, but he can't say that he really has no desire and no demand. He really is not like this. But the problem is what he pursues? It's different from ordinary people. I'm afraid it's a long time to be an ordinary person.

To a certain extent, what it means to go to the Harvard general hospital in the United States to see the assessment is really clear to everyone. It is not only a matter of future, but also means power, and even represents money. However, Ding Yu did not mean to pay much attention to such matters.

Even Ding Yu gave up on his own initiative. Such a situation can not be described in terms of what he has planned. Fundamentally speaking, Ding Yu still has no desire or desire, or these things are not seen by Ding Yu at all. This is what happened.

Ding Yu doesn't worry about this matter, but the people in the hospital are more and more enthusiastic about Ding Yu. To say the most practical words, that is, Ding Yu can bring benefits to everyone. This is the core. Since it can bring benefits, it is natural for everyone to lean on him!

In the morning, Ding Yu went to the operating room from the corridor. Even if it was a doctor's elevator, it was very crowded now. Let's take two steps! The speed may be faster, but it's still two floors away. Ding Yu suddenly hears a little choking sound, which seems to have some strong taste.

Maybe he heard the sound of walking, and the people in the corridor took a long breath. At this time, Ding Yu had already walked up the stairs. When he saw the person standing at the door, Ding Yu was also stunned. Looking at the face of the man in front of him, Ding Yu was stunned. Then he said coldly, "I remember you are going to enter the operating room later? If you don't have the courage, you can cool off! Don't be a girl here

After that, Ding Yu didn't make any stay. He continued to walk upstairs in a big stride. Yan Guang looked at Ding Yu who left, and sighed that he was different from others. In the original time, everyone was in a school or even a class. However, people came back after they went out and came here after graduation. It was totally two treatments.

Ding Yu is now on the top. He doesn't have such extravagance, but he hopes to get a fair treatment. But the problem is that although he graduated from medical school, he is a pawn here. He was reprimanded by the director just before, mainly because the director didn't pass any assessment.

What the hell does this matter have to do with yourself? These are nothing. There are other things in my heart. My girlfriend ran away and went to happiness. This makes me feel so miserable and oppressed. Because I can't see how much improvement I have in this business in a short time, I switched to others.

I really didn't expect to meet my classmates in the corridor. I was a little embarrassed. What about that? Although a little uncomfortable, but not too much impact. However, Yan Guang recovered quickly. He went to the operating room to see him. He was not even an assistant. There was no way out. It was still unknown whether he could stay here in the future.

During the operation, Ding Yu can be said to be strict and meticulous. However, after the operation is almost finished, Ding Yu also raised his chin with his assistant next to him. The assistant looked at Ding Yu, then looked aside, and then motioned to Yan Guang standing there.

Yan Guang also took a step forward. Although he was a little jealous, he observed very carefully in the process. He really needed to sigh and admire. If he started, he had courage, but his ability was absolutely insufficient.

But fortunately, I am also prepared, because I have experienced a lot of such things, and I can come here. Why, not to say how much background I have in my home, it's really not like this, mainly because I have performed well enough. Listening to Yan Guang's reply, Ding Yu also smiles.

The people next to him looked at Ding Yu's condition, and then nodded, "you do the final stitching and processing!" After that, Ding Yu opened his position and Yan Guang's mouth opened. The surprise came a little sudden. Even other people standing with him looked at him with abnormal eyes. However, Yan Guang calmed down at the first time. For himself, this is definitely an opportunity.Soon Yan Guang went to the position of the operating table, and Ding Yu was watching all the time. After all the work had been finished, Ding Yu also whispered to his assistant, and then left the operating room first. There was no problem with the rest of the things.

Although Ding Yu generally doesn't deal with the ending work, such an opportunity can't reach Yan Guang. However, Ding Yu has already expressed such an attitude, and no one will refute it too much.

But soon everyone understood why? Ding Yu and Yan Guang are brothers in the same school. They are both of the same class. It is proper to take care of them in such a situation. Is it just the way of expression? Maybe it's a little bit unacceptable.

When he came out of the operating room, some people also patted Yan Guang on the shoulder. This did not mean encouragement, but represented an acknowledgement, or recognition. At least Yan Guang had passed the examination, or to put it another way, the hospital has opened a door to Yan Guang, which is really simple!

Although Yan Guang is a family born child, the problem is that there are so many resources in the hospital. It's not like that you are a member of your own family. You should take care of it deliberately. The more you are a member of your family, the more strict the requirement will be. What about Yan Guang's efforts? And it paid off.

However, Yan Guang is also very clear about what happened. Without the strong support of Ding Yu, the elder martial brother, even if he has the ability, he still needs to stay there, waiting for the opportunity to come one day. Don't say whether the world is fair or not, there is no significance.

At noon, there are a lot of people gathered around Yan Guang. We are all from the same school. Now we are all mixing here! It's not easy to have a leader. Naturally, we are interested in it. What's more, Yan Guang has been doing it all the time? They are all our spiritual leaders, at least in terms of technology and ability.

Not all of them can't come. Some of them are still stuck in their jobs. There are others who can't come because of other reasons. Yan Guang also gave a brief account of the situation. However, not everyone is familiar with Ding Yu. After all, there are not so many people in the same class as Ding Yu.

Everyone is really jealous of Yan Guang. Why is there no such person among his classmates? But then everyone also put this discussion on Ding Yu's body, saying everything, but most of them? They are all envious, envious and hateful. There is a saying how to say it. It's mediocre not to be envied.

Ding Yu took advantage of his leisure time to take a deliberate look at Hua Tiange. There was no problem. He recovered very well these days. After reading the medical records, Ding Yu also stood at the bedside, looked at the patient and his family members and said, "from the current situation, the problem is not very big. After going back, pay attention to diet and conditioning, after all, it moves Operation

Ding Yu really doesn't want to say the superfluous words. In fact, Ding Yu has revealed the hidden meaning clearly. OK, there is no big problem with your body. If you feel that there is no problem, you should leave the hospital as soon as possible! If you stay here, I will not talk about it. It seems that you are not very convenient!

After all, huatiange has been on the official career for so many years. Naturally, she also understood the hidden meaning of Ding Yu's words. She did not think that the young man in front of her did not give her this face. She did not really put it in her heart, which made her feel very interesting.

"You don't need to review it?"

"I have asked the hospital to show the relevant proof, after all, this is not a small matter, but fortunately, the problem is not big, even if it is a cold and fever, sometimes also need to go to the hospital, let alone such a thing!"

After listening to Hua Tian Ge, he was stunned. Then he seemed to understand something. He nodded to Ding Yu slightly, but Ding Yu didn't say anything. He took the medical record and left directly. However, Hua Tiange looked at Ding Yu who left and his wife and said, "this little doctor is very wonderful!"

The woman sitting next to her looks at her husband strangely. Her husband seldom praises others, especially such a young man. "I can see that this doctor Ding has a lot of skills and skills. I asked other doctors and nurses, but I don't mean that everyone has an independent office, especially in such a big hospital!"

Hua Tiange nodded, "what I said is that he has political wisdom. This thing has awakened me. Is this thing hidden? After all, it's a trouble, but fortunately, it's not a big problem. When everyone has discomfort, let's leave the hospital in two days! You should say hello to the colleagues of the provincial office in Beijing at that time! "

"Is that good?"

"In the past, I didn't let them know because I was afraid they were worried, but now? The body has no problem, so there is no need to hide and tuck in, and there is no big problem! " After thinking about it, Huatian song also made a decision and said, "let's inform them now! Let's make it public as soon as possible. ""I see. I'll discuss it with the doctor."

Now that her husband has made this decision, the rest is easy to handle. The next day when Ding Yu came to see the people outside the ward, she also slightly frowned. When she came to the ward, she also coughed a little, and then looked at the people who visited, her expression was somewhat indifferent.

"The patient's condition has improved, but he needs a rest!" Ding Yu's attitude is more or less tough. The people stationed in Beijing look at Ding Yu with a little consternation, but they really don't see it. This little doctor is very powerful! Don't you know who they are?

If you make a phone call, you may lose your job. So there are some unhappy faces in Beijing office. After all, what about huatiange? People in the Beijing Office felt that they were uncomfortable in their hearts. Now that Ding Yu came, his speech was so ugly that he could not hold down his anger.

Ding Yu looked at the leader with disdain on his face. He threw these guys out directly, joking. If he said that he couldn't do this, what else would he do? Obviously, these guys don't have enough eyesight. I really doubt how they mixed up in Beijing? That's a joke.

After a check, Ding Yu also said in a clear voice, "Mr. Hua, your condition has not too many problems. You can go back to have a good recuperation. If there is no problem, you can go to the nurse to handle the discharge procedures tomorrow. Pay more attention when you go back. If you have time, go to the hospital for a review! There's no big problem. "

After that, Ding Yu also signed, and then turned around and walked out of the ward. As for the group of guys standing outside, although they looked at each other angrily, Ding Yu completely regarded them as wood. To put it mildly, this guy was not even a fart in his own eyes.

Hua Tiange, of course, saw Ding Yu's behavior, and his heart was even more praising for this little guy. No wonder that Jianguo boy recommended him to himself in the past, not without any reason or reason.

He made such a fuss, but let himself stand in a very stable position. His illness did not have any problems and conditions. It was just a small operation, and now he can be discharged from the hospital. Although the final recovery may be some time away, it is not harmful to his work.

This is enough for huatiange. Looking at all the people coming in, huatiange also smiles, "OK, I'll take your heart. I'll be discharged tomorrow. Please take a trip."

This has the meaning of serving tea and seeing off guests. People in the room will not refuse. They can only slowly retreat out, but what about some people? Or relatively smart, go to the doctor to find out what the specific situation is, but the problem is that there is no egg, people know who you are?

This is to call and look for people. After all, it is also the office in Beijing. Some relations still exist. Previously, we still have some unknown reasons. However, everyone has a few acquaintances. However, the matter soon subsided. Just like a joke, it is Ding Yu. Who has the courage to grow hair?

Don't look at Ding Yu as a doctor, but who doesn't know that the root behind this guy is very hard. Although I haven't seen the specific things, I've heard some news. If I break hands with people like Ding Yu, I'll forget about it!

Other people's words may be OK to talk about, but when it comes to Ding Yu, regardless of what kind of problem it is, it is not a problem. Everyone will regard it as something they have not seen. This is absolutely certain. This makes the Beijing office feel a little uneasy, because the telephone has no egg effect.

It has been such a long time, but there is no response. This is a problem in itself. Basically, all the people who can live in Beijing office are human beings. Naturally, they know that the relationship behind this is absolutely not something that they can provoke. After making a phone call, the problem can be explained.

If we continue to make trouble, we may not be able to say what the result is. Maybe we will provoke a monster. On the ground of the capital, if we throw a brick, we may kill a vice minister. This is definitely not a joke. Since this channel is not easy to use, then think about other channels.

But what about doing this now? It's just a matter of saying that Hua Tiange knew the news before the operation. Now the operation has been completed, and even he can be discharged the next day. This is another thing.

No matter how you operate, it doesn't make any sense anymore. Now do this, eh? It's just to cope with the censure from some aspects. Even such things can be ignored. What's the use of these guys in Beijing? This is also the reason why these guys in Beijing office are worried.

No matter the sky is high and the emperor is far away, what about some things? It's really not easy to deal with, and Hua Tiange also called his son and asked him to come to pick him up and leave the hospital. Previously, it was not that he didn't know the news, but it was blocked all the time, but now the situation is different.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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