This time, Wang Jianguo didn't come with him. There was no need for him. Now he continued to stand forward and absolutely wanted to die. He had enough scenery, so what about the next scene? Don't continue to get involved. Wang Jianguo may have some shortcomings in other aspects, but he absolutely surpasses many people in understanding this issue.

Whether it's icing on the cake or sending charcoal in the snow, it needs occasions. Although it's better to send charcoal in time than icing on the cake, if the time is not right, there will be a situation of good intentions and bad things, so I still take it easy. Few of the people who can break out of the 49 cities are in vain.

But what about Ding Yu? It's also quite impolite. What should be charged is absolutely unambiguous. A penny can't be less, but what shouldn't be charged is not taken. "Thank you, Dr. Ding." Ding Yu looked at Hua Tian Ge standing in front of him, and also slightly nodded his head. This thank you is not only a simple operation.

This thank you refers to the follow-up events. The release of the matter did not cause any situation. This is where Hua Tiange and Hua Shiyi and his son thank themselves. However, Ding Yu did not make any decisions based on this. Looking at Hua Tiange's outstretched hand, he also said faintly, "I am a doctor. It's my duty to cure the sick and save people, and I'll do it alone The effect is limited. With the help of everyone, we will have the result today! "

Hua Shiyi, standing on one side, also gave a slight smile. Naturally, he could hear the hidden meaning of Ding Yu's words, "I will express my thanks one by one, and feel your help! Thank you

Just understand. Ding Yu didn't have much courtesy. He had other things to deal with. He couldn't continue to stay here. Hua Shiyi expressed his sincere thanks to the doctors and nurses who participated in his father's operation. This is a must. Even everyone received a gift.

Whether the gift is valuable or not is another matter. But the intention is here. When dealing with this aspect, Hua Shiyi is still very old-fashioned, so that the doctors will not be too embarrassed, and they will not appear too shabby. Who knows whether they will ask for the door in the future. It is better to stay here.

Ding Yu didn't say much to Hua Shiyi because the friendship between them was not deep. However, Wang Jianguo deliberately called him and said, "I won the grand prize this time. It's not clear how big this prize will be, but it's enough to let me walk here again. Basically, no one will pay attention to me!"

"Isn't it? It's just saving a man. As for such exaggeration? " Ding Yu also opened the function of ridicule. What about Wang Jianguo and Wang San Ge? Obviously, there are so many can't see!

"Hey, you don't understand. There's nothing hidden and tucked in between our brothers. There's no need. Uncle Hua is in charge of the whole faction. It's the core force of the faction. Other members of the faction can have problems, but he can't have any problems, especially at this time!"

Ding Yu thought for a while, "is it because of the impending change? I'm afraid that's the only reason for this! "

"There are reasons for this and other reasons, but the former accounts for a larger proportion. I don't have to hide it from you, but these are all internal information. Now that there is no problem with the condition, other people can't make trouble. However, the doctor's certificate that you opened is a good illustration of the problem! There is a set! "

"I'm not qualified for a doctor's certificate, let alone who knows who I am! I asked the director of the university to give me a certificate. The main reason is that his body really does not have too many problems. This is the most important thing. I have always been very realistic! "

Listening to Ding Yu's self boasting and self blackness, Wang Jianguo couldn't help but be happy, "OK! Our brothers don't talk about human feelings. If you have time to come to me, I'll be responsible for entertaining you, and I'll prepare some gifts for you. It's not a high-end gift. I'm afraid you won't like a car when I give you a car at this time. Even if there are some local products here, they don't have a special flavor. I think you will like them! "

"If something goes wrong, I'll settle with you."

Ding Yu shakes his head when he puts down the phone. It's obvious that Wang San Ge over there can't help himself. Maybe it's because he was too happy. Maybe it's because he was too nervous and depressed before. That's understandable.

What about Wang Jianguo? Ding Yu really didn't put it in his heart. He did it with his heart. As for the consequences, he didn't care. He was a little disappointed now, mainly because Taixi left. This made him feel a little bit upset and irritable.

In fact, I can't blame myself for this thing. I didn't think that I would be so excited. I have to know that I have restrained myself. But the problem is that Taixi still feels a little overloaded. In fact, I have also checked it. I don't seem to have any physical problems!

What can you say besides exclamation? However, Ding Yu soon threw out this emotion. At least he could find comfort from other aspects and spread his infinite energy to other aspects. It seems that it is not a bad thing.At noon, because there was not too much to do, Ding Yu also found a familiar cafe and put the book in front of him. Ding Yu read and drank coffee at the same time, which was about to become a routine. Habits can't be changed in a day or two. What's more, Ding Yu doesn't have much meaning to change.

"Ding Yu?" Ding Yu, who was reading a book, was stunned for a moment. Then he took off his glasses and looked up at the man standing in front of him. Then he suddenly realized, "Su he?" Ding Yu's mind is also immediately flipped out a name, said to be his own elder martial sister, and then also a positive call! "Elder martial sister!"

"It's really you Su he was also very surprised. He asked someone to meet in the cafe. He didn't expect to meet his acquaintances, his younger martial brother, but he didn't see each other for some years. His appearance did not change much. He was more handsome and more calm than before.

Ding Yu took the lead in extending his hand, "sister Su, Hello!" Ding Yu is very polite, but that is to say, he shook his hand gently, without any contamination meaning, "long time no see!"

"I've heard of your name for a long time in the past two years. I heard it was a little fierce." After sitting down, Su he was not polite at all. "I don't know what happened to you and Zhong Yun. It seems that you have a more fierce fight with the eldest lady of the jade family. By the way, do you know? My brother is going to be the son-in-law of the jade family

Yeah? Ding Yu was also slightly stunned for a moment. A man appeared in his head. Previously, he drove a Ferrari to find him. He had a clear impression. He knew about the jade family's son-in-law, but he didn't expect that the man to be recruited would be su he's younger brother.

However, Ding Yu really doesn't think that Su he found himself on purpose. There are some conflicts between himself and the Yu family. This problem is not very big, but only within a small scope. If Su he wants to resolve the contradictions between them, he may find himself in the past, not now.

"Is it so broadcast?" Ding Yu is also slightly self mocking said, "this is really not so clear, mainly not so interested!" After saying that, Ding Yu also raised the books in his hand, "this is my main business, for other aspects? Not so interested

But then Ding Yu remembered another thing, Su He. He seemed to be surnamed Su, and his grandfather was also surnamed su. However, in his own understanding, there seems to be no such person in his grandfather's family, that is to say, there is no relationship with his grandfather. For Ding Yu, this is a good thing!

"The news within the small circle is relatively well-informed. Although it is not widely spread, what should be known has already been known. Who does not know that Dr. Ding can not provoke?"

Su he was not polite at all. He didn't even regard Ding Yu as an outsider. He and Wang Lianjun were quite optimistic about Ding Yu at the beginning, but the problem was that there was a little gap between them, which also led to the absence of such ideas and ideas. However, when he saw Ding Yu again, he felt very eager.

"It seems that it's really exaggerated. If you go out in the future, you should hang a big sign with three words on it. Don't annoy me, or directly stick a BMW logo on my body. I think it's more illustrative!" After that, Ding Yu nodded on purpose.

"Don't touch me? It's also a choice! " Suhe doesn't mind saying that they haven't seen each other for a long time, so they have a lot of enthusiasm. When they talk, Suhe's phone rings. Looking at the people coming towards this side, Suhe also stands up to say hello.

Wang Lianjun looked at Ding Yu who was sitting there. He also exclaimed. Looking at the expressions of the people in the cafe, he also spat out his tongue. Then Wang Lianjun also made a finger ring and called the waiter to his side. "Here's a refill, please!" It's a kind of domineering.

"I'll go!" After Wang Lianjun sat down, he also gave Ding Yu a good look. "I didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise today. Unexpectedly, I met my old friend and I haven't seen him for many years! More handsome! It looks very attractive

After that, she took a look at Suhe again, with a little inquiry in her eyes. This is to meet with the old lover? Or by accident? Su He gave a white eye directly, and Wang Lianjun narrowed his eyes too, "Ding Yu, didn't see it! Are you proud now

"Why do you say that?"

"At that time, we all looked like a little loach, but we both knew that you were definitely a big fish. But it occurred to me that you were only the tip of the iceberg, which turned out to be a real dragon! Good fellow, now think of it, we really suffered too much! If I had known that, I would not have let you run away! "

"It's not modest! You can just say that other people don't know gold inlaid jade. As for pulling me up? You know, it's very attractive to hate! " Ding Yu is not afraid to say, "married? Look, you've got all the rings on"Oh, don't mention it. I've been responsible for my life!" Wang Lianjun also looked at Ding Yu with a slightly plaintive look. "Originally, I was ready to start with you, but there was no such opportunity. Since this is the case, I still find a more reliable one to marry my mother. At least, the meal ticket will be guaranteed in the future."

"It seems that I need to make up a big gift!" Ding Yu picked up the coffee and motioned to Wang Lianjun, "ah, what's the use of a generous gift! You don't know how painful my mother's heart is! If you are really dragged onto the boat, then everything will not be a problem, but it is a pity that there is no such opportunity! "

When talking, Wang Lianjun is also deliberately looking at Su He, Su he is also smiling, no words.

"How time flies! At the beginning, we met at school, but now we are all married After saying that, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone, "my phone number? Call me if you need help! "

Although he just took out his mobile phone, he showed the background picture above very well. Looking at the two little guys above, no matter Su he or Wang Lianjun, they were stunned. Ding Yu would never take out his mobile phone without any reason. The original purpose was so obvious!

"Are you married?" Wang Lianjun also made a tentative remark. Ding Yu shook his head, "not yet, but the children have already been there. But it seems that they are not particularly interested in getting married, so things are always here! But it's also very good, at least it's quite free! "

Wang Lianjun also leaned back on his body, "too modern! In the past, I felt that you were a very different guy. I didn't think it was really different! "

While talking, Ding Yu's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu also raised his mobile phone, "there's a situation in the hospital, and I'll have a chance to talk again later!" After that, Ding Yu took his own things and coffee and left. The speed was beyond imagination. It was just like running out. I didn't know it was running away!

"Are we so terrible?"

Su He shook his head with a smile, "I said that you are already married, should you restrain your valiant?" Su he is also quite helpless for his best friend, "I finally met him. I wanted to say two more words, but I didn't think it was destroyed by you. If I knew that, I would make an appointment with another place!"

"Well?" Wang Lianjun looked at Su He curiously, "you are not interested in him, are you?"! But it's not impossible. Although he is already his father, he is still young and handsome. At the beginning, he was very optimistic, and now he is still like this! I don't think it's a problem to have two children. At least this corner can be dug! "

Su he is also covering his head, very helpless, "I said your head inside what are thinking?"

"Seems to disturb you?"

Su he is also lying on the table, he is really defeated by him, for a long time did not get up, has been waiting for Wang Lianjun with his little finger to open his eyes, Suhe said powerlessly, "I met Ding Yu is pure coincidence, you know, Su Tong is engaged to that lady of the jade family!"

Yeah? Wang Lianjun was slightly stunned, "I seem to have heard of this matter, but how did you hook up with me? What about this matter? I've always been interested in it, but it seems that so far, I haven't found out why. It's hard to say, my son-in-law! "

"Can't you have a doorkeeper on your mouth Su he is also very dissatisfied with looking at his best friend in the boudoir. "It's another matter how things go back. But there's a bit of contradiction between Yu's family and Ding Yu. Although it seems that they've been resolved, the problem is that they don't want to admit each other!"

"Is there any contradiction between Ding Yu and the Yu family?" Wang Lianjun also looked stunned. He really didn't know what he meant to Ding Yu. Previously, he thought that Su he had something to do with Ding Yu, but he thought it would be such a result. Then Wang Lianjun showed an apologetic expression, "I really don't know! I haven't heard of it before! "

"Well, I just mentioned this to Ding Yu. He didn't seem to pay attention to it. Anyway, he has already got in touch with him. If he has a chance in the future, he can talk about it again!"

After saying that, Su he also sighed with emotion. In fact, at the beginning, even if he had a good feeling, what could he do? Ding Yu is a man who does not show the mountain is watertight. His understanding of him is not enough. Under the circumstances at that time, even if it is his own thought, no matter how beautiful it is.

At least the family won't agree, as for now? The situation is another thing. It is true that he and even the reasons behind the family, but the question is: will Ding Yu agree? It's not up to you to choose.

I later knew that my brother had gone to find Ding Yu, and it seemed that he had threatened him. Now I think it's really not ridiculous in general, but what can I do? Now, what's the point? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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