Looking at the situation in the hospital, Ding Yu also put down the coffee in his hand. Tao Jin called himself personally. All the doctors are already quite busy. People in the emergency room can be said to come back and forth, "what's the situation?"

On the way to the road, Ding Yu also inquired. Tao Jin puffed his mouth, "the chief director asked me to call you. It seems that the child of whose family made a car accident. Two of them were seriously injured, and the other injuries can be controlled. The two seriously injured people have been rescued, but the child in the accident is still there!"

Well, Ding Yu has already understood what it means. Such a broken thing has been pressed on his own body. However, Ding Yu is not as concerned as he imagined. Soon he also came to the emergency department, and there was a voice of swearing and swearing. Looking at some obedient nurses standing outside, Ding Yu also shook his head, which was a common problem!

This is a hospital, not a place for you to play prestige. If you want to play prestige, don't come here. What kind of place do you regard here? I don't know because it's owned by their family!

When people saw Ding Yu, they were also relieved. Then a head nurse came to Ding Yu's side. "Doctor Ding, this one is too horizontal. It seems that it is very big. There is a big hole in the eyebrow bone. It is not a problem to sew it up, but the one inside is a little excited."

Ding Yu also laughed at the head nurse, and then he also looked at Tao Jin, "who's child? Such a great prestige! It's really necessary to have a good insight. I haven't seen anything before. It's very strange! "

If you want to know that this is a hospital, it's not any other place. If you want to run wild here, is your head confused? Or is it water? However, after Ding Yu came in, he looked at the guy sitting there. He didn't laugh. It was so sad that Ding Yu lowered his head and smoothed his eyebrows.

Most of the upper part of the face has been stained with blood, and even there are signs of condensation. However, judging from the bleeding and the condition of the whole person, the problem is not very big. Ding Yu also watched for a period of time.

Ding Yu also did not know where to pull a scalpel out, and then in his hands like a pen, back and forth, and then narrowed his eyes, carefully looked at the people sitting there, "said, in addition to the doctor-patient, I am really good to see someone came here, but also like a crab, like a claw!"

"Who are you?" The young man sitting there looked at the knife in Ding Yu's hand. Although his voice was loud, he could hear a little trembling. Not everyone can play with the knife like this. It's amazing!

"And you? If you don't want to be treated, if you come from there and walk from there, don't affect the normal work of the hospital. If you want to cure, lie down for me honestly. Don't tell me who your father is. It has nothing to do with me. Since you are lying on this bed, you should be honest. What else do you not understand? I think I explained it very clearly! "

After listening to Ding Yu's words, the guy who was sitting there hesitated for some time. Then he also lay on the bed. Ding Yu waved his hand to his colleagues nearby. However, he still needed to take the lead in checking him. Ding Yu used his hand to go back and forth on his body for a while. The problem was not very big.

"There's nothing wrong with it! I said, "do you use anesthetics for a strong man like you?"

Next to the doctors are almost unable to stop this smile, this is not intended to stimulate people the same? The guy lying on the bed obviously drank too much, and some of them were on top of him. At this time, he also looked at Ding Yu angrily and said in a hard voice, "no, it's just a matter of biting my teeth to hurt you!"

"Write it down for him!" Ding Yu also began to deal with the wound. This collision is still quite severe. A hole in Noda has not received any other damage. If it is well sutured, there will be no scar left. From Ding Yu's point of view, it should be like this.

During the whole process of suturing, the one lying on the hospital bed will twitch from time to time. Some tissues inside need to be cleaned up, and even some meat has been cut off. That is to say, it is hard to cut down. Although it is not big, it can't stand. There is no anesthetic at all. It's really a living work!

"Well, it's not bad. I didn't disgrace your family! It's your parents' seed

Ding Yu doesn't know where he comes from. Now he has the mind to tease the guy on the bed. But the one lying on the bed is almost sober up by this time, or in another way, he is awakened by living pain. These "animals" are really starting!

If you don't give yourself an anesthetic, you really don't want to give yourself an anesthetic. Don't let yourself grasp the handle. Otherwise, you will really eat these grandchildren alive and say, "well, who is the master? What's more, a small hole is just a big oneWhen speaking, this one is also staring at Ding Yu. He just wants to depict Ding Yu. This grandson is really a bloody insidious man! In front of everyone's face, he ran hard on himself. Without using anesthetic, he dealt with the wound, and his painful heart was pulled together.

"Yes! Very strong! " Looking at the wound that was about to be sewn up, Ding Yu also nodded. For Ding Yu, such treatment was totally a child's thing. In the past, the main reason why Ding Yu was dragged over was that Ding Yu was not afraid to offend people, especially the "second generation"!

What about people like that? In fact, it's quite troublesome. If you don't handle it well, you will feel very uncomfortable. But what about Ding Yu? There is no such problem. This is not the same as the so-called doctor-patient. The chief director is quite helpless about this, so he also drags Ding Yu over.

However, while Ding Yu was appreciating the wound, there was an urgent voice coming from the door. Then some people rushed in, but Ding Yu didn't mean to stop. He was still doing the final treatment, "what's the matter, Xiao Bao?"

Ding Yu didn't mean to turn back at all. He was still concentrating on the treatment of the wound. "The family members of the patient, please calm down. The patient has not seen that there are too many problems for the moment. If you are not at ease, after the wound is treated, you can go and have a check. Now please don't affect our work!"

"Doctor, why is the wound so big?" After that, he seemed to notice something again, "doctor, how could he sweat so much! Is there anything else? "

"When the wound was sutured, the patient was not sober and drank a little too much. Under the circumstances at that time, it was difficult to control the measurement of narcotic drugs. Moreover, the patient's situation was quite special at that time, and it was necessary to start to deal with it. There was no way to continue to wait. However, the performance of the patient was very good. The wound was well treated, and the recovery would be faster in the future."

After almost all the work had been done, the nurse next to him began to take over. Ding Yu cleaned up his work, took off his gloves and looked at the people who came in. He just nodded his head slightly. There was no other indication that the stitching had been basically completed, and the rest of the work had nothing to do with himself.

When he came out, Ding Yu also saw the chief director standing at the door. He seemed to be talking to someone. When he saw Ding Yu come out, he also deliberately said hello. Ding Yu nodded with a smile and made a gesture. There was an operation waiting for him on his own building.

The person standing beside the chief executive noticed this situation. He knew his old classmate very well. Standing in this position, he was still talking to himself. He specially said hello to a young man. This was unusual, "Oh, the doctor who stitched Xiaobao's wound just now, I'm afraid he is the only one here who can hold down the field !”

Yeah? "Oh, Xiaobao is a little arrogant. The old man in the family is used to it too much!"

"It's good that people are OK. I heard that this time things have nothing to do with Xiaobao. I got hit by the car and was hit like that. I feel a little aggrieved in my heart. This is understandable. There should be no condition. If I don't worry, I'll do a whole body examination when there's nothing wrong!"

In the past, why did Ding Yu deal with it instead of dealing with it himself? It's not that he couldn't deal with it. The main reason is that Xiao Bao didn't wake up at that time. If he couldn't pacify himself in the past, he would not be disgraceful enough to make trouble.

Therefore, Ding Yu, who ran out to drink coffee, was also called over. After all, he was also the child of his old classmate. When he was handed over to other people, he was really worried. He was not married yet! Such a big hole, if it really affects the face, marriage will be affected in the future.

Otherwise, how can such a small treatment bother Ding Yu? However, Ding Yu didn't have anything to say. After arriving at the place, he also dealt with the problem cleanly. He had been watching outside all the time. Ding Yu, a little fellow, was really not cruel in general and didn't even give any anesthetic.

I was also shocked, but when I thought about the two doctors who had been kicked out by Xiaobao earlier, I felt that Ding Yu's handling method? The hospital is not your home. What do you want? Since you don't like the way you ordered it, you're sorry.

Ding Yu is very thorough about the implementation of this concept, but Xiaobao suffered a lot. After settling down, he also followed him to the ward to have a look. He didn't care about the so-called compensation. As long as the person was ok, he had a good toss before, but he didn't have to worry about it for a while.

But before that? The necessary inspection was still done. There was no problem. Looking at Xiao Bao who was sleeping on the bed, everyone also laughed, "it's better if people are all right. This is the biggest happy event. Young people are struggling, and it's not a bad thing!" Now that they have been checked, we can rest assured.What about the one on the bed? Now there is no spirit, and no energy to toss about. After being rubbed by Ding Yu, this one is also thoroughly depressed. Now he doesn't call. He just doesn't know what kind of situation he will be after he wakes up. It's really unknown!

However, Ding Yu was more irritable. He had a big operation in the afternoon. He learned a lot from the old director of the hospital. After standing for three hours, the old professor showed no signs of physical deficiency. Ding Yu admired him very much. He was able to stand because of his good physical condition.

However, the fact that the old director was able to stand was a result of long-time practice. During the whole process of cleaning up, the old director really could be described as moving clouds and flowing water. It was really an art. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu could feel the difference in this respect. After all, people ate more rice than he ate salt.

Ding Yu didn't show how proud he was just because he was a famous teacher. On this point, some doctors in the hospital may be more able to explain the problem. After all, they are in the same hospital, and the time they get along with is not a day and a half. Ding Yu is still a good performance of a doctor's quality.

Although there are some so-called small privileges, we all know how it happened. They are all people in the same circle. No one will say why. If you want to find fault from Ding Yu, many people will not agree. Why, Ding Yu has brought us great benefits. This is the reason.

If you can bring such benefits as Ding Yu, you can enjoy the so-called "privilege". It is so simple, but the problem is who can stand in such a position like Ding Yu. It can be said that there is no such thing as Ding Yu. Ding Yu is still a little bit special.

After the operation, Ding Yu also had a talk with the old director. However, when Ding Yu came back to the office, looking at the people sitting outside, it was also funny. Tao Jin was sitting there sorting out the medical records. He ignored the representative sitting beside her. When the young man saw Ding Yu, he also narrowed his eyes.

"Awake?" Ding Yu didn't seem to worry at all. Then he went to his own office. Tao Jin also took a look at him with the rest of his eyes. When he followed Ding Yu into the office, the corners of his mouth curled slightly. How much did he mean to disdain him? Do you want to show off here? I don't know the sky is thick!

"I had a little too much drinking before, and there was a car accident, so I was a little nervous. I heard that you did it yourself, so I came here to express my thanks." Having said this, he sits on Ding Yu's reception sofa, and then looks at Ding Yu slightly provocatively.

"Well! I already know it! " Ding Yu is very indifferent. After looking at the time, he also began to do today's operation and summary. It seems that he has no intention to care about the young man in front of him.

"I don't see. You're a little doctor. Are you really cruel? I heard that in the process, you can use anesthetics? " Although I didn't make it clear, the meaning was clear. I'm here to settle accounts with you. You cut the meat and I'll suffer from it. This place must be found.

Ding Yu looked up. His expression was very calm. He didn't mean to stop under his hand. Then he lowered his head and looked at the content he had written? Since I came to my place, many people have come to see me and deal with affairs, but you are really the first one who breaks the field! "

Having said that, Ding Yu also stood up his thumb, and looked at the posture, which was full of provocation.

"What? What's the meaning of that? Why is this place so bad? " What about the same one? Also like not to let!

"No!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "don't say it's a smash. Even if you use force here, it doesn't matter. But what happens to the follow-up? I can't guarantee that. "

After that, Ding Yu also pointed out with the ball point pen in his hand, "Xia Yang and Zhong Yun used to shoot at me, but now they are where cool and where to stay. If you think you can level them down and have this absolute power, you can break your wrist!"

Looking at the young man who wanted to talk, Ding Yu shook the ball point pen in his hand. "What I said just now is the first point. The second point is that you are in the hospital now. There are still injuries on your head. In fact, unless you are out of the capital, otherwise, I will let you have this injury for three or five months, which is not impossible!"

"You The guy who was still sitting there stood up directly and came to smash the scene. However, he thought that he had been taught a lesson before his turn to be angry. What's more, this lesson seems to be so profound! Can't this be true?

"I'm just trying to explain some truth to you. As for the final result, I don't know."

After that, Ding Yu also pointed to the direction of the door with a ball point pen, "the door is over there, I think you should know it. Then close the door when you leave, and lie down on the hospital bed honestly. Maybe it won't take two days to leave the hospital. Otherwise, you will know what kind of pain it is to lie on the hospital bed for a long time! Understand? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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