At noon, Wang Yang was eating in the courtyard. Two little guys were also listed. It seems that Wang Yang didn't treat himself as an outsider. He was not an outsider. Zheng Rong was shocked by the service personnel of the courtyard. It seems that even his father has not been mixed up to this point?

His eyes are not blind. Even if he is his grandfather, there are no more attendants around him than those in the courtyard. What does it feel like to Zheng Rong? There are absolutely other reasons. The Wangs are indeed huge, but they will not be so extravagant. This is absolutely certain.

There is no denying that grandfather Wang has the power and ability. However, it will cause a lot of problems to equip the quadrangle with such personnel. Even the family members will have many different ideas. Is it true that he is not scrupulous at all? This is also the reason why he did not disclose his identity.

But it seems wrong to imagine, after all, the heavyweights in the family already know. Is it intentional compensation? But Compensation doesn't need to be so excessive, right? Everyone is already an adult, the family to find this back, compensation is OK, but absolutely not so excessive, no one is any fool.

After thinking for a long time, Zheng Rong didn't want to understand what was going on in it. Was it hard for him to really be a great brother? That's why they pay great attention to it, but is this possible? Isn't it too unreal?

"Third brother, will there be a lot of people involved?" Since you don't understand the previous question, let it go first. If you don't understand it now, it doesn't mean that you won't understand it in the future. It's just the length of time. Change the topic.

Wang Yang thought for a while, and then shook his head. "Basically, they are family members. There will be no other outsiders. At least for the time being, this is how we think about it. If there are too many people, it will be very troublesome. Moreover, when we start from the very beginning, the equity will be revealed very clearly, which is certain!"

But Ding Yu really didn't care about his brother's behavior at all. However, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu doesn't have any insight. This can be seen clearly. In fact, it's nothing more than the experience of too many things, with this aspect of experience.

What is the so-called all in one thing? To put it bluntly, it's very simple. Everything has its own context. The problem is how to find it out. In the last life, it may be too numb, or it may be because you want to escape, so you don't have any exposure.

But now the situation is not quite the same, there is an old saying how to say, take that step of the road to say that, in a more popular point of view, standing on what kind of position and angle, we should do what kind of things, that is.

What about Wang Pu and his wife's recklessness towards Wang Yang? How many feel so dissatisfied, the child did not pay attention to, such things make a lot of noise, this is thanks to the family relationship, otherwise what kind of consequences will be really very difficult to say.

However, dissatisfaction with Wang Yang is a matter of time, but through this event, it shows another problem, that is, what about Ding Yu, a child in this respect? It's not very exclusive, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu, a child, is equally happy with this matter. Two problems.

Wang Yang was deliberately called back in the evening. In fact, when he made this thing in his brother's office, Wang Yang knew that it would be such a result. When he went back, Wang Yang's heart was a little worried. He really didn't know how his grandfather and grandmother would treat him?

I have been so big, my grandfather and grandmother will not do it by myself, this is absolutely certain, but will you scold yourself? If you really scold yourself, how should you come from? In fact, I also know that it's too bold to deal with this matter.

May be because the previous time too smooth, so that they have so many ecstasy, now in retrospect, is really quite should not ah! If you pay attention to it, maybe it won't happen today!

Back home, looking at the grandfather sitting there reading the newspaper, Wang Yang also took a deep breath, and then came to his grandfather's side position, "grandfather, I'm back!" Wang Pu also put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at it, then nodded, came back, and he had seen it.

"Granddad, I did it rashly! I already knew I was wrong Wang Yang also admitted his fault at the first time, "I shouldn't be too careless, I need to admit that I'm a bit too giddy in this period of time, and I haven't realized this problem all along! This matter has given me a great warning! "

Wang Pu also put the newspaper in his hand on the table, and also took off his reading glasses. "It's very good to be able to recognize this problem. If you don't keep a secret, you will lose your minister; if you don't, you'll lose. If you don't, you'll lose. If you don't, you'll lose. I'll give you this! If you have time, punish yourself to write more big charactersWang Pu also said a few words without any severe criticism.

"I know, Grandpa, I'll do it!"

If Wang Yang can not admit his mistakes at the first time, Wang Pu will be very dissatisfied. However, Wang Yang not only admitted his mistakes, but also pointed out the reasons for his mistakes. It is very difficult for him. If he had changed to other people, he would have been unable to bear it.

And Wang Yang? Still able to calm down their own, now squat in the market every day, even if it is not successful, this perseverance is enough to let the child get enough exercise, which is stronger than anything. Is money important? Important, but the problem is not as important as people!

"The waiter called me and said you showed him something!" Wang Yang immediately is a Leng, how to mention this aspect matter with oneself? But Wang Yang also immediately nodded, "well, big brother recommended some books to me. I read some notes on them. They are very reasonable and popular. I think they may be helpful to my father."

Wang Pu's eyebrows also can't help beating for a while, "this thing don't tell other people, and you don't want to go in and out of your brother's study in the future. I'll ask your grandfather Sheng to sort out the books and notes you read later. Do you understand?" When he said this, Wang Pu seemed very serious.

Ah? Wang Yang really didn't think of it. Originally, he thought that grandfather would severely reprimand himself for the previous hospital affairs, but what about the current situation? To my surprise, it shouldn't be like this.

But grandfather didn't say anything, but what did he say? Let oneself quite feel a bit puzzled, is not the elder brother's annotation really so important? I really don't have the feeling of this aspect, but look at the meaning of my grandfather, it seems that there are some terrible postures, I feel some do not understand.

"You! Now I can only understand some things on the surface, but I can't understand the real content and meaning. I've been to your brother's study before, but I really didn't notice it! "

Ah? Wang Yang's mouth twitched a little, and then he saw his grandmother coming from the other side, holding a plate in her hand. Then Wang Yang also took over, but he also picked up the fruit on the plate. The taste was really good. It was like this since childhood, and this habit has never been changed.

"I've read what your brother wrote. It seems that I really need to run a few more times!" Although the old man let people go, it's really hard to say whether the grandson will sell his face or not. Even if he goes, what will happen? I don't have much confidence!

Wang Yang also touched his head, and then put the plate on the coffee table, "can't it! I just see that the things written above are very analytical, but I don't feel other things. But granddad and grandma, do you really see something different? Why can't I see it because I have no experience? "

"Of course, you don't have enough experience to explain it. You can say that you don't have enough experience to read any books." Wang Pu is also rare patience, "you! It will be another taste to look back at these things in another 20 years! " After saying that, he also looked at Wang Yang with some strange eyes.

Wang Yang is also seen by his grandfather some hair, he did not have what situation! Why does grandfather look at himself so much?

In fact, Wang Pu is also very puzzled. Relatively speaking, Wang Yang's education is completely different from that of Ding Yu. However, the problem is that the growth height of Ding Yu's child is beyond Wang Yang's ability to catch up with. This really makes people feel a little depressed.

The captives can't catch up with the ones raised in captivity. This really makes me feel helpless. But what about this one? It's not their original intention. Just like a joke, Ding Yu's grandson is a long-term grandson! When lost, the whole family did not have any laughter for several years.

Previously, Wang Pu felt that he really looked up at his grandson, but now he found that he still underestimated his grandson. If he didn't see some notes in the book, I'm afraid he is still in the drum at this time? What's in this kid's head?

No, it should not be said like this. It should be said, how many things are there in the child's head?

I have seen some of the things inside, which is so shocking that I didn't even sleep very much last night. I really can't sleep! Some shocked, but absolutely not afraid, even a little excited, his grandson! There are so many surprises for myself.

In the morning, the doctor checked himself for a while, and his physical condition was ok, but his blood pressure was slightly higher than usual. In fact, this was also very normal. He was too excited to suppress his own thoughts. He was really too excited to be able to control himself.Even in today's day, I was like this. I said a lot of things in my study, which were recorded by my secretary. Ding Yu, the great grandson, gave himself too much inspiration and made him realize a lot of things.

In fact, this is another reason why I didn't blame Wang Yang. I've done a lot of work, and relatively speaking, I've done a lot of good work. But I also have some other ideas. This bastard! Eat your own, drink your own, and when you were young? Or grow up in front of their own, with good things, even do not think about themselves.

Wang Pu felt a little depressed about the material if he didn't show it to himself. Fortunately, Xiao Er still has some insight. Although Wang Yang only knows his father, he is still the Laozi of Xiaoer, which is interesting to say.

And the reason why the old man spent his whole day sorting out these materials is not without a reason. He wants to show the upper class a look. In his idea, the country, the country, have the country first, and then the family. This is a process from big to small. If there is no country, where does the home come from? No country, no country, it is not meaningless.

On this issue, it's not that Ding Yu's consciousness is really low, but that he is not at that level. If he really puts forward the so-called opinions and ideas, it is a matter of listening or not, and I'm afraid that there will be other disputes. Don't look at Ding Yu's courage, it seems that Ding Yu's courage is very big. If it really involves this aspect, he is still a little timid.

If it's not because Zheng Rong is also in the courtyard today, maybe the old man directly sent someone to seal the study of Ding Yu, the great grandson. Don't think that the old man has come down now, and there is no such power. Wang Pu's words still work, and to a certain extent, it has considerable weight.

It's just waiting for one night. What's more? I still need to discuss with my grandson. Whether he agrees or disagrees, there will be no change in the result. This is certain, but it is just to let each other have room for relaxation.

We should know that the relationship between the family and the grandson is still slightly subtle. To put it mildly, it is embarrassing to say that too many resources have been plundered from the grandson's hand.

In addition to Wang Pu's family, Wang Pu's family has a lot of trouble. At least, Wang Pu's family has a lot of trouble. However, there is no other reason why he has such a big headache.

When Ding Yu was on duty at night, he also scratched his eyebrows when he saw his grandfather Sheng Haisheng walking into his office. He didn't see him for a period of time. He was very clear about his position in the Wang family. If he was able to make him appear in person, something must have happened.

"Hello, granddad Sheng!" What about Ding Yu? It can be regarded as a kind of respect for Shenghai. What he respects is that he has devoted so many years to the Wang family. However, the same name seems to exclude him from the Wang family. Of course, Shenghai can also hear the meaning of it.

"Big and little!" Sheng Hai looks at Ding Yu who is sitting there. He seems to be writing something. When he sees this place, Sheng Hai is quite moved. From his own point of view, he can see clearly. The eldest young master is still squatting in the void. He has no intention of sitting down. He can learn and practice without delay. He doesn't even know what to say.

Can anyone else keep this mood at this time? It's not appropriate to say so. It's quite inappropriate. If you change to someone else, you won't be so diligent and hardworking even if you're not a man and a girl at this time, because there's no need.

But what about big and small? There is no one to supervise him. He is alone in his office, on duty, reading books and practicing martial arts. Whether he is supervised or not has nothing to do with me. Sheng Hai comes from quite suddenly. At this time, most of them are like this. What about other times?

In other times, big and little are more hardworking and hardworking than they are now. It's hard to say why. After all, their understanding of big and small is only superficial, but I still feel quite admirable.

This point has nothing to do with identity. It's mainly because most and less have made such achievements, and they are in touch with each other on the spot, so they will have such feelings!

"Big or little, or need to work and rest, you will certainly do harm to the body!"

Ding Yu nodded his head slightly. He could hear the worry in the words, but he knew his body. However, Sheng Haisheng said that he needed to be grateful, so he did not have any refutation. He just nodded his head slightly, indicating that he knew.

"What's up with granddad Sheng?" Then Ding Yu also stood up straight, and then took a bottle of mineral water and put it on the side of the position, this is etiquette! Ding Yu is a junior after all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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