"Little boy, sir and elder sister have seen some materials from the three little ones. Last night, the gentleman can say that they didn't sleep well all night. In the morning, they checked their body and their blood pressure was so high that the Secretary had sorted out some information!"

Dingyu also pulled the chair over at this time, sat down on it, and looked at Grandpa Sheng Haisheng, looking at him. "What does it mean in the house? Those are just some thoughts, they don't make sense! " What about Grandpa? Ding Yu obviously also had so many unexpected, this matter is not in his own expectation.

"Elder sister means, first, I sealed the study. Although no one has realized this problem, I am afraid that 10000 people are afraid of it. In case, people are waiting outside. There are four people in two classes. However, she has also been to the study, and she is also worried about it. She is afraid that the people below will not understand the rules!"

Sheng Hai seems to have seen Dingyu's hesitation, so he also said a word of comfort.

Ding Yu pondered for a while, then nodded, "tomorrow Friday, Saturday and Sunday I have time. What about a lot of things in the study? Grandpa and grandma have not much use. What about the economic aspects? I don't have a lot of ideas in my hands, or some ideas when I'm bored! "

Sheng Hai hesitated. "Big master, elder sister means that if you can have a secretary and assistant to help you sort out, it may be better!" When saying this, Sheng Hai is also slightly nervous. Whether this will involve the bottom line of the master, this problem is really not very easy to say.

For this problem, Ding Yu has a long time to ponder. After a long time, Ding Yu said slowly, "this problem is not well handled. Taojin is a big problem. I will talk to grandma tomorrow evening for specific situations!"

Although the big master did not say it clearly, Sheng Hai understood it. What about this? The big master does not object, but also does not agree with it. Because there is a difficult place for the eldest master, in this way, the cooperation between the eldest master and the military seems to be a bit deep! That is to say, the candidate of the secretary is a considerable problem.

When talking, there was a knock on the door. After getting the permission of Dingyu, someone pushed the door in, "Dr. Ding, who went downstairs to an emergency department, may need surgery. Doctor Ma is not there. Can you see if there is a car accident, the problem seems to be a little big!"

Dingyu nodded to Shenghai, and Sheng Hai also knew it was not suitable to stay here now, so he left.

The old lady, when she knew the news, frowned, and the old man of her own family? He didn't rest at this time, but he didn't worry about this. He was still obsessed with the things written by his grandson, but his body seemed to be too much to bear.

It is not suitable to run back and forth to the courtyard. How should we deal with this problem? It is also a very troublesome thing to say that it is very good to do well, and to some extent, find another assistant for the child, but it is appropriate to hang up the status of the military.

The old lady can say that she has thought about this problem in the first time, but it is not finished. This matter needs to be communicated, and the military and career should be communicated. But before this? My old man needs to send some things out. Let's see the situation! This is the plan, but the specific needs to see the change.

"What about this thing? I think it's better to send it in my name! The identity of the second grader is still a bit inappropriate! "

When he got up in the morning, the old man still showed a little bit of excitement. The mental condition can be said to be very good. The old lady also agreed to nodde. It is quite good for the second child to understand and solve the situation in it. It is quite good for him to be in his present position. There is no need to add any weight.

This is two times that the so-called gun is shooting the head bird. Soon, the old man has sorted out the information, and then his secretary sent it to the office. There are even signatures of the old man and the old lady.

The morning was sent to the past, but before noon, the general office and the Secretariat came. There were not many people coming, but they were quite heavy. "Hello, old Wang!"

Looking at the tall middle-aged man standing in front of him, Wang Pu nodded his head, and then stood up and held his hand. "I didn't expect you to come, but your boy hasn't come home for a long time. Do you think uncle Wang is too old, so he sits here and eats and waits for death!"

This is actually hard to hear, but for the one standing beside Wang Pu, he is playing jokes. Wang Lao and his father were war friends in the revolutionary period. When he was in Beijing, he was taken care of by Wang Lao. This kind of care is not the care of life, but the care of experience and other aspects, so that he can get full growth.

"Uncle Wang, I apologize to you!"

"Forget it, it's not sincere at the sight. I don't bring any presents here!" The old lady also came over with fruit, smiling and watching them fighting. The old man in her family was at this age. She was like the younger generation. "Come on, eat fruit, don't listen to this old man. I have been fighting for two days!"He said hello to the people in the general office and the Secretariat, and briefly said the relevant problems. Then Wang Pu also brought the former middle-aged man to his study, "old three! I've sorted out the relevant information. You can have a look first. This is sorted out by our sophomore, but the original is not in my hands! "

"Uncle Wang, I heard that the child was found!"

Wang Pu suddenly laughed, "yes, I don't know how much you know about this child, but I don't know much about it. What about the child's heart? There are still some barriers. Forget about it. Those things are in the courtyard. I'll ask your aunt to bring them back in the evening. "

"So I have a chance to read it?"

Wang Pu also laughed, "the second is still too much to understand, but I'm afraid no one can say how much I can understand. But I'm afraid no one can say how much I can understand. But your situation is different. It's also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. If nothing happens, you'll go to the courtyard with your aunt in the evening and mix up that guy I'll take out all the gold and dog treasures of the account boy, and I'll take the responsibility! "

"Ah?" Middle aged people also feel a little surprised, "Uncle Wang, is this really good? That's your grandson! What's more, is this really good? He won't have any opinion, will he? "

"That's a jerk, but also a stubborn temper. I got some things out of his hands, but it's not good for the country. This son of a bitch must hold some good things in his hands. Now the problem depends on you!"

When Ding Yu came back from work in the evening, he looked at the cars and people at the door. He was shocked. It seemed a little small! Even there are guards in the car at the door, isn't it just my grandmother? How do you feel this formation is a little bit big? What's more, I haven't seen grandma's appearance before!

However, since it was his own home, Ding Yu didn't have too many doubts, and soon went to the inside. There were not too many people in the yard. As for the two little guys? It seems that there are some troublemakers, and there are not many people, which have no influence on them. However, it seems that in addition to their own grandmother, there are other people sitting there.

Ding Yu has some doubts, but when he sees that face, the pupil of Ding Yu's eyes shrinks slightly. For himself, the impression seems not to be generally deep. At least, the impression he left on himself and even all the people in his previous life is really too deep.

"Come on The old lady yelled when she saw Ding Yu. The other people in the yard saw Ding Yu with curious eyes, but soon everyone dispersed. The quadrangle was still very large, and some people would not be crowded. "Third, this is the grandson of our family, how about it? It's still very handsome

"Well, yes, I remember I held him when he was little! At that time, I didn't see that the original small bean cubes were so big, and they have been dazzling for many years Ding Yu felt a little surprised by this remark, even at a loss. Damn it, this is definitely not true. Do you have that blessing?

Looking at a few empty grandsons, the old lady also introduced, "where are your three uncles? I'm also a member of the military. Now I work in the Secretariat. I'm very interested in your situation. What about the rest of the family? It's not so appropriate! "

Ding Yu said hello, and then sat down next to her. The old lady looked at her grandson and shook her head helplessly to the third, "this child is like this. Speaking of it, your foresight and estimation seem to have been seen from now on, although it is not so obvious!"

"That's just the essay I wrote down when I was studying. It's not so exaggerated. It's just my own understanding and understanding. I didn't expect to cause such a big noise!" This is really not Ding Yu's implicit, but the real situation is like this, but there are some premises, but Ding Yu can't speak to people.

"My aunt and I looked through it twice just now, and some of the notes in it can be described as insightful and insightful!" In other words, the actual situation is similar, but it does not mean that there are no problems at all. What about the understanding of some problems? It is still relatively one-sided, and we can even see the defects.

But this word really can't be in front of Ding Yu, at least the old lady is still here! I come here today. I have too much affection from the old lady. If I don't have a close relationship with the Wang family, I can't come here even if I go to see Uncle Wang.

What about the people who walk with them? But the problem is that the people in the general office didn't come along at all. Mr. Wang appointed himself and ignored the colleague in the office. On one hand, it was because of affection, on the other hand? It's hard to say why.

"It was quite young at that time! A lot of it is nonsense Ding Yu didn't forget himself because of a few compliments. On the contrary, he fell into a period of meditation. "He didn't learn systematically. He was a bit ashamed to come here now."The middle-aged people are also staring at Ding Yu's eyes, but there is no discovery. The eyes are very deep, and they can't see any joy, anger, sorrow and joy. This is somewhat abnormal, at least quite different from ordinary people.

Ding Yu also laughed, "third uncle, are you interested in these things?"

Yeah? After hearing this, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and Ding Yu nodded, "but the third uncle needs to show me some different things. I showed him some things, but I hope you can give me some insights, which is very important!"

The old lady took a look at her grandson, then looked at the middle-aged man next to her, and then said aloud, "Xiaoyu, don't be too silly. Your third uncle has a lot of things to deal with, so you don't have time to grind your teeth with you!"

However, the middle-aged man showed a little interest in his eyes. Judging from what he knew, Ding Yu, a child who had returned to the Wang family, of course, had nothing to understand. After he returned to the Wang family, he did not seem to have done anything. Now he mentioned this in front of himself.

This is not only interesting and so simple, "Aunt Wang, I don't think Xiaoyu did it on purpose. It should have no deep meaning. Anyway, I don't have anything to do at night, but I haven't tasted the dishes you cooked yourself for a long time. The last time I ate it, it was when I just came to the Secretariat!"

The old lady glanced at her grandson, but she didn't get any response from her grandson. She didn't know whether he understood or didn't understand, "third uncle, please follow me!" Then Ding Yu also went to his study, respectful but not flattering.

"I came to your study just now. It may not be much better than your study. Of course, the situation in the office is another matter. This is the study. The neat study is purely for decoration. I don't like it very much!"

From this speech, we can feel that the third uncle is quite pragmatic. Ding Yu looked at his own study for a while, and showed that he started his computer. After waiting for a long time, he retrieved a document from it. However, the middle-aged also noticed that his nephew had handled a lot of procedures before opening the document.

The password was even entered several layers to prevent it from being too much. Then Ding Yu turned his laptop to his third uncle. "Sanbo, this is our prediction of a series of situations. It's not very detailed. It's just a few key points, but it's of great significance."

Why Ding Yu would take out these things? The reason is very simple. This third uncle was brought by his grandmother. The purpose of bringing him here should be very simple. If you can't see through this point, it's really stupid. Moreover, Ding Yu had already explored it in front of her grandmother's interview.

Grandma's words are also very clear, the words were originally said in reverse, the meaning is very clear, there is something to say in front of the face. Ding Yu is not very clear about the relationship between this third uncle and his family, but it is enough to have grandma show up. As for other aspects? should be regarded as a different matter.

Looking at the materials in Ding Yu's computer, the middle-aged man also fell into a burst of meditation. After a long time, he said with a worried look, "Xiaoyu, the general office has also received a report on the relevant situation, but the discussion is still going on, and there is no final conclusion on this aspect for the time being!"

This is to explain to Ding Yu. In fact, it pays more attention to the relevant situation. However, at this time, there is still no conclusion. Therefore, it is impossible for him to give Ding Yu a so-called reply.

"Third uncle, we have been paying attention to this for a long time."

"Put it another way!" The middle-aged man also smiles slightly. The expression on his face seems so simple and honest, but what pressure does it give to Ding Yu? "Pay attention to this word is not appropriate!"

"We've started to prepare for the harvest. The specific time should be at the end of this year or the beginning of next year!" This can't be said to be true. Although Ding Yu and sun Yingnan have snatched huge profits in the previous period, they will still enter the arena this time, mainly because of their confusion.

"Harvest, so it's been a long time to lay out!"

"It's not very long. It's mainly because we didn't fall into this hole, but it won't be very big. Originally, Wall Street has angered people this time. If we continue to be unscrupulous, we will become the target of public criticism. However, if we don't act at all, we will certainly say suspicion for others, which is a matter of degree! ”

"what is the specific direction?"

"No direction, drift with the current!" Ding Yu is also implicit smile, this matter or forget it! In other words, I am waiting for the third uncle to give me a direction. After all, there are many problems involved in it. I'm afraid it is not clear for a moment and a half. Who knows what the result will be?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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