"Brother, are you busy? Tell you something? "

Listening to the phone, Ding Ding Ding's speaking attitude, Ding Yu's mouth is also slightly twitch for a while, this is not much like her usual speaking attitude, do not play with yourself is quite good, what after so kind? The sun doesn't come out in the West today, does it?

Ding Yu even personally went to the window and looked at it. He made sure that the sun was still rising from the East. He also said, "today is a rest, but I will sort out some materials later. How can I feel that your voice is not right! Can't it be a moth that's coming out? "

"I'm all right, but I really have something to do with you! One of my uncle's brothers got stomach cancer. When I called him last night, he happened to be in the hospital. I wanted to call you, but I did it for you. "

"I don't understand. What do you want to say? Do you want to have an operation or come to the capital? You have said a lot, but it seems that you are not talking about the subject any more Ding Yu is also very direct expression, because he really did not understand.

"All right." Today, Ding Ding's tone seems to be not so good, which makes Ding Yu feel very surprised. The situation is very abnormal. "Father's uncle and brother's family conditions are not very good, but what about his stomach cancer? It's more serious. Dad means to send it to the capital, but he can't insist on it! "

"I still don't understand! I can't help him if he doesn't come! What's the use of looking for me? Why don't you ask me to arrest him? It's not about breaking the law or not, but is it really appropriate? " Ding Yu is still unknown at this time.

"Well, let's be frank! Dad means that even if the doctors there do it, how about the effect? It's not really clear. They are all brothers from the same family. Let's invite a doctor from the capital. By the way, we need to pay attention to the situation after the operation! After all, it's the capital city, and the situation may be different. "

The meaning of this speech is already quite impatient. Ding Yu also said, "this is what you want me to do? Feel not quite like, also don't hit what ambush, have what words to say directly! It's hard to hear it! " Ding Yu now also has some impatient meaning at this time, when his sister is so mushroom?

"I have discussed with Cao Zhenshang. He will come home with me in two days. What do you think?"

"Ah?" Ding Yu also exclaimed. What about this problem? I really don't have much preparation. I really feel a little too abrupt. No wonder Ding Ding Ding talked to herself in such a tone, "it's true that there are so many people who didn't think of it, but my parents should be very happy!"

"Do you think Dad and mom would think like that?" Ding Ding has a little expectation. What about this? He has also considered for a long time, Cao Zhen is more suitable, at least from the contact situation, is like this, since get along well, then need to consider other issues.

"If this is the problem, there will never be any other situation. The so-called son-in-law will come to the door, and the chicken will lose its soul."! There is no chicken in the house, but I think if my mother knows about this, ha ha, there will not be too few chickens in the house. Anyway, the new house has come down and there is a place to live! "

"Brother Ding Ding also called out angrily, "I'll tell you something serious."

"I'm not talking nonsense." Ding Yu also said solemnly, "I think my father and mother are still very open, not to mention your age seems to be not young, if you put it in the countryside, this baby has already run all over the ground?" After finishing, Ding Yu also can't help but smile, is very happy appearance.

After laughing for a long time, Ding Yucai restrained his smile, "I'll tell my father and mother about this matter! You are a girl with a thin skin. Would you like to talk about this? There is something wrong with it! "

Hehe, Ding Ding also laughed. He also paid attention to this aspect, so that he could talk about this aspect with his father and mother on his own initiative? There is still something wrong, but his brother and his parents talk about this matter, the situation is immediately different, anyway, I can say that is very reassuring.

After putting down Ding Ding Ding's phone, Ding Yu also made a phone call to his father, because he did not know whether his father was free at this time. It was true that he would rest on Saturdays and Sundays, but the situation on his father's side was more complicated. He was in charge.

Of course, I will rest on Saturdays and Sundays, but if I have something to do, I am also duty bound. After waiting for a long time, my father didn't answer the phone. I waited until noon when my father called.

"I had a small operation in the morning to do them a little favor. I didn't feel at ease, so I went to see it in person." Ding Lin also explained to his son, "by the way, Ding Ding told you about that thing! Is there anyone on your side? It doesn't matter to spend some money. If not, I'll find someone else! After all, when I was young, I grew up together. Who could have thought that such a situation could happen! It's pathetic to watch. ""I need to know the specific situation before I can find someone!"

Ding Lin also introduced the situation in detail, "the condition of the disease can be said to be quite complicated, and it was not taken as a matter in the past. The peasant family didn't care about this aspect of the matter. When I knew it, it was already late. Now I'm trying to find a way. You can hold on to it! This is different from other diseases! "

Listening to his father's voice, it seems that some of them are not very good. Ding Yu also said, "I'll get in touch with you now, and I'll be there tomorrow. What about the medicine? I'll try to find a way. Dad, do you have any other situation? I'll let someone take it and solve it! "

Listening to his father's voice, Ding Yu felt that he would never give himself any good looks when he mentioned his sister's affairs at this time. At the same time, he would make a mess of his sister's affairs. Therefore, we should delay for a while and wait for the uncle's affairs to be solved before we talk about other problems and situations.

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu also began to contact in this respect. This matter is not as troublesome as imagined. Of course, it must involve the relationship of human relations. After all the contacts are made, Ding Yu also deliberately made a phone call to his father.

"Dad, I've already got in touch with you. I'll probably go to Bincheng tomorrow evening. There are several surgeries waiting for you. If you feel anxious, you can go to Bincheng. If you are not too anxious, wait for a day, and he will go to our city to entertain him! I left your phone number with him so that we could get to know each other's condition. "

"OK, I see. I'll get back to you if there's anything wrong with it!"

"Dad, don't worry too much. What happened? No one wants it. Let's do our best. If the conditions at home are not good, let's give a hand behind us. Anyway, the conditions at home are fair, and we don't have to let others know that we don't seek fame or profit. Do you think so? "

"Ah! Having been a doctor for so many years, I always think that I have experienced a lot, and there will not be too many emotional fluctuations. But what about this? I still give some touch. I'm a little bit impatient these two days, but you can rest assured. I don't have anything to do here. How about you? "

Ding Lin is really a little angry, after all, this feeling is not the same, but with his own son? It's not easy to say anything. The son of the province is also worried with himself. There is no need.

"It's very good. There's nothing wrong with it!" Ding Yu also comforted his father and said, "by the way, Ding Ding Ding and Cao Zhen get along well. Previously, he also mentioned this aspect with me. Look at this meaning, two people have further meaning. Dad, what do you mean?"

"Well?" Ding Lin was also quite surprised, but then he was worried and said, "I just met your mother here. The initial impression is very good, but what do you know about it? It's not too deep. After all, you're in the capital, and you're close to it. You should pay more attention to some situations. After all, you're a brother! "

"OK, I'll be relieved if you say so!"

Ding Yu also laid an ambush for his father. It was better not to reveal all the things at once. His father and mother were satisfied with Cao Zhen, but after all, they just met each other. What's more, it was their own daughter! It can't be said that there is no worry at all.

However, after putting down the phone, Ding Yu didn't have a long time to settle down. Soon Ding Ding called the phone. As for the reason? Of course, it's her own business. "I mentioned your business to Dad a little bit."

"How about it? Did dad agree? " Ding Ding is still very concerned about such things. If her father agrees with her, she won't have too many opinions. When she talks, she can even hear the tension in her voice.

"I haven't told him so much news yet!"

"Cut!" Ding Ding Ding there also sent out a very dissatisfied business, "brother, what do you do, but I don't usually ask you to do things. It's not easy to encounter such a thing, but you make it a little messy!"

"I said you have no conscience, girl!" Ding Yu also retorted and said, "I was busy with my uncle's business before. My father was in a bad mood. I was touched by this aspect. I need to calm down my father's mood first, and then deal with your matter."

"No! I didn't feel it when I called my dad yesterday

"Come on, you, I'm afraid all your thoughts are on your Cao Zhen's body. If it's not because of this matter, tell me how long you haven't called me!"

Ding Ding didn't expect that her elder brother would be jealous, but she also laughed on the phone. Seeing this meaning, she also wanted to resolve the embarrassment. "Hey, brother, I've been so forgetful these days. You've got a lot of adults. You can't tell a little girl the same thing, don't you?""Don't talk about those messy things with me. Cao Zhen is too honest. There are not too many problems in subduing him. But the situation in his family is more complicated. You must be clear about this matter. Are you really prepared for this? During the Spring Festival, he abducted his son away, ha ha! "

I'm afraid the last two words can express the meaning clearly. Ding Ding Ding also slightly hummed, "I have basically understood the situation of Cao Zhen's family, and it's not too difficult. Originally, Cao Zhen has no other extravagance for his family, and I don't have any extravagance!"

"But the problem is that you haven't revealed anything about your family to him! You know that it is easy to create an unbalanced situation. Don't make a fool of yourself at that time. That would be a bit embarrassing! Our family's problems are easier to solve, but their problems? I don't think so! "

"Well, don't be as wordy as my mother. I have something else to do. I'll listen to your good news, so say it! In a week's time, you need to give me an answer, otherwise you know what the consequences will be! "

Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "OK, I'll give you a reply in a week, but OK, the two little guys are greedy recently. You, as an aunt, always need some expression in this respect."

For Ding Ding Ding bickered for a period of time, not to mention the mood is much better. When putting down the phone, the two little guys are also staggering over, just wake up not long, some mischievous, looking at Ding Yu sitting on the carpet, is all of a sudden rushed up, there are some hungry tiger meaning.

Ding Yu fell down with the trend, and then played with the two little guys. When they were waiting for dinner, Ding Yu let them go. However, the two little guys were also tormented by this Laozi, but they enjoyed it. It was obvious that they still failed to understand their father's plot.

After dinner, Ding Yu didn't play with the two kids. He called their mother, and the family sat together for a chat. Then Ding Yu also went to the study. It was interesting to arrange a Secretary for himself, but it seems that the matter is still in the process of discussion.

Ding Yu doesn't have much meaning to make a statement on this matter, and even has a feeling of letting it go. However, it seems inappropriate to say that Ding Yu has no opinion on this matter at all.

But the problem is that Ding Yu has never shown any attitude towards this matter. It is completely drifting with the tide. This has paralyzed some people's emotions. In fact, this is a very bad situation, but now there are not many people paying attention to it. It has to be said that Ding Yu is still a little weak on this issue.

Ding Yu has noticed this problem, but has not given any warning. Instead, it is out of a laissez faire situation. If something really happens in the future, who is the responsibility? From another point of view, Ding Yu is really not cold-blooded and cruel!

After seeing the truth of the facts, he also understood that this was a big hole, but the problem was that Ding Yu didn't show any sign, even as if he didn't see it. What's more, Ding Yu even stepped on the hole, but Ding Yu didn't fall into it and walked on safely.

Whether other people should follow Ding Yu's steps or not is another matter. I have nothing to do when I walk past, but the problem is whether you are also OK when you walk past. It needs to be considered!

Ding Yu had already felt a little unhappy, and then came back. Ding Yu did not show any attitude, which does not mean that he is a soft persimmon, which can be handled by others.

The next morning, someone came to the courtyard. What's Ding Yu's attitude towards the visitors? There is no satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and there is no welcome or unwelcome saying. To vent one's temper on the person in front of him is a kind of incompetence, which is not in line with Ding Yu's appetite.

"Hello, Dr. Ding. My name is Wu, Wu Mingyu!"

Ding Yu nodded his head, and there was no welcome or no welcome. It was just a person assigned to work around him. That's all, "Oh, Hello!" Ding Yu stretched out his hand, two people simple handshake, also like this, did not have any other movement.

What about Wu Mingyu's situation with Ding Yu? I feel a little nervous. If I don't have any attitude to show, there is a problem. And the more indifferent the performance is, the greater the problem may be. I'm afraid that any one of us will be in such a situation? I'm not particularly happy.

For Ding Yu, he was also careful and cautious. It is true that this is only the first contact between himself and Ding Yu, but I don't want to have any problems and situations in this process. What's more, someone has clearly mentioned this problem with himself when he came here.

"Dr. Ding, from today on, I will be your assistant! Be responsible for some of your paperwork! "Ding Yu still does not have too many words, is slightly nodded a head, from the attitude above, slightly appears a little cold.

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