However, when Wu Mingyu just came to the courtyard, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang, "originally I wanted to send Mingyu to the courtyard in person, but other things suddenly happened to me, so it was delayed. Let Mingyu pass first. In the evening, if I have a chance, I will go to your place to have dinner."

Sanbo's words are very harmonious. It can be seen that he is slightly apologetic about this matter. Ding Yu didn't say anything, but he didn't think that Wu Mingyu was a member of sanbo. But even if it was like this, it didn't mean Ding Yu would understand. This is two times.

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu also looked at Wu Mingyu, who was sitting in front of him! You should have read my information, but what about yours? The third uncle didn't say that he might need to communicate with each other in the future. Of course, if there is nothing to say, I know your name is Wu Mingyu

"Wu Mingyu, major! Most of what I did before was paperwork! Some research! Before I came here, I heard the leader's introduction to Dr. Ding, but I don't fully understand your situation. I need to further understand it in further work. "

When he spoke, Wu Mingyu also paid attention to Ding Yu. The work given to him was very clear. He knew what to do and what not to do. What about Ding Yu's introduction? Not very satisfied, because there are some too vague.

But I still need to give this face to the third uncle. Of course, it has a certain relationship with the family. On the one hand, it is the most important? It is a kind of respect and respect from later generations, and even some small worship, because what sanbo has done is really gratifying!

However, I have noticed that Wu Mingyu is not very old, but he doesn't mean to publicize at all. Moreover, his eyes seem to be more clear. It's interesting to get such a person to come here.

Ding Yu's study is a little messy. This is Wu Mingyu's first impression after seeing it. "The study is generally not allowed to enter. In addition to some medical information and my essays, it mainly involves some commercial secrets. I care about this point!"

A little bit of Wu Mingyu, as for whether he knows, the question is not clear to each other, the above arranged Wu Mingyu in his own side position, this can not help but let Ding Yu feel a little angry, no matter how to explain this matter, there are some unreasonable.

In the evening, sanbo also visited in person, and there were not many people. Sanbo just brought a guard, and there were no other people. When he came, Ding Yu's home had already had dinner. Wu Mingyu did not leave, but stayed there all the time. To him, it was a bit awkward.

There are only three people on the table. It can be seen that everyone has some experience in Ding Yu's food. The food on the table seems to be a bit wasteful, but when it comes to the end? It's like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. It's clean.

"I didn't expect that they would drop Ming Yu and call a time difference. I knew the news was too late!"

The expression on Ding Yu's face did not change. After thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "San Bo, what do you mean?"

This rhetorical question can be said to be very interesting. To a certain extent, it also represents Ding Yu's smoothness. I have my own ideas about this question, but the question is what do you think of this matter, third uncle?

"Mingyu is a bitter child, and he has no problem with his nature."

"Sanbo, from my personal point of view, this time's behavior is more than just spying. This has already begun to absorb my core problem, which is intolerable to me personally! To be more precise, I don't trust anyone, I just believe in my own judgment. "

"Is this the law of the battlefield?"

"I've been trained like this, but the problem is that I'm not a soldier anymore!" Ding Yu's attitude is very firm, of course, at this time Wu Mingyu did not sit on one side of the position, now his identity is really not an ordinary embarrassment.

"This kind of behavior is not very good, but it can be understood, but it seems that your industrial layout is a little too big?" When speaking, the middle-aged also deliberately pointed out this problem.

"Third uncle, it's not that I don't believe in the military. I was trained by the military. There is no doubt about this. But the problem is that there are always flaws in some problems." Ding Yu did not directly point out, but we all understand how this is a matter, there is a bad cooperation, so who can guarantee that there will not be another?

"I know that Mingyu is quite upright, but you are a little bit out of tune. Mingyu is still a small sapling. If you don't say it well, it's easy to get your way!" When he spoke, he took a look at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "if that's the case, there's no problem. Since you've all said that, I'm a junior if I don't know good or evil again, I'm too disrespectful!"Things seem to have been accepted, but on the way back, the middle-aged man also took Wu Mingyu with him, "follow Ding Yu's side? Do more, listen more and watch more, but a few of them are not good candidates. The timing of your coming is so inappropriate, so this impression can't be said to be too good! But Ding Yu is not a man with little guts. "

"Third uncle, I have heard of Ding Yu before, but it seems that they are all trivial things."

"Hey, this bastard is really hiding. You may have read some of his information. I tell you, the information you see is only a part of it. You are also an officer, and have undergone some special training, but your training is different from his experience!"

There is no need to explain what this difference is, but it is obvious that Wu Mingyu has already understood, "it is more complicated than you imagine!" After reading some of Ding Yu's information, the middle-aged people also know that Ding Yu's last foot is short of entering the door.

Entering the door, there is basically no going out, or standing inside, being carried out, but in the most critical step, Ding Yu was forced to get out, this matter even made the military feel quite angry, a good seedling was broken, put in the heart of who have so many unbearable.

"I feel a little worried about the things involved behind this, sanbo. Is this for you?"

"Don't worry too much, but what about Ding Yu's problem? You still need to have a good understanding. Although you two are of the same age, he has already walked in the front of many peers. It is a bad thing to stay with him, but you need to grasp it well! "

Sitting in his study, Ding Yu also sent a message to his assistant. In the past, he didn't expect that this thing would come so suddenly, which is really hard for him.

Wu Mingyu's presence will certainly have a great impact on himself, and even become a constraint. This has nothing to do with who Wu Mingyu is, and at this stage? I have no way to cut off the contact with sun Yingnan, so I need to arrange some things through the assistant.

After all, his plot with sun Yingnan involves too many things. If there is any information leaked out, Ding Yu feels that his small body is hard to resist. Even if there is a Wang family behind him, he has not been able to survive. What he needs most is time!

"I arranged for someone to go there so quickly, and it was Wu Mingyu. There is something wrong with this!"

When the old lady sitting at home knew the news, she also felt that something had changed, and it was quite a change. She directly put people in the courtyard. For Ding Yu, this is not only a provocation, it is really simple, but also can Ding Yu accept it?

Wang Pu's face was also a little embarrassed. He presented things for the sake of the country, but he didn't expect that some people had moved their minds, and what about this? There will be a lot of problems. What about the first person who will go in? It's the third person, which is bound to make the third and Ding Yu the child's heart have estrangement.

What's more, what about the third child and his family? Whether there will be other changes because of this is also the problem.

In fact, these for Ding Yu, have not put in mind, the important thing is that their current position so that they can not have any problems and conditions, after all, it involves too much!

When she came to the hospital in the morning, she looked at Tao Jin who was sitting there. Ding Yu also looked at her desk for a period of time. Then she knocked on her desk and walked into her own office. Not long after that, Tao Jin also followed in, "don't tell me that you don't know anything! I don't believe it. "

Tao Jin also frowned, "I got the news last night. The military doesn't have much interest in this matter. At least it doesn't want to be involved in it. However, the attitude of the military does not mean that everyone's attitude is the same. These are two problems."

"What else?" Looking at Tao Jin's desire to stop, Ding Yu also asked.

"According to the information from other sources, this seems to be a test for you. This is the judgment of the military! Wu Mingyu is a member of the military, but he can not represent the whole military. " The news has passed. The military has no idea about this matter. After all, it has not much to do with the military. Although the person who went to the courtyard has the identity of the military, it does not mean everything. I believe Ding Yu can understand it.

"I see!" Ding Yu was very satisfied with Tao Jin's answer. The military gave him a reliable answer. No matter whether it was true or not, it has already explained some problems. Ding Yu is not a fool. Of course, it is also clear that the military can not let himself owe this kind of affection."I need some money! Two years

"Well, I said, are you too realistic to be a little bit reserved?" Ding Yu is also a little discontented. He said that he just had this meaning. Tao Jin was climbing up the pole! Such behavior is not so good!

"I planned to mention this issue earlier, but you are busy with your work these two days, so you are not in a hurry!" After saying that, Tao Jin is also watching Ding Yu. This matter can't be refused. If you promise, if there is nothing, I will go out to work.

Ding Yu nodded. Tao Jin also took his own things and went out. Of course, he put today's schedule on the table. Ding Yu breathed a breath, but there are some things that are not easy to deal with! What about the military's attitude towards itself? It seems that it is not cold or hot, but actually it is also quite concerned.

They have already shown their attitude, and the rest depends on their choice. For Ding Yu, the money is really not a problem. At least, the impact is not particularly big. It is true that Tao Jin did not mention the specific number, but Ding Yu still has his own sum in mind.

Ding Yu gave an account to Tao Jin. What about the funds in it? It's not in the minority. The military will take care of it! As for the final situation, this question is not something I need to worry about.

the military didn't expect Ding Yu to be so open-minded. The money in the account has been checked and it is very clean. There is no problem with the origin. What's the money in it? For the military, emergency is the best choice. It can be seen that Ding Yu is more able to behave in this respect.

The military just expressed an attitude on this matter. What about Ding Yu? He also expressed his own attitude. Since it is not the hand of the military, Hello, Hello, everyone. If people don't attack me, I don't commit crimes. This is my principle.

Ding Yu reached an agreement with the military so quickly that he didn't even mean to meet with each other. This was more or less unexpected than some people expected. To be exact, we didn't think about this aspect at all, because it was so tacit.

The military will not be silly to expose this matter, like a joke, the previous time went to Ding Yu quadrangle, but there is a military identity on his body, obviously someone wants to use the military as a gunner. In this case, there is nothing to say! No one is free.

For Ding Yu, it is one of the few good news that the military has not been involved in it. At this time, he is really worried. If the military is involved, he will be more constrained. In other words, his own interests will be greatly affected.

What about the attitude of the military? It proves that they are reliable partners. Although some unpleasant things happened in the past, this is also a small trap set by Ding Yu on purpose. It is really impossible to attribute all the responsibility to the military. This is two times.

"I feel that the boy is calm and a little bit disrespectful."

The old lady still has some understanding of her grandson. Because of her understanding, she has some worries. The grandson should not look at the silent things, but I'm afraid the inner heart is not so much.

Wang Pu, sitting on the reclining chair, also said, "what about this matter?"? He also felt very upset. Although he said that he had this meaning before, he never thought it would be such a result. Isn't this a typical good intention to do bad things? Anyway, my heart is extremely uncomfortable.

I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Can my grandson feel comfortable? It's impossible, but the problem is that my grandson doesn't show any attitude. It's like this thing didn't happen to him. It has nothing to do with me. You can rest assured.

But the more like this, the more Wang Pu's heart there is no confidence in this respect!

His grandson is definitely not a good stubble. If something happens, I'm afraid it will fall into the calculation of some people. This matter still needs to be brought to his attention. However, Wang Pu's words are not very interesting and even embarrassing.

After all, this time, he needs to bear the main responsibility, because this thing can be avoided completely. However, he was really unable to control himself before, so he also made things to such a level.

Now I talk about this with my grandson. What is it? First, I give him a big slap, and then I give him a sweet jujube. Who can guarantee that he has no other ideas and opinions in his heart, but he has other opinions about things at home. Now? Oh!

But what about this? It's a bit late if you wait for your grandson to make something, and then come out.

And what about this thing? Let Wang Pu also feel a little bit of a small accident, the above should not be so quick to make this decision, can it be because Ding Yu's identity has been exposed? If that is the case, this issue is really worth , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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