"Let Ding Yu, the child, come here." Wang Pu thought for a long time, but also said, "let Wang Yang pick him up, they have already arrived at the door of the house, and have never been in the house. This is not very decent! I don't know. I thought we wouldn't let him in? "

Of course, the old lady understood what the old man meant. To a certain extent, she also wanted to test the attitude of her grandson to see what he meant. If she said he could come, there would be a way to deal with it. If she said that he would not come, it would show that he had a view on the matter, as well as on the old man and himself.

"Brother, are you busy?"

When Ding Yu put down the phone, he also nodded, "what's the matter? There's another operation I haven't done! "

"Grandfather said, let you come back home with me when you have time these two days!" When he said this, Wang Yang did not care too much.

"It's going to take a while. I'm flying to America in the evening. Professor Hopkins asked me to come over and wait until I get back!" Wang Yang didn't think much about it. His grandfather asked him to come and invite his brother home.

But what do you mean? It seems that the situation is not quite the same as I think about it. However, it is not impossible to go back after coming back, and it can not delay a few days. Then Wang Yang also told his grandfather and grandmother about the matter. My brother wants to fly directly to the United States in the evening. Maybe he can't come in these two days!

When he heard the news, Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other. Even if something happened, they didn't care about this moment and a half? Obviously, the grandson has a view on the previous time, and what about this view? It seems to be quite deep. This is not good news for Wang Pu and Lao Tai Tian.

"Flying directly to the United States in the evening, it seems nothing, but the meaning of shirking is too obvious!"

The old lady's speech was not vague, even straightforward, but Wang Pu was not. It was a little dull. "It seems that it's a bit late to talk about this matter when he comes back. I think I'd better give him a call! He has other problems in the process. Sometimes he is too calm

Wang Pu's words have a profound meaning, because he doesn't want his grandson to make any other things during this period, because if something really happens, there will be no way to end. This is absolutely certain.

"Can he listen?" The old lady was also worried about this. "I'm afraid this matter makes him very unhappy. Although from his performance, he is very calm, but after all, he is still a child. In dealing with some problems, he may be slightly indignant."

Young! After all, Ding Yu's age is still too young, which is a great test for him. At this time, he doesn't mean to go back home. He is supposed to kick his legs. However, Wang Pu and the old lady don't know what to say, which is good or troublesome!

"I'll give him a call!" Wang Pu immediately picked up the phone next to him, but when he called, Ding Yu was not in the office. He went to the operating room to help him. After a short wait, Sheng Hai came over.

"Sir, elder sister, as I have just asked, I didn't mean to go to the United States temporarily. The main reason is that there is an assessment. Some people in the hospital have signed up, and the number seems to be quite large. Originally, most of them don't need to go. He has made arrangements for this aspect, but it seems that something is going on there. So the young master should go ahead in the evening One time

The reason is really there, and it is also the one that makes sense. But I don't know why, there is always a feeling of stuffing in the ears. Anyway, Wang Pu and the old lady are such feelings. This is not the result they want at all!

It is better to have such a result than not to have it, but the actual situation is like this, there is no word to say.

After finishing the operation in the hospital, Ding Yu also went back to the courtyard directly, simply cleaned up his things, and then took his two children and the nanny to the airport. The plane has been waiting there. Of course, it is a private plane. At least, we need to give two little guys a loose space.

After getting on the plane, the two little guys are a little bit dishonest. The nanny is taking care of the two children. Ding Yu is also a girl who puts it on her thigh. Relatively speaking, she is more skinny. Even if she is sitting in Ding Yu's arms, she doesn't look like a lady, which is quite different from her mother.

It's not that Ding Yu can take off immediately after he gets on the plane. It also needs a series of arrangements and coordination. At this time, the airport staff also found Ding Yu's assistant. The assistant went to Ding Yu at the first time. "Sir, there are several guests who want to fly to the United States. The official staff don't know if it's convenient!"

Ding Yu looked up and nodded his head slightly. There was no other indication. What about the plane to the United States? Why do you have to take your own plane? But Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse, but what about such a situation? Some of them are not happy.Although he said that he got on the plane, Ding Yu didn't mean to receive these people. Anyway, he didn't want to deal with these people. It didn't matter whether he saw them or not. However, the Wangs were more or less angry about this matter, especially when the old lady learned about it, her eyes had narrowed together.

This is not bullying people so simple, how do you mean, is it true that we don't treat the Wang family as a thing? Although Ding Yu does not show any attitude, it does not mean that the Wang family has no attitude and opinions on this matter. It is impossible.

Some people are not happy, so naturally some people are in bad luck. Even before Ding Yu's plane landed in the United States, the result of the treatment came out. From a certain point of view, it is a fight between gods and the suffering of ordinary people. Since it is involved, there is no reason to say.

What about the popularity of the Wang family? It's just a little trial. Originally I thought Ding Yu was a young man, even a child. Can he swallow this breath? Things that were impossible at all, not to mention at that time, things had already poked into the face.

But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't show any excitement and let people get on the plane. At least in terms of attitude, Ding Yu swallowed this tone and then the reaction of the Wang family? It makes people feel helpless. This is not in the plan at all.

If Ding Yu is in trouble, and then the Wang family comes forward, it is a matter of one time, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't make a fuss, and the Wang family came forward, this is another time. It can't be regarded together!

I didn't expect Ding Yu, who is young and young, but the city hall is so deep. I'm afraid that any young man and young man in the 49th city would not be so arrogant. I'm just kidding. My private plane, you can tell me, who do you think I am?

But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't make any statement, just as if it didn't happen to him. It makes people have to take a high look at it, but at the same time? There are also some murmurs in everyone's heart. How can we say that the biting dog doesn't bark!

After Ding Yu came to the United States, he took the lead to meet Professor Hopkins. They had a little exchange, and then they also met sun Yingnan. What about their meeting? Slightly relaxed, even simple, sitting in the roadside cafe, too casual.

"I heard that the situation is not so good recently!"

Hearing this, Ding Yu also gave sun Yingnan a white look. Obviously, he wanted to pick something up! Although Ding Yu is so angry, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu has no self-restraint at all. This is two times. Now even if it is revenge, what can it do? Do not understand hate, even tickle are not counted!

If you choose to do it, it's like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. It's like cleaning up the leaves all at once. You don't want to leave any disasters to yourself. But what about all the time? It seems that everyone did not give Ding Yu such a chance, many people are in the front of the position.

Just like the Ma family and the Song family, they have been frightened by Ding Yu. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu does not mean to start. When will Ding Yu choose to start? If it comes to the time to do it, will the Ma family and the Song family disappear immediately?

Therefore, under the decision, the Ma family and the Song family also made a choice, gave up, do not give their own body to find any trouble, Ma family and Song family look at is not small, but for Ding Yu, is completely not in the eye, even Ding Yu want to kill them, it is just a matter of minutes.

What about the current situation? It is still the same. Ding Yu still chooses to be tolerant. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, it is because of the opponents. Of course, some people think highly of themselves, because I am afraid that they have not been put in the eyes of some people. Their goal is the Wang family behind them.

For Ding Yu, what has not been seen is a bad thing, which can transfer the pressure to a great extent. He does not want to bear so much pressure on his body. After all, it is not the most appropriate time. He still has a lot of things to deal with. Now it is exposed in the sun, which makes him have a lot of inconvenience.

"Relatively speaking! But don't listen to the wind is the rain. I haven't been so narrow-minded. What's more, the relationship between this matter and myself is not very big, but there are more joint and several liabilities. I'm afraid that's the helplessness of life! "

"I heard that the situation there is more complicated. It seems that the situation is really like this." Sun Yingnan's venomous tongue as always, especially in front of Ding Yu's face, that kind of feeling is really quite different.

"It's of no practical value to you and me Of course, Ding Yu can hear what sun Yingnan means. In sun Yingnan's opinion, Ding Yu, the master, should not stay in the capital city, especially in a hospital to serve others. On the contrary, everyone's service to the master is almost the same."All right." Sun Yingnan is also point to stop, and did not continue to discuss this topic, or forget it! It's really hard for me to persuade the master, and what about such a thing? It seems that they can not be involved in it, "the situation here is still good! But it's hard on Wall Street! "

"I don't care about this problem. You can handle it yourself! I'm here to deal with Professor Hopkins. I'm very interested in this operation. That's what I'm here for! "

Sun Yingnan also felt helpless. "I may have to rush back in the evening, but if you let me stay, I think it's a good idea to stay in bed." Having said that, he also looked at Ding Yu provocatively.

Ding Yu felt that his teeth were itching. If it was not in public, he really didn't know if he would slap her on the buttocks, "my son and daughter are all here." The words are like this, but the attitude above can explain everything. Sun Yingnan also smiles and says hello to the assistant in the distance.

As for sun Yingnan's departure, Ding Yu has no other indication. After drinking coffee, Ding Yu also went back to his own residence. There was no change. He was very normal and stable. But the question is who is observing Ding Yu? I can't stand the slight feeling.

You Ding Yu is a rich family at least. It is also a kind of young and rich. But can you enrich your private life a little bit? Don't be so monotonous and boring. Although you already have a baby, there is a baby sitter with you. You don't need to do other things.

What about Ding Yu's low profile? Even the surveillance people feel a bit boring and tasteless. This is the United States, not China. You can indulge a little bit. At least you Ding Yu still has the capital. In that case, you will be comfortable, and we can do business with each other.

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't seem to have any meaning in this respect at all. When he comes back to the apartment, the two kids don't seem to have any jet lag. It's a lot of fun to play with. Moreover, it seems that the nanny will take them out, but Ding Yu doesn't mean to stop them.

At this point, we can't say that Ding Yu's heart is thick, or he doesn't care. It's really not the reason for this. It's mainly because he is more comfortable with the nanny. Moreover, the children's body also has a special positioning system. After all, modern society has been so developed, which are all pediatrics.

In his apartment, Ding Yu's leisure is to read books. He doesn't have any other hobbies. Or Ding Yu doesn't want to move much. He wants to be quiet. What's the actual reason? Ding Yu still feels a little unreal and even illusory. In such a situation, it is better to be quiet.

Originally, there were many problems in his body. Although he said that he could bear it, he said that when it would explode, if it really happened, what would be the end? I'm afraid even Ding Yu himself did not know, so Ding Yu tried his best to make himself more peaceful.

What about this kind of peace? It's definitely not weakness, it's just another attitude. As for when Ding Yu will have the so-called change, it's really not good to say, because even Ding Yu himself is afraid that it's difficult to show the problem clearly.

The day after Ding Yu came to the United States, he joined Professor Hopkins' team. All the people in the team were very familiar with Ding Yu. After all, we were very happy with our previous contact.

However, when we saw Ding Yu standing on the operating table again, we still felt a little surprised. How long did it take? Why Ding Yu's progress is so fast? This does not refer to the problem of mentality. There was no change in Ding Yu's first standing on the operating table.

What we feel most incomprehensible is how long it has been! Ding Yu's technique can really be described by flying suddenly. Even if he uses his knife every day, it seems that he can't reach this level? So we look at Ding Yu's eyes are so different.

Although the division of labor in the whole team is different, Ding Yu's rapid progress in the standard really makes people feel a little crisis. This is just a few days' work? Ding Yu is so impressive? If we say that in two days' time, this guy will be unprecedented and there will be no comer!

"Ding, even if you go back every day after surgery, it seems that you can not reach this point?"

Comparatively speaking, the way foreigners communicate seems a little more direct. Such a question is also said in front of Ding Yu. If it is placed in China, some people will praise it, but there will never be a person asking Ding Yu in front of him.

We can't help it. Don't be so joking. We've done a lot of operations in this team, and it's still a very high-end one. But compared with you, it's over, and even the self-confidence is almost gone.

This is a joke, but also a question, why do you do this?Ding Yu blinked his own eyes and jokingly said, "genius can't be measured!"

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