Two days later, people from the hospital also arrived, but what about the assessment? Ding Yu really didn't mean to be involved. Before the exam, he met with the dean of the team. That's all. When he met, Ding Yu was still wearing hospital clothes. He just came from the operating room.

How did it turn out? It's not important for Ding Yu. He has won the opportunity for these people. As for whether the people in the hospital can grasp this opportunity, it is not Ding Yu's ability to control it. In other words, Ding Yu is not so interested in this matter as he imagined, and some of them want to avoid it.

As for the final assessment results? It's not that the imagination makes people feel satisfied. Originally, I thought that more people would be left behind, but what about the actual situation? Only two people were selected, and what about these two? They are not the two most sure people in the hospital before.

In the eyes of the public, this pressure is really too big, ability at this moment can not reflect a lot, the important thing is the mentality of the problem, but the collapse is not only domestic, and even foreign personnel are also the same, anyway, can the people stay? can be counted on one's fingers! Very few!

Ding Yu invited everyone to have a meal and get together. What about those who stay? He expressed his congratulations to those who did not stay, but also gave some encouragement. At least, everyone broadened their horizons. Practice makes perfect is just one step in it, and we need to have a common heart.

This is very simple, but can you do it? There is really not too much. In the process of eating, we also have a lot of communication. After all, there were not many such opportunities in the past. After dinner, the Dean also deliberately left Ding Yu down, "Xiaoding, what about these two? They are all colleagues from our hospital. You have a hard relationship here. You can help me

"Dean? Do you still have a command? " Ding Yu's words have the meaning of some jokes. After finishing, he also laughed.

The Dean also gave Ding Yu a hard look, and Ding Yu raised his shoulder. "The two senior brothers are here. I will try my best to make friends with the local people, but I can only say that there are not so many places where people can talk about human feelings. Even to a certain extent, this is hell!"

"No matter it's hell or heaven, at least there can be some high-end here! Our hospital is not without high-end, but relatively speaking, it really has a few meanings When he said this, the Dean also had some exclamations, and Ding Yu nodded.

In fact, for Ding Yu, it's really a little simple. I'd like to introduce the situation here to them. After all, Ding Yu is a little familiar here, mainly because Hopkins is the backing of Ding Yu. In fact, in the United States, it doesn't mean that we don't really talk about the so-called human relationship. This is not the case.

Is it just the expression of human feelings? It may be different from some in China, that's all. Ding Yu still helps as far as he can, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu will reach out for everything. You stay here is the embodiment of your ability. I just provide a platform. Everything depends on you.

It took more than a week for Ding Yu to turn back again. But Ding Yu came back, but the two little guys stayed in the United States. Ding Yu didn't explain why. Do you need to explain to others? What's more, they are their own sons and daughters. How to deal with them is their own business.

But Ding Yu came back by himself. For all aspects, it seems that this is not good news. At least it shows that Ding Yu is not satisfied with some conditions. At least his son and daughter have not come back, which is a very obvious signal! Don't underestimate this.

"It's outrageous of him to come back alone." When Wang Pu got the news, he was also a little impatient. What did Ding Yu want to do? Is it time to be petulant? Does he know what he has done? Why don't you care about the overall situation at all?

The old lady is sitting on one side of the table, and her look is so complicated. What's the situation in the United States, I really can't find out much about it. Besides, her grandson has always been a recluse, so it's even more difficult to find out!

"Is there any other situation? Maybe I think too much about it!" The old lady also comforted and said, "didn't you say that earlier? Care is chaotic. I think your mind is a little confused now! "

Wang Yang came to the courtyard again. When he came, his elder brother was reading in his study. Wu Mingyu was not here. He seemed to know his identity. If he could not bear the pressure above, he would come to Ding Yu to pretend. If there was not too much pressure, he would not come at all.

Although the above is to give him such rights, but the problem is that it is a courtyard, is Ding Yu's home, a stranger broke into his own home, he will be happy? Wu Mingyu also mentioned this with Ding Yu's third uncle. Anyway, this is his own way of dealing with it.Whether he is satisfied or not, Ding Yu doesn't have any words about it. He simply deals with the things on hand and then sits on the carpet. When Wang Yang comes, Ding Yu doesn't mean to stand up or even looks up. This makes Wang Yang feel a little depressed.

"Brother, what happened? My grandfather and grandma asked me to come and ask you to go back! " After saying that, Wang Yang also paid attention to his elder brother, "the words of grandfather and grandmother are a little bit more serious. They even used the word please. Brother, did you not make them angry? It's a little mysterious! "

"No!" Ding Yu put down the book in his hand. He said casually, "I just came back from the United States. The hospital gave me two days' vacation. Originally, I still wanted to have a good rest. How come, you are so free now, running back and forth, you don't feel tired and flustered?"

"Brother, it's not my problem to be idle." After saying that, he also took a look at his brother, "I know there must be something wrong with it. Otherwise, my grandfather and grandma will not let me come again and again, but brother! My small arm crus, really afraid of breaking! Don't play with me

"Is it?" In fact, there is no matter what Ding Yu did But Ding Yu didn't really mean to explain to his brother. Now he really didn't have much need. What's more, he didn't have the interest in this aspect. Wang Yang knew that, but what he didn't get was a good thing.

"Brother, you scared me to death!" Wang Yang also breathed a breath. He really didn't want to know what happened inside. He was not a so-called curious baby. He wanted to know everything. The more children in the courtyard, the more clear he was. What things should he know and what he should not know. This is certain.

Now things should never know themselves, so looking at the old brother did not say the export, Wang Yang is also a deep breath, good hanging ah! If you really let yourself know, really if there is any situation, I absolutely belong to the type of * * back pot, and I don't want to be so miserable.

"By the way, where are the two little ones? Why didn't I see them? "

"Stay in America!" Ding Yu took a curious look at Wang Yang and asked, "don't you say you don't want to know? Why are you still inquiring about this matter? Is it a mistake, or do you have another plan? "

"No, it's my nephew and niece. After all, it's my nephew and niece. Forget it, I still don't ask. I know there must be something wrong in it, and it's still quite a big problem. I have such a head on my shoulder, so let's forget it! Let me live well! I feel that my life has been quite moist recently

"If there's nothing wrong with it, just read it for a while! There are still some things that I haven't finished with. Maybe you need to wait for a while. If you have something, just come and pick me up at night! "

"Forget it, I don't want to leave. Who knows what kind of moths will come out, but I feel a lot of pressure here. I'd rather go outside and cool off for a while." After that, Wang Yang also went outside, but he didn't mean to sit outside. Now the weather is a little cool!

Wang Yang waited a little longer, but his elder brother didn't stand up. This may be one of the few good news. Looking at his dressing and dressing up, Wang Yang bit his teeth and just went home. Do you need such a formal style, there are some intentional elements in it.

But at this time, Wang Yang is really not very good to say anything. Looking at his brother sitting behind the driver's seat, Wang Yang also felt his teeth itching. Originally, he wanted to tell him something. He had already told the driver at home to come. Now, he is no different from the driver.

When he came to the house, Wang Pu looked at the clothes of his two grandchildren and sipped his mouth slightly, but he didn't say anything. At least, the arrival of the eldest grandson was a good thing to a certain extent, and the relationship between them was also eased.

However, Wang Yang looked at his grandfather and grandmother, and looked at his brother, and obviously felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, so when walking, he tried to stand on tiptoe, and even the voice of breathing was also put very low, for fear of disturbing, he really felt so afraid!

"I heard that the two little guys didn't come back. Are you going to make a scene?"

Ding Yu had a look at the layout with her grandmother earlier, and found two photos of her childhood, which can be regarded as a family photo! However, the follow-up photos did not have their own figure, giving people the feeling of a little bit of a pity, because it was obvious that there was a sudden.

It can be seen from the seats on the photos that he has always reserved a place for himself. Ding Yu is really touched by this. After standing in the photo for a period of time, Ding Yu also looked at the residences of his grandfather and grandmother here, and even visited them with little interest.But what about Ding Yu's interest? In other words, I put some in the photos, and I don't seem to have much nostalgia in other places.

This place has not yet settled down. The old man asked so bluntly, which also made the old lady very unhappy. Now, it's a typical uneasiness to mention this matter? I have adjusted the atmosphere very well, but you said that, previously it was useless!

"How are you! Thai hee will go to the United States in two days, so I left the children there by the way Ding Yu didn't answer his grandfather directly. This is not to say that Ding Yu is reserved, and what about the previous photos? How much to give themselves a little touch, let their hearts feel a little warm.

"Oh! So it is The old lady took over the topic.

But Wang Pu did not want to let go of his grandson's meaning, "Wu Mingyu went to your place that matter, I just knew later!" When talking, Wang Pu did not pay attention to his wife's eyes, "what about this matter? There are so many misunderstandings. The starting point is still good, but there are some problems in the process! "

"Oh, I see!" Ding Yu's look can be said to have no change, but it doesn't mean that he is really open to this matter. This is totally two times. What's his actual attitude like? It's really hard to say. At least, there is no expression in Ding Yu's words.

Wang Pu's eyebrows also stirred two times, "so, are you ready to start?"

Ding Yu pondered for a little time. "I haven't thought about it yet, but I've made preparations for it." After listening to this, Wang Pu and the old lady had a tight heart, and even their bodies had some changes. Mrs. Wang also leaned forward, while Wang Pu leaned back.

"I don't want this to be too public. It's not a good thing."

"No! Anyway, I don't mean to be involved in domestic affairs. If I reach out, I will chop off all the foreign claws! " Ding Yu's words of light floating, "how much or a little bit of this ability, if you don't accept, then break your wrist!"

"This is not your attitude to doing things!" Wang Pu considered for a period of time, but also very headache, said that he is most afraid of his grandson fearless, direct fight hard strength, hurt people and hurt themselves! And how about doing this? It is easy to cause chaos in other aspects, which is not what I hope to see.

"That's my attitude!"

Hearing his brother's tough tone, Wang Yang really didn't dare to show his atmosphere. To know that the people he was facing were his grandfather and grandmother. In front of them, he dared to say such words. This is not a little too exaggerated. Wang Pu looked at his grandson and watched for quite a long time.

"I know you are angry in your heart, but I hope you can calm down and solve this problem peacefully."

"You mean, I'll put the other face over and I'll get another slap!" Ding Yu's tone is also a sudden tough up, "I can't control the domestic, they are willing to flaunt their power, that's their own business, but every foreign, one count as one, this time reach out, if I come back, I have no opinion, but if you stay abroad, don't let me catch it, otherwise there will be no grass, since I can say it, I can do it!"

As soon as this word comes out, Wang Pu also stands up all of a sudden, "what do you say?"

"Grandfather, don't be angry. I just explained my idea. It's not the time to start. Anyway, my purpose and goal are like this. There is no room for discussion." Ding Yu is still very insipid, "grandfather, you have your channel, I also have my own way, some things are no choice!"

Wang Pu put his hand behind his back and glared at Ding Yu. Then he turned around in the living room. He knew that his grandson would be angry or even angry, but he didn't expect that he would let it out. This is a big deal!

"I'll give you an account of this. After all, it started from me!"

"Grandfather, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with you. How can this be regarded as a matter of fact when you come forward?" Ding Yu is also a cold smile, "people do not attack me, I do not prisoners, my style has always been like this, what's more, I do not surname Wang, my name is Ding Yu!"

This is also a complete indication of Ding Yu's attitude. Since the matter has reached such a point, there is no room for discussion. Either the people who reach out and withdraw all the people back to China. I can't do this in China, or the matter will not be finished. The situation is like this, it's very simple!

"You've made things so big abroad? How do you end up? "

"End? Grandfather, you think things are too complicated. Even if he called in a fixed place the day before yesterday, I can guarantee that the judicial, executive, legislative and even secret departments of the United States can prove that no one has been there for ten years! Of course, it can also be diffracted to other countries! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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