Not only is Wang Pu's mouth a little twittering, the old lady over there is the same, as for Wang Yang has already been stunned at this time, his brother's words are so aggressive! Even if this is their own two generations, it seems that no one dare to say that, let alone the scope of elder brother is not domestic.

"If you do that, it will make a lot of people scared!"

"But as far as I know, there are only three people!" Dingyu is also very straightforward. I am only targeting the client, so I am not willing to take into account what they are. I only know that they have provoked me. Since they have caused me, I am sorry. There is no room for discussion about this matter.

"The news is very smart!" Wang Pu really didn't expect that his grandson really knew the news, but who actually disclosed the news to him? It's interesting to know that you only know two people!

"It's not just the three of them, all the surrounding conditions have been investigated clearly. Tell Grandpa you a word, but also basically prepare to do it. Give them three days to evacuate. I can't move them in China because I can't move them. Except for any place in China, they don't want to think about it. Even their dogs can't do it. They have stayed in the country all their life. What happened? The white haired people sent the black hair people. It was sad, didn't they? "

"It's so cruel! Three days have not been enough? " Wang Pu also spoke with a strong voice.

Dingyu did not mean to speak any more. His conditions had been opened. Then Dingyu also looked at his watch. Wang Pu also understood what his grandson meant. He began to count his speech. I had said this. If you don't believe it, it will be good!

But Wang Pu firmly believes that, since grandson dare to mention this in his face, he must have prepared for this aspect. He didn't expect it, that is, a trial. The result would be such, is this an out of the box move? It seems that I can't say that!

"It's very dangerous for you to do this!" Wang Pu once again warned, "what about the offending people? It seems that it is impossible to give the king's family how, but give you a few pairs of shoes to wear, should still be OK! "

"Is it?" Dingyu also laughed and said, "then the people in their family will never go to the hospital!" Dare you threaten, I dare not? Or try, Wang Pu listened to this, but also a sudden, he really did not think, his grandson dare to put such words out.

"You should know that politics has never been like this. It is fundamental to seek common ground and to save differences. The world is not around you alone. The earth will turn the same when it leaves!"

"Yes! The earth has left the same rotation for everyone! " Dingyu also has no denying meaning to this saying, "Grandpa, you are in the position, and what you are in is seeking common ground and reserving differences. But I came down from the battlefield. There are never any differences in the battlefield. There are only two kinds of people, dead people or living people on the battlefield!"

Wang Yang also felt that his heart had some hair cold, even his hands and feet felt that there were so many uncontrolled, his brother is not too aggressive side leakage, he wants the result? It seems to be simple to look at, but to some extent, it turns over the bottom of some people.

And my brother has set his goal so clearly that I will give you the opportunity to leave now. If you leave, I will take it as if the previous events have not happened. But if you don't leave, I am sorry, not to say that I have said it, you don't listen to it, so don't blame me.

But can my brother really do that? Wang Yang still feels that there are so many doubts, their own good or bad is a big and small number of! Don't say that foreign countries, even if it is domestic, they want to achieve the level of elder brother, it is also unlikely that people in the circle, always abide by the rules in the circle.

What about the old lady looking at her grandson and giving her feelings? Grandson is still relatively peaceful, and he has not seen how he exposed his so-called fangs, but this time of behavior? It seems that he was really touched. When Wang Pu was going to rest that night, someone suddenly came. Looking at the people, Wang Pu felt quite surprised and curious. This person came to the door, and it was not quite normal in this time.

"Old Wang, my nephew and my niece's daughter-in-law are gone!"

Wang Pu sighed and then motioned, and asked the person in front of him to sit down. "You should find me for this matter. However, you should know that he came down from the battlefield, and never said it with kindness. This is just the beginning. I don't represent his opinion, but I will explain the fact!"

"Wang Lao, the previous thing is a fault. I admit this question, but it is not necessary to do so! It's a matter of life! And he did this, is there some careless life, do you care about the elderly family? ""Is it? What happened there? "

The one who spoke was also quite helpless. His nephew and niece's daughter-in-law called themselves in the morning, but they disappeared in the afternoon, so they called the police. But the problem is that the law enforcement department over there told themselves that there had been no residents in that place for ten years, and the dust accumulated in it was more than a foot high. Isn't this a joke?

But the problem is that it is not only a law enforcement department that gives this proof. This is totally teasing himself, and he knows that Ding Yu will retaliate against him. But who could have thought that such a retaliation would happen? Ding Yu is too reckless about means!

Listening to the introduction of the man in front of him, Wang Pu couldn't help but think of what his grandson had said to himself, and then he said the things of the day again, "you come to me for this matter. What can I do? I have done what I should have done and said what should be said. That's it

"Mr. Wang!" The visitor also sincerely called out, "I know that this matter has caused certain harm to you and your family. We have realized the fault, but it can't go on like this, and three days is really too short to be an impossible thing!"

The visitors are very clear. Since Ding Yu dares to choose and the United States has such an attitude, it shows that things are completely out of their expectation and control. They have no way to deal with Ding Yu. Now, what is the only person who can stop this matter? Wang is old, he said a word, perhaps easy to use!

If it's not a special situation, no one wants to look for Mr. Wang. After all, I just gave maggots to others before. Now, it's not just simple to be beaten in the face, but I haven't encountered such a thing in the original time!

What's more, why he came to see Mr. Wang so late is not to say that he didn't look for people from other aspects, but also used the relationship of the United States, but there was no egg use. When Mr. Wang delivered this message to them, we still didn't believe it. But now it's not so simple as disbelief, because the fact has already happened.

In fact, the missing two people, this is not the most critical, the key is the industry in the United States, if this is lost, the problem will be too big, did not expect this group of Americans to turn over their faces and do not recognize people! I haven't heard about this before. What's the matter?

Why don't people understand the changes in the world? Isn't Ding Yu a little doctor? At most, the identity of Wang's eldest son is just that, but he can let the United States protect him so much. This guy is not selling his country for glory, is he? It's not that there is no possibility of this!

Otherwise, why do those Americans help Ding Yu? The truth in this doesn't make sense, but it's better to solve all the problems at present! This is the key. But it is also quite difficult. Ding Yu blocked all the roads. This guy is so bad!

If you don't withdraw back, nothing will be left. But similarly, if you withdraw back, ha ha, how do you look at this situation in China? It's not that there is something wrong with the matter itself. What's more, there will be a lot of things brought back that will shock the domestic people. This is also a problem!

But Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. When the time came, I needed to start cleaning the battlefield. Ding Yu's hands were quite merciless. Since someone chose to stay, he didn't take his life as a thing. Naturally, Ding Yu would not take it as a thing.

As for the so-called white gloves, ha ha, Ding Yu also gave a noncommittal smile. Does their existence make sense to themselves? In less than two days, the loss of these three people can be described as tragic. Those who did not withdraw in time will have no figure and news, as if they had never appeared in this world.

There is no way to find them. After all, the United States is home to other people, not to their own home. It is not a common difficulty to do things. But what about Ding Yu? Ding Yu's grasp is very clear, which is within the limited range.

Ding Yu put his goal on the three companies. As long as he returned to China, there would be no problem in everything. I would not do it in China. But even in this case, the three companies can be described as heavy losses. In the United States, the industries do not even have much time to deal with, because they are basically cleaned up by Ding Yu.

It's really said that if you do it, or you don't do it. Since you choose to do it, there's no so-called mercy. There's no face to say. Wang Pu has been watching coldly for a week to see what his grandson will achieve and what is the reaction of the other three?

What about this short soldier contact? Wang Pu didn't agree with him, but he also reserved his own opinion to see what extent his grandson would get into. But what about the result? Also really is to let oneself have so some gaping, with own imagination has too many different, too unexpected."I didn't see that the child was so grumpy!" The old lady is also very moved. This is not the end of the matter, but her grandson can be said to have made the three suffer, and their subsequent troubles have begun. Since they have already torn their faces, they will never let things stop.

We all know why Ding Yu didn't choose to do it in China. Does he have any influence? This is another way to say, mainly to leave this option to the Wangs. Whether the Wangs do it or not, they will see to it that it is done!

If his grandson failed or suffered certain setbacks, Wang Pu would carefully consider this matter. However, the problem is that at this time, the big grandson cleaning up these guys is like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. It is really too clean and neat, and it is totally unexpected.

However, Wang Pu also knows that if he stands out, he will certainly let the Wangs become the target of public criticism, but what is the good news? It's not that there is no other direction to start. The money these guys brought back seems to be exaggerated! Where on earth did they get these funds? This needs a good investigation!

It seems that the above intention has been in this aspect for a long time, but the problem is that we can't grasp the so-called handle all the time. After all, people are not in China, and we need to pay attention to the influence of all aspects, so some things have been delayed.

But now the situation is not the same. All the big and small are back, and they are all big and small. At this time, we don't want to do some so-called big movements, but we should wait for when. Wang Pu just played a role in boosting the flames, which is not so great.

On the one hand, it has not attracted the attention of other forces, on the other hand? It is also to solve the above problems. The important thing is to let his grandson get angry. At least, he can be explained. He can kill with one stone. Why not do it?

However, I really need to look at my grandson from another perspective. He is absolutely unambiguous in his actions. What's more, he has been able to have such a great influence abroad. He has collected a lot of information, but there is not much reaction to the problem!

Obviously, there are too many things hidden behind this bastard. What about the previous excavation? It's just a small part of the show. Wang Pu is really excited about this. This is his grandson! At least think about it yourself! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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