And the three obviously felt that the situation was wrong. Before Ding Yu's means, they also felt a strong shock. Therefore, at the first time, all the things were pulled back. If there was no way out, there would be nothing left.

What kind of agreement did Ding Yu reach with those guys? This is so incredible. If things are exposed, how will the countries represented by the United States stand? What's more, what do other people think about it? Don't you want to think about it?

But now it's meaningless to mention these things at this time, because some of them are so hasty to withdraw, so that all the things that should have been hidden in the shadow have been exposed.

If the exposed things are not as rich as imagined, there may not be too many problems, but the actual situation is not like this. You should know that they were cut off by Ding Yu. Under such circumstances, it is interesting to be able to bring so many things back.

Ding Yu didn't get any news, but when Ding Yu came back to the courtyard from the hospital in the evening, he found that there were already guests waiting there. "Third uncle, what brings you here?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu and shook his head, "you, how can I judge this matter? Now the impact of this thing can be said to be relatively large, although it is only within a small circle, but for your personal evaluation, it seems that it is not as good as imagined! It's not even slander. "

"So there are still people behind it!" Ding Yu also could not deny that he said something, but that is to say, he didn't mean to continue, "what do you mean, third uncle? I don't think you can come to me for dinner! It seems that you have more and more posts and less time for yourself

"So you know everything!" The middle-aged man was also rare to laugh out, "since you understand it very well, I'll make a long story short. Those belong to the state property. You know, these are very hot! And it's pretty tricky! "

"It's easy to say something about hot hands, but is it difficult? Don't look to me for this matter! " Ding Yu also expressed it very clearly. What about this? The reason is that I want to vent my anger and have nothing to do with others. I don't want to deeply understand the situation and problems in some aspects.

"Where are the people?" The middle-aged people did not pay attention to Ding Yu's meaning, but pointed out some of the situations and problems directly. Ding Yu laughed, and the smile had some helpless meaning, "you won't! Ding Yu! But I never knew you were such a murderous child

"I warned them, but I didn't want to listen to what I mean. Then I had no choice. Under the circumstances, I had no other choice, but I left some things here. Maybe you would be interested in it!"

What does Ding Yu say? It's also opening conditions. What about the whereabouts of these people? Third uncle, you don't have to ask. It doesn't have any significance and value, because there is no dust left. It seems that there has never been any appearance on the earth. That's it. If you are interested, the rest of the things are very interesting!

"It's not very decent for you to sit on Mount Tai here after such a big incident!"

After that, Ding Yu already understood what he meant. Then he took out a hard disk from his pocket. "Sanbo, the specific things are here. The accounts and information are all available. But this time, I spent a lot of money, and also used a lot of human relations!"

"Is this something that human relations can do? I'm afraid even I need to think about it. What is the meaning behind this? Don't you understand at all? " The middle-aged also took a deep look at Ding Yu.

"Loyalty is because the price of betrayal is not high enough. This is a bit idealistic, but it is really very popular in capitalist countries. I offer a higher price, that's it." Although he was facing his third uncle, Ding Yu did not have any ambiguity, "I am the end of the matter, but who knows? I stop, does not mean that everyone is willing to stop! A dilemma

Ha ha, the middle-aged also laughed. Ding Yu's words are very interesting. In fact, we have discussed this matter. Don't continue to expand the influence. We should first put the matter under pressure here. After calming down, we can talk about the specific problems and situations. But are the three of them? I'm afraid there won't be any news in the future.

"Mingyu's situation is quite special. I still need to ask for your opinion on this matter!"

"I'm busy with my work, but if he's interested, I don't mind!" Ding Yu didn't refuse the embroidered ball from the third uncle, and even accepted it willingly. The middle-aged man also laughed, "you came down from the battlefield. When you do things, you may be a little too straightforward. This is not very good. It's my criticism of you!"The words are not heavy at all, even have some light floating meaning. Ding Yu is also looking at his third uncle, because there is something obvious in the words! I heard the third uncle continue to say, "Wang is always a meritorious official of our country. I have a great responsibility for this matter. The starting point is good. There are other problems in the process."

"There are always some generation gaps among the three generations." Ding Yu didn't deny the problems and the situation. It seems that the words are straightforward. It also makes the middle-aged people have some unexpected problems. Then he looks at Ding Yu with a little curiosity.

"That's a little biased! It's not something you can think of at your age

"Maybe." Ding Yu obviously does not want to continue to entangle on this issue. What about this time? It is to expose some of their own forces, but this is not important. Sometimes some things are exposed and displayed in the sun, in order to better hide the things behind the shadow, because it is more safe, although I have already started to worry.

From Ding Yu's courtyard, the middle-aged man also sighed a little. Obviously, what happened this time? How many let Ding Yu this child's heart have so many views and opinions, mainly for two aspects, one is Wang Lao's side, on the other hand? It's up there!

It's hard to judge what's wrong with Mr. Wang. After all, it's a matter of the family. It's hard for honest and upright officials to judge housework. As for the above problems? Some people do not abide by laws and regulations, this problem still needs to be dealt with properly, but I feel that the problem is more serious!

But now I'm really not good at what to do, and the reasons are complex and diverse.

At the same time, the old lady also looked at her old man with a little worry, "you old man! How can we solve the problem when we have brought a good thing to such a state? Earlier, the third son went to the courtyard and talked to Ding Yu for a while

The matter is solved, Wang Pu also feels very proud, is indeed the Wang family's seed, this one oneself feels very gratified, but at the same time? There are also some small troubles. The cause of trouble is very simple. What about this matter? Or their own provocation, and to a certain extent, their grandson's card to lift out.

There is no phone call or greeting from grandson these two days. Even if he doesn't call once a week, there must be something wrong with it, and it's not a small problem. His heart will not be too happy. The old lady knows this very well. Now it depends on the old man!

It's not easy to say that it's hard for honest and upright officials to break the housework. Wang Pu and the old lady have been able to reach such a level in their whole life. How can they have no means at all? Wang Yang is always in front of the old man, and he is very timid. We can see how things have happened. The discipline at home is strict!

But the problem is that this man is Ding Yu! Children are lost when they are young. What about this growth? He didn't get any light from the Wang family, and even gave a lot of help to the Wang family. On the one hand, it's not appropriate to pinch him, on the other hand? It's because of the improbable.

Ding Yu didn't mean to enter the Wang family. I didn't know that I was from the Wang family. I had a good life. As for whether I was a member of the Wang family or not, I had no relationship with my life. So naturally, I would not care about it.

What's more, the matter is about to be over. This refers to the matter made by the old man. The three directly asked to leave, at least to save the face. As for what happened inside, it was another matter, but what about the two little guys? Up to now, there is still no intention to come back.

Wang Pu for his grandson, but also feel so helpless, from the perspective of parents! Although I said that I was a grandfather, because of my own reasons, the child was lost, and the root was still in my body. Moreover, after I came back, the gap was not filled.

"First of all." Wang Pu is also slightly irritable said a, although said that the weather is not hot, but Wang Pu still pulled his collar, he has so many heartburn, it is difficult to send out, some depression.

But Ding Yu received an invitation at this time. Other Ding Yu didn't care too much about it. But what about the signature? It's really interesting. Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. What if we changed it to another name? Ding Yu really doesn't care, but I am old, ha ha, old fox!

It's a member of the jade family, who is Yu Mingyue's grandfather. It's obvious that he should know his identity from some channels. It seems that for the current situation? Also have a certain understanding, so in the first time to find the door, from the attitude of this invitation can see, very sincere.

There is no father and son in the shopping mall, but only interests. I'm afraid that the old jade's invitation is more than just a compliment. There are other deep meanings in it. Ding Yu could have expected a little bit about this. When he didn't show his influence before, the jade family, like others, was somewhat repelled to Ding Yu.Who knows what kind of person Ding Yu is? What's his purpose? This needs to be investigated, but now yulao has understood that Ding Yu has no interest in the domestic market, and his main business is not in the domestic market, or in other words, the domestic market is too small to accommodate this real dragon!

Why don't you let Yu Mingyue invite her? I didn't know Ding Yu's identity before. It's OK for Yu Mingyue to invite, but now? I have already known some of the news, let Yu Mingyue invite her. How much do you mean to pinch Ding Yu? Forget it! There's no need to earn that face.

Ding Yu arrived at the appointment and looked at the old man waiting there. He also took two steps forward. "Hello, old Yu! You're so abrupt Immediately, I also personally presented the gift in my hand. From the aspect of attitude, it was impeccable.

"Thank you! It's really young and promising, and it's rare to have a good appearance! " Having said that, he also personally received the gift. The place where Ding Yu was invited could not be said to be so luxurious, or even so simple. No matter it was Ding Yu or Master Yu, everyone didn't care so much about it.

Then Ding Yu also helped the old man. Although he said it was just a virtual help, he was very satisfied with his attitude. Ding Yu was indeed an extraordinary role! It's not as simple as you think.

There was no one else in the room. Master Yu did not intend to let the rest of the family know about the news. He kept the news very strict. If it wasn't for special reasons, he couldn't have known about it. As soon as he knew the news, he invited Ding Yu over.

"I went to see brother Wang earlier!"

"My grandfather and grandma are in good health, but when they are old, it's not so convenient to travel." Ding Yu really did not mean to deny, because this is the established fact! What's more, the jade master in front of him mentioned this to himself, which means different meanings. Why is he not generous enough to admit it?

"In the past, Mingyue was not very sensible!" When speaking, he also took a look at Ding Yu's expression. "But after engagement, people may be more mature. I invited some people to watch the ceremony. After all, it is such a granddaughter who can handle it!" The meaning of saying this is not just to be soft.

What on earth did those three people do to annoy Ding Yu? They didn't find out the news, but what about the process? He has almost all known, now the jade family after several times of things, how much also know that the family can not fall, in such a special situation, need to think about it well!

"We are all young people, and they are somewhat competitive. I still need to say sorry to you here! Old jade, you are a large number of old people. Please don't worry about the little ones! " After that, he also looked at the jade master with very sincere eyes.

"Ah, it's well-known that Ding Yu is your talent and name, but it's never happened to see you. Today I want to see you, and I know it's really worthy of the name!" Since Ding Yu is willing to give himself this face, Master Yu also needs to hold on to him. It's not good to be too picky in front of Ding Yu. There's no meaning to say nothing. It's easy to offend Ding Yu. This is not a good thing.

But in his heart for Ding Yu is really so sad feeling, how old this son of a bitch is! She is the same age as Mingyue, but after seeing her own, she can put her body down. She has no arrogant attitude at all. On the contrary, she is very respectful.

You know, there have been some unpleasant things happened between him and the jade family, but after seeing himself, he didn't show any attitude. This kind of self-cultivation is really not what everyone has. What about this compliment? I can only tell you the truth. This boy is really the seed of the Wang family. It's amazing!

Lao Wang Tou is like this. How many years have I known him? I'm afraid I can't remember. In my impression, he is a scholar, but what's inside? He really felt a little bit of terror, otherwise, why did he run to his home before?

It's not that there is no reason at all, but now his great grandson, who is living in exile, has come back! How is the child of other people educated, and how is the child of our family educated.

It's not nice to say that it's just because it's from the Wang family? So it's so good? When I think of this place, the old man of the jade family wants to scold his mother a little, because Ding Yu is really excellent.

I really feel a little annoyed. What kind of life and treatment do the bunnies in my family enjoy, and what kind of life and treatment does Ding Yu enjoy? Why can Ding Yu become such a talent, and what kind of home are these? It's basically a bag of wine?

Who can give himself an explanation? The existence of Ding Yu in the Wang family can guarantee an era at least. What about the jade family? Although it is said that the family wealth is rich, but without a core controller, let alone an era, it will not take long, I am afraid it will , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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