When they met for the first time, they talked and laughed. Ding Yu always meant some compliments. The old man of the jade family was a leader in business and an elder. He should be respected by himself. What about the old man of the jade family? It is also necessary to have a good relationship with Ding Yu, so the atmosphere between them is quite harmonious.

When Ding Yu left, the old man of the Yu family sighed. If he knew that Ding Yu was a child of the Wang family, he would have other plans. For example, the union of the jade family and the Wang family had already planned this thing for a long time, but it did not take shape. It was really a bit of bad luck!

Although Ding Yu has children, the problem is that Ding Yu is not married now. As long as he is not married, the remaining things will be easier to deal with. But Mingyue does not have this blessing! If you can combine with the Wang family, there are many benefits. You can even solve the problem that the jade family can't get rid of. But now? Just think about it.

There are other children in the family, but the problem is that they are not worthy of Ding Yu's identity, which is also quite critical! I am really envious, but I can only drool. There is no way to do it. In ancient times, there was such a saying about catching a son-in-law under the list, but the problem is that I can't do it! What's more, Ding Yu is not a good role to think about!

But when Ding Yu left, the old man of the jade family also sent out an invitation to attend his granddaughter's engagement ceremony. What's the significance of the engagement ceremony? It's not really important in general. It's mainly to show the power of the jade family to other parties, but also to disclose some aims and conditions.

Since the tail is too big, then take some measures! Although it may hurt some vitality, it won't hurt the whole jade family. If we don't use any means, the whole jade family won't die, but there won't be any living space in China.

There is a certain amount of capital in foreign countries, but it is at home that is fundamental! If we say that China is really abandoned and want to rely on foreign capital to get up again, this matter is very difficult.

It can't be said that the old man of the jade family thinks a lot, but the fact forces him to make such a choice. Of course, inviting Ding Yu has another meaning. If he can, he can reach a certain cooperation with Ding Yu. After all, Ding Yu's overseas power seems to be so important!

From his attack on the jade family to the three of them now, we can see that he has this power and confidence. I don't know it's a thing. Now that we know something about it, we still don't have to work well. We don't need to continue to mix in the mall. Find a tree for yourself!

"Doctor, do you have time?" Ding Yu, who is in the office, was stunned when she received the call. Her voice was so familiar. Then she remembered who the voice belonged to. However, the display on the phone call turned out to be a domestic number. How did she come to China?

Oh, Ding Yu also suddenly realized that Yu Mingyue is going to be engaged. The relationship between the Yu family and the Li family is very good, but the possibility that Li of the Li family will grow up is not very large. But what about the Li family? It must be a representative figure, and Li Fuzhen is the best choice.

It is impossible for the big man of the Li family to attend the so-called engagement ceremony. At least, it is not appropriate from the perspective of identity and position. If it is a wedding, there is still a trace of possibility. As for why Li Fu Zhen is not Li Zai Rong, this is a better explanation, even a more reasonable explanation.

Li Fu really belongs to China, but is Li Zai Rong? There are so many pro European and American meanings, so it is said that Li Fu Zhen will come forward, and Li Fu Zhen here has another meaning, that is to continue to have a good relationship with Ding Yu in this respect!

"So positive?" Ding Yu also asked, "I still have surgery to deal with in the afternoon, but I don't know when it is needed." This is not a shirk, but the actual situation.

"I'm in Jincheng now. I need to deal with some business. I'm afraid I can reach it tomorrow! Yu Mingyue invited me to dinner. I think I still need someone to accompany me. After all, her fiance is here, and there are other people! "

"It doesn't seem like a good situation for me." Ding Yu thought about it for a while, but also implied that, what about his own identity? Not fully exposed in front of the public, now know their true identity of the people? It's not as much as you can imagine. You should know that you have just made a lot of things.

"I heard Yu Mingyue say it's the people of the Yu family and the Su family. See you!"

Ding Yu thought about it for a while, and then he said, "OK! It's hard to be gracious! " When she put down the phone, Ding Yu also laughed. There should be the meaning of Yu Mingyue. Although Yu Mingyue said that she knew some details of herself, what she knew was just skin and fur.

What about Li Fuzhen? The situation can be better. At least she knows more than Yu Mingyue, but it is also extremely limited. Ding Yu can't show her details in front of others. This does not conform to Ding Yu's character.However, after thinking about this matter, Ding Yu also called his father, because he also suddenly remembered that Ding Ding Ding's request came, and other things he could not put in his heart. But if Ding Ding's things were not put on his heart, I'm afraid he would be "not far away from death".

"Dad, what's going on with uncle?" As far as I know, the operation has been done, but now the uncle has not been discharged from the hospital, but there is not too much cost. Basically, Ding Yu solves the problem here, all of them belong to the villagers. There is no need to worry about this problem too much! What's more, I don't need the money.

However, Ding Yu did not directly take money to hit people, so it is not too disrespectful of others' self-esteem. As for the way to be adopted, there is no need to elaborate.

"I've seen the operation and it's going very well! The situation after the operation is also very detailed, said to the family! " From his father's voice, I can feel it. My father's mood is still very good, "what about my relatives? For this matter is still very moved, to say that we two father and son did not forget the origin! Ha ha

"Dad, it's too much to say, but I can't bear it! It's up to you to carry it! "

"We don't have the burden of this aspect in our family. We help everyone. You don't have to worry about the situation here. How are you doing? I told your mother about you earlier. When two little guys went to the United States, you were so relieved to leave your children in the United States. I want to criticize you about this matter! "

"Dad, I'm going there on a business trip. It's just that Taixi will go there the next day. Some things need to be dealt with. She wants to have a look at the child. I don't want the child to be too bumpy. I'll be back in two days. During the Spring Festival, we will go back together. Maybe this time the family will be really busy! "

Hearing his son's explanation, Ding Lin also said, "if there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up. I have other things here, not like you, so free?"

"By the way, Dad, Ding Ding Ding mentioned Cao Zhen to me earlier. I feel that they get along well with each other. Listening to Ding Ding Ding's meaning, they may want to go back with Cao Zhen during the Spring Festival, but what about her about this matter? It seems that there are some anxieties. I called back earlier! "

Ah? When Ding Lin heard the news, he was also quite surprised. How does it mean that his daughter is going to take her son-in-law home! This problem is a little bit big! I really don't have much preparation, "I'll discuss this with your mother." Then Ding Lin also hung up the phone, and even when he hung up, there was still some hasty smell.

Until the evening, Ding Yu also received a call from his mother. After coming up, Ding Yu criticized himself without saying anything. Ding Yu could only hold the phone and listen there. After talking about it for about ten minutes, he might feel a little tired. Then he concluded, "such a thing Why didn't you say it earlier? "

"I was busy a few days ago." Ding Yu also quickly took the words, and then put down the mouse in his hand. A copy of the book said to his mother, "and I need to take a closer look at Cao Zhen and get to know him. From my personal point of view, there is no problem, and the two people are also very good!"

"So I need to be prepared?"

Zhao Shuying is also worried about asking her eldest son, hoping that he can come up with an idea. After all, it is related to the happiness of her daughter's life. Cao Zhen brought this home, to a certain extent, is to admit this identity!

There are so many differences between the small county and the big city. If this brings people back, it is to admit the identity. If there are any problems and conditions in the relationship between each other, some of them are difficult to export. It is true that the Ding family is not a famous family, but here we really pay attention to this aspect of the situation!

After all, what about small county-level cities? How many still have so some names, face everyone pays attention to.

Although they got their son's reply, what about the hearts of the Dinglin and his wife? Or quite not at ease, and then also personally called his daughter in the past, things must be clear, otherwise it is really not at ease ah!

The next morning, looking at Ding Ding, who was angry and sitting there, Ding Yu also washed it, changed his clothes and then went to the dining table, "so early? This is not your style! It seems that I have a little bit of anger! "

"What do you do, brother? Isn't it all agreed? How could this happen? " Ding Ding is also patting the table, is very discontented to say, as for the home service personnel? Also pretending not to see, other situations they may also have to pay attention to, but related to this, or forget it!

Ding Yu didn't do it because of Ding Ding Ding's cry? On the contrary, he sat there calmly, "your shouting doesn't work, and my parents' worries are not unreasonable. Who knows what's going on behind your back? I don't even know too much news!""Brother Ding Ding Ding's voice is a little sharp.

Ding Yu also took out his ear with his hand, "well, fortunately, I gave my father a preventive injection earlier on. Otherwise, if you take it back then, it will cause more trouble. The relatives in the family will have some words. Do you have the ability to bear the pressure?"

"No problem!" Ding Ding thought for a while and nodded her head forcefully. It seems that she has already recognized Cao Zhen very much. Ding Yu also nodded, "OK, since you have recognized it, then I don't have any opinions. But in our place, taking people back is no different from confirming the relationship!"

Looking at her sister's meaning, Ding Yu also put the porridge in front of her, and then said with great concern, "since you have made a decision, then don't look forward to it. If there is a word to say, don't bow your head and the crown will fall off. In fact, you don't have to worry about the situation at home!"

Ding Ding immediately understood what her brother meant. She took a spoon and tried the porridge. The taste was still good. After eating half a bowl, she was also worried and said, "Cao Zhen revealed to me something about his family. He didn't want to get involved in his family affairs. He just wanted to do research! Do academic things! "

"I'm afraid I can't express my opinions on this issue. I think we'd better respect each other." Ding Yu also comforted him and said, "he has basically known something about his family, but he doesn't know much about our family! You account for a large part of the reason, don't you think? "

"On New Year's day, Cao Zhen's mother will come again, and there may be others. Let's talk about it then!" Ding Ding also slightly nodded to her brother, "I will appropriately disclose some information to Cao Zhen, but men? Sometimes, I can't give them too much! "

Ding Yu really good hang, did not control, directly put the spoon in her face above, this talk but a little regardless of it! Want to know oneself also is a man, have you such appearance!

But Ding Ding didn't pay any attention to it. This porridge was not as lady as she imagined, just like a pig. But Ding Yu didn't really have much meaning to pay attention to. Who is not a farmer? Who is not a common people, do not look at their grandfather's home, but in fact, the composition of the family is the real poor peasants!

Ding Yu doesn't really attach so much importance to this aspect. His true temperament is just like this. He is poor and fastidious! Sometimes, the poorer and more fastidious, there is no need to be too much! Of course, not everyone's ideas are the same as Ding Yu. If the world is the same, then it will be boring.

Ding Ding found his own trouble, then left, there is no much stay, this is quite in line with his temperament, do things too happy, come in a hurry, go is also quite in a hurry, sometimes Ding Yu is really a little envious, at least he can't do so smart!

Since Ding Ding Ding has been coaxed away, Ding Yu also needs to go to the hospital for work. His own work is not so leisure as imagined, and even not as beautiful as imagined. However, Ding Yu is fond of this job, and there is no way for anyone to do it. Everyone has his own way.

Ding Yuran opened the door of her car, and then opened the door of her car with a smile.

"Dr. Ding, you are a gentleman."

Ding Yu also put the things in his hand to one side, and then shook his head with a smile, "I didn't expect that you would come so fast. Is the engagement in these two days? I have prepared a present, and I don't know if it is appropriate? "

Ding Yu deliberately avoided the topic, because he felt that Li Fuzhen had some other aspects of careful thinking. Originally, Ding Yu was ready to position the sub, but it seems that Li Fuzhen had already reserved a seat earlier, which eased Ding Yu's embarrassment. He did not have much preparation for this matter.

For that reason, he didn't have a housekeeper to help Ding Yu deal with these matters. Ding Yu was in the courtyard, so he couldn't do everything. He had to deal with hospital affairs and business affairs. He was already in a state of anxiety. Naturally, he would not care too much about other things.

Although the staff of siheyuan have been integrated, it does not mean that all things can be let go. It is not at all. This matter really needs to be put on the agenda. However, I have some clues about this aspect, but is it still far from the final decision? It's still a little bit short.

There are more than one target candidates, but who will be selected in the end? It's really difficult to make a decision immediately. What's more important is Ding Yu's role as a housekeeper? The requirements are still relatively high.

In fact, is it because of some domestic affairs? It is more difficult to deal with, can be able to follow his own heart, this always let Ding Yu have some hesitation, may also be really because the station position has so many different!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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