Ding Yu is no stranger to the French restaurant, and he has never eaten it. When he was studying, he was in England next to France, facing each other across the sea. The two countries have a long history.

However, it is also strange to say that French food and beverage can be said to be the reputation of the whole world, but is British cuisine? Ha ha! Looking up to the star school can only be said to be a kind of commemoration, that is, across a sea, as for the difference is so big? There is an old saying in China. If an orange is born in Huainan, it is orange. If it is born in Huaibei, it is orange. It is really right. At least on this issue, it is quite accurate.

Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to the front dishes, soup, side dishes, main courses, and even the last desserts. However, even though Ding Yu's EQ was lower, he understood that he had come to such a place with Li Fuzhen? There are some ambiguous things indeed!

But at this time, if I leave, I will appear to be a little less gentlemanly. Think about it, Li Fuzhen set a small trap for himself, but I didn't care too much at that time. Now I want to come, this woman is really a little dangerous!

However, Li Fuzhen's view of Ding Yu is another sight. He is also a married person. When he looks at Ding Yu, he has to compare it with the one at home. In a real comparison, he really feels a little sorrow for himself. So his eyes are moving and he looks at Ding Yu with a rather gloomy look.

Ding Yu was also frightened by this slightly touching and provocative look, and then he also gave a slightly apologetic smile. However, his eyes were very clear, even with a little refusal. Li Fuzhen did not pay attention to this aspect at all. This also made Ding Yu cry in his heart and couldn't help it. He even wanted to eat himself.

Ding Yu is also a little back to shrink his body, or don't joke, just in the situation a little bit of crisis, someone came to Ding Yu's table, "doctor Ding!" Ding Yu also took a breath. He was feeling that when he was at a loss, someone suddenly said hello to him. It was like a long drought and rain.

Of course, Li Fuzhen also noticed the visitor. What about the look in his eyes? Is also from delicate to indifferent, the speed of this change is extremely fast, the face? It is also a formula smile. Ding Yu also noticed this in a trance. There are some exclamations in my heart, but I also said an apology in a low voice.

After obtaining Li Fu Zhen's consent, he also looked at the comer, and his face was full of a little indifferent smile, "Ziyu, long time no see!" At this time, Qu Ziyu's back is also a person, "Ding Yu, see elder martial sister also don't say hello? Is it a deliberate blindness? "

Qu Ziyu was stunned for a moment. He looked at Wang Lianjun standing beside him, and then looked at Ding Yu. At this time, he also scratched his head and looked back and forth over Ding Yu and Wang Lianjun. Didn't he hear that his sister-in-law had such a relationship with doctor Ding Yuding?

And Ding Yu's eyes are also between Wang Lianjun and Qu Ziyu. It seems that he has not heard of the relationship between them! What on earth is this? Wang Lianjun is not any ambiguous, because she has seen the obscurity and inquiry of Ding Yu's eyes.

This bastard, although he said that his identity was different, he didn't have any feelings for Wang Lianjun. He glared fiercely, and then said without good breath, "my best friend is dating, so I'll come and have a look. Are you?"

"Eat with your friends!" Ding Yu also briefly introduced Li Fu Zhen. Li Fu Zhen also stood up and said hello, but what about this greeting? Obviously different from the Chinese people, Wang Lianjun also looks at Ding Yu with ambiguous eyes. His eyes are full of banter. Didn't you think that Dr. Ding Yu still has this hobby?

Ding Yu is really dumb. He has no such embarrassing experience in the battlefield and shopping mall. But what about today's occasion? It is despised by people. Although Ding Yu's skin has become thicker after years of exercise, Li Fuzhen has found that Ding Yu's earlobe seems to be a little red.

This is quite an unexpected discovery, Li Fu Zhen is also secretly recorded in the heart, "elder martial sister, are you kidding me again?" Ding Yu really didn't mean to pinch his own identity. Qu Ziyu really felt a little inconceivable.

To say it's a blind date is actually to find a chance for everyone to sit down. In fact, they all know how this happened? But I didn't expect that Dr. Ding Yuding was the younger brother of his sister-in-law. I had never heard of this relationship. I knew that Ding Yu had a good relationship with Wang Jianguo and Wang Sangge. We were people in a small circle.

"You are a big doctor. Who dares to tease you? When I met you earlier, you ran like a rabbit!" Wang Lianjun was also quite dissatisfied and said, "by the way, you know about the engagement! Originally I wanted to send you the invitation in person, but your doctor is very busy and hasn't found a chance. It's settled! ""I don't seem to have a chance to refuse."

"It's a deal!" After a greeting, Qu Ziyu and Wang Lianjun also left. It's not good to disturb them excessively, "sister-in-law, did you know Ding Yu? He's a little bit of a jerk. He's your junior brother? "

It is obvious that Qu Ziyu is still quite interested in the relationship. Wang Lianjun also looked back. Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen, sitting there, said, "I feel that the woman seems to have some impression, but I can't remember for a moment. By the way, what do you say to me?"

Qu Ziyu said it again. Wang Lianjun nodded, and then he said, "when he was in CUHK, he was also studying there. However, it was quite abrupt. Later, we learned that it was our younger brother in primary school. Because they all belong to the same school, so the relationship is OK."

So it is. But why do you feel that there are some problems? Back at her own table, Qu Ziyu also resisted the doubts in her heart. After all, it was better not to mention these problems in front of her fiancee.

Ding Yu personally sent Li Fu Zhen back to the hotel. When he got off the car, he looked at Li Fu Zhen's eyes. Ding Yu also puffed his mouth. There was some curiosity and exploration in his eyes. Gentleman! Now it's time to be a gentleman! If you don't open the door and ask the doorman to open the door, how can it be?

When he left, Ding Yu also touched his earlobe. Li Fu Zhen's reaction just now also made him have some things he didn't think of. You can't say whether it was intentional or unintentional. In any case, did he give his own feeling? Something special.

After returning to the hotel room, Li Fuzhen did not immediately change clothes, but stood at the window position. The assistant also always stood behind her. The first lady had no words, so she could only stay here. In my mind, the first lady was like her own master.

"From the information I know, Ding Yu seems to have made some moves recently, and his actions seem to be very big, but I don't have much information about this aspect! Whether it's from China or abroad, it's the same thing! "

"I've tried my best to collect them, but it seems that some problems and situations in China have been involved. However, what is the reason? There is no investigation to find out the reasons. Some problems and situations in China are just like a stage play that has been put on the curtain. Even the steps can't be seen. Sometimes it needs too much association!"

As for the situation abroad, affected by the subprime mortgage crisis recently, the situation is also very messy and the news is spreading. It is really too simple to hide some actions in this one

Li Fu Zhen also knows that this is not really the assistant shirking the responsibility. This is the case. Of course, there are some reasons? It's because they don't have enough power within Samsung, and some of the family's resources are not inclined to themselves, so the information they get is still limited.

It's as if I know clearly that there is a situation in China. Ding Yu has something to do, but I can't find out. Although I say that I belong to China, what about the main body of Samsung? It is a taboo that he should be in charge of his father and even Li in Rong's hands. He should not interfere in other aspects.

"How about further contact with Ding Yu?" The assistant was selected by himself and his confidant. Otherwise, he would not have taken it with him. "I tried him out today, but I still have a little bit of reserve. For me, it is an opportunity, a few opportunities!"

"I can't find too many weaknesses in him. From my personal point of view, I'm too cautious. My personal life is also very clean. I don't even need too much investigation. I don't have too many hobbies in other aspects. If I can, I think entering his office may be a very good choice."

"No! Absolutely not Li Fu Zhen also expressed his opposition at the first time, "don't think about this matter. This is not in line with our interests. Even if this matter will succeed, it will also annoy Ding Yu, and the result of irritating him is beyond our ability to bear!"

"Yes, I see!" The assistant also knows what consequence his trial is. Since he knows the consequence, the others are not so important. "I think we can consider further contact with Ding Yu, but what kind of way to use it is a problem!"

At the end of the conversation, he was just an assistant, and the first lady was required to make a decision on specific matters. Li Fu Zhen also turned his head to look at his assistant, and then turned to the position outside the window. Standing there with both hands holding his chest, he did not know what he was thinking.

Ding Yu sent Li Fuzhen to the hotel, but he didn't immediately go back to his courtyard. Instead, he went to a restaurant. The time seemed to be a little late. There were not too many people in the restaurant. Ding Yu sorted out his clothes and walked into the restaurant slowly!"Have a cup of tea!" The shop owner is ready for Ding Yu to order, but I heard that when he asked for a cup of tea, he didn't breathe out. This guy didn't mean to provoke him! But it seems that some of them are not very similar. Why don't you order a cup of tea in your own teahouse?

Ding Yu seemed to feel something. Then he took out his wallet from his pocket, took out some tickets from it, and put them on one side. "First, give me a cup of tea, just be light! I'll wait for someone! "

It's easy to do with money. I don't have to do anything for one night. Soon, the shop owner also made a pot of tea, and then put it in front of Ding Yu respectfully. He even poured tea deliberately. Ding Yu said thanks with a smile and waited for about half an hour!

Someone opened the door and came in, "a fried noodles!" The voice of the visitor seemed to be a little low. When Ding Yu heard the voice, he also stood up, and then came to the table with his tea cup. Then he knocked on the table with his hand, "can I sit down?" With permission, Ding Yu sat down.

"What's the matter with this friend?"

Ding Yu holds the teacup with his right hand, and he will release it from time to time. After being asked, Ding Yu also smiles, "I've come to wait for you, but you seem to be half an hour later than usual. It seems that your work today seems to be a little busy." Ding Yu also said to himself.

"Wait for me The person sitting opposite Ding Yu seems to have some vicissitudes. Some feel their chin in disbelief. The stubble on the chin is a bit messy. It seems that he has not taken care of it for two days. "I don't know what this friend wants to do? I'm just an ordinary little blue collar! "

"I know, I also know that you used to be a member of the Beijing Office of a certain province!" Ding Yu didn't seem to have a vague meaning at all. Then he called the shop owner over and ordered two dishes. He didn't ask for anything else. After a short time, he brought several dishes and two bottles of wine.

After all, Ding Yu gave a lot of money. What about the shop owner? It's also a bit of philistine merchant's philistine. If I give you something, don't give it to you. After all, I give you a lot of things, don't you?

"Ha ha, it's all in the past. Now I just want to support my family." The person sitting opposite Ding Yu also gave a wry smile and then raised his glass. Ding Yu did not raise his glass because he did not mean to drink.

"I've seen your situation and your ability is very outstanding. What about the problems behind this matter? I don't want to make it so clear, at least for me, there is no significance and value, I just value your personal ability, or in other words, loyalty is because the price of betrayal is not enough! What do you think? "

The man sitting opposite Ding Yu's eyes twitched, and then he put down the wine cup in his hand. However, Ding Yu still noticed that when he took back his hand, the blue veins on his fist were exposed. He was very angry, but he controlled his anger very well.

"My friend, you seem to know a lot about me!"

"My name is Ding and Ding Yu. I'm a doctor. At least, my main job is to be a doctor. But there are a lot of messy things at home. I can't bear it. So I need to find someone to help me deal with it. What about this person and the outside world? It's better not to have any other connection. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying! "

"Some of the introductions are too concise, but they are so wordy!" The person sitting opposite Ding Yu seems to have a little interest at this time, "but I'm just a little blue collar, it seems that I can't do anything!"

"You have a daughter who is four years old and has congenital heart disease. The operation in China can't solve the problem in the first two years, and you have been making efforts in this respect. Now the daughter lives under the roof of your parents. Although life can't be said to be poor, there are still so many difficult things. Besides the work of the company, you also have other odd jobs. Finally, you still have other odd jobs It's for your daughter

"Are you a doctor?"

"When you are a so-called small blue collar worker, the salary is only one aspect of it, mainly because of the original things? There are more constraints for you. Even today, there is still no chance to turn over. This matter is not a problem for me personally. Similarly, your daughter's illness can not be solved at home, but it can be solved abroad. For me, it is not a problem, but the problem is that I need to repay! I think I have said so much, and I have explained it very clearly! "

"What do I need to give?"

For this problem, Ding Yu felt very satisfied, "you get what you pay. In fact, it's so simple to put it bluntly. I need someone to help me deal with some things. You are one of the candidates. Of course, if you don't agree, I'll go back to find another backup person to choose, but you are the first one!"

"Let me be frank with you." The person sitting opposite Ding Yu also took a deep look, because the doctor named Ding Yu did not answer his own question and directly shifted the topic, "what can I get?""Your parents' problems will be solved, your daughter's problems will be solved, and you will be paid! I don't need your life. You'd better keep it by yourself After that, Ding Yu also gave a slight smile, "of course, if I feel satisfied, you may have other benefits!"

"I'm not sure if these are dreams?"

"Let's make a bet. I know that you seem to be collecting something behind your back. You even wrote about the so-called materials!" Ding Yu also threw some heavy bombs, "forget it! If you can, please hold back for a while, because as far as I know, someone seems to have come to me! "

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