The person sitting opposite Ding Yu also laughed, "it seems that you know me better than myself! Do I have any other options? "

"I don't want to interfere with other people's choices. I just put some conditions on the surface. Of course, you can also regard this as a threat, and I don't object to it!" Ding Yu's attitude has not changed. It is still the same as before. However, the one sitting opposite Ding Yu is also in a daze.

"I don't seem to have much choice!" After that, he also laughed at himself, "but it seems too much to invite me to eat this! It makes me feel a little bit cheaper! " This is a joke, but there is another meaning implied in the words, that is, do not know whether the young people sitting opposite to them understand?

Ding Yu also used his hand to hold the teacup and nodded his head, "who are you trying to test me for? This is a very interesting thing. I don't know how to describe myself, because I don't have much evaluation on my own identity, and I have never defined my own identity! "

After that, Ding Yu released the teacup in his hand again, and his action was more or less gentle. "I'm not very strict with the conditions of employing people, but do the people around me have this requirement? It will reach a level you can't imagine, and you will find that the provincial office in Beijing at that time was just paradise

"I want to try, because the conditions are so touching!" The middle-aged man sitting opposite Ding Yu made the decision quickly, because it didn't seem like a joke to look at the man opposite.

Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't think you should agree so quickly. You are not the first housekeeper I recruited. To be exact, you are the second housekeeper I recruited. However, the housekeeper is in charge of my British affairs. There may be no problem in dealing with British affairs, but there are differences in nature and essence for him in China."

"So the temptation I'm facing will be very big?" The person sitting opposite Ding Yu straightened himself up and made himself sit straighter, "I can hear that from the words! Please excuse me for being so direct! "

"It will be very big. You have offended the people in the province, so you have the end now, and you work next to me? There won't be anything to offend you and please you. The question is whether you can hold on to it. This is the key to the problem. I'll wait and see! Of course, this is the reason why I came to you. At least you held your bottom line at the beginning! Although the bottom line is a little low from now on! "

"That's why I chose me, because I insisted? Aren't you afraid I'll swell? You know, after failure, people have different views on many things. "

"To put it in a biased way is to gamble on luck. However, from my personal point of view, I choose you because you are suitable for this job. If you are not suitable for this job, you will be eliminated naturally!" After that, Ding Yu laughed again, "as for the consequences of elimination? You certainly don't want to know! "

"I want to have a try!"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "the thing that I came to see you tonight has not spread out yet, but it should be noticed by someone, but it doesn't matter. It's a test for you! Tomorrow morning, I'll dress up clean and tidy. There's still time. I'd better get up earlier. I'll get up earlier! "

Leaving the address, Ding Yu left, but before leaving, Ding Yu once again shook the cup in his hand. The water in the cup should have been cold, but for some reason, when Anjie looked at the water cup, he found that it was still steaming. This really made him feel puzzled!

But in the evening, there was really no one to look for Anjie. However, when he woke up in the morning, he noticed that the situation seemed to be a little different. He just came out of the rental room, and someone opened the door for himself. It seems that it was Mr. Ding's driver when he got on last night.

The car is very luxurious, but what about the license plate? However, it is slightly low-key, and there is no other sign on the seal. His rental room is a little far away from the capital. After driving for about an hour and a half, the car stops at the gate of the alley. When he gets off the bus, Anjie also looks at the outside sky, but it is just dim and bright.

In the process of driving, Anjie has also looked at the outside world. This place can be described as an inch of land and an inch of gold. I'm afraid it's not that you can live here with money. Anjie feels his mouth slightly twitch, and his body even feels a little shaking.

I'm not a great person. I don't seem to have taken any great measures. I'm just a public servant of the provincial office in Beijing. Even now I don't believe it? But there is nothing else, so come and have a look! As a distraction.

When I walked into the courtyard, I felt very profound. I could see it was very simple from the outside, but after I came in, I found that the inner show was among them. In fact, what about these? Can only let oneself some exclamation, let oneself be shocked is the following these service personnel, Anjie can't help but swallow two saliva.I used to work in the provincial office in Beijing. What about the situation in Beijing? I have been in contact with them. Naturally, I can feel the difference between these service personnel. With such service personnel, he still looks for himself. Anjie feels that there are some fears and worries, and even some fears are born in his heart.

When he came, Ding Yu had finished his exercise. Looking at an Jie standing there with a little bit of trepidation, he also deliberately said a Hello, "how? You didn't seem like that last night

"I didn't know last night!" While speaking, Anjie still felt his heart was a little uneasy, and even began to breathe in. "But after reading the layout and decoration here, and then taking a look at the service personnel here, I know that the understanding last night was still a little too hasty!"

Ding Yu made an invitation gesture. Seeing that Anjie didn't mean to sit down, Ding Yu didn't care so much, "what about me? There are some attendants, but let them deal with some work? It's really not suitable. I don't have a lot of people here, but there are some. With all the mess, I don't have so much leisure on my own! "

"May I have a try?" Anjie did not have any hesitation. Although he said that he had worries, fears, and even hesitations, he was also aware that this is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It depends on whether he can cherish it?

Ding Yu nodded, "give you a month's time, can't exceed three months at most! If you feel incompetent, I hope you can put forward two requirements. First, the babysitter of the child in the family is not under your jurisdiction; second, the study is not within your jurisdiction! "

"Mr. Ding, are you really a doctor?"

Ding Yu smiles and then walks out of the courtyard. Anjie also starts to adapt to the situation in the courtyard. The service personnel are very strange to Anjie. What about Anjie soon? It was integrated and sent to the old lady, who was not surprised.

All the time? Ding Yu, the great grandson, did not set up a housekeeper. Of course, it may not be called like this in China. However, there is a need for such a person in the courtyard. But what about the person he is looking for? It's very interesting. From his identity, it's not suitable, at least his current identity is so.

What about doing things? How much or appear to have so some rashness, but the original time? It's a provincial office in Beijing. It seems that it's OK. At least, I'm also proficient in the world. But what about this one called Anjie? I still need to mention it. The old lady thinks it's necessary to do this. I'll see when I can do it!

After spending a day in the courtyard yard and the whole day, Anjie learned something about it. Although it was just a trial period, he actually had his own independent office. It was a real office. Looking at the place where he worked, Anjie also felt a bit of a fantasy. This is absolutely not true!

The office is not very big, but although the sparrow is small and has five internal organs, it should have all of them. What's more luxurious is that there are people who tailor their clothes to their own needs. At the beginning, they thought their clothes were quite good, but when they looked at the expression of feelings from the visitors, they knew that they were despised.

I used the shortest time to understand the source of this disdain. In the afternoon, I had a new dress on my body. Looking at myself in the mirror, Anjie also took a long breath. Although it was all clothes, I don't know why, the feeling of clothes on my body is so different!

Even if there is such a sublimation of temperament, I can't tell what the reason is, but I have such a feeling. When Anjie is familiar with the courtyard, he also noticed the two children and the study in the courtyard.

These two points are really very special. The nanny seems to be only responsible for two children. Although the two children are naughty, they are very cute and young, but they are very polite and tutored very well. There is also the study side. From the outside, the area will not be very large, and even their own office can not catch up, but there are always people Guard!

In the evening, Ding Yu didn't come back, because there was an operation to be done, so he didn't come back for dinner. However, Anjie couldn't get off work. In fact, it was not important to leave work after work. His work was relatively leisurely. He only had to deal with the work and arrangement of the quadrangle, which was not so troublesome.

Compared with his previous work, it's really too relaxed. But what makes Anjie feel a little numb on his scalp is that when he gets up the next morning, he finds that Ding Yu is exercising. It seems that he has been exercising for a period of time. Anjie standing there feels so incredible.

Is this a robot? Don't you have to rest and sleep at all? He never came back when he had a rest last night. When he woke up, he was already exercising. This is totally unthinkable!

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu wiped his sweat, and then looked at Enron calmly and shook his head, "it's not very good. I'm worried. I'm afraid I can't bear such a position!""You never want to know what the consequences are!" Ding Yu's words are very insipid, but for Anjie, it's quite creepy. I don't know why. Anyway, it's like this! "Oh, I suddenly think of something else. I'll tell you later! Save you to be used by others, you don't know how to die! "

Eh? Anjie felt that his head was all wet, and then Ding Yu was a little helpless and said, "what about this matter? Because you are in this position, I need to give you some explanation. Anyway, other people will not mention it to you. To be exact, many people hope you can fall into this pit! "

Anjie also swallowed a bit of saliva, he still can't adapt to this position, but still numbly nods.

"I have two parents. Don't look at me like that. What about one? It's the grace of life. One side has the hardship of raising. Later, I was found by my biological mother. But I don't want to let my parents care about it. Do you understand? "

The words are simple, but for Anjie, there is a natural connection in his head, "Sir, I know. I won't disclose any information there, nor will I let this information come out from me!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "you! It's too simple to think. Then you will understand. I told you about this matter, so I don't like other mistakes in this matter. Otherwise, I will feel very disappointed! "

When Ding Yu was talking, someone came in from the outside with a big stride. When he saw Ding Yu speaking, he also called out. He looked as if he didn't care. But his attitude was still very respectful, but what about the people behind him? After seeing Ding Yu, he also laughed, "big brother!"

Anjie's eyes suddenly protruded. Ding Yu was startled by the appearance. Especially, Anjie's nose was like a mad bull. The heat was almost foggy. For a long time, Anjie didn't respond. Wang Yang also looked at Anjie, and his appearance was really strange!

"Come to me so early to eat! Are you serious or not? "

"Brother! I talked to Xiaobao about a project. Of course, it was not the two of us who came forward. We found a professional manager to come forward, and the matter has basically been negotiated! " Wang Yang how much is also so some showy said, and this time Xiaobao also took out the plan to put on the table.

Anjie's throat is also unable to stop swallowing saliva. The young man who came in first did not know him, but he was lucky to have seen him. In his own mind, the baoshao who came in was already a man whose eyes were higher than the top, and he was completely superior, but what about this one? Came to the courtyard, this attitude even put so low!

Wang Yang looked at Anjie not far away. He was stunned. All the chopsticks in his hand had been taken up, but he put them down after thinking about it. "Brother, who is this! Not before? " Look at his appearance, I haven't seen it before. I have no impression in my mind! What's more, his appearance is also a little surprised!

"My new housekeeper!" Ding Yu said it carelessly.

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both gave a forehead, and then looked at Anjie with abnormal different eyes. What is the origin of this one! It turned out to be the housekeeper of the courtyard. What about such a position? It seems that there is nothing, but I don't know how many people are salivating about it, but what about this person now? Standing in front of me.

Wang Yang also shook his head, "brother, I have no time to go home these two days, too many busy things!" Wang Yang didn't make this statement too clear, but Ding Yu already understood what it meant. He just laughed, and there was no other action. Even if grandma knew it, she would not be so good!

Xiaobao is also eating breakfast with his head down. What about the things at home? I know some, but after all, there are still many differences. What are the problems and situations? I still don't want to get involved. Otherwise, I don't know what the consequences will be. At least I won't bypass myself at home.

Ding Yu didn't take Wang Yang's words, but pressed the document on the table with his finger, "I said, I don't get involved in your affairs. I'll take good care of it! What is it to come to the door at this time? "

"Brother!" Wang Yang also cried, "this is my first time to reach out, you can't ignore it! Why don't I go to my father and mother to judge them! "

"Whatever you want!" Ding Yu's tone is still not salty, Wang Yang is also directly lying on the table, Xiaobao over there is also laughing, he is very happy to see such a scene, this time Anjie also know that he can not continue to stay here, he went busy.

But what about the shock in this heart? But it has not been calmed down. Bao Shao came here and was honest with quail. At the beginning, he had seen Bao Shao. At that time, Bao Shao could only be said to be young! But at that time left the impression, oneself is already vividly in my mind.I really doubt it. Is this really a doctor? But is it really a big problem for his doctors to work together? It's impossible.

Even if the doctor's income is relatively high, it's impossible to start such a quadrangle here. Then there must be different identities hidden behind. In such a situation, he rushed in rashly, and Anjie could not help feeling that his back was so chilly! Is really some worry and fear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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