Xiaobao looked at Wang Yang, and then looked at Ding Yu over there and said, "brother, we two don't have much experience in this aspect. Anyway, we went out with a lot of blood and didn't let other people get involved. Even the two of us have no so-called experience in this respect, so we are adamant, but we hope the family can give us some Opinions? "

What he said also made Ding Yu really treat Xiao Bao differently. It was the same thing, but from his mouth, the nature of the matter became so different.

Ding Yu also looked at Xiao Bao with a little deliberation, but Xiao Bao didn't mean to push forward in any way. He even looked at Ding Yu with a little shyness and panic. Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "do you come to me? In fact, it doesn't make much sense, because I don't know much about the domestic situation! I have no intention of extending my hand into China, at least for the time being. "

Eh? This tone is a little different! Wang Yang's eyebrows jumped twice, and then looked at Xiao Bao next to him. Xiaobao also twitched his mouth a little provocatively. In the position that Ding Yu could not see, the two people also used their hands to draw two times. Obviously, they were not satisfied with each other!

"Brother! Although we have made some investment and the prospect of the project is very good, we always feel that there is not much confidence in our heart! " Wang Yang also said very honestly, "what if we changed another way? Absolutely no problem, but Xiaobao and I want to get out of that way! "

Ding Yu of course knows what his brother means. If his identity is revealed, money will flow to them like a tide. But this does not meet the meaning of what they do. This is also the main reason why he came to find Ding Yu. There is no such confidence in his heart!

The two of them had a hard time. They didn't have the elegant demeanor of the aristocratic family at all. However, they were full of interest. For them, it was not so simple as stimulation, but a challenge.

Although Ding Yu didn't read the material, he still gave some encouragement and support. However, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao would not leave easily. Although Ding Yu went to work after breakfast, it was not a bit of fun at home. For example, the new housekeeper is an interesting guy!

"I haven't seen it before!" Wang Yang is also slightly dandy said.

At this time, Anjie is also calm in his own mood, "I have met Bao Shao before, and I have attended the reception with director Tao of the provincial office in Beijing, so I have some impression!" Xiaobao's face was also suddenly pulled down, but Wang Yang over there was overjoyed, "ha ha, Xiaobao, you've been thoroughly exposed by others!"

"I wipe it!" Xiaobao also didn't have much consideration and scolded a word, but after scolding, he also looked at it privately. The two little guys were not here, fortunately! Otherwise, if you are caught by that Tigress, you will have what kind of consequences. You know too well that you gave yourself a back fall last time, and your buttocks have become four petals!

That kind of feeling now wants to come to still have so a few sad ran, "get, I recognize plant!" Xiaobao is also a little bit depressed. Wang Yang restrained his smile, "Xiaobao, it seems that you still have some popularity in the past two years!" After saying that, Wang Yang is also looking at Anjie!

"Hello, let me introduce you. I'm Wang Yang, and Ding Yu is my big brother!"

"Don't report your family as if they didn't know it!" Said also take out two business cards out, "I and three Shao's business card, if there is anything on the capital side, you can call us!"

"You can talk! You think there will be people who don't know that my brother has a housekeeper here! " Wang Yang also said that he did not care, "even if he doesn't know now, he will know in two days. I think many people will inquire about his identity at this time. Even if he gave a candy to the children in kindergarten, it will be found out!"

This is an absolute warning to himself. How could he not understand this? Then he stepped back a step, and then slightly bowed down to find out what he was doing in the provincial office in Beijing. It was so simple for him to observe what he was doing. It was like eating and drinking water, which had become his instinct.

After Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at the action of Anjie, they were both stunned for a moment. Then they looked at each other, and their eyes showed a little surprised expression. Obviously, they didn't expect that Anjie would be so smart. It's very clear!

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Yang also knocked on the table with his hand. "The situation at home is quite special. The elder brother may or may not have told you that if people in the capital know my identity, then they will know his identity. On this issue, there are not many people who know it now!"

Ah? Anjie also blinked his eyes, it is obvious that this time is really what he did not know, Wang Yang also waved his hand, "forget it, I don't tell you so much. If grandma doesn't talk to you in person, granddad Sheng will talk to you in person, so I won't say much!"This matter may be early or late, even if he came to the courtyard. My grandmother is afraid that she already knows. Wang Yang also has a wink with Xiao Bao. They both leave the courtyard together. In the morning, Anjie also meets an old man in the courtyard.

The first feeling of giving people is that the old man is very calm, step by step, giving people a down-to-earth feeling. There is that face, red, some gray hair, but the waist is very straight, after seeing Anjie, is also standing in front of him, looking carefully.

Anjie also stood there. Although he said that he was not comfortable and comfortable, he could still stand there. After watching each other for about ten minutes, Sheng Hai nodded, "the young master has a good eye! What about your room? It doesn't seem like a good place to talk here

Having a look at Anjie's room, the room is not big, but it can be said that it is very clean. Shenghai also finds a place to sit down. Anjie also pours a glass of water and places it in front of Shenghai, and then stands there respectfully.

"I'm not supposed to be involved in the affairs of the eldest young master, but the elder sister is very concerned about this matter. Since you have become the housekeeper here, there are some things you should know! Save you other problems and situations

"Master Sheng, please give me more advice." Anjie's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant. He is very clear that he can not have any other attitude at this time, because at this time, he represents the housekeeper of the courtyard, even the face of Mr. Ding Yuding. This is very important.

"Not bad!" Shenghai is also a rare compliment! "It seems that you are still very qualified. Elder sister still has some worries about this problem. After all, the Wang family is different from other families. Although big and young are the eldest grandson of the Wang family, they don't know much about it. Neither the eldest young master nor the Wang family wants to disclose this news."

Listening to Sheng Haisheng's attitude, Anjie nodded, saying that he had understood. But which royal family is this? I really have some confusion. After all, there are many Wang surnames. I really don't know where to guess at!

"You'll find out later!" Sheng Hai also knows that Anjie is guessing about something. He came here today to see what kind of person he is, whether he can stand up in the courtyard and whether he can shoulder the responsibility of his identity. His family still pays close attention to this.

A simple account of some things, Shenghai left, came fast, but looking at the car Shenghai took when he left, Anjie felt his mouth twitch. He was the provincial office in Beijing at the beginning. He knew the license plate of the capital, so when he saw the license plate, he was inevitably touched.

The change of this identity is really too fast. In the past, people like Bao Shao were not only so simple as being superior, but also far away. But now? Bao Shao is sitting in front of his body. His life has changed a little bit fast. He just feels a little unprepared!

However, during the day, there are more than one person that Anjie receives. Tao Jin comes to say hello to Anjie and tells him his identity. He is the medical assistant of Dr. Ding Yuding. What about the hospital details? She is basically responsible for it. Before leaving, Anjie looks at the license plate again. It turns out to be a military license plate!

But this is not over. Looking at the person who introduced himself, Jack felt that his face was almost stiff. This is not a joke with himself! Central office, this is to play their own rhythm! My heart is really not big, it's easy to burst.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, no one came to visit, but Anjie also communicated with Tao Jin. It seems that there is no other thing in the courtyard. What about the hospital? In the afternoon, apart from an operation, there was nothing else. However, when the young master left in the morning, he seemed to have said that he needed to prepare a gift.

As a matter of fact, the gift has been ordered, so you can take it by yourself.

During the whole day, Anjie has received almost all the visitors. What's the identity of these visitors? Each one is more mysterious than the other. It seems that he has not disclosed any details to himself, but Anjie is very clear that this is not for himself, but mainly for the quadrangle. The target is Ding Yu.

There is not much relationship between Anjie and the evening, but he has made arrangements. After all, he is the housekeeper of the courtyard. All these things should be dealt with by himself. Ding Yu takes a gift to meet Li Fuzhen, and the two also take lily flowers to the engagement scene.

The meaning of wearing lilies is very simple, that is to hope that a couple will get along for a hundred years. The implication is very simple. The engagement place is still relatively high-level. It means that the venue is chartered. The guard at the door only recognizes invitation cards but not people.

Of course. What about the people standing at the door? There are not only people from the jade family, but also people from the Su family. If there is a distinguished guest coming, he still needs to meet him. Li Fu Zhen looks at the posture at the door and gives a playful look at Ding Yu. Ding Yu knows something about the contradiction between Ding Yu and the Yu family. He just doesn't know whether there will be embarrassment after a while?However, Li Fu Zhen was disappointed in the result. The people of the jade family were quite surprised that Ding Yu and Li Fu Zhen had brought Cheng. When Yu Qing got the news, he almost flashed his neck. What he heard would not be a joke!

The news that the Su family got was relatively late, mainly because he was not so familiar with Li Fuzhen as he had imagined. Although Ding Yu's name was some, what about the Su family? It seems that there is not too much correlation, when we get the news, at most, it is some exclamation, in addition, there is nothing else!

"Ding Yu and Li's are walking together?" This is Yuqing's first reaction. If you think about it, Ding Yu has been to Korea, but I really don't know much about what happened in this process. However, the Li family has inquired about Ding Yu's information with his own family. This is the actual situation!

Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen are going to attend the engagement ceremony and send this invitation to Ding Yu? It's just an attitude, but I didn't expect that Ding Yu really came, but came with Li Fuzhen. What's the meaning of this? Demonstration?

Li Fu Zhen is also bow in Ding Yu's ear position, but before this? He also used his hand to turn hard inside Ding Yu's arm. If he wanted to escape his mother, he had to see whether she was willing to. Ding Yu was not thin skinned. He was mainly in front of so many people. If something happened, his reputation would be affected.

He absolutely does not doubt that everyone's accusation will face himself, and it will never be Li Fuzhen around him. This is absolutely certain. Two people seem to be in a fraternal relationship outside, but Ding Yu is very clear that the fact is not like this, but he really has no other choice.

"I didn't hear that he had such a good relationship with the eldest princess of the Li family!" The relationship between Xia Yang and Yu Mingyue is general, but what about such occasions? I still need to show up, but what about Ding Yu? There are some opinions and ideas without seeing them, because they are no longer on the same level.

Previously, he had a conflict with Ding Yu, but what happened afterwards? Ding Yu really did put his own horse, which is not related to the choice he made. Although Wang Jianguo said he was in the middle of mediation, Xia Yang understood very well that Ding Yu did not have much meaning to himself, which is what is the key.

Fortunately, what about yourself now? How much has eased over this tone, next to Zhong Yun looking at Ding Yu, how much more sharp eyes, "I didn't think he would appear on this occasion, but I'm more curious, why he gave the jade family this face, don't you feel interested?"

Xia Yang looked at Zhong Yun, and then turned his head. "You should know my situation. Things around me have never been hidden from you. However, you are a little bit less Frank in this respect. There is a saying that there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests. We are not on the same line with Ding Yu!"

"What do you mean?" This words let Zhong Yun between some difficult to understand, "are you afraid?"

"You are wrong, I am not afraid, but because we and he are not on the same level. This is the most important point. At the beginning, I thought we were superior to each other, but later I found out that this was not the case at all!"

Zhong Yun looked at Xia Yang with some incomprehension, and heard this from his mouth. It's really amazing, "are you ok! This is absolutely not what I know about you Zhong Yun's manner of speaking seems to be a little angry. He has been disgraced by Ding Yu's hand, and has not found this face up to now!

Whether it is out of self-esteem or other aspects, Zhong Yun's resentment and dislike for Ding Yu will only gradually increase with the passage of time, and there will never be any increase or decrease.

Looking at Zhong Yun's appearance, Xia Yang also gave a bitter smile. Anyway, the knot between her and Ding Yu can't be solved. "I understand the situation between you and Ding Yu. I know what I am like now, and it has the most direct relationship with Ding Yu. The main reason is that I wrongly estimated the position between me and Ding Yu. I think you are still making this mistake now!"

After that, Xia Yang looks at Ding Yu's position again. Ding Yu seems to feel something, and then he looks in the direction of Xia Yang. Xia Yang also smiles at Ding Yu. He says hello, but he won't go forward. This kind of greeting is just right!

Ding Yu also saw Xia Yang and Zhong Yun standing over there. They also nodded their heads slightly, which was a greeting. Similarly, Ding Yu didn't want to go to say hello. However, the nodding of each other was also a smile to eliminate the gratitude and hatred.

At least the face is like this. What about Ding Yu? Is really not very concerned about, and Xia Yang? There are some contradictions in Ding Yu's heart, but no matter what? Now it's all over, now it's time to look forward!

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