Looking at the passers-by, Ding Yu also smiles. Su he also smiles. After all, it's his brother's engagement ceremony. Ding Yu is very happy to come here in person. Although there are many guests to greet, Su he still feels it is necessary to greet Ding Yu.

There are many reasons for her to do so. Even Su he has another feeling in her heart. Although she doesn't have much contact with Ding Yu, I don't know why Ding Yu has made a deep impression on herself, even some unforgettable! I can't tell you why?

Thank you Su he also stretched out his hand to express his gratitude for Ding Yu's arrival. Su he's action made people who have been observing Ding Yu feel that they can't understand. Everyone knows about the contradiction between Ding Yu and Yu's family. Did they want Ding Yu to come? Is to give the jade family a face.

But who ever thought that Ding Yu and the Su family seemed to have something to do with it. How did it happen? I never heard of it before! You should know that although the circle of the capital is very large, it is relatively small. If it really matters, then everyone should have heard about it, so as not to have any impression on this aspect.

At this time, Wang Lianjun followed him to Ding Yu's front position, and then slapped Ding Yu on the shoulder, "good! Younger martial brother, I'm still very handsome today. It seems that I have some temperament, but is it too handsome? You're going to dominate the party

Wang Lianjun's words but do not care at all, the surrounding people saw Wang Lianjun's action, the heart is also so some uneasy, too bold for it! You know, it's Ding Yu.

Ding Yu did not think so. "Elder martial sister, I'm here to attend the engagement ceremony. If I dress up more solemnly, I can be regarded as respect for the master! What do you say? " After saying that, she also looked back at Wang Lianjun's clothes!

"Well, who knows what kind of bad water is in your stomach?" Then he raised his chin on purpose, "what do you mean, do you really want to hit the court? Do you have a guy in your hand

Ding Yu didn't go to see the specific direction, but also understood how it happened. Immediately, she also laughed. "The relationship between the Li family and the Yu family is very good. If yu Mingyue gets married, she will definitely be one of the bridesmaids!" Ding Yu did not point out the relationship between himself and Li Fu Zhen, but he pointed out the relationship between Li Fu Zhen and Yu family, which was enough.

Wang Lianjun also said, Su he also laughed. Did you come today? Not many elders, basically young people, this engagement? It's a display. It's also a kind of trial. But when Ding Yu comes, it's a very good opportunity. At least, it's an excuse for all aspects.

What about the actual situation? If it's not the old man of the jade family who did it himself, Ding Yu would never have come here. Ding Yu can not give the jade family this face, but he needs to give the jade family this face. This is totally two things. Of course, he will expect himself to appear here, what will happen, but is it important?

Yuqing, sitting on the stage, of course saw Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't mean to look at Xiang Yuqing. He was communicating with Li Fuzhen at this time. He came here to give the old man of the jade family a face, and Li Fuzhen came here? It's not just a platform for your best friend.

"There will be a closed reception later!"

This invitation is a little tough! Ding Yu slightly narrowed his eyes, "I don't like drinking too much. You should know this thing!" It can be seen from the attitude of speaking that Ding Yu is not so interested in attending this private party as expected!

"I hear you seem to have made many enemies!" Li Fuzhen still has his own channel for the situation in the capital. This is not only the source of information from the jade family, but also some information from the Li family. This special channel is a deliberate opening of his father, mainly because this person is Ding Yu.

"Is it?" Ding Yu said quietly, "I don't have too many feelings in this respect. Maybe it's because I'm too selfish." This is a very direct refusal, and even some of them are not very face saving.

Li Fu really thought for a while, and then changed his tone, "the relationship between the Li family and the Yu family is good. How about my contact with other aspects? It seems that it is not as close as I thought. These people who are here today are a rare opportunity for me, so I need to make good use of this opportunity! "

Ding Yu side over his head to see two eyes, "I can understand, you this is deliberately in the test me?"

After hearing this, Li Fu couldn't help but move in his heart. He looked at Ding Yu curiously. Ding Yu also laughed and said, "I can give you a chance, but why should I give you such an opportunity? From the perspective of interests, what can I get?"

Some of these words are too direct, but for Li Fuzhen, the news is enough to shock, "we seem to be a community of interests. You say that, enough to make me feel heartbroken and broken!" At this time, Li Fuzhen also took out a woman's unique weapon to protect his rights."Do you know the doctor? How many are so cold! " When talking, Yuqing is also standing on the stage, Ding Yu also closed his mouth, now this time to continue to speak, it is really not to give this face, but Li Fu Zhen's hand is already in Ding Yu's waist position.

Li Fu really started, but the problem is that although he said it was, he didn't know why. He couldn't pinch Ding Yu's waist, and Ding Yu didn't wear many clothes! For this matter, Li Fu Zhen feels that there are so many can't understand, how is this going on? Is it because your hand is not easy to use? Not likely!

But what about others? Although it is a small action under the table, but also appears to have so some ambiguity.

The engagement ceremony lasted a little longer. At the end of the ceremony, a couple of newlyweds also stood at the door and expressed their sincere thanks to the guests. But who came out? Obviously, there are two directions. Some people have left. What about the others? I attended the reception.

Ding Yu had already expressed his attitude towards this aspect with Li Fuzhen earlier. He would not go to the reception. His intention to attend the engagement had already given the master of the jade family the face. As for the meeting, the jade family really did not have this face. Li Fu Zhen? Now it's a bit worse.

I don't deny that my relationship with her is OK, but it's just OK. I haven't reached that level yet. What's more, I have revealed some to her today, but the question is that she obviously doesn't mean to seize the opportunity? Fleeting, since you can't catch it, you can't blame yourself.

So Ding Yu left without hesitation. However, Su and Yu Mingyue, who were standing at the door, expressed their sincere thanks after seeing Ding Yu. It was really a great honor for Ding Yu to come to attend the engagement ceremony today.

Seeing Su Tong, I can't help but think of his sister, or that thing. I thought Ding Yu was a little white faced man. But now I think that when my sister was Huiguang, she was so narrow-minded. From another perspective, what about Ding Yu's concession? It will never be fear or fear. It should be disdain for yourself!

Next to Yu Mingyue mood is also abnormal complex, their relationship with Li Fuzhen is very good, whether the two people's personality or style, there are so many similarities, we are all the same people, but there is no same-sex repulsion phenomenon, the relationship between the two people is very good.

But I really didn't expect that Li Fuzhen would attend his engagement ceremony with Ding Yu. This is a little bit of a blow to Yu Mingyue. Has the Li family been standing with Ding Yu? If this is the case, then the jade family really need to pinch the attitude towards Ding Yu.

"No manners at all!" Looking at Ding Yu who left, Yu Mingyue also complained. When she spoke, Yu Mingyue also held Li Fuzhen's arm. Li Fuzhen was a little older than Yu Mingyue. Of course, there were some coquettish meanings in it.

"Although I came with him, I don't think I have such a big face in front of him!" Li Fu Zhen also expressed very directly, "at least he is not invited by me. I know he has some misunderstanding with the jade family, but I do know that his relationship with the Su family seems to be very good."

"Sutong?" Jade bright moon is also Leng for a while?

"No, Su Tong. I have met Wang Lianjun. She seems to be Ding Yu's elder martial sister. Her conversation is more casual and her relationship with Su he is also very good! This is what I know, but what I don't know? " Speaking of this, Li Fu Zhen also pinched Yu Mingyue's small face with his hand.

Yu Mingyue also thought calmly for a period of time, "I'll ask Su Tong!" What about this problem? Yu Mingyue has her own judgment, but she really doesn't dare to make a decision in this respect, because Ding Yu's character is so strange that he can hardly make this decision for a moment.

Su Tong was also stunned when his fiancee asked about this matter, "isn't he invited by you? The relationship between me and Ding Yu is very general. I threatened him at the beginning! "

"I haven't heard of you talking about it." Yu Mingyue really doesn't know that her fiance has done such crazy things! Threatening Ding Yu, this is definitely the thing that the courage grows hair to do. He also threatened Ding Yu at the beginning, and he is very clear about the consequences!

"I was young at that time! Ding Yu has a good relationship with my sister. At that time, I thought he was just a soft potato, so I didn't give him any good looks! " When he said this, Su Tong was somewhat unnatural, "at that time, I thought the warning had an effect."

Yu Mingyue also grinned bitterly. It is not the first time that Ding Yu acts as a pig and eats a tiger. It's really hard to understand what's in this guy's head. Will Ding Yu not have this strength or ability? It's not like that at all.

If Su Tong had said something like this, what was the first reaction? What was Ding Yu's performance? It's light and light. If you threaten, you will threaten. If you don't give me any, I'll treat it as if it didn't happen. That's it.If you are Ding Yu, can you endure such humiliation? It's impossible. I'm afraid I've been angry for a long time. Is this the gap between Ding Yu and himself?

Although he said that he wanted to deny it, Ding Yu was totally different from his own level. I heard that when he went to South Korea, even President Li of Samsung, that is, his father, Li Fuzhen, visited in person. Although the news was very secret, he knew it.

Can you reach that level? It's impossible. Even my father hasn't been able to reach that level. Maybe it's just like being my grandfather. Regardless of the reason for this visit, the attitude shown by President Li of Samsung is enough to shock him!

"Although I invited Ding Yu, he should not give me this face, it is certain!" The words did not finish, but the meaning has been revealed very clearly, Su Tong also nodded, "I'll ask my sister later, but I don't think this matter is so important, just come here, isn't it?"

Jade bright moon is also a Leng, immediately also is the mechanical nod, "so say pour is also!" After saying that, he also laughed, "or you are more open-minded, at least in this issue to see very clearly!"

Yeah! Ding Yu's coming here is very important to him. No matter what the reason is, he is here, which is enough. What's Su Tong's words? But let oneself think of another possibility, and now how much can be sure, Ding Yu will not be invited by the Su family.

If Ding Yu is not invited by Su family, then it is from his own home. But who in the family can invite Ding Yu? I'm afraid my father can't do it. After hesitating for a few moments, Yu Mingyue also found a corner and took out her own phone to call her grandfather!

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Yu Fengchun listened to his granddaughter's phone, but also ha ha's smile, "good, the reaction is also fast! Today is a good day for you. Just be happy. As for other things? There's no need to worry about it! Congratulations to you two for a hundred years

The old man of the jade family also put down the phone. He was very satisfied that his granddaughter could call at this time. At least she learned to think. Although she said that she had lost face in looking for Ding Yu, it was worth making her granddaughter wake up.

What's more, her granddaughter doesn't know Ding Yu's identity, but she knows it! From my own point of view, this is really not condescending, because from the perspective of business alone, the two people really have the same taste and even boast.

Because he inherited the family heritage, and Ding Yu? It's just starting from scratch. The difference between them is really too big to mention at all. And behind this? It is Ding Yu who is the Wang family's child. What about this one? They can not care too much, but what about home? We must be vigilant in this respect.

But he really has no way to directly mention this aspect to the children at home. Ding Yu has never meant to pierce this layer of window paper. The three who came down earlier have already given a very serious warning. Ding Yu used the most severe means to express his attitude.

So forget it! Let them know that Ding Yu is not easy to make trouble with. As for the identity of Ding Yu, anyone can expose it. But the Yu family had better not be the ghost of death, because it is really difficult to make a decision on the fate, and no one can grasp what is in Ding Yu's mind.

I'm afraid even the one from the Wang family is not sure! But in any case, people are all family members. It is obviously inappropriate to judge the relationship between them from the appearance of the one who breaks the bone and tendon.

So what about the jade family? It's better to be reserved. If there are any problems and situations, there is still room for yuan Zhuan! What's more, at the beginning, the old man of the Wang family deliberately let himself go. If Wang Pu didn't open his mouth, would Ding Yu stop? Impossible things.

The original time has always been so some do not understand, at that time why Ding Yu would stop, after the event? There is no indication of this aspect in all aspects. What about these problems and situations? I can see it clearly. At the same time? Also some helpless and sigh.

It is said that the Wang family's this is extraordinary. I have dealt with him to a certain extent, and I have experienced the power of it. But this time, I am particularly impressed! The friendship of the jade family must be written down, even in their own mind, otherwise, the jade family is another scene.

This is absolutely certain. Ding Yu has this power completely. In the past, he made moves against the foreign listed companies of Yujia, including the three moves this time? They all explained the problem. It's false to say that they don't worry about it. The horizontal ones are afraid of Leng, and those who are Leng are still afraid of death. Especially Ding Yu, there are not many people who are willing to give it a try!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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