When Ding Yu returned to the quadrangle, he looked at an Jie who still had no rest and said, "I have asked about the situation in the United States. What is my personal opinion? First take your daughter over, let the hospital system check to see what kind of situation it is now! After all, the medical level in China has improved rapidly in the past two years! "

When Ding Yu said these words, Anjie felt that his mood could not be controlled, and his tears also flowed down. Although he wiped it with his hand, the problem was that the tears were like the river breaking the dike, washing his face. Now he wanted to smile, but he couldn't laugh at all.

Finally, he managed to control his emotions. Jack also took a deep breath, "thank you." This thank you is sincere. I have only come to the courtyard for two days. I have really forgotten about my daughter's affairs because I am too busy these two days. I didn't expect that the eldest master could still remember.

"Mutual, this is my promise to you. After all, it is a condition for you to work here. However, you should handle this matter by yourself. I'm afraid that other people will go. Your two old people think they are cheaters! I don't carry this pot on my back! "

What about the other details? Ding Yu didn't say that he didn't have his mother-in-law to that extent. It would be good for Anjie to handle the matter himself. After cleaning up, Ding Yu went to see two little guys and made a phone call with Taixi. Listening to her complaints on the phone, it was also funny. Then Ding Yu entered his study.

What about going to Yu's house? Ding Yu didn't really care much about it. As for Ding Yu, he didn't care about what kind of influence he would have in the circle. However, Wang Pu made a special call to his grandson, "I heard you went to the engagement ceremony of Yu Mingyue."

"Well, the jade master of the jade family came to me, and we had a meal together!" Ding Yu is also very indifferent to say, "there is no contradiction between me and the jade family that can not be resolved. At the beginning, you may have behaved a little more radical. If you open up, there will be no problem with everything!"

"Jade is not good at other aspects, but I can't admire it in other aspects, but it's not good for him to be a little bit less influential in business."

The words are fragmentary, but the meaning of the main body has been clearly expressed. The jade family is still the leader in business, and it will not watch the jade family fall. But if the jade family does not make changes, then his grandfather will not be so optimistic about the future situation. Is this ship? It's starting to leak!

Ding Yu heard it very clearly. His grandfather meant that he should not be involved in it. No matter whether the jade family is a radical reform or a slow attempt, there should be no contamination in this respect. What about the jade family? If it is, there will be big problems, not that the old man is careful, but what he should feel.

Don't underestimate the old man's vigilance. Although Ding Yu said that two generations are human beings, does he have experience in this matter? Although it's not Xiaobai, it's a long way from the old man. The old man has gone through countless storms to get to this position today. Do you think it's for nothing?

"I know something about the foreign listed companies of Yujia. It's not bad." Ding Yu thought for a while, but also casually said, "as for the domestic situation, I don't know very well about it. At the beginning, I did not fight back against the company of Yujia. There are many reasons for this!"

"Well?" Wang Pu is also a little surprised, "I didn't hear you talk about this matter!"

"What you can see is only the superficial situation. There is not much understanding of this in China, and people follow suit. Moreover, the jade family has not made any other explanation. I am afraid the master of the jade family has some plans in mind."

Wang Pu thought about it for a while, but he also agreed, "that old guy has a general vision in his official career, but he can be said to be a ghost spirit in business. Anyway, we all admire this very much. After a lifetime of trials and tribulations, he has also made some contributions to our country."

Ding Yu didn't speak immediately. What about this conversation with the old man? There are some heart to heart meanings, but the more so? Ding Yu's head needs to rotate very fast and turn back and forth, considering every word the master said. This is not a general test, it is quite tiring, so Ding Yu is also very cautious.

"At that time, they were more self willed, so they didn't care about the cost, that is to say, they didn't care about the loss. What's more, what about the foundation of the jade family in foreign countries? It's a little bit short! That's why there's a retreat from the jade family! "

Wang Pu also carefully considered his grandson's words, "that is to say, the jade family just avoided you. This is a good move! The old man still has two brushes. I'm glad you can understand this matter! ""I see. It's late. Take a rest, Grandpa." After finishing, Ding Yu is also ready to put down the phone in his hand, but Wang Pu is thinking of what, "you do not put the phone, I will tell you a thing, the previous thing? I hope you will not be discouraged! "

Ding Yu on the other side of the phone was also silent for a little time. "Grandfather, this is not a matter of being discouraged. I don't have too many ideas. I'm just a little summary that I usually make. I haven't been conceited to that extent, so what about this matter? It's better to be careful! "

"Well, I see!" Then Wang Pu also made a phone call. What does grandson say? I am very happy, but from another point of view, how does grandson handle this matter? How many or so some opinions, but no matter whether there are opinions or no opinions, I have already done so.

Only when there is a country can we have a family. This has always been our pursuit. When the country is strong, the people can become rich and strong. What about their grandson? In fact, I didn't really have any opinions about how to do this thing. I was mainly dissatisfied with some people. In fact, Wang Pu's heart was the same!

But what about this small group of people? It does not represent everyone, or should we believe in the leadership of the party, but what about these problems? Wang Pu doesn't think he should talk to his grandson. If necessary, it's better to let the old lady come forward!

In the morning, Anjie went straight to the airport with his ticket. Earlier on, he had talked to his parents on the phone and told him about the specific situation. His daughter was not young. He needed to be observed when he was just born. Now he is four years old, but his daughter's condition is getting worse and worse day by day.

While sitting in the waiting hall, Anjie can also be said to be in a state of anxiety. From time to time, he also looks at his wrist watch. While he is waiting anxiously, there is a voice of "Oh, isn't this the director of our university? How are you doing, director an? "

Then there was a laugh of ridicule behind him. At this time, Anjie also lowered his arm. What about the dress on his body? I really don't have to spend my own money. All of them are provided by the quadrangle because I am the housekeeper of the quadrangle, which represents the identity of the quadrangle.

Otherwise, if you let yourself take the plane, you are really not in general heartache, after all, this price is not cheap!

Jack put down his arm and looked at the people around him. Then he stood up and nodded his head slightly, "Hello Not to mention, it's really different when you stand up. Previously, I said hello to Anjie just to ridicule him, but when he got up, he realized that this guy was really a little different.

They are all from the provincial office in Beijing, but they still have this insight. What about the dress on Anjie's body? It's really quite different. It's a bit like business elite, but it's a bit more temperament than business elite. When I didn't stand up before, I didn't feel this aspect, but after I got up, the whole image became different.

"Oh, the director of Anda has changed his job? I heard that I had been doing odd things for others before? It's a nice dress After saying that, he also took a step forward, "director of Anda, since he has been doing chores for others, he should be honest and honest. Don't look for anything uncomfortable for yourself, understand?"

It's the same person who talked before. If you look at it a few days ago, you can't say he's already in a rage. But now? Anjie just blinked his eyes. He didn't pay much attention to it. To communicate with such a person is really an insult to himself.

After looking at the time on his watch, Jack is ready to board the plane. It's not that his eyes are higher than his top, but he doesn't want to say hello to the people in front of him. What about the leader? At the beginning, my best colleague was expelled from public office, and he had the most direct relationship with him. However, it's all in the past, so don't talk about it.

"My grandson is first class It's all on the same plane. I quickly inquired about the situation. The grandson of Anjie actually sat in the first class. Is this too much? You should know that after he was dismissed from public office, his life seems to have been very miserable all the time. That is to say, he had seen it more than a month ago. Why is it suddenly changed?

"Director, he has really climbed the high branch. It seems that his clothes and clothes are very different!" There are also some flattering people saying, "this is just more than a month, all began to ride first class, you know, when you go home for the Chinese new year, it is not easy to have a hard seat on the train!"

"Who knows if I was taken in by that girl?" After saying that, he was also very disdainful, "even his own girls have run away with others. What can you expect from him? Who can't pretend to be? "

The crowd also laughed. Anjie sat on the plane, but what about this heart? All of them have already flown home and flew to their daughter's body. They have not been able to operate on their daughter for a long time. In addition, their work and family have changed so much, and things have been delayed.Now, with such an opportunity, it's really a pie in the sky, and I'm almost knocked out by this pie. However, Anjie's heart is also very clear. I'm afraid he'll buy his life in a quadrangle, but what about such a thing? Jack really didn't have much to refuse, so he accepted it willingly.

What about your own abilities? Anjie is very clear that he has been living in the capital and earned a lot of wages. However, for his daughter and parents, the burden is still too heavy. But now that he has become a member of the quadrangle, the situation is not the same.

If you want to have a foothold in the courtyard, you still need to put in a lot of efforts, and give yourself the best environment and conditions. If you say that you can't deal with these problems and conditions, then I'm afraid you don't have any face to stay! In other words, you need to prove that you have this value.

After returning home, the daughter also depends on her own body, saying nothing to get down. Anjie also told his parents about the specific situation. Although he said that he came back by plane, her daughter was not able to take a plane because of her heart problem. She could only make a train. This is also for her safety.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry. We don't have any money in our family. Even if we cheat, we can't cheat our heads. Now we have such an opportunity, we should cherish it! I'll call you when I get to the place! "

Anjie didn't stay at home for a long time. He took the train to Beijing at the first time. However, his mother packed up a lot of things. His mother was worried. What's more, he also had his granddaughter. If it wasn't allowed by the conditions at home, he would go there in person and have a look. He couldn't put down his heart.

The little girl is very happy, but Anjie really dare not let go. Fortunately, he doesn't have many things with him. When he is in the car, he also whispers to his daughter. After all, the situation is very special.

After getting off the bus, looking at the driver who had already been waiting there, Anjie nodded to express his thanks. The driver took over everything in his hand, "the eldest young master has already made arrangements for your daughter to be hospitalized first!"

Anjie has never been to Ding Yu's work place. Although he said that he was a housekeeper, he had just started for two days. Everything was still in the process of getting familiar with it. Anjie carried his daughter to Ding Yu's office. When Ding Yu came, he went to other departments for consultation.

The little girl still has some innate fear about the hospital. However, Tao Jin likes this little girl very much. She also takes out a panda's small toy. However, she doesn't give her children snacks, which is not to say that she doesn't have any. Moreover, she is worried that what kind of snacks she gives her children will cause other problems.

After waiting for about half an hour, Ding Yu came back. Looking at the little girl sitting in Anjie's arms, she also laughed. She pressed her hand and asked Anjie to sit down. "Oh, the little girl still looks a little bit, how old is she! What's the name? "

"My name is an ruotong. I'm four years old." The voice is not so clear and crisp, but very smart, some ignorant feeling, small appearance is very pleasant.

"Good!" Ding Yu also said with admiration that the two little guys in his family have not reached this level. After all, their age is there, "Tao Jin! You take her to have a check. I have already said hello to her. It's time for experts from Fuwai to come here tomorrow! "

Anjie's face is red. What about his daughter's condition? At that time, the experts who treated the disease recommended Fuwai. What about the results of the examination at that time? There is no way to operate immediately, the United States is recommended, but the conditions at home are really unacceptable! So it was delayed.

Ding Yu asked Tao Jin to deal with the specific situation, and Anjie followed. There are still some people who are not at ease, but what about this inspection? It took a little longer. After finishing the examination, Ding Yu also asked the experts in the hospital to see it. We summarized their opinions and at least understood the condition.

"There's no need to live here at night. Go back to live." Ding Yu's tone also can't be refused, "Tongtong's examination results have been preliminary seen, not as good as imagined, because ordinary children? With the growth of age, there may be better results, but Tongtong's situation is not ideal! "

Anjie also heavily nodded his head, "the limited conditions at home have been unable to eliminate this pain for her, but Tongtong is still very strong!"

"Let's have a look at it tomorrow! At the beginning, I recommended going to the United States because the conditions were not mature, but now it has been three or four years. Both the equipment and the medical standard have been improved, and I have contacted the experts in the United States! There's no problem! "

"Big and little, thank you."

"For the children, and for you!" This time Ding Yu didn't refuse the thanks, and then he also looked at the little girl beside him, "go! I'm afraid I haven't been with your father for a long time when I go to my uncle in the eveningAn Ruo Tong looks at Ding Yu, and then holds his father's thigh. Anjie also holds his daughter up, which is very happy.

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