When Ding Yu came back, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao had finished their work. They were waiting outside at this time! But there are also some small tired, no way things, the entire corridor ah! All of them are footprints. For the two of them, Dachun wants to reach out to help, but after looking at Bao Shao's eyes, it's OK!

But I can't just look at it! The car below was smashed. I'd better deal with that problem myself! It's been towed away by someone. As for where to repair this problem, you don't need to worry about it. But don't wait for a while. If you don't have a car, it will make a little bit of a big deal.

Guo Xian was injured by himself, but he had already left his hand at that time. To be exact, Guo Xian did not obey the rules of the river and lake. You failed to make a strong effort, and you were put down by yourself. Then you pulled out the master behind you. What about Bao Shao? Is it for the sake of big and small, otherwise? Hum!

But what about this? Just because baoshao and sanshao are not from Wulin, so what about this matter? I can't tell them. Although it shows that the surface is towering, what about the actual surface? The question is still there.

It was just a fight between dandies, but now? The nature of the matter has changed, and it has become a dispute between each other. It depends on the situation! What about shangguo Xian? He did not really put him in the eyes, but the short and strong man, he really did not have much assurance.

If you can hold on to dozens of moves, you won't have any fear, but the question is: can you survive 20 moves, or even 10 moves? I really don't have a lot of assurance. I don't think these seniors are old, but I still have this tone. I can't underestimate it.

Ding Yu finished the operation, and it was almost eight o'clock. Speaking of it, it was not too early. Looking at the ground, it was still very smooth. Under the illumination of the light, Ding Yu could send out the figures. Ding Yu nodded his head to express his satisfaction.

"I haven't eaten in the evening, you two?"

You should know that when I came to look for elder brother, but I never had such treatment! Today, the sun came out from the west, and then a group of people also went to find a hot pot shop. Ding Yu had a table for three of them and a table for the rest of them. It was not about paying attention to it. It was mainly about something to be said.

Ding Yu is not from the old capital city. He is not so particular about eating as he imagined. But how to eat it? I still know that Maodu, mutton, and vegetables are the last to be mixed noodles. However, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao eat sesame seed pancakes. Each of them has his own merits. No one wants to force anyone.

What's important is that we are all family members. There is no estrangement and there is no need to cheat. What's more, most people seldom invite people out for dinner. What's more, they invite them two people deliberately, which is a little excited.

Ding Yu didn't mean to drink. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't drink too much. They were not outsiders. They were happy. Moreover, Ding Yu didn't show any facial expression today. This made Wang Yang and Xiao Bao feel that their previous Kung Fu had not been done in vain!

With that, he also mentioned what happened in the evening, and Xiaobao shook his head. "Big brother, although I said I haven't changed my ways now, at least I've tried to change them. There's no point in following them around. In the past, I didn't make any money, but I didn't take it steadily and spend it comfortably. Now it's different!"

Ding Yu is also a joy, "eat a little bitter to know that sugar is really sweet, this is very normal! I said I'm not involved in your business, but what about today's meal? I'm glad to have you two please

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao's eyes are bright. They are very proud now, but they are still far from success? Even if they were just on the road, but their brother, who had always been "looking at them differently", suddenly said such words, which made them feel confident and even had some meaning of blood boiling.

But after dinner, Ding Yu didn't mean to follow them. He had better go back to have a rest! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are two brothers who know their own. If they don't like this, they will not force them.

However, when getting on the bus, Ding Yu also waved his hand to the bodyguard who had been following them, "Dachun, right?" Looking at Dachun nodding, Ding Yu also paid attention to two eyes, "with whom to learn kung fu?"

"It was handed down from my family. Later, I learned some more when I joined the army!"

"Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are not from the rivers and lakes. They are not so clear about the ways in which they are. When the rivers and lakes are in the rivers and lakes, it is not easy for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao to face Wang Yang and Xiao Bao." After finishing, Ding Yu also said a mobile phone number, "you go to find his old man! The affairs of the river and lake still need the means of the river and lake! "

"Thank you, big and little!" Dachun is really grateful. You should know how much you mean to be a loner. After all, your Kung Fu is handed down from your family, but most of the people in your family have already passed on. You have other inheritance, but the problem is that you can't bring it out at all. Now you have given yourself this phone call, which means to support yourself."That's all for it!" Looking at the big and little who left, Da Chun's heart is very clear, this matter knows also can, as for other aspects? Even including San Shao and Bao Shao, they still don't know. After all, this is a matter of the river and lake. Their level should be mutual trampling with Xiao Chengguo.

Liu Daochang knew the news the next day. Ding Yu called himself and looked at Dachun standing in front of him, nodding with a smile, and then let him go. Dachun looked at the old man standing in front of him with some doubts. He didn't have any Daofeng immortal bones. He felt like an old man.

But after the next match, this situation immediately became different. After trying two hands, Liu Daochang also slightly nodded his head, "I have not moved for many years. What about the people I know? There are few people who live to this time, but it's not a problem to stand up for you. It happens that one of my senior brothers is coming to Beijing today! "

After saying that, he also wrote the post personally, "take my post and ask Master Liu and master Li to come to me, and I will be responsible for entertaining them both!"

"Thank you very much Looking at Da Chun's appearance, Liu Daochang also laughed, "it's fate to say it again!" I have already seen the meaning of Da Chun, but just now I also used my foot to hook him and didn't let him kneel down. After all, I didn't know him as well as I imagined.

Liu Xia and Li Cunzhu sat in the room for a long time when they got the post. Previously, they pressed things down in the hospital, mainly to give the two young people face. Such people can't afford to offend them, but what about the problem with Da Chun? Things in the world!

But I didn't think about it. If I stood up here, it wasn't a good stubble! Before they have any action, they will send the post to me. If I don't go, the reputation will be bad. What's more, they will send the post honestly.

"Brother Liu, I haven't heard of it!" Li Cunzhu looked at the post, "it seems that I'm from home with you!"

"The gate of the mountain has been opened, so you can't refuse to answer it!" Then he sighed. Li Cunzhu understood what this meant. After all, Guo Xian? It's his apprentice. In this circle, the apprentice doesn't mean to accept it casually. He really takes it as his own son to raise him. Some even raise his old man and end his life!

The process of the matter has been understood almost, but it is also because of the understanding of almost, so this matter is particularly troublesome, unreasonable not to say, and also was beaten down by others, is even more humiliating, now Liu Xia stands out, but people are not alone!

After arriving at the place, looking at the courtyard, Li Cunzhuang also took a breath. He was a native of the old capital. He was poor and rich in literature and martial arts. What about his family? There are two bad money, because it costs money to practice martial arts, but it is true that there are two money in the family, but it does not mean that Li Cunzhu can also have such a quadrangle.

People in the old capital have a special feeling for the quadrangle. Li Cunzhu is like this. But in Houhai, with such a quadrangle, Li Cunzhu feels that his financial resources are still quite poor. What's more, because of the Olympic Games, the price of this quadrangle is like a rocket, which is called a fierce one!

"Coming?" Liu Daochang is also standing in the door position, looking at the two guests, is also holding fist, but this boxing? Liu Xia saw it clearly. He didn't expect that the man in front of him would be a Taoist.

"Taoist priest Liu?"

"The old man who is dying, please!" Liu Daochang is also very polite, there is no other outsider, so this performance? Naturally, they are more casual. When they enter the courtyard and look at the layout, Liu Xia and Li Cunzhu also have a look at each other.

When the two people came to the house, they found that there was still a man in the room. The sun was a little dark when he came in. However, it was not a problem for Liu Xia and Li Cunzhu. After Liu Xia saw the visitor clearly, he was also surprised, "Taoist Tian?"

"Oh, it's you two!" Tian Shixian also nodded, and then he also looked at the Taoist priest Liu over there, "martial uncle, sit down!" When he said this, he also helped Taoist priest Liu to sit down. Liu Xia and Li Cunzhu were at a loss.

I thought it was just a bad old man before, but I thought it was not like this. Even Taoist priest Tian needs to be called martial uncle. What's the origin of this? You should know that the master of Taoist priest Tian is the head coach! Kung Fu coach is the only one in China. What about yourself? Only hope!

After seeing Taoist priest Tian, Liu Xia's little total was completely extinguished. When he came, he not only supported his apprentice, but also made a name for himself. However, as soon as the two Taoist priests stood up, the tone of voice completely stopped. Don't make yourself uncomfortable.

The capital city is indeed a place of hidden dragons and tigers. Even to a certain extent, Liu Xia also has some worries. He doesn't want to trouble others, but what about the reverse? How should people deal with their own troubles?As for Kung Fu, it's impossible to compare strength with financial strength? Not to mention, is it just kowtow and admit it? If it's really like that, do you want this old face? A man can live a face, a tree can live a skin. What's more, he can be regarded as a martial arts practitioner. That's what he can do!

"What about me, an old man? There's nothing left except eating and drinking. It's rare to have friends coming from afar today. How can I say it's delicious, good to drink and good to treat! " Taoist priest Liu didn't care about it at all, and Taoist priest Tian turned a blind eye to his uncle.

Taoists are not all vegetarians. The difference of sects is different. Taoist Tian is worried about it, but Taoist Liu has no worries about it. Liu Xia and Li Cunzhu are more like this. Four of them are sitting on a table. What's the time of the meal? It's a little bit longer.

Everyone is sitting on a table. This is the end of the matter. It is meaningless for children to fight and involve others. From the point of view of Liu Xia and Li Cunzhu, this has already given face.

People are already like this. If Liu Xia doesn't know good or bad again, it's another thing. Liang Zhen guy, do you think you'll be afraid? The Taoist priest Tian sitting there is already a mountain for Liu Xia, and he can't get over it. What's more, they don't take care of things.

When he left, Liu Xia also declined to see him off. He really didn't want to send him. What's the actual meaning? It is to give them a little face, at least they can walk back, otherwise, they will be ashamed to see others.

"Not mortal!" Li Cunzhuang also sighed. He had drunk a lot of wine before, but he didn't mean to be drunk. It was just a little on the face! "But six elder brothers, I think this matter looks back to think about, seem to have a little problem!"

Liu Xia also shook his head, "how much can I guess who Dr. Ding came from! Let's call it a day! I'll give you an account of Guo Xian's affairs when he can get up! "

Li Cunzhu's heart is also a cold, "can't it be too heavy? Guo Xian's situation is so serious that I'm afraid he can't stand up without two or three months' time. What's more, he has learned a lesson in this matter, and even if he bows his head to admit that he's not a good boy, he's not sensible, and some of them are careless. We're from what age!"

"It's just that people don't know what to do without any reason. They're not as good as we are. Even if we don't know what's good or bad, we need to give them an explanation. Otherwise, it may be a disaster!" When Liu Xia spoke, he didn't sigh, "so we must have an explanation."

Li Cunzhuang also sighed. What about this matter from the root? It's not very reasonable. There was such a scene after the event. Although there was no too much publicity, there were still some things that were not very good-looking on this face, ah! This also can't help things, people already give face, don't be ungrateful!

But what did Li Cunzhu think? More importantly, from Guo Xian's accident to now, Xiao Chengguo has never had any news. It's true that your family background is extraordinary, but you can't ignore it. It's for you, OK? Obviously, what about Xiao Shao? Not a good man! This is in sharp contrast to that Bao Shao.

Maybe Bao Shao is not clear behind the matter, but the scene is very good, and they really took some responsibility. What about Xiao Shao? I'm afraid this reputation has been bad since then. To put it awkwardly, it's not your family to learn civil and martial arts, goods and the emperor's family. Judging from the comparison of goods, you're far from the Xiao family.

And what about brother Liu's handling of Guo Xian? At another level, it's not only simple to give an account to the public, but also directly spread the reputation of the Xiao family. Of course, these are hidden rules. What about the people in the business? You can't break the unspoken rules.

If anyone breaks this rule, it is to smash everyone's job. Such a person will be ostracized by the whole industry. If it is lighter, it will be directly demolished. Even your ancestor's tablet may be smashed. Don't think this is a joke!

"Brother Liu, is it too big

"It's OK!" Liu Xia also did not care, "we only solve our own affairs, as for other people's affairs? That has nothing to do with us! " When he spoke, he also took a glance at Li Cunzhu. Li Cunzhu also nodded his head. All of them are people in this business. Don't say who!

I'm not afraid of no good things, but I'm afraid there are no good people. Sometimes that's the case? It's hard to tell, but what happens after something happens? You need to recognize it! You can't teach.

However, Li Cunzhu is also clear that this matter is also a blow to this elder brother Liu. He comes arrogantly, but does this go back? How many have so some gray, this breath hold but some uncomfortable!

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