"I heard that Yang Yang has made certain choices?" It's Su Yuan who called Ding Yu. She is also worried about this. After all, she is a mother. It should be a relationship.

What's more? It seems that other people in the family are not suitable to come forward to ask this question, especially in front of Ding Yu, the child. So Su Yuan also stood up and she was the most suitable candidate.

"There is a big difference between PE and VC, one is venture capital, the other is private equity investment, but what is the boundary between them? A little bit fuzzy, VC can also be better, PE in the development of domestic slightly show some confusion, people involved in it? A mixture of good and bad people Ding Yu also explained some complicated and professional!

"I don't understand you very well. Let's express it in a simpler way!"

"What about Wang Yang's direction? VC! It may be hard work, but high risk means high return. At most, it's just a loss of money. It won't involve other problems and situations. What's more, it's good for him to have a deeper understanding of some situations in this industry. But is PE? He'd better not get involved in it

Wang Changlin, sitting next to Su Yuan, also nodded his head slightly. He already understood the meaning. After all, as a leader, he still needs to communicate with the world. What about the choice of the younger son? He is still very happy, although the eldest son said that he has not been involved in it, but he has always been concerned about it, which he is very satisfied with.

If he doesn't care, can he say these things? It's impossible, but what about these concerns? Sometimes it's not easy to express.

"Well, I don't understand, but Xiaoyu! What about your brother? This time, it's just a beginning. How about more money or less money? The family may not care too much, but they don't want him to have other problems. You brother, you still need to check when necessary! "

Ding Yu was slightly silent for a moment, and then he said aloud, "I won't get involved in it! This is Wang Yang's own choice. It may be better for him to pay a certain price for it. Only with experience and lessons will he be impressed! "

"You Su Yuanhao didn't come up with a sigh of relief. He was very happy when Ding Yu said that he didn't let his anger come out. We should know that everything should be done well. But what about Ding Yu? What was on earth in his head?

I have already said this to my son, but when I think of my son's pouting back, Su Yuan feels bitter at this moment!

Su Yuan is angry, but also threw the phone to her husband, but then Su Yuan also wake up. The child has a temper, but he can't follow his mother! But by the time he reached for the phone, the husband had already put the phone in his hand.

"Well, I support your idea!" Wang Changlin also showed a satisfied look on his face, "Yang Yang, this child has just entered the society, and this hair has not been smoothed out! What's more, now? I don't know whether it is successful or not. Don't give him too much expectation. It's not good for his growth! "

"There's something else on my side. You and my mother have a rest."

Having said that, Ding Yu is also duty bound to say, so he hung up the phone and asked Wang Changlin not to say the next word. From the point of view of the truth, what is Ding Yu's style? It seems that some of them are not very polite, even some are not very rational, but Ding Yu really did so, without any hesitation.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Wang Changlin also had a helpless smile. The person who dared to hang up his phone didn't say that he didn't, but the problem is that his son hung up his phone, so what should he do! What's more, this matter is caused by his wife. In fact, everyone is not wrong, but the direction of concern is different.

Looking at his wife's condition, Wang Changlin also stretched out his hand and held her shoulder. In fact, everyone's starting point is good. His wife also hopes that the younger son can be better. What about the eldest son? The same is true, but the way they deal with this matter is not the same, so it is also the emergence of contradictions!

After crying, Su Yuan felt a little distressed and complained, "so is this child!" When he said this, Su Yuan also had some bad intentions. Although he had been talking about husband and wife for so many years, what about this matter? Speaking of or with their own has a considerable relationship!

But then Su Yuan seemed to remember something, and then he also sat up straight. "Did you mention the Spring Festival to your children? It will be a new year in a short time. It will be the lunar new year after the new year! I'm afraid we need to pay close attention to this matter! "

Wang Changlin shook his head. "I'm not very optimistic about this matter. You don't know the temper of our boss. Sometimes it's too willful. It doesn't mean to comfort you. Don't talk about you and me. Even the old man and the old lady, they haven't been able to play any role."In fact, Wang Changlin understood what his wife meant. He took advantage of the Spring Festival to call his children home. What about the people in the family? See, it's not to say to fight for something, to set the child's name, and then. But in Wang Changlin's opinion, it's really not easy to deal with this matter. Is the eldest's temperament? Oh!

What about the family? They always stay in a proper position when they say that they are near or far away. They don't even know what to say when they are fathers, let alone others. Some questions? Let it be!

But anyway? Wang Changlin also made a phone call to Wang Yang, "your mother made a phone call to your brother earlier, but I heard Xiaobao and Xiao Chengguo had a call. Is there such a thing?"

He didn't care about Wang Yang's investment, but about other people fighting. Wang Yang also turned his mind, "Dad, I don't know if you can understand this matter, so say it! I do VC, and Xiao Chengguo? What did he do? It's a little different. It's PE, but there's a lot of moisture in it! "

"I know what you mean, just because of differences?"

"Xiao Chengguo and Xiaobao have some other disputes! In addition, there were some problems with me, so we started to make trouble. In fact, things can't be said to be very big, but what happened after this? I'm afraid each other is really standing in different interests and perspectives, this is certain! "

"Just a greeting?" Wang Changlin also has a special mind to say, Wang Yang is also noncommittal with a smile, "Dad, I can deal with this matter myself, if there is any problem, I will carry it myself!"

"Stinky boy!" Wang Changlin did not say anything else, "you use snacks yourself, but pay attention to your body. Your body is the capital of the revolution. What else? But after that! It's a hard request, it can't be refused! "

When Wang Yang was taught a lesson, Ding Yu was having dinner. Mingzai was not polite at all. He didn't seem upset because of the change of Ding Yu's identity. However, when he was drinking, this guy began to cry, and the cry was so loud! It's like a river breaking its bank.

What about the housekeeper? Looking from afar, the housekeeper Anjie looked at the crying mingzai, and his heart was also shocked. Because he was the housekeeper at home, he knew something about mingzai's situation. At the beginning, he was one of them. He had no way to go to heaven and no door to the earth.

Under the circumstances at that time, I hope to find a place without people to cry, but turn around? Also need to face the pressure of life, not you said overburdened, can give up, is not so a thing!

Ding Yu didn't mean to comfort him, because he also knew very well. In fact, everyone's requirements were not high. It was enough to have a stable life, but the problem was that such a life could not even be satisfied! There is a saying how to say, people are poor, sad!

In fact, what about mingzai's coming this time? It's a new year's gift for Ding Yu. After all, it'll be here in two days. "Feather, my father and mother made it for you. If you like it, you can eat it yourself. If you don't like it, throw it in the garbage can. That's a little bit of heart!" Because he drank a little too much, mingzai also looked like a mother-in-law.

Ding Yu put the food on the table when mingzai brought it over. Mingzai didn't eat much. After all, it was given to Ding Yu, and Ding Yu was happy to eat. Mingzai was also very happy, "how is your work?"

"There is hope!" Mingzai also raised the wine cup in his hand, "the little girl also wanted to follow me, but she caught a cold when she was on her way. She also deliberately asked me to ask you how you are! I'm not very old, but I'm a little fat recently. I'm a little noisy. I don't think so! "

"The little girl takes off more quickly. We are all old green gourd skin already?" Ding Yu doesn't know where he comes from. He even accompanies mingzai to make mischief here. In Anjie's eyes, there is something unusual.

After I came to the quadrangle, I seldom saw that most and few of them were so unrestrained. It was really self-discipline, just like a robot. But today? He even gave up reading and exercise. It's so rare to see him.

"At the beginning, I thought, what's the use of such a thing?" Mingzai is another mouthful of wine to pour down, "but when you hold her, that kind of feeling is really too different, even if the sky falls down, also think it is nothing, is true, you also have children, you must know!"

"The two little ones are too much nonsense, aren't they there?" When talking, he also glanced at him not far away. "Fortunately you came, otherwise you saw me, and I had to coax me to sleep!" After that, Ding Yu shakes his head. His words are full of doting, and he feels a little excited. Anyway, the child is not around. It's nothing to boast about.In the evening, mingzai was fed a little too much by Ding Yu. After drinking, Ding Yu also helped him to the bed to rest. However, when he came back, Ding Yu also explained to Anjie next to him, "tomorrow, he will surely steal. Go clean up and bring it to him. Give it to the children and the old people in the family. He doesn't matter!"

"Yes, young master!"

After thinking about it, Ding Yu also stopped his own steps. "This guy has a thin skin, so he doesn't have to have too many things. It will be new year's day in two days, but he will prepare some more gifts for his parents and daughter."

Anjie nodded his head too. He should have been worried about such a thing, but he never thought that the eldest young master's mind was so delicate. Obviously, the young master is particularly concerned about such a situation. What about this comrade in arms? Also is absolutely not any ordinary comrade in arms, the sentiment is really too unusual.

You know, it's not that there are no other people eating in the courtyard, but it's rare to see such a situation. Even if the three young people come, the big and the young will not be like this. It's not to say that the position of the three little is lower. It's not like this. It can only be said that there are some problems in the relationship between each other.

It's almost new year's day. The quadrangle is really a bit busy, at least for Anjie. In China, the relationship between people is a very normal situation. There is no one to ask about the poor in the downtown, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. What's more, the status of the eldest young master today is even more obvious.

What's more, what about reciprocity? It all needs to be handled by Anjie himself. Even if he can't go there in person, the etiquette must be in place. What's the role of himself? Isn't that what he does? But for Anjie, this thing really means that some experts.

After all, I had worked in the provincial office in Beijing for a long time. What about some of the channels? I still have some control, so I can handle these things easily. But what about this period of time? There are also some girls who can't take care of their own family.

Fortunately, the parents are also in, but it is not so troublesome, Tong Tong recovered well, and he was relieved, all a lot of thoughts? They are also put on their daily work, after looking after worry free, deal with things, naturally is full of spirit! Even the whole person is different.

In the afternoon, Anjie had nothing to do. He also took the shopping list to buy. After all, there were still some shortages in the quadrangle. He had already assigned a lot of them, but what about some? It's a matter of personal attitude.

There are a lot of things to buy, but what's the good news? All of them have been marked, so it's just a little cumbersome. What's more, there is a driver behind him. The cooperation between the two systems is really not difficult.

"Oh, isn't this the director of the university?"

Anjie looked back and said, "Hello, director Chu!" Anjie also said hello to the people not far away, but he ignored the one who said hello to himself earlier. When he was at the airport, his speech was very shady. But now that he is over the age of secondary two, he says hello to the head of these people.

Standing there, Chu Fanghe also looked at Anjie. When he looked at a person, he first had to look at his temperament and bearing, which was obviously different from that when he left office. He was full of energy and energy. Besides, the dress and dress on his body could be said to compare all the people on his side.

Chu Fanghe doesn't use the old sun to see people. He sits in this position. From a certain angle, it's almost like sitting on the top of a volcano. If he's not smooth, it's hard to stay in this position for a long time. And what about Jack? I had heard about it at the beginning, but I didn't interfere.

From your own point of view? It's that Anjie is so quick that he doesn't have a lot of problems in dealing with people. However, there is a sentence that he said, and he won great achievements. Therefore, he was twisted by others. It seems that he is also wandering around the capital, and his life is not very good.

But judging from his current situation, if he is not very good, then what is his name? Poor beggars? And I also noticed that an inconspicuous watch was also exposed on the wrist because of holding something on his hand.

is as like as two peas that I saw in the mall. I know the price of that watch is so smack, but now it is on the hands of angelic. It is definitely the kind of climbing that we climb on the high branches. If not, dare we have such a dress?

"Anjie, if you have time, sit down together!" Chu Fanghe is also the first to stretch out his hand. He has already seen it. What about this former subordinate? Absolutely on the branch, but which branch? It's really not so clear, and I haven't heard about it.

But anyway? Anyway, at the beginning, it was not because of my own reasons. Even if I couldn't find my own head in the future, would I take precautions first, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, not to mention the capital here!So Chu Fang and the first to extend their own hands, no matter what? At least give yourself a chance, use or not to use this is another matter, but more friends and more roads, less friends more walls, especially in their own work unit, it is more so!

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