In the evening, Ding Yu came back a little bit late, mainly because he went to 301 with his colleagues in the hospital. The two people's hospital had a consultation. There was a little delay in the time, and they were scattered at 301. Everyone was separated. There was no need to meet the hospital again. There was no need to go to the hospital.

Ding Yu is the same as usual. After getting on the bus, he also fastens his seat belt and handles the documents with his hands. The driver in front of him is the same as usual. However, after walking no more than two kilometers, Ding Yu's ear also heard a whistling sound. Even sitting in the car, you can hear the sound. It's not small!

The drivers in front of me really didn't mean to compete with these guys outside. They got out of the way. They didn't have a sense of propriety in their hands. They didn't know the weight. If they lost, they were slapped in the face. It's not humiliating.

What's more, the number of people sitting behind them is still large and small. They can do anything they want, but most and less can't find any problems and conditions. This is the most basic principle for driving.

But the driver didn't want to cause trouble, but he couldn't hold on to this thing and look for it on his body! The two cars in front of them roared past, but the cars behind them didn't know whether they accelerated too fast or other reasons. Anyway, they hit the back of Ding Yu's car and rear end collision happened. This speed is really too fast.

The driver in front of him is also an old driver. He is quite experienced. He did not step on the brake at the first time, but controlled the steering wheel in his hand, and then looked at the surrounding situation. Because it was late, there was not a lot of driving on the road, so he could barely control the car in his hand.

But the problem is that his car is too fast. Even if the driver tries his best to control it, the car behind him is too fierce. After hitting several cars, Ding Yu's car also stops in the green belt, but the situation is not as good as expected. After all, this is not so simple as rear end collision.

Ding Yu's car stopped, but the car that caused the accident did not stop at all. Ding Yu could see clearly in his own car. After the car flew out, it looked like a crab on the road. Although he said that he stopped at last, the problem was that all the cars around him were unlucky, and the one who was hit was a miserable one!

"Big little, are you ok?" The driver reflected that the first time he was also asked about Ding Yu's situation and how he was. It doesn't matter. Ding Yu also simply checked it and didn't have many problems. "Get out of the car!" Although there were some risks just now, it was still stable.

There's no problem with my car, but the situation of several cars I hit before is different, but what's the good news? Everyone's speed is not so fast, but when Ding Yu gets out of the car, he looks at the situation around him and shakes his head. Is his side OK! But the situation for others is not so good.

His surroundings can be said to be in a mess. After the accident car hit him, he couldn't control it because of the speed. Then he bumped into several cars and stopped. But when people reacted, the accident car seemed to react and start up again. That's it! Still want to run! Maybe it's really flustered!

When everyone has a movement, the accident car is like a frightened rabbit. The one running is called fast! Ding Yu couldn't see the shadow of the car at all. Ding Yu looked around for two times, and then walked towards the distance. His pace was very steady. There were still many injured people. But basically, the problem was not big. The most serious one was fracture, but everyone was still sober.

After calling, Ding Yu also went back to his car. Looking at the driver standing there, he thought about it and took out a box of cigarettes from his own car. However, he did not have too much scruples to smoke one. Then he threw the rest of his eyes to his driver, "what's the origin! So arrogant? "

The driver also took out the lighter and lit it for Ding Yu. Then he took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. However, he could still see that his hand was shaking. The situation just now was too dangerous!

Fortunately, I have not been flustered all the time, and I have controlled the car stably. Otherwise, the rear collision may turn over directly. Fortunately, the car itself is imported and modified. Otherwise, the impact force can not be borne by the vehicle. However, even in this way, I am also hit head and blood, which can be seen as general!

What's the good news? The car slowed down after it hit its own car, so the problem on the scene was not very big. It really started to hit other cars. Even if it wasn't for car damage and death, it seems that it won't be much better. You should know that your car has even been bathed in the green belt, which can be seen from this.

The weight of my car is too much more than that of other cars. In addition, the driver didn't panic. So after being hit, I had to turn around a few times, then hit several cars and finally stopped. But what about other cars? Some of them, like their own cars, have been decorated in the green belt. Looking at the driver's confused expression standing at the door, there are also some who can't laugh or cry.What about accidents like this? It can be said that it is quite serious. If you look at your car, even if it is not overhauled, it seems that it can't be driven. Just like being scratched by a cat, there is no good place to drive out. It's not embarrassing to drive out. But what makes Ding Yu very curious is, why did the car run?

You should know that although there was a car accident and casualties, there was no death situation. It seems that the scene is very serious, but I have just seen it. The problem is not as big as imagined. Just stay and solve it. This escape is another thing!

However, when Ding Yu was waiting for the police to come, he saw a flash of light not far away, and then several cars were parked in the distance, a water sports car. The police car didn't wait for the police car. Instead, Ding Yu looked at the driver next to him and shook his head slightly.

Some people deliberately came to slip around the scene. After seeing that there was no dead person, they were also relieved. Then someone came over with a package. Soon, there were fewer vehicles on the scene. It was not that they didn't deal with Ding Yu's car, but Ding Yu's situation was more serious. Let's solve all the problems in front of them!

Ding Yu took a look at his watch. It took about half an hour! There is no police situation at all. Ding Yu is a little sneering at this. You know, this is the capital city! These guys have a lot of history! At least this energy is not small, I didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

All the vehicles have left. After all, where are the people coming? It's also quite bright. After a look at it, he said the offer and then threatened it. So it's not a big problem? Basically all left. As for the injured? We should deal with it separately, so as not to suffer losses.

Even the cars in the green belt have been pulled out. When it comes to Ding Yu's car, he takes a look at Ding Yu's car and twists his nose slightly. "The car is damaged. 100000 people are injured. Go check it out. The medical expenses are all inclusive. The other person is 20000!"

Ding Yu motioned to the driver next to him, "20000 yuan. What do you mean?" Ding Yu said it to the driver. Seeing that the driver didn't have much words, Ding Yu nodded, "OK, but it costs 100000 yuan. Is it a little less?"

Yeah? What about the people who discussed with Ding Yu? Also, er, I immediately looked at Ding Yu's car, which is just an Audi. There is nothing different. It depends on the situation? It's not as serious as I thought, "150000, how about being a man? Don't be ungrateful. What about the money? You can clean it up

This typical case is that the negotiation fails, and we are ready to be tough! Ding Yu motioned to the driver, and then the driver also took the car key. Ding Yu also handed it to the middle-aged man in front of him. "The car is for you, six million yuan. It's just a matter of fact. I don't want to blackmail people. What about the crash? Let's talk about it! "

After saying that, he didn't pay attention to whether the middle-aged man in front of him heard clearly, and then patted him on the shoulder, "the wind is so strong outside, I think it's a little bit hung! Go back! It's not good if you have a cold! I give two days to deal with this matter. Of course, if I can compensate for a new car, I can't help it! "

After saying that, he also called the driver beside him and left! I can see that the middle-aged people next to him have some stupid eyes. Is this because he has drunk too much, or is that the guy who was stupid before was just a broken Audi. It looks very new, but it costs six million. Is this a bit of bullshit.

"Fourth uncle, finished?" Seeing the man go, a sports car not far away also came by and stopped by the side of the road. The middle-aged man, known as the fourth uncle, shook his head and said, "I'll give him a reply within two days for the price of six million, and say that it's just a matter of the car. What's more, what's causing the accident is another matter?"

Yeah? The people on the Ferrari also got down and took a look at it in person. After coming back, his face was also a little embarrassed. At this time, some sports cars followed, and everyone took a look at it, and then they talked about it.

"Wipe!" We all play with cars. In the past, we didn't pay much attention to it. But now we have a look at it. This is the A8 that Audi just came out of. It hasn't been listed in China at all. Even many people have never heard of it. The price of this naked car is nearly 3 million yuan. And just now, we all took a look at it and changed it completely!

To put it in a bad way, this car doesn't mean that you can get it with the door, and what about the price? After all, this car is not the same as a sports car. The sports car looks like it is expensive. But what about the Audi in front of you? They didn't even recognize their cars.

Too low-key, low-key people do not have too much feeling.

But it is also because of this, the more people feel shocked, that little money is indifferent, although it is very painful, but at least can afford to pay, but the problem is that this attitude makes people feel that there are some big things not good, I will not talk to you hard, meaningless, give you two days.What if you can fix this? It doesn't matter. Isn't it just a car? I agree, but what kind of consequences would it be if we said that you were unfair to this matter? It's hard to say.

Don't think it's a matter of one person. One of these drivers tonight will not be able to run away. It's not to say whether they have the responsibility or not. Since people dare to say such words, now it's up to the power behind them to see if they can take this road. Otherwise, ha ha!

They are all people who are wandering in the "river and lake". How can such a thing not be understood?

Ding Yu asked the driver to go to the hospital, but he was single and returned to the quadrangle. Seeing the situation of the majority and the young, the quadrangle was almost exploded. Just like a joke, this is not a trivial matter! Then Anjie was the first one to stand beside Ding Yu, not a general nervous.

Ding Yu waved his hand, "there's nothing to worry about. All right, let's go!" Then Ding Yu also nodded to Anjie, "I asked the driver to go to the hospital for examination. Do you care about my side of the matter? There's no problem. For the time being, it's a bit busy these two days! "

It's not that he didn't understand the meaning, but he felt a little puzzled. What about this way of dealing with the problem? It is true that there are so few rare, no performance of the history of popularity, but there are so some tepid posture, what is the situation behind it, it really makes people feel confused!

"Haige, I heard you know Ding Yu?"

Sitting in the office of the sea is the approval of documents, pick up the mobile phone when? Also did not regard as a thing, but when listening to the phone inside the person mentioned Ding Yu, can't help but made a smart, and then looked at the phone OK, "Junzi?" Obviously, there was something unexpected about the sea.

"Haige, it's me!" Hearing the affirmative answer from the phone, Haihai also leans his back on the office chair, and even the office pen in his hand is also thrown on the desk, "how did you ask him? It's a little out of line! "

Hearing Haige say so, this one on the phone side was also slightly impatient and said, "I went out with Xiaozhuang last night and drank a little too much. As a result, I bumped his car!"

"The car hit?" The sea also murmured, "Ding Yu is not a unreasonable person! It's just that he is a little indifferent. If you don't provoke him, he still seldom talks Since Junzi can make this call, it is obvious that things will not be as simple as he said.

I really know what kind of disposition these guys are. When I was young, I was one of them, but now? I have already cultivated myself, but are we all people in the circle? Even if it is not to see, sometimes still need to give a face.

After all, no one is Ding Yu. Ding Yu is aloof. It is because this guy has life in his hand. He doesn't need to flatter others at all. In turn, it's almost the same. But the problem is that there are too few people like Ding Yu. If you look through 49 cities, you can count them. It's really rare!

"Haige, in fact, the speed is a little faster, and then deal with this matter? It's a little bit rude! "

"Junzi, you are old and big, and Ding Yu? I've known my third brother for many years. He even saved my life. It's another matter whether you give me this face or not! "

If you understand or don't understand, the sea also explained, and the army son there was silent for a long time, and then he was somewhat embarrassed and said, "Haige, I didn't hit the car that day. What's the matter with me? There are not too many relationships, but someone has found me, hoping I can make a relationship! "

"Your news is quite broadcast, but let me say a word, since things have nothing to do with you, then don't eat mutton, but make a fuss!" The sea is also so disdainful to say, "Ding Yu's affairs are not so easy to handle, anyway, I am not involved in it!"

After saying that, the sea also hung up the phone, if it was Junzi's business? I still think about it. Since it's not about Junzi? Why should I carry the thunder? What's more, as far as I know, Ding Yu is definitely a very low-key person. However, if he doesn't get into his head, he won't do anything about it!

Even if it's really provoking Ding Yu, if you have a better attitude, it seems that there won't be too many problems. Obviously, what about the people who have provoked Ding Yu? Maybe it's too publicized. Even Ding Yu can't see it. You can imagine what kind of situation it will be! What a sweat for these guys!

I've seen Ding Yu's rage. In those years, Xia Yang and Zhong Yun were punished. That's a tragedy! Even now they have not turned over, not to mention their own identity behind Ding Yu? There are also so some fear, did not show, does not mean there is no ah!

It's time to teach them a lesson. Otherwise, they don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is. When they mixed up, they didn't care what happened? How many still have so some awe, there is like this gang of guys now, is really unscrupulous! It's a shame to say it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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